Goal Plan Sort Options

Sort goals in a goal plan and find the goals that you want to work on first. Your administrator can show or hide the different sort options according to the business needs.

You can sort goals by these attributes:

  • Display sequence

  • Goal name

  • Weight

  • Goal status

  • Completion percentage

  • Last update date

  • Target completion date

  • Goal priority

  • Goal category

Note: The sort options for goal name and last update date are visible by default.

Display Sequence

You can specify the sequence in which you want to see the goals in a goal plan that you can access. Use the Edit Sequence action to do this. On the Display Sequence page, order the goals in the sequence you want them to display in the goal plan.

Note: The Edit Sequence action is disabled if approvals are pending for the goal plan or if the goal plan is in draft state

If your administrator has enabled sorting goals in a goal plan by display sequence, then that's the default sort order. Here's what happens after you specify the display sequence:

  • The goals in the goal plan show in the specified display sequence until the sequence is changed. Any user who can access the goal plan can change the display sequence.

  • The goals show in the specified display sequence in all goal navigation flows regardless of who set the sequence. So, the employee who's assigned the goal, the employee's manager, and the HR specialist will see the goals in the same sequence.

Goal Name and Goal Category

You can view goals in a goal plan arranged alphabetically by their name either in the ascending order or the descending order. Similarly, you can also sort goals alphabetically by their category either in the ascending order or the descending order.


You can see the weight related sort options only if weights are enabled for the goal plan. You can sort goals in the goal plan either in the ascending order of their weights or the descending order.

Goal Status

When you sort goals by their status, the goals display in this order:

  1. Not Started

  2. In Progress

  3. Completed

  4. Canceled

Completion Percentage

You can see the completion percentage sort options only if your administrator has enabled the Completion Percentage attribute in the Basic Info section of the goal. You can sort goals in the goal plan either in the ascending order of their completion percentage or the descending order.

Date Sort Options

You can sort goals by their target completion date or the date they were last updated. You can opt to view goals that have the latest date first or those with the oldest date first.

Goal Priority

You can see the priority sort options only if the Priority attribute is enabled for goals. You can opt to view goals that have a high priority first or those that have a low priority first.