9Goal Management Administration

Goal Management Administration

Working with Business Themes

Business Theme

Business themes are the highest level of categorizing business goals in the Taleo Performance hierarchy. They are the first item created when creating a framework for goal setting. Themes will provide support for organizations that use Balanced Scorecards in that it will allow the categorization of goals and projects into specific scorecard categories such as financial, customer, and development.

Business themes are the first items created when creating a framework for goal setting. Themes are system-wide and are not associated to business groups. Business themes are not linked to a period. Business themes are less volatile that organizational goals. It is not anticipated that themes will change significantly from year to year. Theme content can be translated into multiple languages to support global organizations.

Viewing a Business Theme

Viewing a business theme is done to view information about a specific business theme.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Themes

In the Business Theme Management page, click the name of the business theme to be viewed.

Once in view mode in the Business Theme page, the business theme can be edited, duplicated, activated, deactivated or deleted, depending on its status.

Creating a Business Theme

Creating a business theme is used to create themes to which can be aligned business goals in Performance.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Themes

  1. In the Business Theme Management screen, click Create next Business Themes.

  2. In the New Business Theme page, specify the properties of the new business theme.

  3. Click Save.

The new theme shows in the Business Theme page, with a Draft status.

The theme needs to be activated to be available in Taleo Performance when selecting a theme for a business goal.

Duplicating a Business Theme

Duplicating a business theme is used to create a new business theme based on an existing one.

Any business theme can be duplicated, whatever its status.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Themes

  1. In the Business Theme Management page, locate the business theme to be duplicated.

  2. Click Duplicate under Actions.

A new Business Theme page shows all the same information as the original business theme, except for the status, which is Draft, and the code, which is preceded by an automatically generated number.

The duplicated business theme can then be edited, if needed, and activated to make it available in Performance.

Editing a Business Theme

Editing a business theme is done to modify the properties of an existing business theme.

Any business theme can be edited, whatever its status.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Themes

  1. In the Business Theme Management page, click the name of the business theme to be edited.

  2. In the Business Theme page, click Edit next to Properties.

  3. In the Business Theme Editor page, make the desired changes.

  4. Click Save.

The changes made are applied and reflected automatically in Performance.

If the business theme is in a Draft status, it will need to be activated to make it available for selection when aligning a business goal in Performance.

Activating a Business Theme

Activating a business theme is used to change the status of a business theme from Draft to Active in order to make the business theme available for selection in Performance when aligning business goals.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Themes

  1. In the Business Theme Management page, locate the business theme to be activated.

  2. Click Activate under Actions.

The Business Theme Management page is refreshed and shows the status of the business theme as Active.

If you no longer want a business theme to be available in Performance, you need to deactivate it.

Deactivating a Business Theme

Deactivating a business theme is used to prevent a business theme to be available in Performance when aligning a business goal.

The business theme cannot be associated with a business goal.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Themes

  1. In the Business Theme Management page, locate the business theme to be deactivated.

  2. Click Deactivate under Actions.

The Business Theme Management page is refreshed and shows the status of the business theme as Inactive.

To make a business theme available again in Performance, you need to activate it.

Deleting a Business Theme

Deleting a business theme is used to definitely remove a business theme.

Only business themes in a Draft status can be deleted. Furthermore, once a business theme has been activated, it cannot be deleted as it cannot return to a Draft status.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Themes

  1. From the Business Theme Management page, locate the business theme to be deleted.

  2. Click Delete under Actions.

  3. Click Yes when prompted to confirm deletion.

The Business Theme Management page no longer show the business theme.

Business Theme Fields

All fields related to Business Themes are presented in the table below, along with a description and possible values, when predefined. Each field also indicates the type of information it applies to and the related header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Activate This button activates an item in a listing page when it resides in “Inactive” or “Draft” status. Items in those statuses cannot be used by users in Performance Management until it is activated. Business Elements Business Themes
Code This field is an internal code defined by an Administrator for a business theme when it was created. Business Elements Business Themes
Deactivate This button moves a business period from “active” to “inactive” status, in which it cannot be accessed by users. Business Elements Business Themes
Delete This button deletes an item in the listing on the Business Themes Management page. Note: Business themes cannot be deleted once they are activated. Business Elements Business Themes
Duplicate This button duplicates an item in the listing on the Business Themes Management page. Business Elements Business Themes
Language This field displays a menu that allows the Administrator to select the language in which a business theme/period can be translated. Click “Refresh” to enable the reordering. Business Elements Business Themes
Name This field displays the name the Administrator has given to a business theme when it was created. Business Elements Business Themes
Recently Viewed Items This menu displays the pages in the Performance Management Administration that the current Administrator has viewed. It also includes links by which the Administrator can quickly return to those pages. Business Elements Business Themes
Refresh Clicking this button allows the Administrator to change the order of listings by different criteria (See “Language” and “Refine By”) The “Refresh” button must be clicked to enable these changes by refreshing the display. Business Elements Business Themes
Refine By: This field displays a pull-down menu that allows the Administrator to change the order in which a listing is displayed. Possible selections are:- All (Default) -Keyword- Status- LanguageClick “Refresh” to enable any changes you make in this field. Business Elements Business Themes
Status This field displays the status of business themes or business periods. Possible values are “Draft” or “Inactive.” Active items can only be used in Performance Management by users when they are in “Active” status. Business Elements Business Themes

Working with Business Periods

Business Period

All goals defined within Performance are contained within a business period. A business period defines a specific period of time, with a start date and an end date and serves as a container that typically mirrors the time period in which the organization evaluates employees. It reflects the period in which the goals will be worked on, and in most cases, the goals are expected to be completed in that period. In some cases, a goal may span multiple periods.

The configuration of a business theme is composed of various steps:

  • Define the dates included in the business period by entering start and end dates.

  • Define a code for internal use to be associated with the business period.

  • Change the business period's status from “draft” to “active.”

  • Once business themes have been created and activated, Performance users can then map their goals to those periods.

Viewing a Business Period

Viewing a business period is used to view information about a specific business period.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Periods

In the Business Period Management page, click the name of the period to be viewed.

Once in view mode in the Business Period page, the business period can be edited, duplicated, activated, deactivated or deleted, depending on its status.

Creating a Business Period

Creating a business period is used to determine the valid periods for establishing business goals within Performance.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Periods

  1. In the Business Period Management page, click Create next to Business Periods.

  2. In the New Business Period page, provide the required information about the new business period.

  3. Click Save.

The new business period shows in the Business Period page, with a Draft status.

The business period needs to be activated to make it available for selection in Performance's business goal functionality.

Duplicating a Business Period

Duplicating a business period is used to create a new business period based on an existing one.

Any business period can be duplicated, whatever its status.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Periods

  1. In the Business Period Management page, locate the business period to be duplicated.

  2. Click Duplicate under Actions.

A new Business Period page shows all the same information as the original business period, except for the status, which is Draft, and the code, which is preceded by an automatically generated number.

The duplicated business period can then be edited, if needed, and activated to make it available in Performance.

Editing a Business Period

Editing a business period is done to modify the properties of an existing business period.

A business period can be edited only when it is deactivated. If a business period is activated, it can be deactivated up until the point at which the first business goal or employee goal plan is created in that business period. At that point, the business period cannot be deactivated, and therefore cannot be edited.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Periods

  1. In the Business Period Management page, click the name of the business period to be edited.

  2. In the Business Period, click Edit next to Properties.

  3. In the Business Period Editor page, make the desired changes.

  4. Click Save.

The changes made to the business period are applied and reflected automatically in Performance.

