Configure Matrix Management for Performance Documents
This topic describes how administrators can configure performance roles, process flows, and templates to use matrix management in performance documents.
Matrix managers can then access performance documents that they need to evaluate in the Participant Feedback for Others section of their Performance page.
Matrix managers are additional managers who aren't defined as the employee's line manager.
Before You Begin
Create at least one of these sections using the Performance Template Sections task. They are required when the Manage Participant Feedback task is included in the Performance Process Flow task, which is described later in this topic:
Profile Content (Competencies)
Performance Goals
Development Goals
Overall Summary
Create a Matrix Manager Participant Role
A matrix manager must have a participant role to be able to evaluate an employee's performance documents.
Here's how you create a participant role:
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Performance Roles task.
In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Roles page, click Create. You see the Create Performance Role page.
Select a role type of Participant and enter the role name. The role name can be of the additional managers' type who are expected to review employees, or any other name. You can include this role in the performance template.
Enter a description. Descriptions appear on the Manage Participant Feedback pages to assist users in determining which role to assign to each participant.
Enter the From Date and To Date. These dates must be the same as or extend beyond the date range of the performance templates in which they're used.
Set the Status value to Inactive until the role is ready.
To enable the matrix manager participant role to view evaluations performed by the employee and other managers, select the Allow role to view worker and manager evaluations check box.
Click Save and Close.
Create a Performance Process Flow
You must add the Manage Participant Feedback task to the performance process flow so that matrix managers can do these tasks:
Add ratings and comments.
View ratings and comment submitted by the employee and line manager.
Use the Performance Process Flows task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and then select the Performance Process Flows task.
In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Process Flows page, click Create. You see the Create Process Flow page.
Enter a name and optionally, a description.
Enter the From Date and To Date. These dates must be the same as or extend beyond the date range of the performance templates in which they're used.
Set the Status value to Inactive until the process flow is ready.
In the Worker Self-Evaluation and Manager Evaluation section, select these check boxes:
Include worker self-evaluation task: To let employees evaluate themselves
Include manager evaluation of worker task: To let line managers evaluate their direct reports
In the Participant Feedback section, select these check boxes:
Include manage participant feedback task: To enable participants to access the performance document
Manager can select participant: To let managers select review participants
Worker can select participant: To let employees select review participants
Manager can track participants: To enable managers to see the status of the feedback request sent to the participant
Select other options as required by your business process.
In the Approval, Review and Meetings sections, select the options required for your business process.
Click the Task Names tab.
Enter the sequence numbers and names for the tasks.
Click Save and Close.
Configure the Performance Template's General Tab
You must add all roles, including the matrix manager participant roles you created, to the performance template in the Participation section of the General tab, and to the sections on which you rate employees so they can view and provide ratings and comments. Use the Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area or the administrator's Performance page.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Performance Templates task.
In the Search Results section of the Performance Templates page, click Create. You see the Create Performance Template page.
On the General tab, enter a name and optionally, comments.
Enter the From Date and To Date. The From Date must be the same or later than, and the To Date the same as or earlier than the From Date and To Date range of the performance document type, process flow, roles, and sections used in the template.
Set the Status value to Inactive until the role is ready.
Select a document type.
In the Eligibility Profile section, add eligibility profiles to limit the performance documents to eligible employees, if required by your business process.
Optionally, in the Participation section, to warn managers and employees when they don't select the minimum numbers of participants, do these actions:
Select the Set the minimum number for each participant role check box.
In the Total minimum number of participants required in the document field, enter the minimum participant number for the entire performance document.
In the Participation section, click the Add icon.
In the Role column, select the Manager role.
Repeat steps 9 and 10, for the Worker role, the participant roles you created for matrix managers, and any other participants who use performance documents created from the template.
For each participant role, enter the minimum number of participants required per role if you specified that participant feedback is required.
Click Save.
Click the Process tab.
Configure the Performance Template's Process Tab
On the Process tab, you add the process flow and configure participation options for matrix management.
You configure participation options to do these:
Prevent employees and managers from assigning participants a matrix manager role incorrectly.
Control which participants have access to employees and managers ratings and comments and which participants can provide feedback only.
Auto-populate specific matrix managers of a certain manager type only.
