1Getting Started

Getting Started

Taleo Performance Administration Basics

Navigation Bar

The auxiliary navigation bar gives access to various information such as setup configuration, online help, customer support, and product version. This bar also contains the Sign out option.

Breadcrumb Trail

The breadcrumb trail located at the top of each page allows you to see where you are located within the application and to jump to previously viewed pages. The breadcrumb trail is only available in navigation mode; it disappears when you are in editing mode. You can also select the Configuration link in the navigation ribbon to return to the top level of the Configuration Module.

Employee Center Configuration

Administrators are able to customize the layout and look of the Performance Management landing page, the Employee Center, using newly available widgets.

Customers can choose to display or hide the following four widgets on the Employee Center:

  • Instructions - this widget uses a rich text editor to allow customers to easily enter special announcements, instructions, links to internal portal or graphics or other custom employee resources.

  • My Tasks

  • My Goal Plan

  • My Network

The ability to select what is displayed on the Employee Center provides users with a streamlined and customized landing page that displays only widgets and information that is relevant to each customer's implementation. For example, if a customer is not implementing the Goal Plan module, Administrators can disable that widget and it will not display in the Employee Center. The system dynamically optimizes the real estate of the full page by expanding the widgets that are selected.


Name Location
Employee Center Configuration Performance (Configuration) > [Performance] > Administration > [Employee Management] > Employee Center Configuration

Currently there is one instruction widget per zone. This is not customizable by OLF.

Recently Viewed Items

The Recently Viewed Items pane contains direct links to the last ten pages you most recently accessed (according to your permissions) during the current session or previous ones. They can be pages where you made modifications or simply pages that you accessed without making modifications. To access a recently viewed item, simply click the item.

More Info

Whenever a description is available below a page title, the More info link is displayed. This link gives you access to contextual online help. A More link is also available whenever a listing of elements is not completely displayed. In such a case, clicking on More will provide all the information.


The History section is used throughout Performance to present useful tracking details on an element. The three most recent events are displayed in the History section. To view a more complete listing of events, click More.

The History section contains the following information.

  • By: The “actor” (person or system) who performed the event. To obtain basic information about the “actor”, click the actor's name.

  • Date and Time: Date and time when an event occurred.

  • Details: Information regarding the event.

  • Event: The event or action performed on an element.


Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products are available in different optional languages.

Not all languages are available for all Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products and languages must be activated by the system administrator before they can be used in an application.

The preferred language of a user is set in the user’s account by the system administrator. The preferred language is used by the system as the default content language which is the same across all Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products. If a product does not support the same set of content languages, it will have its own preference configuration.

In Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition applications, the languages in which an item is available are indicated in the Languages field. When creating or editing an item, the user can choose the base language as well as the languages in which an item will be available. The base language of an item is the item’s reference language, usually used as a reference for other languages or fallback display in list mode. The user’s preferred language is used as the default base language when the user creates an item. The base language of an item can be changed at any time by the user. A language must be activated before it can be designated as a base language.

When multiple languages are used for an item, the Earth icon is displayed. Hovering the mouse over the icon displays the languages activated for the item. When only one language is used for an item, the name of the language is displayed. When only one language is used in a company, there is no special indicator.

Language Settings

The following settings and preferences are used to configure languages.

Setting Description Default Value Location
Application Languages List of application languages, presented according to the organization's preferences. The application language is the language in which a product can be viewed. This is a private setting. Contact Oracle Support for details. French, English, German, Spanish Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings
Correspondence Language Indicates the correspondence language. Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings
Content Language Indicates the content language. Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings

Preference Description Location
Application Language Allows users who log in using Single Sign-on to change their application language. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts > General Preferences

Recruiting Center > Resources > My Setup

Correspondence Language Indicates the preferred correspondence language of a user. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts > General Preferences

Recruiting Center > Resources > My Setup

Content Language Indicates the preferred content language of a user. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts > General Preferences

Recruiting Center > Resources > My Setup

Element Language Configuration

Language configuration is used throughout the Administration module. It allows you to create elements in several languages. Only languages that are activated appear in the Language list.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Configure Opens the Language Configuration page on which you can set the base language (default) as well as whether a language is Draft, Not Used or Active. Language list Language Configuration
Deactivate Deactivates the selected language. Language list Language Configuration
Language Displays the base language for the element as well as all other activated languages. The element must be defined in all activated languages. Entity/Element Language Configuration
Refresh Updates the current window by displaying the information in the selected language. Language list Language Configuration
Supported Languages

The languages supported for Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products as well as specific features are listed below. For details regarding language availability for Oracle Learn Cloud and Oracle Taleo Business Edition, see the documentation for those products.

  • Scheduling Center: All listed languages are supported except Portuguese (Portugal).

  • Assessment: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa).

  • OBIEE: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa), Lithuanian, Malaysian (Malay), Serbian, Slovenian.

  • Resume Parsing: Resume parsing is delivered using a third party partner service. The functionalities are deliveredas is. Customers needing additional or different resume parsing capabilities should explore partner services.

Language Locale Recruiting and Onboarding Performance Mobile Sourcing Resume Parsing
Bulgarian bg Available Available
Chinese (China) zh_CN Available Available Available Available
Chinese (Taiwan) zh_TW Available Available Available Available
Croatian hr Available Available
Czech cs Available Available Available
Danish da Available Available
Dutch nl Available Available Available Available Limited
English en Available Available Available Available Supported
English (U.K.) en_GB Available Available Available Available Supported
Finnish fi Available Available Available
French (Canada) fr Available Available Available Limited
French (France) fr_FR Available Available Available Available Limited
German de Available Available Available Available Limited
Greek el Available Available
Hungarian hu Available Available Available
Italian it Available Available Available Available Limited
Indonesian (Bahasa)* in Available Available Available
Japanese ja Available Available Available Available
Korean ko Available Available Available Available
Lithuanian* lt Available Available
Malaysian (Malay)* ms Available Available
Norwegian no Available Available Available
Polish pl Available Available Available Available
Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR Available Available Available Available Limited
Portuguese (Portugal)* pt Available Available Available
Romanian ro Available Available Available
Russian ru Available Available Available Available
Serbian* sr (sh) Available Available
Slovak sk Available Available Available
Slovenian* sl Available Available
Spanish (Worldwide) es Available Available Available Available Limited
Swedish sv Available Available Available Available
Thai th Available Available Available
Turkish tr Available Available Available

Selector Windows

Selector windows are used throughout the application. They allow you to select various elements (values) according to where you are in the application. The type of selector window (single or multiple) varies. Selector windows contains filters allowing you to quickly find items in a list.

Selection Lists

Selection Lists are a type of field also referred to as dropdown lists, or selectors. They provide a list of valid values for filling in a field. Some Global selection lists are delivered pre-defined so they can be used across Taleo products. Customers can also create Performance-specific selection lists for use in creating user-defined fields in the application.

Global Selection List

A global selection list is a list of elements (values) used to define a field, that can be used by several Taleo products and that can only be viewed and edited.