If the business period is in a Draft status, it will need to be activated to make it available for selection in Taleo Performance.

Activating a Business Period

Activating a business period is used to change the status of a business period from Draft to Active in order to make the business period available for selection in Performance's business goal functionality.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Periods

  1. In the Business Period Management page, locate the business period to be activated.

  2. Click Activate, under Actions.

The Business Period Management page is refreshed and shows the status of the business period as Active.

If you no longer want a business period to be available in Performance, you need to deactivate it.

Deactivating a Business Period

Deactivating a business period is done to prevent a business period to be available in Performance's business goal management functionality.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Periods

  1. In the Business Period Management page, locate the business period to be deactivated.

  2. Click Deactivate under Actions.

The Business Period Management page is refreshed and shows the status of the period shows as Inactive.

To make a business period available again in Performance, you need to activate it.

Deleting a Business Period

Deleting a business period is used to definitely remove a business period.

Only business periods in a Draft status can be deleted. Furthermore, once a business period has been activated, it cannot be deleted as it cannot return to a Draft status.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Business Periods

  1. In the Business Period Management page, locate the business period to be deleted.

  2. Click Delete under Actions.

  3. Click Yes when prompted to confirm deletion.

The Business Period Management page no longer shows the business period.

Business Period Fields

All fields related to the Business Periods are presented in the table below, along with a description and possible values, when predefined. Each field also indicates the type of information it applies to and the related header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Activate This button activates an item in a listing page when it resides in “Inactive” or “Draft” status. Items in those statuses cannot be used by users in Performance Management until it is activated. Business Elements Business Periods
Code This field is an internal code defined by an Administrator for a business period when they were created. Business Elements Business Periods
Deactivate This button moves a business period from “active” to “inactive” status, in which it cannot be accessed by users. Business Elements Business Periods
Delete This button deletes an item in a business period listing page. Note: A business period cannot be deleted once it is activated. Business Elements Business Periods
Duplicate This button duplicates an item in a business period listing page. Business Elements Business Periods
End Date This field displays the date on which a business period ends. Business Elements Business Periods
Language This field displays a menu that allows the Administrator to select the language in which a business theme/period can be translated. Click “Refresh” to enable the reordering. Business Elements Business Periods
Name This field displays the name the Administrator has given to a business theme or business period when it was created. Business Elements Business Periods
Recently Viewed Items This menu displays the pages in the Performance Management Administration that the current Administrator has viewed. It also includes links by which the Administrator can quickly return to those pages. Business Elements Business Periods
Refresh Clicking this button allows the Administrator to change the order of listings by different criteria (See “Language” and “Refine By”) The “Refresh” button must be clicked to enable these changes by refreshing the display. Business Elements Business Periods
Refine By: This field displays a pull-down menu that allows the Administrator to change the order in which a listing is displayed. Possible selections are:- All (Default) -Keyword- Status- LanguageClick “Refresh” to enable any changes you make in this field. Business Elements Business Periods
Start Date This field displays the date on which the business period begins. Business Elements Business Periods
Status This field displays the status of business themes or business periods. Possible values are: - Draft- Inactive - Active Items can only be used in Performance Management by users when they are in “Active” status. Business Elements Business Periods

Working with Goal Plan Templates

Goal Plan Template

The goal plan template provides the ability to determine how both employee goals and competency goals are to be managed within the organization, the group of employees to whom the template applies, the information to be shown for employee goals and for competency goals - which can be different - the approval workflow for the goal plan, how goals are to be assigned and aligned and if instructions should be shown to users.

  • With the introduction of competency goals, the goal plan template now provides settings to enable and configure competency goals within the employee goal plan.

Performance comes with a default goal plan template, which is used when no other template has been configured.

When more that one goal plan template is active, the one used is the template that is the most relevant for the user at the time of the goal plan creation, based on the organizations, locations, job fields and job levels.

Once a goal plan template has been created and has been used, it cannot be deleted. However, depending on the information, some changes within the goal plan template can be possible. When changes are made to an existing goal plan template, those changes will not apply if the goal plan has already been created; the modified goal plan template will only be used when a new goal plan is created, on the next business period.

Employee Goal

An employee goal is any action or objective that an employee has the intent of attaining during a given business period. Employee goals are added to an employee's goal plan and can later be brought into the review process to be rated.

All employee goals are listed under the Goals tab of the goal plan, separated from the competency goals, which are listed under the Competencies tab.

Employee goals are added to an employee's goal plan by either creating them manually, from scratch, or via alignment to an existing goal. Once employee goals are added to the goal plan, their progress can be updated and they can be brought into the review process to be rated, and also to show up in the Talent Profile.

Employee goals can be added to an employee's goal plan at any time and can also be removed from an employee's goal plan if no longer needed. Depending on the configuration, the organization can determine whether employees and managers have the right to edit employee goals and their associated sub-goals. Depending on user permissions, employee goals can be added, edited or deleted. Employee goals can also be assigned by managers to direct reports. Users can also solicit and provide feedback on employee goals.


Employee goals are enabled by default when Goals Management is enabled.

The information displayed for employee goals is dependent of the configuration of the goal plan template.

Configuration of the use of employee goals
Setting Description Location
Enable Goals Management Main product setting to enable the goal management functionality for employees. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Global Configurations] Settings
Allow Employee Goals When set to Yes (which is the default value), the goal plan will allow the use of employee goals, which are managed under the Goals tab.

If set to No, employee goals will not be entitled in goal plans; therefore, the Goals tab will not be shown.

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan TemplatesConfiguration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates
Allow subgoals Set by default to No, this setting indicates if subgoals can be created under employee goals. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan TemplatesConfiguration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates
Goal Alignment Settings Group of settings indicating how employee goals can be aligned, and in which situations. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan TemplatesConfiguration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates
Goal Assignment Settings Group of settings indicating if employee and competency goals can be assigned and in which circumstances the assignment is possible. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Configuration of standard information available for employee goals
Standard Field Name Default Displayed Setting Default Editable Setting Default Propagated Setting Default Setting for Requires Approval
Owner Yes Yes No No
Name Yes Yes Yes Yes
Start Date Yes Yes Yes No
Due Date Yes Yes Yes Yes
Description Yes Yes Yes Yes
Critical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Public Yes Yes Yes No
Measurement Type Yes Yes Yes Yes
Actual Value Yes Yes No No
Target Value Yes Yes Yes Yes
Initial Value Yes Yes No No
Progress Yes Yes No No
Stretch Value No No No No
Measurement Text Yes Yes Yes Yes
Status Yes Yes No No
Category Yes Yes No No
Alignment Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tasks Yes Yes Yes Yes
Task Weight Yes Yes Yes Yes
Comments Yes Yes No No
Weight No No No No
Manager Rating No No No No
Employee Rating No No No No
External Identifier No No No No
Include in Performance Review No No No No
System Administrator Goal No No No No

Configuration of user-defined information to be shown for employee goals
Setting Description Location
Employee Goal User-defined Fields Used to create the custom fields to be used. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates
Any selected User defined fields Can be set to be editable, propagated and to require approval if edited. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Competency Goal

Competency goals are behaviors that an employee agrees to work on over a given business period. Competency goals added to an employee's goal plan can later be brought into the review process so that rated employee goals and competencies can drive new metrics that will be leveraged throughout the application.

