Job Requisitions in Workforce Modeling

Workforce Modeling provides managers and human resources (HR) specialists with the ability to plan, model, and perform workforce changes using a graphical tool.

You create models which include job requisitions, using the workforce modeling. When you create a workforce model, existing job requisitions located in the hierarchy of the model's top-level manager are included as part of the default data included in the model. Data security is enforced. Only job requisitions which you're allowed to see are included in the model.

Within a workforce model, you can create new job requisitions. Requisitions created in a model only exist within the model. You need the privilege Initiate Job Requisition (IRC_INITIATE_JOB_REQUISITION) to create job requisitions in a model.

You can also view, edit, and move job requisitions within the workforce model hierarchy.

After the workforce model is ready, you can implement the model to create or update job requisitions within Oracle Fusion Cloud Recruiting. The model is implemented if there are no conflicts between the model and the existing job requisitions. In Oracle Recruiting, requisitions are created in the Draft - In Progress status.