Options for Performance Process Flow Setup

Set up the process flow to include the tasks, and their sequence, used by the performance template for performance evaluations.

You can create as many templates as you need, and each template supports an evaluation type, such as annual, semiannual, and project evaluations. Your decisions determine the:

  • Tasks and subtasks to include

  • Task sequence

  • Task names

You manage process flows using the Performance Process Flows task in the:

  • Setup and Maintenance work area, Workforce Development offering, Worker Performance functional area.

  • Setup Maintenance area

Tasks and Subtasks

A process flow can contain up to 9 tasks. Some of the tasks contain subtasks. The following table shows the tasks, along with whether the task includes a subtask, which roles can perform the tasks, and a description of the task function.



Role that Performs Task

Task Function

Set Goals


Worker, manager, or both

Add content to rate, such as competencies, performance goals, and development goals to the performance document. Include this task to let workers and managers determine the content the worker is evaluated on, and expectations for the worker, for example, at the beginning of an evaluation period. If this task isn't included, managers and workers can still add content in the Worker Self-Evaluation and Manager Evaluation of Worker tasks.

You can select whether to allow workers, managers, or both, to complete the task. When they complete the task, they can use the Share action to allow the other role to review the new content.

Worker Self-Evaluation

Subtask 1: Track Worker Self-Evaluation

Subtask 2: Worker Self-Evaluation

Subtask 1: Manager

Subtask 2: Worker

Worker evaluates self. Worker can also add content to be rated to the performance document. The manager:

  • Can track the worker self-evaluation to view any changes the worker makes to the performance document

  • Can't view the ratings and comments the worker provides until the worker completes the subtask

Manager Evaluation of Worker



Manager evaluates worker. Manager can also add content to be rated to the performance document.

Select Do not allow additional edit of manager evaluation task when completed to prevent managers from updating ratings and comments once they submit the task.

Participant Feedback


Manager, worker, or both

Select participants to provide 360-degree feedback in a performance evaluation by providing ratings, comments, or both and completing questionnaires. Send requests to the participants, add questions to questionnaires, and track participant feedback to monitor the status of the request and feedback.

First Approval



First task for the approver to approve the performance document of the worker at one stage of the evaluation.

Select Automatically submit approvals when preceding task is completed to submit the performance document for approval automatically when the previous task is completed. The automatic submission for approvals also applies when using the Update Performance Tasks task to move tasks forward or back to a task that precedes an approval task. The setting applies to both the First Approval and Second Approval tasks

Second Approval



Second task for the approver to approve the performance document of the worker at a later stage of the evaluation.

Share Performance Document

Subtask 1: Share Performance Document

Subtask 2: Acknowledge Document

Subtask 1: Manager

Subtask 2: Employee

The manager shares the document so the employee can view the manager's ratings and comments and acknowledge it.

Managers can do any of these actions:

  • Share the document with the employee while continuing to edit it.

  • Release the document to the employee and no longer edit it.

HR specialists can choose not to allow managers to share the document with employees during the calibration period. When they lock the document for sharing, managers see a banner explaining that they can't share it when it's locked.

The settings in the performance template determine which of the manager's ratings and comments an employee can see on the shared performance document.

Confirm Review Meeting Held

Subtask 1: Conduct Meeting

Subtask 2: Acknowledge Review Meeting

Subtask 1: Manager

Subtask 2: Worker

After the worker and manager meet to discuss the evaluation, the manager indicates that the meeting was conducted, then the worker acknowledges that the meeting took place.

Provide Final Feedback

Subtask 1: Worker Provides Final Feedback

Subtask 2: Manager Provides Final Feedback

Subtask 1: Worker

Subtask 2: Manager

The worker, but not the manager, can provide final comments about the evaluation in the Worker Provides Final Feedback subtask. The manager, but not the worker, can provide final comments in the Manager Provides Final Feedback subtask.

The Include digital signature processing option is available to compel workers to verify that they're the people submitting the performance document. The option is available only in the Worker Provides Final Feedback subtask, so the task must be included in the process flow to activate it. If the option is selected, the signature is required from the worker.

Task Sequence

After you select the tasks to include as part of the process flow, you can change the task sequence. Some tasks are logical in sequence. For example, it's likely that you would place the Set Goals task before the Worker Self-Evaluation and Manager Evaluation of Worker tasks, and those before the First Approval task. However, you may decide not to use all of those tasks. Your enterprise may not require the Set Goals task, and lets workers and managers add performance goals, development goals, and competencies to the performance document as part of the evaluation tasks.

Other tasks have more flexibility. For example, you may want to schedule the Share Document task either before, or after, the First Approval task, depending on when you prefer to let workers see the manager ratings.

During the performance evaluation, all tasks must be completed by the role that performs the task before the next task can be started, even if the same role performs both tasks.

This rule doesn't apply to these tasks:

  • Set Goals

  • Participant Feedback

  • Worker Self-Evaluation

  • Evaluate Worker

You can perform the Set Goals task at the same time as the Participant Feedback task, but make sure you complete it before other tasks.

You can configure the process flow to allow workers to perform the Worker Self-Evaluation and managers the Evaluate Worker tasks concurrently. When you do so, managers and workers can perform their respective worker evaluation tasks simultaneously or at different times. To use concurrent Worker Self-Evaluation and Evaluate Worker tasks, select Evaluation tasks can be performed concurrently and consider the following:

  • With the exception of two tasks, you must also specify the two tasks to be consecutive in the process flow so there are no tasks between them.

  • The Participant Feedback task can appear between the Worker Self-Evaluation and Evaluate Worker tasks.

  • When you configure the sequence, remember to specify that one task or the other is completed first.

  • Start the process flow with either the concurrent evaluations task or the Participant Feedback task, even if it's not designated as the first in the sequence.

  • Managers and workers can provide ratings and comments, and add additional content to the performance document concurrently until they complete and submit the document.

  • The task that's designated as the first must be completed first.

  • When the role that performs the first worker evaluation task (typically the worker) submits the document after completing the task, the other role can see the ratings and comments provided by the other.

  • Workers can perform the Participant Feedback and Worker Self-Evaluation tasks concurrently, but only after the Set Goals task is complete, if it's part of the process flow.

  • Managers can perform the Participant feedback at the same time as the worker does the self-evaluation, or when performing the Evaluate Worker task.

Task Names

You can configure the task and subtask names for both the manager and worker roles. The names you configure appear on the application pages. You must configure task names separately for each process flow you set up.