These global selection lists are available in the Configuration menu, under Selection Lists:

  • Education Levels

  • Employee Statuses

  • Job Levels

  • Job Types

  • Schedules

  • Shifts

  • Travels

  • Currency

Global selection lists can be edited, that is system-defined items can be added or removed. Users will only see the items selected by the system administrator.

Performance Selection List

A Performance selection list is a list of elements (values) used to define a field, that can be used to create a user-defined field (UDF) in Performance. Performance selection lists can be can be viewed, edited, and created at Configuration[Performance] Selection Lists. They can be used in several modules of Performance: such as Performance Reviews, Goal Plans, Development Plans, and the Employee Information section of the Talent Profile.


Name Location
Global Selection Lists Configuration > Selection Lists
Performance Selection Lists Configuration > [Performance] Selection Lists

Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor enables users to edit and format text contained in competency definitions, correspondence, requisitions, requisition templates and review forms (definitions, sections and section items). Text formatted with the editor is presented to users in the TE applications with the specific formatting defined in the editor.

The Rich Text Editor contains standard text processing tools such as:
  • cut, copy, and paste functions

  • font types and sizes

  • bold, italics, and underline

  • text and background color

  • left, right, and center alignment

  • numbered and bulleted lists

  • spell checker

Image or Link Insertion

Image or link insertion may only be available via the enlarged view of the editor, accessible when you first click the Enlarged View icon.

Spell Checker

The spell checker uses the application language, not the content language. The spell checker is available in several languages.

Internet Explorer 8

Users on Internet Explorer 8 may experience issues with the toolbar icons operating as expected. Users who experience this issue may either try viewing the page in Compatibility Mode, or use the Rich Text Editor in another browser such as another version of Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Copying and Pasting Text

When copying content from MS Word and pasting it in the Rich Text Editor tool, some reformatting may be required due to the complexities of mapping MS Word formatting to the Rich Text Editor. Capabilities supported by the Rich Text Editor tool are presented in the following table.

Item Description
Bold Full support for the bold style.
Italic Full support for the italic style.
Underline Full support for the underline style.
Heading styles and fonts Heading styles as well as fonts used in heading styles are preserved. Fonts not used in heading styles are treated as a default normal style.
Font name (font face) Font names (font faces) are generally preserved, even those that are not part of the Rich Text Editor's natively supported fonts (Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana).
Font size The Rich Text Editor supports seven sizes. A "best guess" font size conversion is done by the system. Conversion of font sizes may not be accurate in some unspecified cases (depending on browser, MS Word version, etc.).
Text color Full support for text color.
Text background color Full support for text background color.
Hyperlinks Full support for hyperlinks.
Bulleted and numbered lists Lists should be created using the bullets, numbering and multilevel list features in MS Word. List types that do not conform to the recommended practice are not supported.

The bullet type is preserved (bullet or number), but the symbol (circle, square, etc.) or notation (number, roman numerals, alphabetical) will be replaced by the browser's defaults.

Numbering continuation between two distinct numbered lists is not supported.

The color of the bullet is not preserved.

Spacing around list blocks is browser-specific.

Indentation level is preserved if made using the indent buttons. Custom indentations made using the MS Word ruler is not supported.

Line spacing No line spacing information is preserved. All custom line spacing is converted to a single line. The only exceptions are:
  • Headings: the line spacing is browser-specific.

  • Lists: line spacing is browser-specific.

Images Images are not supported and will not be included.

Table row and column dimensions are preserved.

The presence or absence of borders is preserved.

Colors are not preserved, default is black. Background and border colors are not preserved.

Styles are not preserved, default is solid line.

Custom widths are not preserved, default is 1px.

Custom table and cell widths are converted to their pixel / percent equivalent. This conversion runs differently, based on the browser being used. This may result in discrepancies from the original table. Merged cells are preserved.

Recommended Practices for Constructing MS Word Documents to Minimize Reformatting Required When Pasting Content Into the Rich Text Editor

In general, the less complex the MS Word document is, the less reformatting a user will need to do when copying content from MS Word and pasting it in the Rich Text Editor. Below are some recommendations for creating MS Word templates.

Use the more common fonts that come with MS Word, such as:

  • Arial

  • Times New Roman

  • Courier New

  • Verdana

  • Comic MS Sans

Avoid using images in the MS Word template documents, as they are not supported in the Rich Text Editor.

Avoid using the horizontal ruler to customize indent lines, as this type of formatting is not supported in the Rich Text Editor. Use the standard indent buttons.

Minimize the use of custom line spacing, as this is not supported in the Rich Text Editor.

Avoid using colored bullets in the MS Word template documents, as they are not supported in the Rich Text Editor.

Avoid using custom ruler indentation on bullets, as custom indentation on bullets is not supported in the Rich Text Editor. Use standard indent buttons.

Avoid mixing bullet types in the MS Word template documents, as mixed bullet types are not supported in the Rich Text Editor.

Create lists using the standard bullet types, numbering, multilevel list and indent features available in MS Word.

Session Timeout Notification Process

A session timeout notification process is used throughout all applications to inform users that the session is about to end and to remind users to save any desired information before the timeout delay is over.

When the application has been idle for 30 minutes, a pop-up window notifies the user that the application requires attention.

When the user accesses this application, a pop-up window lets him reset the application and indicates the remaining time before the session expires. If the user does not reset the application within the defined delay, the user is signed out of the application and will need to sign in again.

Taleo Regional Settings

Regional Settings

Regional settings are used to configure settings which control the number, date, currency, and language formats for a locale.

In the Regional Settings page, the Identifier list varies according to languages activated in the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products. For example, if an organization only supports English (en) and French (fr), the Identifier list will contain en and fr as well as all specific locale identifiers related to fr and en, that is, fr-FR, fr-CA, en-GB, en-Au, etc.

The regional settings of a locale consist of four elements:

  • Number: Defines the decimal symbol, digit grouping, maximum number of decimals, negative number format, etc.

  • Currency: Defines the decimal symbol used for currencies, the default currency, the maximum number of decimals for currencies, etc.

  • Date: Defines the date format used in the application. A date can be represented by text, number or a combination of both.

  • Language: With each locale, comes a set of predefined values that are specific to the specified language, regardless of the country or region.

Configuring the Number Format

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Regional Settings

  1. Click the name of an identifier.

  2. Click Edit next to Number.

  3. Select a value for each setting.

  4. Click Done.

Configuring the Currency

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Regional Settings

  1. Click the name of an identifier.

  2. Click Edit next to Currency.

  3. Select the values for each setting.

  4. Click Done.

Configuring the Date Format

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Regional Settings

  1. Click the name of an identifier.

  2. Click Edit next to Date.

  3. Select a value for each setting. See Date Format Properties.

  4. Click Done.

Date Format Properties

Date Format Description
Full date format Date represented by the day of the week, month, date and year. Default is EEEE, MMMM D, YYYY. Maximum number of characters: 255.
Long date format Date represented by month, date and year. Default is MMMM D, YYYY. Maximum number of characters: 255.
Medium date format Date represented by date, month and/or year. Default is D-MMM-YYYY. Maximum number of characters: 255. In the case of regions that do not use commas, periods or slashes with dates, an additional format is included that is specific to the region. When no date format is selected, the medium format is the default format used by the application.
Short date format Date represented by date, month and/or year. Default is DD/MM/YY. Short date formats are used for lists and calendars. Numeric values only.
Shortest date format Date represented by date and month. Default is DMMM. Shortest date format are used in candidate files and other lists that include many columns.

