Guidelines for Defining Processing Roles for Performance Template Sections

Add roles to performance template sections and define processing settings for each role so managers, workers, and participants can access the sections to rate workers and provide feedback.

You must decide:

  • Which roles to add to each section

  • Whether ratings and comments for items and sections are required

  • Whether to share ratings and comments with workers

  • Whether to update worker profiles with ratings and content items

  • Which roles can access questionnaires and feedback

You add roles to sections on the Content tab of the Create and Edit Performance Template pages. You can find those pages using the Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Adding Roles to Sections

You must add all the roles that require access to the section, whether to provide ratings or feedback, or view the section. For example, if your organization requires only managers to rate goals, but workers can only view the goals and ratings, you must add both the manager and worker roles to that section.

If the section type is used by a specific role to provide ratings or feedback, you must still add that role. For example, workers provide feedback on the Worker Final Feedback section type. However, you must add the worker role to the Worker Final Feedback section so the worker can access it. For the manager to be able to view worker comments on the Worker Final Feedback section, you must also add the manager role.

The roles that are available to add to the section are those you added in the Participation section of the General tab of the performance template.

Requiring Ratings and Comments

You can configure the section so ratings and comments are either required, or optional, for both items and the section. The available options are:

  • Optional with warning message: Warning message when no ratings or comments are provided. This is the default value for all ratings and comments.

  • Optional with no warning message: No message because ratings and comments are optional.

  • Required: Error message when roles that are required to provide ratings or comments don't provide them.

  • Not Allowed: The role can't provide ratings and comments.

You can set up the section so one role is required to provide ratings and comments, but for other roles, they're optional.

To enable item ratings and comments, select the following check boxes in the Item Processing section:

  • Enable ratings for items

  • Enable item comments

To allow roles to provide section ratings and comments to be used, select the following check boxes in the Section Processing section:

  • Enable manual section rating

  • Enable section comments

Sharing Ratings and Comments with Workers

After adding the role, specify whether to share with workers the ratings or comments that managers or participants provided in the Profile Content, Goals, or Overall Summary sections. You can configure different settings for each participant role, so workers can see participant ratings and comments for one role, but not another. In the Manager Final Feedback and Worker Final Feedback sections, specify whether workers can view the manager comments. Ratings and comments provided by workers and participants are always visible to all managers who have access to the performance documents. Participants can't view manager or worker ratings and comments.

Updating Worker Profiles with Ratings and Content Items

For the Profile Content section type, specify whether to update the worker profile with the ratings provided by the manager and any content items that were added to the performance document that aren't in the worker profile.

For the Overall Summary section, specify whether to update and display the overall performance rating provided by the manager. When you select the option, the rating appears in the employee's Talent Profile.

If you elect to update profiles for competency sections, you can also specify the instance qualifier to identify that the source of the proficiency level provided by the manager for competencies is the performance document. Instance qualifiers must be set up and maintained in Oracle Fusion Profile Management to use this feature.

Accessing Questionnaires and Feedback

When the Participant Feedback task is included in the process flow used by the template, you specify which roles can see the participant questionnaires. You specify whether:

  • Line managers and matrix managers can see questionnaires and feedback provided by workers and participants, including the participant names.

  • Workers can see questionnaires and feedback provided by the manager and participants, including the participant names.

  • Line managers, matrix managers, and workers can see the participant names and their roles.

When you use questionnaires for participant feedback and configure the template so that workers can't view participant feedback, you can set the Participant Role Can Enter Comments Visible to Worker setting to Yes for a participant role. Participants with that role can then add overall comments to the questionnaire that are visible to both the manager and worker. The worker can't view the name of the participants. This option is only available if participants aren't given access to the Overall Summary section where they can provide overall comments.