All competencies that are part of an employee goal plan are listed under the Competencies tab of the goal plan, separated from the employee goals, which are listed under the Goals tab.

Competencies are added to an employee's goal plan by either selecting new competencies from the list of available competencies or by automatically including the competencies from the employee's job role. Once competencies are added to the goal plan, they can be brought into the review process to be rated, to then show up in the Talent Profile.

Competencies can be added to an employee's goal plan at any time and can also be removed from an employee's goal plan if no longer needed. Depending on the configuration, the organization can determine whether employees and managers have the right to edit competencies and their associated sub-competencies. Competency definition can be edited by users and sub-competencies can be added, edited or deleted.

Like employee goals, competency goals can be assigned by managers to direct reports. Users can also solicit feedback on competency goals.
Note: When review-Goal synchronization is enabled, multi-selected Competency goals are added into the Review automatically.

Competency goals are disabled by default.

To use competency goals in goal plans, activation and configuration must be done via the goal plan template.

Configuration of the use of competency goals
Setting Description Location
Enable Goals Management Main product setting to enable the goal management functionality for employees. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Global Configurations] Settings
Allow Competency Goals If set to Yes, the employee goal plan will allow the use of competencies, which are managed under the Competencies tab.

If set to No, competencies will not be entitled in employee goal plan; therefore, the Competencies tab will not be shown.

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan TemplatesConfiguration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates
Add Competencies from Job Role on Goal Plan Creation If set to Yes, all competencies that are part of the employee's job role will automatically be imported in the goal plan upon creation of a new goal plan for a given business period.

If set to No, competencies will not be automatically imported into the goal plan, but might still be added if competency goals are allowed

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan TemplatesConfiguration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates
Goal Assignment Settings Group of settings indicating if employee and competency goals can be assigned and in which circumstances the assignment is possible. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Configuration of standard information available for competency goals
Standard Field Name Default Displayed Setting Default Editable Setting Default Propagated Setting Default Setting for Requires Approval
Owner Yes Yes No No
Name Yes Yes Yes Yes
Start Date Yes Yes Yes No
Due Date Yes Yes Yes Yes
Description Yes Yes Yes Yes
Critical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Public Yes Yes Yes No
Measurement Type Yes Yes Yes Yes
Actual Value Yes Yes No No
Target Value Yes Yes Yes Yes
Progress Yes Yes No No
Stretch Value No No No No
Measurement Text Yes Yes Yes Yes
Status Yes Yes No No
Sub-competencies Yes Yes Yes Yes
Comments Yes Yes No No
Manager Rating No No No No
Employee Rating No No No No
External Identifier No No No No
Include in Performance Review No No No No
System Administrator Goal No No No No

Configuration of user-defined information to be shown for competency goals
Setting Description Location
Competency Goal User-defined Fields Used to create the custom fields to be used. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates
Any selected User defined fields Can be set to be editable, propagated and to require approval if edited. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Sub-competency Goal

A sub-competency goal brings more details and descriptions on the competency goal. A sub- competency goal might be associated to the corresponding competency goal but it is possible to add additional descriptions/behaviors that are not part of the original competency.

A sub competency goal is not measured nor rated as opposed to employee goal task. A sub competency goal is limited to the description/behaviors field.


Sub-competencies are available within competency goals when the competency goal configuration of the related goal plan template is defined to display sub-competencies.

Sub-Goal Functionality

Sub-goal functionality provides the ability to use sub-goals within employee goals.

With the introduction of tasks in goals, a change of functionality was required due the similarity between sub-goals and tasks. The primary difference between sub-goals and tasks is that with tasks, the progress of the goal is calculated based on the sum of the tasks. With sub-goals, this is not the case - the progress of the parent goal has no relationship with the progress of its sub-goals.

It is important to know that only one level deep of sub-goals is allowed, meaning that a goal can only have one level of sub-goal and that a sub-goal cannot have additional sub-goals.

When sub-goals are enabled and one is created, the sub-goal is automatically aligned to the parent goal; this default alignment can however by overwritten at any point.

The following list indicates the alignment behavior for all possible sub-goal actions:

  • Creating a sub-goal - The sub-goal is auto-aligned to its parent.

  • Updating the alignment of a sub-goal to a manager's goal - The sub-goal is moved as a main employee goal.

  • Updating the alignment of a sub-goal to a business goal or project - The sub-goal is moved as a main employee goal.

  • Removing the alignment of a sub-goal - The sub-goal is moved as a main employee goal.


By default, sub-goal functionality is disabled. A setting on the goal template determines whether the user has the ability to create sub-goals. This setting can be enabled/disabled at any time. If a given user already has sub-goals and the template is modified to disable sub-goals, the existing sub-goals will not be affected and still be displayed. However, the user will be prevented from creating any further sub-goals.

Setting Description Location Path
Allow subgoals Enables the ability to create sub-goals. Goal Plan Template Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Goal Plan Approval Workflow

Approval workflow configuration allows to define the approval workflow of goal plans and is based on roles and HR administrator contextualization.

The approval workflow can be based on predefined roles and/or contain specific users.

The available roles are:

  • Employee

  • Manager

  • 2nd Level Manager

  • 3rd Level Manager

  • 4th Level Manager

  • HR Administrator

Furthermore, when the HR Administrator is part of the approval workflow, the applicable contexts can be defined for each. When such contextualization is set, all HR Administrators that are linked to a specific business object will have the related tasks assigned to them and any of these administrators will be able to accept or reject the assigned approval requests.

Goal Creation Through Alignment

The creation of employee or business goals though alignment provides users with an intuitive way to rapidly create goals that are in line with the key objectives of the organization or with their manager's goals and to tailor them to specific needs.

This goal creation option provides the ability to create goals in the way that many businesses work (via top-down alignment or cascading). Rather than requiring users to create goals from scratch, the creation through alignment offers the ability to select another business or employee goal and to use that goal as a “template” for creating the new goal. Key details are copied from the selected goal and the new goal is automatically aligned to the goal that was selected. The user can then personalize the goal to satisfy different objectives.

Creating goals via alignment is offered as an alternative to creating goals from scratch. Therefore, when creating a new business or employee goal, the user is prompted to select whether to create the goal from scratch or to create it through goal alignment. If users selects the latter, they are provided with a dialog box allowing them to choose which business or employee goals they want to align to.

When the new goal is created from alignment to a another goal, the following information is automatically entered and can be edited if needed.

  • Name of the goal

  • Description of the goal

  • Start and due dates

  • Alignment to the goal that was selected to create the current goal


Business goal creation by alignment is offered automatically to all users.

Employee goal creation by alignment is offered automatically to all users. However, the type of goal alignment to select from depends on the goal assignment settings defined on the goal plan template. These settings allow organizations to determine whether an employee can align to his manager's goals, his projects or the organization's business goals.

The following table lists the Goal Alignment Settings, found under Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates.