Date Format Details Description
Text A date element that always appears in the form of text, such as days of the week, will be displayed in long form if four letters are used for its representation. If less than four letters are used, the date element will appear in an abbreviated form. For example, configuring a date format using "EEE" would produce "Fri" for Friday, while using "EEEE" would produce the long form "Friday".
Numbers The system adds zeros to single numbers in certain cases. For example, if the date element "DD" is part of the date format, the ninth day of the month will be displayed with a leading zero, thus, "09". If the date element is "D", however, the system will display "9" without a leading zero.
Text and Numbers When the date format element is composed of one or two characters, a numeric value results. For example, if the date format element is "M" or "MM", the month of February will be depicted as "2" and "02" respectively. On the other hand, a date format element made up of three or more characters will result in a textual representation of the date: in the case of "MMM", February will appear as "FEB", if "MMMM" is used, February will be displayed as "February".

Date Format Syntax Meaning Presentation Example (US locale)
Y Year Numeric 2009
M Month of the year Alphanumeric July, Jul. or 07
D Day of the month Numeric 10
H Hour AM/PM (1-12) Numeric 12
h Hour of the day (0-23) Numeric 22
m Minute of the hour Numeric 38
s Seconds Numeric 59
E Day of the week Textual Tue, Tuesday
a AM/PM marker Textual PM
K Hour in AM/PM (0-11) Numeric 0
Escape for text Delimiter
‘‘ Single quotation mark (twice the escape character) Literal
Selecting a Preferred Locale

More than one locale must be available.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [SmartOrg] Regional Settings
  1. Click the name of a locale identifier.

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Select a value.

  4. Click Done.

The selected locale is displayed by default when more than one locale is available.

Taleo Performance Setting Management

Taleo Performance Product Settings

The following table lists all product settings that are related to Performance. Most settings are found under Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Global Configurations] Settings. When found under a different product or section, the full path is indicated.

There are different types of product setting security levels:
  • Public - are viewable and editable by customers.

  • Protected - are viewable by customers but only editable by Taleo staff (specifically users with a 'support' role).

  • Private - are viewable and editable only by Taleo staff (specifically users with a 'support' role).

Setting Name Setting Description Possible Values Security Level Setting Category
Candidate Search Contextualization Applies the search restrictions as defined on the user groups. Enabling this setting will determine if candidate searches are restricted to user groups visibility property.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Advanced Search
Employee Search Contextualization Configuration Applies the search restrictions as defined for the user groups. Enabling this setting will determine if searches are restricted to the user groups visibility property.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Advanced Search
Maximum Number of Results for Advanced Search Indicates the maximum number of items to appear in the advanced searches.
  • 500 (default)

Private Advanced Search
Maximum Number of Results for Basic Search Indicates the maximum number of items to appear in the basic searches.
  • 500 (default)

Private Advanced Search
Maximum Number of Results for Best Fit Indicates the maximum number of items to appear in the best fit searches.
  • 500 (default)

Private Advanced Search
Working Days Indicates the days of the week that are considered working days. This setting serves to calculate the duration-based deadlines of review tasks. This setting is shared with the setting of the same name in Taleo Onboarding. Changing the setting in either place, affects both products.
  • Any day of the week

  • Default is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Public Calendar
Enable Career Management Enables Career Management functionality in the application.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Protected Career Management
Maximum Number of Career Steps Determines the maximum number of steps within a scenario.
  • 5 (default)

Public Career Management
Maximum Number of Scenarios Determines the maximum number of scenarios allowed for an employee.
  • 3 (default)

Public Career Management
Job Certifications Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the job certification criteria is available in the Advanced Search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Career Management Search
Job Competencies Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the job competency criteria is available in the Advanced Search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Career Management Search
Job Field Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the job field criteria is available in the Advanced Search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Career Management Search
Job Level Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the job level criteria is available in the Advanced Search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Career Management Search
Other Competencies in Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the section "Other Competencies" is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Career Management Search
Enable Competency Context Management Enables the use of competency contexts for competencies. A competency context provides the ability to define a specific context in which a competency is available so that only employees who work for those specified organizations, locations and/or job fields are able to view.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Competency Management, under Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings
Activity Category Criterion In Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Activity Category" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Activity Name Criterion in Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Activity Name" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Competency Criterion In Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Competency" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Enable Development Activity Advanced Search Indicates if the Advanced Search feature for development activity is available.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Job Field Criterion In Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Job Field" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Job Level Criterion In Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Job Level" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Job Role Criterion In Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Job Role" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Location Criterion In Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Location" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Employee Job Role Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the Employee Job Role field is available as an option for advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Private Person Search
Organization Criterion In Advanced Search Indicates whether the "Organization" criterion is available in the development activity advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Activity Search
Development Activity Sharing Allows users to share their custom development activities either at the time of archiving or once the activity is archived. This setting applies only if the Enable Activity Sharing setting is set to Yes.
  • Yes (default) - - Sharing the activity is possible when archiving the activity or once the activity is archived.

  • No - Sharing the activity is only possible once the activity has been archived.

Public Development Planning
Development Activity Assignment Limit Determines the maximum number of employees to whom a development activity can be assigned at one time.
  • 10 (default)

Public Development Planning
Development Activity Average Rating Computation Delay Indicates time in minutes allowed before the development activity average rating is computed.
  • 5 (default)

Protected Development Planning
Development Activity Rating Mandatory Forces users to provide a rating when archiving development activities.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Development Activity Sharing With Any Employees Allows users to share their custom development activities with any employees in the organization.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Development Activity Sharing With Direct Reports and Peers Allows managers to share their custom development activities with their direct reports and peers.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Development Activity Sharing With Network People Allows users to share their custom development activities with people in their network including tag filters.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Development Planning Default Approval Request Duration Determines the default number of days before the development planning approval request is considered late.
  • 1 (default)

Public Development Planning
Enable Activity Sharing Allows users to share their custom development activities.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Enable Custom Contexts Managing Indicates if users can create user-defined contexts.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Enable Development Activity Rating Allows users to rate development activities after archiving them.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Enable Development Activity Recommendation Allows users to recommend development activities.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Development Planning
Enable Development Planning Enables Development Planning functionality in the application.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Development Planning
Enable Development Plan Printing Enables the development plan printing feature in the application.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Development Planning
Maximum Number of Activities Recommended Determines the maximum number of activities recommended to an employee.
  • 10 (default)

