How Performance Document Components Work Together

To create a performance document you need a performance template. The performance template contains a document type, template sections, and a process flow. Create these either when creating the performance template or select previously-configured ones.

Document Types

Document types categorize the types of performance documents that are valid for an organization, such as annual evaluation or semiannual evaluations, a project evaluation, and so on. You set the dates to determine the time period that a document type is valid.

Performance Template Sections

A performance document can have several sections, such as a Summary and Evaluation Topics. The sections support the process flow used by the template.

In the sections you configure the types of content that can be rated and the processing options for ratings. You also determine the sources of content, and how the performance documents integrate with:

  • Profiles from the profile management business process

  • Performance goals from the goal management business process

  • Development goals from the career development business process

Sections can also contain options for managers and workers to provide final feedback about the evaluation.

Process Flows for the Evaluation Process

Create process flows to determine which tasks workers, managers, and participants perform as part of the evaluation process. For example, you can include tasks to set goals, let managers and participants evaluate workers, and workers evaluate themselves. You can create as many process flows as required to correspond to the different evaluation requirements of your enterprise.

The process flow dictates which sections are required for the performance template. For example, if the process flow includes the task for managers to rate workers, you must set up Profile Content, Performance Goals, or Development Goals sections where managers can rate workers on competencies or goals, or an Overall Summary section where managers provide an overall rating.

Performance Templates

Performance templates bring together the information used to create performance documents. In the performance template, you:

  • Select the roles that can access the performance documents created from the template.

  • Select existing eligibility profiles to restrict the performance documents to qualified workers.

  • Specify the processing rules for the document.

  • Enter the periods for which the performance documents are valid.

  • Select the document type, sections, and process flows to use, and any additional content on which to rate workers. You can edit sections as required in the template.