Setting Name Description
Allow employees to align their employee goals to their manager's goals Setting that indicates if employees are entitled to align their goals to their manager's goals.
Allow to align employee goals to projects Setting that indicates if employees are entitled to align their goals to projects.
Allow to align employee goals to employee's business organization goals Setting that indicates if employees are entitled to align their goals to the organization's business goals. If possible, they can be authorized to align to any business goals, in which case, no sub-setting is required. If however, employee should only align to business goals of a specific level, the definition of the sub-setting must be done.
Allow to align employee goals to business goals of business organizations that are below the employee's business organization level Sub-setting of Allow to align employee goals to employee's business organization goals
Allow to align employee goals to business goals of business organizations that are above the employee's business organization level Sub-setting of Allow to align employee goals to employee's business organization goals

Goal Creation by Copy

New employee goals can be created by copying goals from a previous or current goal plan.

The option to create new goals by copying goals provides users with the ability to quickly create goals by copying one or multiple goals from a previous or current goal plan. Once the new goals are created, users are able to modify the goal as needed.

The advantage of copying existing goals is that some goal information is already provided. For instance, this option allows employees who have the same goal year after year to copy that goal from a previous goal plan. The values that are copied are predetermined and not configurable. The following table indicates the copy behavior of each field in the Employee Goal detail page.

It is possible to copy any employee goal from any previous goal plan or from the current goal plan, with the exception of goals that are tagged as 'System Administrator Goals'. The ability to copy goals is not available for competency goals or business goals.

Field Copied? Comment
Owner No The value is defaulted to the current employee user.
Name Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Start Date No The value is defaulted to the Goal Plan period start date.
Due Date No The value is defaulted to the Goal Plan period end date.
Description Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Critical Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Public Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Measurement Type Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Measurement Text Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Actual Value No
Target Value Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Progress No
Stretch Value Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Status No The value is defaulted to Not Started.
Alignment No
Tasks Yes The value is copied from source goal. (if Tasks is allowed in goal plan template standard fields configuration)
Task Weight Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Comments No
Weight Yes The value is copied from source goal.
Manager Rating No The value is defaulted to None.
Employee Rating No The value is defaulted to None.
External Identifier No Value is defaulted to None.
Include in Performance Review Yes The value is copied from source goal.
System Administrator Goal No The value is defaulted to False.
Custom Fields Yes The values are copied from source goal.

First, the goal management feature must be enabled.

Product Settings
Setting Name Description Location
Enable Goals Management Enables Goals Management functionality in the application for employees. The activation of this setting does not enable business goals, which are enabled by a specific setting. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings

Then, for users to be entitled to create new goals by copying existing ones from previous goal plans, the corresponding goal plan template must be configured to allow such action.

Goal Plan Template configuration
Setting Name Location
Allow creating goals by copying from previous goal plans Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates - Goal Creation Options

Users must also have the permission to view and manage goals.

User Type Permissions
Permission Name Description Location
Performance > Goal Plans > View When no constraint is selected, the user has read-only access to all goal plans, current or not. If restricted viewing permission is required, select the applicable constraints. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts
Performance > Goal Plans > Manage When no constraint is selected, the user has write access to all goal plans, current or not. If restricted managing permission is required, select the applicable constraints. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts

Goal Creation using SMART Assistant

This goal creation method offers users guidelines and instructions throughout the creation process of goals.

The creation of employee goals using a wizard provides a simple, step-by-step option that allows employees and managers to easily create goals following a defined and logical process. With the SMART assistant, employees can successfully create and align their goals by following simple steps.

SMART methodology refers the following predefined principles:

Specific This step allows the user to define a specific goal by entering the goal's name and description.
Measurable This step allows the user how the goal will be measured.
Achievable This step allows to user to determine whether the goal is achievable. It allows user to break goal into tasks so that it may be achieved more easily.
Relevant This step allows the user to make their goal relevant by aligning it to a manager's goal or a business goal.
Time-bound This step prompts user to provide realistic time constraints to successfully achieve the goal.

The goal creation assistance is offered only for employee goals. This option is not available for competency goals or business goals.

The steps included in the goal creation assistant are predetermined and not configurable. Note that the instructions fields can not be multilingual, which means that they can only be provided in one language at a time. However, the administrator may include some specific instructions and hyperlinks in the instruction area so that users may benefit from any supporting documentation.


First, the goal management feature must be enabled.

Product Settings
Setting Name Description Location
Enable Goals Management Enables Goals Management functionality in the application for employees. The activation of this setting does not enable business goals, which are enabled by a specific setting. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings

Then, for users to be entitled to create goals using the SMART assistance, the corresponding goal plan template must be configured to allow such action.

Goal Plan Template configuration
Setting Name Location
Allow creating goals using the SMART assistant Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates - Goal Creation Options

Users must also have the permission to view and manage goals.

User Type Permissions
Permission Name Description Location
Performance > Goal Plans > View When no constraint is selected, the user has read-only access to all goal plans, current or not. If restricted viewing permission is required, select the applicable constraints. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts
Performance > Goal Plans > Manage When no constraint is selected, the user has write access to all goal plans, current or not. If restricted managing permission is required, select the applicable constraints. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts

Batch Goal Assignment

Batch goal assignment provides the ability to assign, at one time, a set of goals to large groups of people within the organization, either by selecting individuals or organizations.

Batch assignment allows managers to assign, in one single transaction, multiple goals to an unlimited number of direct and indirect reports.

The goal assignment process is as follows:
  • First, the user needs to have goal assignment rights, which are indicated by the visibility of the Person icon.

  • The goals to be assigned must be selected using the appropriate checkboxes.

  • When a manager assigns any of their goals to other employees, he/she can do so by selecting specific employees or employees from specific organizations.

  • Following the selection, a confirmation dialog displays the number of employees to whom the selected goals will be assigned to and lets you continue or cancel the assignation.

  • To verify if the batch assignment was performed successfully, the Show Process History action shows the goal assignment status and a list of any errors that occurred in the process.

Goal assignment is not possible in two situations:

  • in the case of a system-administered goal - a pop-up window will be displayed to inform the user of the nature of the goal.

  • if the employee‘s goal plan is under approval - if the manager attempts to propagate goals to that employee, they will receive an error message letting them know that the plan is currently under approval.

When the goal assignment is successful, the selected goals are added to the goal plan of the selected employees and the related goal information is transferred as per the standard and user-defined field propagation configuration on the goal plan template. The goal alignment is maintained upon goal assignment, except when the manager's goal is aligned to their own manager's goal; in such a situation, the link is broken.

When a goal is assigned, most of the information can be propagated to the selected employees, as per the field propagation configuration. Some field values however are never propagated; these fields are:

  • Owner - which is always set to the target employee name.

  • Task Weight

  • Comments

  • Manager Rating

  • Employee Rating

  • System Administrator Goal - as these goals can never be assigned.


Although batch assignment is always allowed, one setting does determine if goals can be assigned to the direct reports of the selected direct reports - Allow goal batch assignment to indirect reports.

For this feature to work, managers must be allowed to assign goals.

Changing a setting on a goal plan template affects all goal plans associated to it. There is a warning message when a user wants to edit an active goal plan.

Setting Description
Allow manager to assign employee goals Main goal assignment setting. This setting must first be enabled to allows managers to assign goals.
Add goal even if the employee's goal plan does not exist Sub-setting that entitles the assignation of goals even when a goal plan has not yet been created.
Add goal even if the employee's goal plan is approved Sub-setting that entitles the assignment of goals even if the goal plan has been approved.
Allow goal batch assignment to indirect reports Sub-setting that entitles assignment of goals to indirect reports, meaning here that the direct reports of a selected employee will also receive the assigned goal.