Public Development Planning
Maximum Number of Context Items per Development Activity Determines the maximum number of context items that a user can select when linking an activity.
  • 5 (default)

Protected Development Planning
Maximum Number of Items per Development Activity Context Determines the maximum number of items per context (O, L, F, etc.) when managing development activities.
  • 1 (default)

Protected Development Planning
Number of Most Relevant Activities Displayed in Search Determines the default number of most relevant activities displayed in the activity search. This setting determines the number of top rated activities displayed by default when the search result grid first displays, so that the list does not open empty.
  • 5 (default)

Public Development Planning
Display Employee Metrics Determines if the employee metrics will be shown on the back side of the performance cards.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Global Settings
Employee Metrics User-Defined Fields Search Configuration Manages the Employee Metrics UDFs used in Advanced Search and filters within the Talent Browser and Talent Pools. Global Settings

Performance Configuration > [Performance] > Administration > [Employee Management]
Employee User-Defined Fields Search Configuration Manages the Employee UDFs used in Advanced Search and filters within the Talent Browser and Talent Pools. Global Settings

Performance Configuration > [Performance] > Administration > [Employee Management]
Enable LinkedIn Integration Used to enable LinkedIn Integration for the Talent Profile Properties configuration; and the Work Experience, Education and Certification sections of the Talent Profile.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Protected Global Settings
Enable Spell Checker Indicates if the Spell Checker functionality is available.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Global Settings
Enable Talent Profile Indicates if the Talent Profile page is displayed.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Global Settings
Supporting Tools Displayed by Default Controls the display of the Supporting Tools window in all sections of Performance in which it appears. When set to Yes the setting makes the Supporting Tools window open (or expanded) by default. When set to No the setting makes the window closed (or collapsed) by default. No is the initial default value for this setting when the application is first opened. In either case the window includes its own expand/collapse button that allows you to open or close it as needed.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Global Settings
Feedback Requests Use Ratings Determines if the 5-star rating scale is displayed in feedback requests.
  • Never

  • Always (default)

  • Ask user - an additional option is shown on the Request Feedback form for the user to specify whether to allow or not the target recipients to provide rating information as part of the feedback

Public Feedback
Enable Feedback Approval This setting enables feedback approval and controls if the approver selector and details are displayed. It also controls the activation of the approval workflow mechanism. Also when set to yes, the Status column is available in the Sent view of the Feedback Journal.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Feedback
Enable Public Access to Feedback The feedbacks a user can see depend on this setting. When Private feedback is enabled the user sees feedback entries only when they are the author or recipient of the feedback. When public feedback is enabled, the user also sees all feedback provided about themselves or their direct reports.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Feedback
Allow Feedback Deletion Indicates whether it will be possible for the user to remove feedback entries from the feedback journal or not.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Feedback
HR Administration Maximum Items Number of items displayed in the HR Administration framework.
  • 1000

Private Global Settings
Sender Email Address Default email address used in the system-generated emails sent to the Performance users.
  • Any email address

Public Global Settings
Sender Email Address Alias Name assigned to the email sender. Aliases are multilingual, but if no value is provided in a given language, the English value is used by default.
  • Any name

  • English (Default): Human Resources. French: Resources Humaines. French (France): Resources Humaines.

Public Global Settings
Show Job Role Name or User Title Indicates whether it is the job role name or the user title that is used as the employee's title in the application.
  • Job Role Name (default)

  • User Title

Public Global Settings
Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title For implementations using Position Management, use to indicate whether or not to use Job Position to override the Job Role or User Title in applicable areas of the application. (This is a setting introduced in Feature Pack 13B.)
  • Default value is Yes (true). Allows the job position to override the job role and user title in the application.

  • No (false) removes the job position override of the other values. Either the job role or job title is displayed based on the setting Show Job Role Name or User Title.

Public Global Settings
Talent Profile Competency Grouping Indicates how competencies are to be grouped on the Talent Profile, that is by type or by group.
  • By Competency Type (default)

  • By Competency Group

Public Global Settings
Timeout Maximum Inactive Interval Maximum inactive interval, in milliseconds, for a user logged in.
  • 1800000 (default)

Private Global Settings
Timeout Maximum Ping Number Number of unreceived pings before the session is terminated.
  • 2 (default)

Private Global Settings
Timeout Ping Frequency Frequency of pings in milliseconds.
  • 300000 (default)

Private Global Settings
Timeout Reminder Delay Time in milliseconds before session timeout reminder is displayed.
  • 300000 (default)

Private Global Settings
Business Goal Default Measurement Type Indicates the default “Measurement Type” field value when creating a business goal.
  • Qualitative

  • Quantitative (default)

Public Goals Management
Editable Business Goal Actual Value Indicates if the “Quantitative Actual Value” field is editable by the end user. This field could be blocked from being modified if, for example, it is populated by an external system.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Goals Management
Employee Goal Default Update Delay Indicates the default “Update Delay” field value (in days) when creating an employee goal When the specified delay is expired, a Late icon is shown in the list of employee goals.
  • 5 (default)

Public Goals Management
Enable Business Goal Management Enable business goal management. When enables, employee goals can be aligned to business goals.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Protected Goals Management
Enable Business Project Management Enable business project management within business goal management. Allows employee goals to be aligned on projects. Allows managers to manage projects (My Projects section). If the setting is to be deactivated but there are already employee goals aligned to projects, employee goals will continue displaying the business goal alignments as well as project alignments.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Protected Goals Management
Enable Goals Management Enables Goals Management functionality in the application for employees. The activation of this setting does not enable business goals, which are enabled by a specific setting.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Protected Goals Management
Goals Management Default Approval Request Duration Determines the default number of days before the goal approval request is considered late.
  • 1 (default)

Public Goals Management
Organization Content Languages List of content languages available in the application, presented according to the organization's preferences.
  • English (default)

Private Languages
Organization Content Locales The locales used to manage content in the application that are not covered by the setting "Organization Content Languages", like the custom text in career section, which can be overwritten by activated locales.
  • No default

Private Languages
Preferred Language Display Activation Indicates if the "Language of Correspondence" is displayed or not in the "Preferences" of the user setup in User Management or in My Setup.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Private Languages
Allow Mentor to Break Mentoring Allows mentors to break the mentoring relationship with mentees.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Mentoring
Employee Goals Accessible To Mentors Enables mentors to see their mentees' employee goals and goal plan.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Mentoring
Enable Mentoring Indicates if the mentoring functionality is available.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Mentoring
Maximum Mentees Per Mentor Indicates the maximum number of mentees a mentor can have. There is no hardcoded limit, but it is recommended to not exceed 10.
  • 5 (default)

Public Mentoring
Review Accessible To Mentors Enables mentors to see their mentees' performance review.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Mentoring
Cancel Pending Multi-Rater Requests On Transfer Cancel pending multi-rater requests when transferring reviews.
  • Never

  • Always (default)

  • Ask user

Public Performance Management
Delete Manager's Ratings And Comments On Transfer Delete the manager's ratings and comments when transferring reviews.
  • Never

  • Always (default)

  • Ask user

Public Performance Management
Display Current Review Status Determines if the current review status will be shown in the Review section on the back side of the performance cards. When displayed, it corresponds to the rating of the most recent assigned review. The most recent review is based on the date of the manager assignment. In the event that two reviews have the same manager assignment date, the most recent is determined as follows:
  • based on the review period end date,

  • then based on the review period start date,

  • and then based on the review generation time/date stamp.

