Succession Organization Chart

A succession organization chart provides information about succession plans of a manager and persons reporting to the manager. You can see this information in a hierarchical chart format.

You search for a person by name on the Succession Organization Chart page to view the succession organization chart of that person.

The succession organization chart has 5 tabs:

  • Directs with Plans: This tab shows employees with succession plans created for them and who directly report to the selected person. You can also see the count of succession plans for each direct report.
  • Directs Without Plans: This tab shows employees who directly report to the selected person but don't have any succession plans created for them. You can select a person and create a succession plan for them, if required.
  • All Reports with Plans: This tab shows both direct and indirect reports of the selected person who have succession plans.
    Tip: Click the person card to view the succession organization chart of the direct or indirect report.
  • Succession plans: This tab shows the succession plans in which the selected person is an incumbent or indirect incumbent. For each plan, you can see the number of active candidates. You can see candidates grouped by their readiness levels.
  • Candidate in plans: This tab shows the succession plans in which the selected person is a candidate. You can see these succession plan details:
    • Number of active candidates
    • Date the selected person was added to the plan
    • Readiness category of the selected person
    • Plan type
    Tip: Click the succession plan name to view and edit the plan.

On the Directs with Plans and Directs Without Plans tabs, you can see a red flag on the person card for the direct reports when any of their talent ratings such as impact of loss, risk of loss, or job criticality is high. You can see this flag only if your Talent Profiles security allows you to view the ratings information.