Goal Related Tasks

Goal related tasks provide the ability to measure the progress of a goal by the completion of a series of tasks within the goal. Tasks are different from sub-goals in that the completion of the parent goal is calculated by determining the completion of the tasks.

Tasks provide the ability to split a goal into activities and to measure the goal progress based on the average progress of its tasks. Tasks also help to define how the goal will be achieved. Tasks can only be created as part of a goal and do not exist on their own. The fields displayed for Tasks are based on the display of fields in the goal detail. For example, if the Measurement text field is not displayed for goals, it will not appear for tasks either.

On the goal details page, the tasks are displayed in the Measurement section.

When a goal contains tasks, it is the progress of the tasks that need to be updated, not that of the goal, which will be updated automatically upon the progress of the related tasks. For example if there are four tasks in a goal and one is marked at 100% complete, the goal would be 25% complete. Tasks can also have weights, so the above example assumes that all tasks are weighted equally. If the completed task was weighted at 50% and the other three tasks at 16.66%, then the goal progress would be 50% complete.

When a goal plan is printed, the tasks it contains can be part of the printout if the task related print option is selected.

Note: It is important to know that when sub-goals are also offered, their creation is done via the pull-down menu available for each goal, in the main goal plan page

The visibility of tasks in goals is dependent on the configuration of the Tasks field in the goal plan template.

Behavior of the Tasks standard field:

Displayed Editable Propagated Requires Approval
Main setting that needs to be set to Yes for the other settings to be available. If this setting is set to Yes, the Tasks section is available for viewing. If set to Yes, tasks can be viewed, added, edited and removed. If set to yes, the tasks will be propagated when the related goal is assigned. If set to Yes, the goal plan will go under approval whenever a task is added or deleted.

The following table lists all the standard fields that can apply to tasks.

Standard Field in the Goal Plan Template Applicable to tasks Applicable to goals
Name Yes Yes
Description Yes Yes
Status Yes Yes
Progress Yes Yes
Actual Value Yes Yes
Target Value Yes Yes
Stretch Value Yes Yes
Measurement Text Yes Yes
Start Date Yes Yes
Due Date Yes Yes
Task Weight Yes
It is important to know that sub-goals are still supported. However, it is not recommended to use both as it could be confusing for the users. By default, the ability to create sub-goals is disabled. In addition, the goal plan template contains a setting that controls the availability of goals - Allow subgoals.

Creating a Goal Plan Template

Creating a goal plan template allows to determine what types of goals are allowed in goal plan, what goal information is to be shown for employee goals and/or competency goals and to define the approval workflow of goals, the standard and custom fields to be displayed, edited, propagated and approved and the organizations, locations, job fields and job levels to which the template applies.

A default template is associated to all new goal plans if no other pertinent goal plan templates are created and activated.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click Create next to Goal Plan Templates.

  2. In the New Goal Plan Template page, enter the mandatory code and name of the new template and select the applicable rating model if needed.

    If you use multiple languages, you must provide a unique name for each active language.
  3. If you want managers to be entitled to assign goals to their employees, under Goal Assignment Settings, select the related option and determine how goals are to be added.

  4. If you want the goal plans to include employee goals and sub-goals, make sure to activate the related options under Employee Goals Settings.

  5. If you want the goal plans to include competency goals, set the appropriate options under Competency Goal Settings.

  6. Click Save.

  7. In the specific Goal Plan Template page, specify all the information to be part of the new template, as needed.

  8. Once all information has been provided and saved, there is no additional saving task required.

The newly created template displays in the Goal Plan Template Management page, under Goal Plan Templates.

Once created, the template needs to be activated. Once activated, it will be associated to new goal plans, as per the defined contexts (organizations, locations, job fields and/or job roles).

It is important to note that once a template is linked to a goal plan, it can no longer change. As such, new templates can only be associated to new goal plans.

Creating the Goal Instruction Text

Goal instructions are useful to provide users with some guidance on how to create and maintain employee goals. There is one instruction text per goal plan template.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, select the goal plan template for which you want to create or edit the instructions.

  2. In the Goal Plan Template page, click Edit next to Instructions.

  3. In the Goal Plan Template Editor page, enter the text you want to display as instructions and format it as needed using the available editing options.

    If you have multiple active languages, select a different language, click Refresh, and then enter the text. The base language will be used for any active languages you do not include instructions for.
  4. Click Save.

The new instruction text, whether it was just created or edited, will be displayed the next time a user views a goal plan or goal page and selects to show the instructions.

Allowing Managers to Assign Goals

Allowing managers to assign goals directly to their employees is done as part of the goal plan template configuration.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template that corresponds to the goal plan for which you want to grant managers the permission to assign goals.

  2. In the selected Goal Plan Template page, click Edit next to Properties.

  3. Check the option Allow manager to assign goals.

  4. As needed, check the options that indicate when goals are to be added in the specified conditions.

  5. Click Save.

Managers accessing goal plans related to the template you just defined will see the Person with Right Arrow icon, which opens the Goal Assignment window allowing them to assign the currently selected goals to the selected employees.

Once the permission to assign goals has been granted, you need to specify which goal field values are to be propagated to the employee's goal when the goal is assigned.

Enabling Goal Creation by Copying Existing Goals

The user needs to have administrative security access, granted via Performance > Administration > Allow system administration .

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates - Goal Creation Options

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, select the desired goal plan template.

  2. In the Goal Plan Template page, click Edit next to Properties to open the Goal Plan Template Editor page.

  3. Scroll to the Goal Creation Options section and check Allow creating goals by copying from previous goal plans.

  4. Click Save.

The goal plan template has the option to create goals by copy enabled. Any goal plan using this goal plan template will entitle users to create goals by copying existing goals.

Enabling the Goal Creation Assistant

The user needs to have administrative security access, granted via Performance > Administration > Allow system administration .

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates - Goal Creation Options

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, select the desired goal plan template.

  2. In the Goal Plan Template page, click Edit next to Properties to open the Goal Plan Template Editor page.

  3. Scroll to the Goal Creation Options section and check Allow creating goals using the SMART assistant.

  4. If you want to provide specific instructions to users of the assistant, enter the instruction text in the SMART Goal Creation Instructions editor box. You can also insert hyperlinks to other documents providing additional information.

    This text will show in the left panel of the Smart Goal Creation window.
  5. Click Save.

The goal plan template has the option to create SMART goals enabled. Any goal plan using this goal plan template will entitle users to create goals using the SMART assistant.

Defining an Approval Workflow

Defining an approval workflow provides the ability to determine who will approve a succession, goal or development plan and if more than one approver is set, in which order the approvals are performed and how many days they have to provide their feedback.

Approval path changes can be made at any time and are applied immediately, except for approvals that are currently started; these will be completed according to the initial path. It is important to know that approval paths apply to all users, except HR administrators. HR administrators requesting approval bypass the normal path and get a pop-up asking them to specify the approval workflow.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Development Planning] Default Development Plan Template

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Performance Reviews] Review Cycles

  1. Click Edit next to Approval Workflow and in the Approval Workflow Editor page, set up the approvers by doing any of the following:

    • Click Add Roles, select the required roles and click Select to insert them in the Approval Workflow list.