  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Performance Management
Effective Date Of Last Review Indicates the effective date to be used for the last review. The purpose of this setting is to calculate what the most recent review is. The most recent review score can then be copied from the Historical Review table to the Employee Metrics table and displayed in the Talent Profile and on the Talent Cards throughout the application.
  • Review Cycle End Date

  • Review Request Period End Date

  • Review Request Reference Date

  • Close Review Action Date (default)

Public Performance Management
Enable Performance Management Enables Performance Management functionality in the application.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Protected Performance Management
Enable Offline Review Allows to activate or deactivate the offline review capabilities.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Performance Management
Number Of Reviews For Performance Indicator Calculation Indicates the number of last focal reviews used to calculate the performance indicator, displayed in the employee's succession plan.
  • 1 (default)

Public Performance Management
Rating Rating
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Performance Management
Review Assignment Batch Commit Number of reviews to be assigned and tasks created before a commit is performed within a single scheduled task.
  • 20 (default)

Private Performance Management
Review Assignment Batch Size Number of reviews to be assigned in a single scheduled task before the next scheduled task.
  • 250 (default)

Private Performance Management
Review Generation Batch Commit Number of reviews to be generated before a commit is performed within a single scheduled task. For example, among the 250 reviews to be generated within a scheduled task, proceed in bunches of 20 between each commit.
  • 20 (default)

Private Performance Management
Review Generation Batch Size Number of reviews to be generated in a single scheduled task before the next scheduled task.
  • 250 (default)

Private Performance Management
Review User Interface Version 2 Determines if Performance Reviews use the Version 2 user interface which provides performance improvements.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Performance Management
Default Successor Readiness Value For Matching Default suggested readiness value (in number of days) when matching successors to an open requisition. 0 means ready now.
  • 0 (default)

Public Succession Planning
Enable Succession Matrix Indicates if the succession matrix mode is enabled.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Public Succession Planning
Enable Succession Planning Enables Succession Planning functionality in the application.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Protected Succession Planning
Maximum Number of Succession Plan Options Determines the maximum number of options within a succession plan.
  • 20 (default)

Public Succession Planning
Maximum Number of Succession Pool Options Determines the maximum number of options within a succession pool.
  • 100 (default)

Public Succession Planning
Succession Planning Default Approval Request Duration Determines the default number of days before the succession approval request is considered late.
  • 1 (default)

Public Succession Planning
Enable Talent Pool Enables the Talent Pool functionality in the application.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Talent Pools
Enable Team Management Enables Team Management features such as Employee Change Requests and Manager Self-Service.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Team Management
Job Position Configuration Behavior with the corresponding job position when moving an employee to another manager.
  • Move also the job position if applicable

  • Leave job position to the current manager (default)

  • Prevent moving the employee

Public Team Management
Organizational Chart Pager Threshold Indicates how many employee cards are displayed under a manager card before the pager mechanism is used in the organizational chart.
  • 25 (default)

Public Team Management
Team Management Default Approval Request Duration Determines the default number of days before the team management approval request is considered late.
  • 1 (default)

Public Team Management
Matrix Management Enabled Enables matrix management functionalities allowing a manager to delegate his tasks to another manager.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Matrix Management under Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings
Extended Matrix Management Indicates if matrix manager relationships also apply to the direct reports of delegated employees.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Matrix Management under Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings
Maximum Number of Matrix Managers Indicates the maximum number of matrix manager relationships that can be set for an employee.
  • 5 (default)

Public Matrix Management under Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings
Maximum Number of Matrix Management Requests Indicates the maximum number of matrix management requests a manager can have at the same time.
  • 5 (default)

Public Matrix Management under Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings
Employee Change Matrix Management Behavior Behavior Indicates how matrix manager relationships are handled when an employee changes manager.
  • Keep matrix managers

  • Remove matrix managers (default)

Public Matrix Management under Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings
Enable DDI Integration Enables DDI Integration to provide access to the Leadership Mirror system.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Private Global Settings
DDI Integration – Leadership Mirror URL Indicates the URL of the Leadership Mirror system. https://lm.ddiworld.com Private Global Settings
DDI Integration – SSOSaltKey Indicates the value of the SSOSaltKey, which is equal to the vkey of the company and is generated when the company is originally set up for Leadership Mirror. The passed username will be validated against the company identified by the vkey. None Private Global Settings
DDI Integration – SSOSaltValue The value of the SSOSaltValue is the secret key, which can be anything an organization specifies. The SSOSaltKey and SSOSaltValue must match in the client's setup for generating the Leadership Mirror URLs. As a multi-valued key, each value refers to a different company. None Private Global Settings
Autosave Indicates if autosave is being used and whether it occurs between periods of inactivity (Idle) or at the same set interval, regardless of system activity (Automatic).
  • Disabled (default)

  • Idle

  • Automatic

Public Global Settings
Enable Global Accessibility Enables global accessibility to activate accessibility features for all users.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Global Settings
Autosave Interval Indicates the amount of time between automatic saves.
  • 2 minutes

  • 5 minutes (default)

  • 10 minutes

  • 20 minutes

Public Global Settings
Number of Mentees Per Page The maximum number of mentees that can be displayed on a single page in the mentoring center. 5 (default) Public Global Settings

Customizable Online Help

The Customizable Online Help feature provides your organization the ability to present contextual, customizable online help to your users. Configuration settings allow you to contextualize the presentation of online help at the Performance module level (reviews, goals, feedback, etc.). For each module you'll have the ability to display your organization's own custom content. Users will access it through the right side Supporting Tools pane which displays for each module. With this feature you can make available to your users, from within the application, your organization's relevant help content; such as internal policies and procedures, forms, and help videos.

Customizable Online Help Versus Standard Online Help.

Customizable Online Help - Is created by your organization, with your own content on your website or server. You can configure your URLs into Performance to display content in the right side Supporting Tools pane.

Note: It is the customer's responsibility to ensure their custom help is accessible to end-users if it is hosted on a server with restricted access.

Standard Online Help - Is the default Oracle Taleo Standard Online Help content, which can be displayed from the Supporting Tools pane. It can be contextual in the sense the content provided can be at the level in the documentation relevant to the application module.

Note: This is the same content as delivered in the main Help Center, the complete contents of which are accessible via the Resources link on the navigation toolbar at the top right of each page.

Display of Help in the Right Side Supporting Tools

When activated in configuration, the right side Supporting Tools pane displays in the application module using a collapsible/expandable style.
  • When the pane is collapsed the Help button always displays below the Show Tools button, if both are enabled.

