How Performance Documents Work with Questionnaires

You can add questionnaires to performance documents to enable participants to provide feedback during a performance evaluation.

To add questionnaires to performance documents, you must first create questionnaire templates and questionnaires, and configure the elements that make up a performance template to include questionnaires.

This figure illustrates the steps required to add questionnaires to performance documents and track feedback.

This figure is a flow chart that shows the steps required to add questionnaires to performance documents and track participant feedback. The implementor creates a questionnaire template, then from the template creates a questionnaire. The implementor then creates roles to answer the questionnaires. Next, the implementor creates a questionnaire section and a process flow that includes Manage Participant Feedback task. In the performance template, the implementor adds roles to the questionnaire section and associates questionnaires with the roles in the document period. The HR specialist, manager, or worker creates the document. The manager and worker select participants and manage feedback, depending on the template configuration.

You manage questionnaire templates and questionnaires, questions, roles, process flow performance template sections and performance templates in the Setup Maintenance and Performance work areas. You manage participant feedback in performance documents in the Performance work area.

Go to My Client Groups > Performance to access these tasks:

  • Questionnaire templates

  • Questionnaires

  • Questions

  • Performance roles

  • Performance process flows

  • Performance templates

  • Performance template sections

  • Participant feedback

Except for Participant Feedback, these tasks are also available in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  • Offering: Workforce Development

  • Functional Area: Questionnaires or Worker Performance

Questionnaire Template

Create a questionnaire template from which to create a questionnaire and assign Performance 360 as a subscriber application to make it available in performance documents. In the template, you can format the layout and questions to include in the questionnaires made from it. You can create as many questionnaire templates as needed.


Create the questionnaire from an available template. Create as many questionnaires as required for your business process. For example, if your organization requires feedback from multiple roles, such as other managers, peers, or internal customers, you may need a different questionnaire for each role. You may also require different questionnaires for each performance evaluation period, or that cover all periods. You can edit questionnaires created from the template as required.


You must create all the roles that will access questionnaires in a performance document, with the exception of manager and worker, which are default roles. You associate roles with the questionnaire in the performance template to make them available to the role. Managers, workers, or both, select the roles that apply to each participant when managing participant feedback to determine which questionnaire a participant uses.


Create a Questionnaire section to include in the performance document. The Questionnaire section is the only section type that can contain questionnaires. The questionnaire appears as a tab in the performance document. Add all the roles that will access the questionnaire to the section.

Process Flow

To make participant feedback available in a performance document, you must create a process flow that includes the Manage Participant Feedback task. Specify whether managers, workers or both, can manage and track participant feedback.

Performance Template

In the performance template you add the roles, process flow, and Questionnaire section that you created for the questionnaire. To the document periods you add the roles that you want to be able to access the questionnaire, and specify the questionnaire to associate with each role. Managers and workers can also be requested to answer questionnaires. To do so, you must add them to the document period.

In the template, you can also specify the minimum number of participants required to answer the questionnaire for each role, and a total minimum number of participants for each document. These settings are guidelines and aren't enforced.

Performance Document and Participant Feedback

After the performance document is created, the manager, worker, or both, can select participants, send requests for feedback, and manage the feedback. Depending on the settings in the questionnaire, managers or workers can add additional questions to the questionnaire. The ability to manage participant feedback is determined by the process flow settings.

Participants, other than workers and managers, can access the Questionnaire section of the performance document. Depending on how the performance template and process flow are configured:

  • Participants can provide comments that appear in the Overall Summary section for managers and workers to review

  • Workers and managers can access the Questionnaire section to view participant feedback

When the manager submits the performance document, the participant feedback is locked and participants can't add or edit feedback. Any feedback participants didn't submit before the document is locked won't be included in the performance document.