    • Click Add Users, select the required users and click Select to insert them in the Approval Workflow list.

    • To change the approval order, select Move Down or Move Up for the relevant user.

    • To change the Approval (Days), which is the number of working days the approver has to respond to an approval request, enter a whole number of one or more.

    • To remove roles or users from the approval workflow, select each unwanted user or role and click Remove.

  2. If you want to send an email message to notify the approvers that an approval task was assigned to them or to notify the requester of the approval that the task was approved, rejected or terminated, specify the desired email message template by selecting it from the Message Template Selector.

  3. Click Save.

All the user roles and/or users selected as approvers display under the Approval Workflow section of the corresponding template page.

Defining Which Fields to Display in the Goal Plan

The goal fields that are displayed in the goal plan for each goal are determined by the configuration of the standard and user-defined fields in the goal plan template.

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template for which you want to define the display of goal information.

  2. In the selected template page, select the Show option of either the Employee Goal Configuration or the Competency Goal Configuration section, depending of the type of goal.

  3. Once the configuration section expanded, click Edit next to the Standard Fields section.

  4. In the Standard Field Availability Editor, check or uncheck the fields to be displayed as well as those than can be edited, propagated and require approval when a change is made.

  5. Once all desired fields are set to be displayed, click Save.

  6. To display user-defined fields, use the User-Defined Fields section.

    1. To add a new custom field, click Add next to User-defined Fields and select the fields to add.

    2. By default, if you add a user-defined field, it will be displayed in the goal detail page. However, you can define whether the field will be editable, propagated and require approval. To change those options, click Edit next to the field to modify.

In the goal plan, each employee goal or competency goal page will show the fields as per defined in the goal plan template.

Editing the Display of Standard Fields in a Template

Editing the display of standard fields on a template allows the administrator to determine which standard fields are to be displayed on the associated employee goal plans or development plans.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Development Planning] Default Development Plan Template

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management or Development Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template for which you want to edit the display of standard fields.

  2. In the selected template page, click Edit next to Standard Fields.

  3. In the Standard Field Availability Editor, check or uncheck the fields to be displayed as well as those than can be edited.

  4. Click Save.

The standard fields you have selected to be displayed will show on the employee goal plan or development plan.

Defining Goal Field Value Propagation

Defining goal field value propagation allows the administrator to define which information of the goal will be propagated when the goal is assigned to an employee.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template that corresponds to the goal plan from which goals are to be assigned.

  2. Depending on the type of goal, click Show next to Employee Goal Configuration or Competency Goal Configuration.

  3. Depending on whether the related field is standard or user-defined, use one of the following procedures:

    • In the selected Goal Plan Template page, click Edit next to Standard Fields. Then in the Standard Field Availability Editor, in the column Propagated, check or uncheck the fields for which you want the values to be propagated when a goal is assigned to an employee.

    • In the selected Goal Plan Template page, under the User-defined Fields section, click Edit next to field you wish to define. Then in the User-Defined Field Editor, check the Propagated option.

    • If you want to be able to automatically align vertically assigned goals - those from a manager to a direct or indirect report - you must ensure you select to propagate the Alignment field.

  4. Click Save.

All the values entered in the manager's goal for the fields that are set to be propagated will be copied to the employee's goal when assigned.

Defining Goal Field Changes Requiring Approval

Defining goal field changes requiring approval allows the administrator to define what change to the goal plan values need to be approved, and therefore setting the goal plan to a Not Approved status.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template that corresponds to the goal plan for which you want to define the goal changes needing approval.

  2. Depending on the type of goal, click Show next to Employee Goal Configuration or Competency Goal Configuration.

  3. Depending on whether the field is standard or user-defined, use one of the following procedures:

    • In the selected Goal Plan Template page, click Edit next to Standard Fields. Then in the Standard Field Availability Editor, in the column Requires Approval, check or uncheck the fields that need approval when a change is made to its value.

    • In the selected Goal Plan Template page, under the User-defined Fields section, click Edit next to field you wish to define. Then in the User-Defined Field Editor, check the Requires Approval option.

  4. Click Save.

Whenever a change is made to one of the goal field that has been set to require approval, the goal plan will return to a Not Approved status.

Editing Goals During the Approval Process

Goal plan approvers can modify goal plans that have an Approval in Progress status.

When the configuration setting is enabled, the current approver for the goal plan can make changes to those fields, as well as add and delete goals, without affecting the approval process. In a single approver workflow this removes the redundant step of the approver effectively having to restart an approval process for a change he made, which will only return him to the same stage in the process, but with additional work added.


Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goal Management] Goal Plan Templates > Template Name
Name Description Location
Allow current approver to modify the goal plan under approval This enables an approver to modify, add, or delete goals for a goal plan thats status is under approval. Properties > Goal Approval

Editing a Goal Plan Template

Editing a goal plan template is used to modify a template's properties, contexts of use, approval workflow and custom and standard fields. The information that can be modified depends on the status of the template and whether it is in use. It is important to know that a goal plan is assigned a template at the time of the creation of a goal plan and that once assigned, the plan retains that exact template for life.

If the template is in a Draft or Inactive status, all information can be modified. However, if the template is already used by a goal plan, only a few changes are possible:

  • approval workflow can be changed

  • additional standard fields can be made visible

  • custom fields can be added, reordered and the UI component changed

If editing is not possible, a message will be displayed to inform you.

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template you want to edit.

  2. Depending on the status and use of the template, make the necessary changes in the appropriate sections.

The changes are reflected automatically in their respective sections and will be applied to all new corresponding goal plans that are created.

If the template is in Draft status, you will need to activated it for it to be applied to new goal plans.

Creating a User-Defined Field

Creating a user-defined field allows an organization to create and define company specific information that can later be added to various contexts, according to the context for which it was created.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Performance Reviews] User-defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Employee Goal User-defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Competency Goal User-defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Employee Information User-Defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Employee Metrics User-Defined Fields

  1. In the User-Defined Field page of the selected context, click Create next to the User-Defined Fields header.

  2. In the New User-Defined Field page, specify the properties of the new field.

    Note that once created and saved, only the name can be edited.

    Also, if more than one language has been configured, a name will be required for each language before saving is allowed.

  3. Click Save.

The new field displays in the list of User-Defined Fields and is available for selection.

Once created, the user-defined field can be added to a review's custom section, to a goal plan or development plan template or to the Talent Profile form, depending on the type of field created.

Creating a User-Defined Selection List

Creating a user-defined selection list allows system administrators to create additional selection lists having a set of user-defined values (or elements.) The selection list may be later used to define a user-defined field. This functionality can be used in performance reviews, goals plans, development plans or in the employee management section of the Talent Profile.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Global Configurations] User-defined Selections

Configuration > [Performance] Selection Lists

  1. In the User-Defined Selections page, click Create next to Selections.

  2. In the New User-Defined Selection page, specify the properties for the new selection.

  3. Click Save.

  4. In User-Defined Selection page, click Create next to Elements to define the elements of the list.

  5. In the New Element page, specify the properties of the new element.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each element composing the selection list.

The new selection list name displays and is available for use in the list of domain fields when creating user-defined fields.

Once the properties are created, you must activate at least one value (element) to then activate the selection for the newly created selection list to be available as a user-defined field to be added in custom sections of performance reviews, goal plans, development plans and the employee management section of the Talent Profile.