  • When the pane is expanded the Show Tools and Help display as tabbed frames, if both are enabled.

Here are some tips about the sizing of the custom help display window:
  • The internal size of the HTML frame is adaptive to the window height and fixed in width to 177 pixels.

  • Some websites use code that prevents them from being embedded within another frame.

  • There are methods for creating web pages your organization can use to have your hyperlinks launch popup windows. These may present a better way to organize help content for display, such as having a main page of help topic links leading to separate popup pages for each help topic.

Configuring the Customizable Help Display

For each Performance system module there are a pair of corresponding configuration settings: Activation and URL. With these settings, the right side Supporting Tools pane for each module can be configured to one of three display options:
  1. No Help Display - Use the Activation setting for a module to activate the display of the Help tab in the Supporting Tools pane. The default setting is No (false or deactivated).

  2. Customizable Online Help - Use the URL setting to display your organization's customized online help, by entering the URL path of the website where your content is stored into the applicable value field. Do this for each implemented language. This should be the path to the location where your policies, procedures, articles, video clips, etc. are accessible.

  3. Standard Online Help as a default - Use the URL setting to display the default Standard Online Help, by copying the default URL for each implemented module and language (from a list provided at the bottom of the configuration page), and pasting it into the applicable Value field.

About the Use of Language Values in Configuration

On the Custom Help URL page, the list of language values displayed corresponds to the language(s) activated for a customer. The customer can create their own custom help in each language they've activated in Performance, and they can locate each language version on a separate URL page. They then configure the custom online help feature, for each applicable module, by entering their appropriate language specific URL(s) into the matching language value field(s). The result is the custom help displayed in the Supporting Tools pane will be the language version associated to the language that the user is currently logged in with.

If the customer chooses to display the standard online help rather than their own custom help, they can also configure the language display of the help presented for each module. On the Custom Help URL page, the list of Default URL Values displayed corresponds to the language(s) activated for a customer, as well as the section of the standard online help that documents the module. The customer copies the appropriate default url value(s) from the list, and pastes them into the appropriate language fields above. The result is the standard help displayed in the Supporting Tools pane will be the language version associated to the language that the user is currently logged in with.


The customizable, contextualized online help configuration settings are listed in the following table. These are located at the navigation Configuration > [Taleo Performance] > Settings > [Product Settings] > [Refine By] Category = Help. All are Public settings, meaning the administrator can configure them.

Setting Name Description
Custom Help Business Goals URL Indicates the target URL for the Business Goals custom help.
Custom Help Career Plan URL Indicates the target URL for the Career Plan custom help.
Custom Help Development Plan URL Indicates the target URL for the Development Plan custom help.
Custom Help Feedback Journal URL Indicates the target URL for the Feedback Journal custom help.
Custom Help Goal Plan URL Indicates the target URL for the Goal Plan custom help.
Custom Help Job Position Profile URL Indicates the target URL for the Job Position Profile custom help.
Custom Help Mentoring Center URL Indicates the target URL for the Mentoring Center custom help.
Custom Help My Projects URL Indicates the target URL for the My Projects custom help.
Custom Help Performance Review URL Indicates the target URL for the Performance Review custom help.
Custom Help Review Cycle Analytics URL Indicates the target URL for the Review Cycle Analytics custom help.
Custom Help Succession Plan URL Indicates the target URL for the Succession Plan custom help.
Custom Help Talent Browser URL Indicates the target URL for the Talent Browser custom help.
Custom Help Talent Pools URL Indicates the target URL for the Talent Pools custom help.
Custom Help Talent Profile URL Indicates the target URL for the Talent Profile custom help.

Setting Name Setting Description
Custom Help Business Goals Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Business Goals custom help.
Custom Help Career Plan Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Career Plan custom help.
Custom Help Development Plan Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Development Plan custom help.
Custom Help Feedback Journal Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Feedback Journal custom help.
Custom Help Goal Plan Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Goal Plan custom help.
Custom Help Job Position Profile Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Job Position Profile custom help.
Custom Help Mentoring Center Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Mentoring Center custom help.
Custom Help My Projects Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the My Projects custom help.
Custom Help Performance Review Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Performance Review custom help.
Custom Help Review Cycle Analytics Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Review Cycle Analytics custom help.
Custom Help Succession Plan Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Succession Plan custom help.
Custom Help Talent Browser Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Talent Browser custom help.
Custom Help Talent Pools Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Talent Pools custom help.
Custom Help Talent Profile Activation Activate or deactivate the setting for the Talent Profile custom help.
Note: The existing setting Supporting Tools Displayed by Default controls the display mode of the Supporting Tools pane on the right side of the screen. It is located at Configuration [Taleo Performance] Administration [Global Configurations] Settings. This is also a Public setting, meaning the administrator can configure it.
Configuring Custom Help Properties

You want to configure custom online help for the various modules and languages your organization has implemented in Performance.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings > [Product Settings]
  1. Set the Refine By field to Category.

  2. Set the field on the immediate right to Help, and click Refresh.

    The list of settings is reduced to 28 help-related settings. For each of 14 affected modules in Performance there are two settings each: Custom Help Activation and Custom Help URL.
  3. Click the Custom Help Activation setting for the appropriate module.

    When the Custom Help Activation page opens, click Edit.
  4. Set the Value to Yes or No.

    No=False, the help pane is deactivated and does not display in the Supporting Tools. Yes=True, the help pane is activated and displays in the Supporting Tools.
  5. Click Save.

  6. Return to Product Settings and repeat steps 3 through 5 for each module your organization has implemented in Performance and wants to display custom help for.

The Help pane in the Supporting Tools is activated for each of the modules your organization wants to display custom help for.

Configure the Custom Help URL settings for the same set of modules.

Configuring Custom Help URLs

You want to configure custom online help for the various modules and languages your organization has implemented in Performance.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings > [Product Settings]
  1. Set the Refine By field to Category.

  2. Set the field on the immediate right to Help, and click Refresh.

    The list of settings is reduced to 28 help-related settings. For each of 14 affected modules in Performance there are two settings each: Custom Help Activation and Custom Help URL.
  3. Click the Custom Help URL setting for the appropriate module.

    When the Custom Help URL page opens, click Edit.
  4. You have the following options for configuring URLs for each appropriate language:

    • If there is no content to display or a language is not implemented, leave the field blank.

    • In the appropriate language field type in the URL for the web page hosting your own organization's custom content.

    • Or, to display content from the standard online help, copy the appropriate URL value for the appropriate language from the Default Value list, and paste it into appropriate language field.

    You can display either your own custom help content, or standard online help content, but not both.

    The standard online help content that will be displayed in the supporting tools pane is content from the Help Center, from a chapter relevant to the module you are configuring.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Return to Product Settings and repeat steps 3 through 5 for each module your organization has implemented in Performance and wants to display help for.

The Help pane in the Supporting Tools is now configured to display either no custom help, your organization's custom help content, or content from the standard online help.

