Create a Personalized Grid View

You can create your own personal views to display the columns and fields that you're interested in.

Before you start

You need the privilege Personalize Candidates Lists (IRC_PERSONALIZE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_LISTS).

Here's what to do

  1. In the View menu, select Manage Views.
  2. On the Manage Views page, click Add.
  3. Enter a name for the view.
  4. Enter a name for the first column header.
  5. Select a field category, then add fields to the category.
    You can add a maximum of three individual fields or one compound field to a column. When you add an extensible flexfield (EFF) in a column, only the EFF value is displayed. Consider using the EFF label as the column header to help you understand the data displayed.
    If your administrator enabled the Labels feature, you can display candidate labels in job application grid views. You can add the Labels field to a column by itself. The Labels field appear in the Candidate Info category.
  6. Add more columns and fields.
    There is no limit on the number of columns that you can add to the view.
  7. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

You can set this view as you personal default view by using the action Set as Personal Default.