Prevent matrix managers that aren't required from being included in an employee's performance review.
Here's how you configure the Process tab:
In the Process Flow field, select a process flow that contains the Manage Participant Feedback task.
Configure the Alerts, Calculation Rules, and Processing Options sections as required for your business process.
In the Participant Options section, select the options to achieve the wanted results as shown in the table.
Note:The options in the table are available only if you add a matrix manager participant role to the Participation section of the General tab.
Participant feedback is required
Requires managers to send at least one feedback request to a participant.
Worker can view the participants added by manager or HR
Employees can see participants' names in the performance document, if configured on the Structure tab of the template.
Auto-populate matrix managers of the worker as participants
Matrix managers appear automatically on the participant list in the Manage Participant Feedback task, and line managers don't have to manually select matrix managers as participants.
Default participant role
Assigns the selected role to auto-populated matrix managers.
Manager Type
Available when you select the Auto-populate matrix managers of the worker as participants check box. You can select all or specific matrix managers.
Allow matrix managers to access worker document automatically
Matrix managers can access the document as soon as it's created in the Participant Feedback for Others region of their Performance page. If this option isn't selected, then the line manager must send a notification manually on the Participant Feedback page.
Employee can assign participant roles that can view worker and manager evaluations
Available only if a participant role is added to a performance template that's configured to 'Allow role to view worker and manager evaluations'.
If selected, employees can assign any role to a participant in the Manage Participant Feedback page.
If not selected, any participant roles configured in this template aren't available for employees to select in the Manage Participant Feedback page.
Manager can assign participant roles that can view worker and manager evaluations
Available only if a participant role is added to a performance template that's configured to 'Allow role to view worker and manager evaluations'.
If selected, managers can assign any role to a participant in the Manage Participant Feedback page.
If not selected, any participant roles configured in this template aren't available for managers to select in the Manage Participant Feedback page.
Click Save.
Click the Structure tab.
Configure the Performance Template's Structure Tab
On the Structure tab, you add and configure the sections required by the process flow. You add and configure roles in the Processing by Role section.
In the Sections section, add a profile content section. You may have named it with a different name.
Configure the Section Processing, Item Processing, and Section Content sections as required to conform to your business process.
In the Processing by Role section, click the Add icon.
In the Role column, select Manager to grant access to the section.
Complete the fields as wanted for the manager as shown in this table. For all other processing options, leave the default values, or select others as wanted. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for granting access to employees, matrix managers, and other participants. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Share Ratings
Share Comments
Participant Name Can Be Viewed by the Role
Participant Role Can Be Viewed by the Role
Yes, to share ratings with employee
Yes, to share comments with employee
Yes: To let manager view participant name
No: To display participants only as Participant
Yes: To let manager view participant role
No: To display participant roles as Participant
By default, this is Yes. You can't change this value.
By default, this is Yes. You can't change this value.
Yes: To let employee view participant name
No: To display participants only as Participant
Yes: To let employee view participant name
No: To display participants only as Participant
Matrix Manager
Yes, to share ratings with employee
Yes, to share comments with employee
Inherits Manager setting
Inherits Manager setting
Yes, to share ratings with employee
Yes, to share comments with employee
Not available
Not available
Click Save.
Click the Content tab.
Configure the Performance Template Content, Document Periods, and Summary Tabs
Complete the performance template by configuring the Content, Document Periods, and Summary tabs. On the Document Periods tab, you can add questionnaires and assign roles to access them.
Add content to the Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections as required for your business process.
Tip:Click Load Items from Section to add the default content items of the section to the template.
Click the Document Periods tab.
Add periods as required for your business process.
Note:The document period end date must be earlier than or equal to the end date of the performance template.
In the Eligibility Profile for the Period section, add eligibility profiles if required by your business process.
In the Due Dates section, enter task due dates.
In the Questionnaires for the Period section, click the Add icon. Questionnaires are optional to provide participant feedback.
In the Role field, select a role that can access the questionnaire.
In the Questionnaire field, select an existing questionnaire.
Note:The employee's line manager can select a different questionnaire for the role in the Manage Participant Feedback task.
Repeat steps 6 through 8 to add additional roles and questionnaires.
Click the Summary tab.
Review your selections and click Save and Close.