Understand Top Candidate Suggestions

The Intelligent Matching feature suggest candidates for a job requisition by matching candidates to the details of the job requisition.

Candidate suggestions for a job requisition have four criteria that explain why a candidate is suggested. These four criteria, Profile, Education, Experience and Skills, provide a representation of a candidate’s job application. Hiring managers and recruiters can get a more nuanced understanding of how the candidate’s job application matches the given job. Each criteria is represented by 0-3 stars indicating the relative match, with 0 indicating no match.

The artificial intelligence models use these fields from the candidate profile and the job requisition to suggest candidates for a job:
Field Types Candidate Profile Fields Job Requisition Fields


Concatenates all titles in the profile

Requisition Title


  • Skill (Skill Center Section)

  • Description (Skill Center Section)

  • License or Certificate

  • Title (Previous Employment)

  • Issued By

  • Degrees

  • Major

  • Education Level (Education)

  • Job Title (Previous Employment)

  • Responsibilities (Previous Employment)

  • Achievements (Previous Employment)

  • Posting Description

  • Education Level

  • Job Function

  • Job Family

  • Qualifications

  • Responsibilities

This table lists the criteria against which candidates are assigned stars, along with the fields from the candidate’s profile that are used to derive the number of stars.
Criteria Description


Considers the title and description in the candidate’s profile.


Considers skill data from skills fields as well as keywords found through machine learning.


Considers the candidate's number of years of experience. It uses contextual words to assess the likelihood that the candidate is a manager.


Considers the candidate’s most recent education.

So, for example, if a candidate’s title and description have a strong match to the job requisition, the candidate is assigned 3 stars on profile. Candidate suggestions and the four criteria displayed are relative indicators that you can use to assess a candidate's application to a given job requisition. For example, if a PHD is a requirement for a job, looking at matches that have 3 stars for education can assist in the overall sourcing process.

Note: The suggested candidates and the stars don’t replace the general hiring process or the need to review a candidate in more detail. For example, you've to continue to look through the resumes of the suggested candidates before taking next steps.