Corporate Branding

The corporate branding offers administrators the ability to change the color theme and the company logo to be used throughout both Performance and Recruiting.

Corporate branding is configured in one single location and applies to all Taleo products together. In addition to the Oracle Fusion Skyros default theme, additional application themes are offered to better accommodate your corporate branding. The theme is set by the system administrator and once defined, is the same for all users of Performance and Recruiting.

Available Themes

On the Default Theme page these theme colors are available:
  • Oracle Fusion Skyros - The Oracle Fusion Skyros theme is the default theme for new customers. Existing customers will keep their current theme, but have the possibility to change the default theme to Skyros in the product settings. The main difference from existing themes is the Skyros header, which is blue. Because of the blue header, organization logos that have a white background are not recommended for use with the new theme.

  • Taleo - This is the traditional Taleo green look. It offers organizations a look that is both modern and bright.

  • Aqua - This theme has light shades of blue, providing a bright yet tranquil look.

  • Sand - This theme presents shades of brown and tan and will suit companies that want a more earth-toned feel.

  • Silver - This theme presents shades of gray and corresponds to the most conservative theme available, aside from the Ice theme.

  • Ice - This theme is similar to Aqua and offers a cool, tranquil look using shades of blue.

Company / Organization Logos

The product setting Overlay Organization Logo is available for use in conjunction with the Skyros theme. This setting only works with the Skyros theme. Logos with a transparent background are required for this setting. Transparent PNG's are supported and recommended. For the best user experience, recommended practice is the logo used with the Skyros theme should be a light color, preferably white, with a transparent background.

It is possible for organizations to use their own logo in place of the Oracle or Taleo logo to appear in the upper left-hand region of a page. To display properly, the downloaded logo image should satisfy the following criteria:
  • When adding a company logo image, it must be properly sized in the application. It is displayed in the top left of each page in Taleo Enterprise. There can only be one static logo regardless of which modules are in use. The maximum image size is 280 x 40 pixels and smaller images should not be resized to equal the maximum, as this affects resolution and readability. The image must be horizontally aligned to the left and vertically aligned to center.

  • As for the image format, it must be a .png file type.

Corporate Branding Default Settings

Setting Name Default value at migration Defaults value for new zone
Overlay Organization Logo OverlayCompanyLogo.png OverlayCompanyLogo.png
Default Theme Current Oracle Fusion Skyros


The following configuration settings control corporate branding.

Setting Name Description Location
Default Theme Provides the ability to view and edit the organizational display theme. Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings > [Category] User Preferences > Default Theme
Organization Logo Provides the organization logo displayed in the applications UI. Supported format for the logo is PNG, with maximum dimensions of 280 x 40 pixels. Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings > [Category] Corporate Branding > Organization Logo
Overlay Organization Logo Provides the organization logo displayed in the applications UI where a single color logo with transparent background is required. Supported format for the logo is PNG, with maximum dimensions of 280 x 40 pixels. Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings > [Category] Corporate Branding > Overlay Organization Logo
Defining the Application Color Theme

Defining the application color theme allows the administrator to select the display color theme used throughout the user interface of Performance and Recruiting products.

Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings

  1. In the Product Settings page set Refine By to Category, set the Category to User Preferences, and click Refresh.

  2. In the results list select the Default Theme setting.

  3. In the Default Theme page, click Edit next to the page title.

  4. In the Editor page, select the desired theme in the Value section.

    By default, the Oracle Fusion Skyros theme is selected.

  5. Click Save.

When next accessing the Performance user interface the selected theme will be applied. Note that the color theme setting is global and therefore is the same for all users and products.

Spell Check

The spell check feature offers the ability to see misspelled words as you type comments in self-assessments, employee performance reviews and feedback request/response forms providing Rich Text Format and to select a replacement from a list of suggested words or accept the word as is.

When entering a comment, the misspelled words are indicated by a wavy red underline as you type and replacements are proposed in the right-click menu. When a misspelled word is accepted as is, it is added to the user's temporary library and will be saved for the current session only, which means that an accepted word in one session will be considered a mistake in another, unless it is accepted again and added to the temporary library for that session.

The language dictionary used to verify the spelling is automatically set to the selected application language. The currently supported languages for version 10 are da, de, en-uk, en-us, es, fi, fr, it, nl, no, pt, pt-br and sv (by default, en is en-us).

The spell check feature is enabled or disabled via the Enable LinkedIn Integration setting via Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings.

Enabling the Spell Check Feature

Enabling the spell check feature activates the related feature in Performance and gives the user the ability to see misspelled words as comments are typed and allows to select a replacement from a list of suggested words or to accept the word as is.

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings

  1. In the Product Settings page, select the Enable LinkedIn Integration setting.

  2. In the Enable Spell Checker page, select Edit next to the title page

  3. In the Editor page, make sure the Value is set to Yes.

    By default, the spell checker option is set to Yes, therefore enabled.

Disabling the Spell Check Feature

Disabling the spell check feature deactivates the related feature in Performance and removes the ability for the user to see misspelled words as comments are typed as well as to select a replacement from a list of suggested words or to accept the word as is.

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings

  1. In the Product Settings page, select the Enable LinkedIn Integration setting.

  2. In the Enable Spell Checker page, select Edit next to the title page

  3. In the Editor page, set the Value to No.

    By default, the spell checker option is set to Yes, therefore enabled.

Creating the Legal Agreement to be Shown to Users at Log In

Creating the legal agreement allows the user to actually write the content of the agreement.

Configuration > [Security] Legal Agreements

To be entitled to perform this task, the user must have the following user type permission:

  • Manage legal agreements

  1. In the Legal Agreements page, click Create.

  2. In the creation page, enter the code, name and text of the agreement.

    The text can be formated as desired using the editing options.

  3. Click Save.

The newly created agreement is shown in the list of available legal agreements.

For the legal agreement to be displayed, it must first be activated and then set to be displayed.

Activating the Legal Agreement

Activation of a legal agreement is required for it to be displayed.

Configuration > [Security] Legal Agreements

To be entitled to perform this task, the user must have the following user type permission:

  • Manage legal agreements

The desired legal agreement must be created.

  1. In the Legal Agreements page, click the name of the legal agreement you wish to activate.

  2. In the specific Legal Agreement page, click Activate.

    If another agreement is already active, a message will inform you the activation of the current agreement will deactivate the other one, since only one agreement at a time can be active.

  3. Click Yes to make the current agreement active.

In the list of legal agreements, the Active status will display next to the agreement.

For the agreement to actually be displayed to users, the related security policy setting has to be set to Yes.

Displaying the Legal Agreement to Users at Log In

Displaying the legal agreement is done by setting the related security policy to Yes.

Configuration > [Security] Security Policies

To be entitled to perform this task, the user must have the following user type permission:

  • Manage legal agreements

Before setting the legal agreement to be displayed, it needs to be created and activated.