Adding a Custom Field to a Template

Adding a user-defined field to a template provides the ability to incorporate additional information in an employee goal plan or development plan.

To be able to add a user-defined field to a template, the field must have been previously created as a employee goal or development activity user-defined field.

Furthermore, the plan template must be in Draft or Inactive status to allow the addition.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Development Planning] Default Development Plan Template

  1. Depending on the template, do one of the following:

    • In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template to which you want to add a field and then in the Goal Plan Template, click Show next to Employee Goal Configuration or Competency Goal Configuration and then click Add next to User-defined Fields.

      In Default Development Plan Template page, click Add next to User-defined Fields.

  2. In the User-Defined Field Selector, select the fields to be added.

  3. Click Select.

The newly added fields display in the Goal Plan Template Management or Default Development Plan Template page, under User-defined Fields.

Once added, and ONLY if not already in use in the template, can the user-defined field information be edited.

Editing a Template Custom Field

Editing a template custom field consists in modifying the editable status, the UI component and the number of lines if the field is presented as a text area.

For all information to be editable, the related template must be in Draft or Inactive status or not used if in Active status. Therefore, if the related goal plan template is active and already used by a goal plan, you can only change Text Area and Text Input type fields by modifying the UI component and the number of lines in the text area.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Development Planning] Default Development Plan Template

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template for which you want to edit a custom field.

  2. In the selected Goal Plan Template page, under Custom Fields, click Edit next to the specific custom field to edit.

    The Edit option is only offered for Text Area and Text Input fields when the template is active and in use.

  3. In the Custom Field Editor, edit the UI component as desired, and the number of lines if applicable.

  4. Click Save.

The changes are reflected automatically and will be applied to new goal plans associated to the related goal plan template.

Reordering Template Custom Fields

Reordering template custom fields allows to change the order in which custom fields are displayed on the goal plan.

The order of custom fields can be changed anytime, whether the template is in Draft or Active status and whether it is used or not.

However, for the Reorder option to be available, there needs to be at least tow custom fields.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goals Plan Template

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template for which you want to change the order of custom fields.

  2. In the selected Goal Plan Template page, click Reorder next to Custom Fields.

  3. In the Reorder Custom Fields page, select a field and use the direction arrows to move the field to the desired position.

  4. Repeat for each field to be moved.

  5. Once all fields are presented in the desired order, click Save.

In the Goal Plan Template page, under Custom Fields, the fields are presented according to the new order.

Activating a Goal Plan Template

Activating a goal plan template makes the goal plan template applicable and usable when a new goal plan is created.

If the template is in a Draft or Inactive status, all information can be modified. However, if the template is already use by a goal plan, only a few changes are possible:

  • approval workflow can be changed

  • additional standard fields can be made visible

  • custom fields can be added, reordered and UI component changed

If editing is not possible, a message will be displayed to inform you.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Goal Plan Templates

  1. In the Goal Plan Template Management page, click the name of the template you want to edit.

  2. Depending on the status and use of the template, make the necessary changes in the appropriate sections.

The changes are reflected automatically in their respective sections and will be applied to all new corresponding goal plans that are created.

If the template is in Draft status, you will need to activated it for it to be applied to the goal plans of employees who correspond to the defined context.

Goal Plan Template Fields

Fields related to goal plan templates in Performance Administration are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes a field or button, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's section header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Actual Value Field that is part of the Measurement section that indicates, for the quantitative option, the actual completion of the goal, which is expressed as a number with or without decimals. Combined with the Target Value, it allows to calculate the Progress percentage of the goal. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Add Competencies from Job Role on Goal Plan Creation Setting that indicates if competencies in the related job role are to be automatically added to the employee's goal plan upon creation of the goal plan. For this setting to be set, Allow Competency Goals must first be enabled. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Add goal even if the employee's goal plan does not exist Option that is offered only when the option to grant managers the right to assign goals is selected. This option indicates that the goal is added to the employee's goal plan even if a plan has not yet been created. In this situation, a goal plan will be created with the first goal that is assigned. Goal Plan Templates Goal Assignment Settings
Add goal even if the employee's goal plan is approved Option that is offered only when the option to grant managers the right to assign goals is selected. This option indicates that the goal is added to the employee's goal plan even if the plan has already been approved. In this situation, the goal plan will need to be approved again by going through the defined approval workflow. Goal Plan Templates Goal Assignment Settings
Add Users Link opening the User Selector to choose specific users to include in the approval workflow. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow Editor
Alignment Section that contains goal alignment information, like the goals that are aligned to the current goal and the goals that are aligned to the current employee. This section displays in the employee goal detail page. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Allow Competency Goals Setting that determines if competency goals are to be part of employee goal plans. If so, these goals will be found under the Competencies tab. Competency goals are not enabled by default; however, at least of type of goal needs to be included in goal plan, either employee goals or competency goals, or both. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Allow creating goals by copying from previous goal plans Setting that allows users to create new goals by copying them from previous goal plans. Goal Plan Templates Goal Creation Options
Allow creating goals using the SMART assistant Setting that allows users to create new goals by going through a step-by-step creation assistant. Goal Plan Templates Goal Creation Options
Allow current approver to modify the goal plan under approval This enables the current approver to modify, add, or delete goals for a goal plan that has a status of under approval. This is beneficial in an approval workflow that only has one approver, as requiring the approval process to restart to change some fields will only return the goal plan back to this same approver who initiates the changes. Goal Plan Templates Goal Approval
Allow Employee Goals Setting that determines if employee goals are to be part of employee goal plans. If so, these goals will be found under the Goals tab. Employee goals are not enabled by default; however, at least of type of goal needs to be included in goal plan, either employee goals or competency goals, or both. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Allow employees to align their employee goals to their manager's goals Setting that provides the ability to give employees the permission to align their goals to the goals of their manager. Goal Plan Template Goal Alignment Settings
Allow goal batch assignment to indirect reports Setting that provides the ability to assign goals to indirect reports, that being the direct reports of direct reports. Goal Plan Templates Goal Assignment Settings
Allow manager to assign goals Option that indicates if managers are entitled to create goal plan for their employees by assigning them goals. Goal Plan Templates Goal Assignment Settings
Allow subgoals Setting that indicates whether sub-goals can be created for goals. By default, sub-goals are not allowed. If tasks are to be allowed, it is recommended not to use sub-goals as well as it could be confusing for users to have both. Sub-goals only apply to employee goals. While business goals can be aligned, they cannot have sub-goals. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Allow to align employee goals to business goals of business organizations that are above the employee's business organization level Setting used to give employees the permission to align their goals to the business goals of all business organizations that are above the level of the business organization they belong to. Goal Plan Template Goal Alignment Settings
Allow to align employee goals to business goals of business organizations that are below the employee's business organization level Setting used to give employees the permission to align their goals to the business goals of all business organizations that are below the level of the business organization they belong to. Goal Plan Template Goal Alignment Settings
Allow to align employee goals to employee's business organization goals Setting used to give employees the permission to align their goals to the business goals of business organization they belong to. Goal Plan Template Goal Alignment Settings
Allow to align employee goals to projects Setting used to give employees the permission to align their goals to projects, either their own or those of their manager. Goal Plan Template Goal Alignment Settings
Approval (Days) Number of days provided to the selected approver to perform the goal plan approval once the approval has been requested. By default, one day is provided. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow
Approval Workflow Section that list all selected roles and/or users to be part of the approval workflow for goal plans. In Edit mode, the approvers can be reordered as desired using the up and down arrows. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow
Approver Name Lists the defined roles and/or users responsible for the approval of goal plans, in the applicable order. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow
Assignment Correspondence Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval task is assigned. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow
Available Roles List of all the roles that are available for approving goal plans. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow Editor
Code Code of the goal plan template. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Comments Section that allows employees and managers to enter comments about the goal. Goal comments can also be edited and removed by the user who originally entered the comment. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Competency Goal Configuration Section used to configure how standard and user-defined fields are to be managed for competency goals (displayed, editable, propagated, approved). Goal Plan Templates
Completion Correspondence - Approval Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval process is completed by an approval. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow
Completion Correspondence - Rejection Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval process is completed by a rejection. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow
Completion Correspondence - Termination Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval process is terminated. Goal Plan Templates Approval Workflow
Critical Field that indicates whether the achievement of the goal is critical or not. This field displays in the Specifications section of the goal detail page. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Default Goal Measurement Type Default measurement type used upon goal creation, which can either be Quantitative or Qualitative. The type can later be edited if needed. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Default Task Measurement Type Default measurement type used upon task creation, which can either be Quantitative or Qualitative. The type can later be edited if needed Goal Plan Templates Properties
Description Field that shows the description of the goal plan. This field displays in the Specifications section of the goal detail page. The character limit is 4000. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Displayed Option that indicates whether the field is to be displayed on the goal detail page. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Due Date Field that indicates the date scheduled for the goal to be achieved. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Editable Option that indicates whether the field can be edited by the user or read-only. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Editable Option that indicates whether the field can be edited by the user or read-only. Goal Plan Templates User-defined Fields
Editable Option that indicates whether the field can be edited by the user or read-only Goal Plan Templates User-defined Fields
Employee Goal Configuration Section used to configure how standard and user-defined fields are to be managed for employee goals (displayed, editable, propagated, approved). Goal Plan Templates
Employee Rating Field that provides the ability for an employee to enter a rating for the goal. The employee's rating is visible to the manager, but not editable. This field displays in the Rating section. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
External Identifier Field that provide the ability to define an ID for the goal. When used, it can be leveraged for integrations in order to better support the import of goal information from a third party application or data source. When active, it displays in the Specifications section of the goal detail page. By default, this field is not displayed.

The identifier does not need to be a completely unique value in the system but must however be unique for the employee within a given goal period.

Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Include in Performance Review Field that indicates that the goal will be included in the performance review. This setting is deselected by default for all conditions, meaning that, by default, the field is not displayed on the employee goal detail page. However, when set to be displayed, the Include In Performance Review option is displayed and selected by default, meaning that the goal is automatically included in the employee's performance review when goals are populated from the goal plan. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Instructions Instructions that can be provided to display to users when they manage their goals. Goal Plan Templates Instructions
Language Displays the list of active languages in which the goal plan name and instructions can be created in. Goal Plan Templates Properties, Instructions
Manager Rating Field that provides the ability for a manager to enter a rating for the goal. The manager's rating is not visible to the employee. This field displays in the Rating section. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Measurement Text Entry box that displays in the Measurement section of the employee goal detail page, that contains information about goal measurement. The character limit is 1000. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Measurement Type Option menu links (Show Target Values and Hide Target Values) that display in the Measurement section of the Employee Goal Detail page that lets the user choose whether the goal is measured on a quantitative or qualitative level. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Name Name of a job field to which must correspond an employee for the goal plan template to apply. Goal Plan Templates Job Fields
Name Name of a job level to which must correspond an employee for the goal plan template to apply. Goal Plan Templates Job Levels
Name Name of a location to which must correspond an employee for the goal plan template to apply. Goal Plan Templates Locations
Name Name of an organization to which must correspond an employee for the goal plan template to apply. Goal Plan Templates Organizations
Name Name of the goal plan template. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Name Name of a standard field. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Name Name of a user-defined field added to the goal plan template. To be added, a field must first have been created under User-Defined Fields, as an Employee Goal type field. Goal Plan Templates User-defined Fields
Owner Name of the owner of the goal. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Progress Field that indicates the progression percentage of the goal, based on the actual value over the target value. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Propagated Option that indicates whether the value of the field is to be propagated when the goal is assigned. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Propagated Option that indicates whether the value of the field is to be propagated when the goal is assigned. Goal Plan Templates User-defined Fields
Public Field that indicates whether the goal is public or private. This field displays in the Specifications section of the goal detail page. When set to private, a goal cannot be seen by subordinates and therefore cannot be aligned to. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Rating Model Rating model used to evaluate goals when included in performance reviews. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Requires Approval Option that indicates whether a change to the value of the field requires an approval. When required, the goal plan is set to Not Approved when a change is made. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Requires Approval Option that indicates whether a change to the value of the field requires an approval. When required, the goal plan is set to Not Approved when a change is made. Goal Plan Templates User-defined Fields
SMART Goal Creation Instructions Editing zone provided to enter instructions to display in on each page of the SMART Goal creation assistant. The instructions can take the form of a text or even an hyperlink providing full instructions. Goal Plan Templates Goal Creation Options
Start Date Field that indicates the date when the progression of the goal starts being calculated. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Status Status of the goal plan template, which can be Draft, Active or Inactive. Goal Plan Templates Properties
Status Field that indicates the status of the goal, which can be: Not Started, In Progress, Completed or Canceled. This field displays on the goal detail page as well as on the goal list. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Stretch Value Field that indicates a stretch value for the goal. This field displays in the Measurement section. Therefore, for this field to be displayed, the Measurement section MUST also be displayed. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Sub-competencies Field that indicates if sub-competencies are to be displayed, edited, propagated and populated and if a change of this value will cause the goal plan to require approval. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Sub-competencies Field that indicates is sub-competencies are to be made available in the goal plan, when competency goals are allowed. If set to be displayed, a Sub-competencies section will be shown in the goal detail page. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
System Administrator Goal Field that triggers the display of a notification in the goal detail page when the goal has been created via another application and imported into Performance. When a goal is tagged as a system administrator goal, it is not editable nor deletable in the goal plan, nor can it be assigned to employees by a manager. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Target Value Field that indicates the target value for the quantitative mode, that indicates the level of achievement set for the goal, expressed as a number with or without decimals. Used in combination with the Actual Value, is allows to calculate the Progress percentage. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Task Weight Field that indicates the weight of each task in a goal, when tasks are included. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Tasks Field that indicates if tasks are to be made available in the goal plan, when employee goals are allowed. If set to be displayed, a Tasks section will be shown in the goal detail page. If tasks are used, it is recommended not to allow sub-goals, as to not confuse users. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields
Type Type of the user-defined field. Possible types are: Text, Boolean, Date and TimeZone, Date, Multilingual Text, Numerical and Text. Goal Plan Templates User-defined Fields
UI Component Value that indicates the type of input, which can be: Text Input, Check Box, Date Input or Numerical Input, List, Check Box List. Goal Plan Templates User-defined Fields
Weight Field that indicates the weight of the goal in relation to the other goals. Weights can be carried over to the performance review when goals are copied from the plan to the review. This field displays in the Rating section. Goal Plan Templates Standard Fields