  1. In the Security Policies page, click Edit next to Sign In.

  2. In the Security Policies Editor page, select Yes for the Show the legal agreement to users at login.

  3. Click Save.

The legal agreement is now configured to be displayed and will be shown to all users before they log into a Taleo product.

Job Role/Job Title/Position Display Setting Management

This feature provides your organization the ability to configure the display behavior of the Job Role, Job Title and Job Position fields in applicable areas of Performance Management. This is done using a pair of global configuration settings: Show Job Role Name or User Title and Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title.

The settings are described in the following Configuration table. The areas and fields in Performance Management in which Job Role, Job Title or Job Position are displayed and affected by these settings are detailed in the reference table titled Applicable Fields Using Job Role, Job Title and Job Position.


The display of Job Role, Job Title and Job Position in many parts of the application can be controlled by the configuration settings in the following table. The settings are located in Configuration under the following navigation: [Performance] Settings > [Product Settings] > [Refine By] Keyword > Job Role).

Setting Name Description Possible Values Security Level Setting Category
Show Job Role Name or User Title Use to specify whether the Job Role name or the User Title is displayed in applicable areas of the application. (This is a setting introduced in Feature Pack 7.5.)
  • Job Role Name (default)

  • User Title

Public Global
Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title. For implementations using Position Management, use to indicate whether or not to use Job Position to override the Job Role or User Title in applicable areas of the application. (This is a setting introduced in Feature Pack 13B.)
  • Default value is Yes (true). Allows the job position to override the job role and user title in the application.

  • No (false) removes the job position override of the other values. Either the job role or job title is displayed based on the setting Show Job Role Name or User Title.

Public Global
Applicable Job Role/Job Title/Position Fields

Applicable Fields Using Job Role, Job Title and Job Position

Application behavior with respect to the display of the Job Role, Job Title and Job Position fields is standardized in Performance Management, as summarized in the following table:

Applicable Fields Using Job Role, Job Title and Job Position

Application Area

Application Sub-Area

Application Behavior Prior to 13B

Application Behavior After 13B


My Network / Expand employee

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Development Plan

Admin access development plan / request approval, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Development Plan

Print Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Goal Plan

Admin access Goal Plan / request approval, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

People Selector

Search result, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

People Selector

Tool tip, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Performance Card / Employee Card

Job Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Performance Review

General Information, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Performance Review

Review tab/view, General Information section, Author Job Title and Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Performance Review

Print Job Title, Author Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Review Hub

Employee card, Job Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Review Hub

List view, Job Title

Uses Job Role Name.

No change.

Review Hub

Matrix view, Job Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Review Hub

Employee detail, Job Title (header)

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Review Hub

Employee detail, Job Title (in metrics detail list)

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Succession Plan

Admin access Succession Plan/request approval, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Talent Browser

Organization Chart view, Card, Employee Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Check setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Browser

Request Employee Change dialog

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Talent Browser

Matrix manager Add page, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Talent Browser

Snapshot Card, Manager and Employee Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Pool

Member tab, list view, Job Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Pool

Detail tab, user list view, Job Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Pool

Member tab, matrix view, Employee details

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Pool

Detail tab, chart cell view, Job Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Pool

Add people to Talent Pool with People Selector

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Talent Pool

In pool Details tab, pool context, Job Role name

Not using Job Position. Label is Job Title but content is really Job Role.

No change.

Talent Profile

General section header, Job Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Profile

Employee Information section

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Profile

Print Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Search

Search result list view, Job Title

Uses either Job Role or Job Title based on setting "Show Job Role Name or User Title".

No change.

Talent Snapshot Card

Employee Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Snapshot Card

Current Position

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Snapshot Card

Manager Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Talent Snapshot Card

Succession Plan, Successor Title

Uses Job Position always when exists.

Checks setting "Enable Job Position to Override Job Role or Job Title."

Product Resource Administration

Application Label Customization

This enhancement provides the ability for text strings available in the Performance's user interface to be customized to the specific terminology used by clients.

The customization is performed in the TexTool application. The label changes can be done by Taleo consultants during implementation or by technical support via service requests.

Labels can be modified for any active language in a live production zone.

In order to modify labels, the following tasks need to be performed:

  • In Performance, identify the resource ID associated to the labels to be changed.

  • In TexTool, create a project associated with the customer, modify the labels and apply the project.

When labels are customized, it is important for clients to update their documentation accordingly, as Taleo provides all documentation materials based on the default labels.

Displaying Resource Identifiers

The Display Resource Identifiers user type permission is required.

Configuration > [Product] Administration > Resource Administration
  1. Click Show Identifiers.

  2. Close this window.

Starting with the next page that is displayed, resource IDs will be displayed in front of each element of the application.

Displaying Resource Identifiers in Performance

The Display Resource Identifiers user type permission is required.

  1. Login to Performance as a support user.

  2. Select via Resources > My Setup > Miscellaneous Preferences > Display resource identifiers.

  3. Click Save and navigate to a different part of Taleo Performance.

The resource IDs are displayed.

You can return to My Setup and clear the option to hide the resource IDs.

Hiding Resource Identifiers

Resource Identifiers must be displayed.

The Display Resource Identifiers user type permission is required.

Configuration > [Product] Administration > Resource Administration
  1. Click Hide Identifiers.

  2. Close this window.

Starting with the next page that is loaded, resource IDs will no longer be displayed in front of each element of the application.

Removing History Elements

Removing history elements reduces the number of irrelevant history tracking events.

A mechanism automatically deletes history elements older than their defined retention period. This is applied to SmartOrg and Performance specific elements.

Performance Management
Element Retention (Months)
User-defined Selections 12
Talent Pool Management Center 12
Performance Management Center 12
Chart Configuration 12
Matrix Configuration 12
Competency Goal 14
Pool Item 14
Pool 14
Message Templates 12
Documents 12
Paragraphs 12
Product Setting 12
User Account (user access) 6
Review Text 12
Review Definition 12
Review Cycle 12
Business Goal 14
Business Project 12
Business Theme 12
Business Period 12
Employee Goal 14
Employee Goal Plan 14
Goal Template 12
Succession Plan 14
Development Activity 14
Development Plan 14
Development Plan Template 12
Development Activity 12
Development Activity Category 12
Mentoring Relationship 14
Rating Dimension 12
Rating Model 12
Partners 12

Taleo Configuration / SmartOrg
Element Retention (Months)
Welcome Center Content 12
Seats 12
Coverage Areas 12
Message Templates 12
Documents 12
Paragraphs 12
Messages 12
Product Setting 24
User Types 12
User File 18
Groups 12
User Account (user access) 6
Configuration Profile 12
Organizations 18
Organization Level 18
Location 18
Location Level 18
Job Field 18
Job Field Level 18
Business Organization 18
Business Organization Level 18
Positions 18
Competencies 18
Competency Categories 18
Competency Groups 18
Competency Context 18
Competency Definition Context 18
Guidance Plan 18
Rating Dimension 18
Rating Model 18
Job Role 18
Job Role Context 18
Job Profile Classification 18