3Organizational Structure Administration

Organizational Structure Administration

Working with OLFs

Fundamental Data Structure: Organization-Location-Job Field (OLF)

The data structure enables each customer to customize Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products such that they reflect how the customer does business. Each customer's organization is defined as a combination of three main elements: Organizations, Locations, Job Fields (OLF). OLF is also referred to as contextualization.

Organization describes the hierarchical structure of an organization. Up to 20 organization levels can be created. The system proposes the following organization structure, but other terms may be chosen to better reflect the hierarchical structure of a company:

  • Company

  • Sector

  • Department

  • Division

Location represents a geographical area, such as a country or state. Locations are listed in a hierarchical order, from the broadest geographical area (often a country) to increasingly specific areas (work location). Up to 5 location levels can be created. Locations must be associated to network locations used for various purposes, mainly integration with external systems, using a common and standard universal structure. Oracle strongly recommends defining a zip code for the location. A common location structure is:

  • Country

  • State/Province

  • Region

  • City

  • Work Location

Worker locations can be mapped to the Location structure. The worker location is used as an employee (post-hire) function whereas the location (in OLF) is meant for recruiting purposes. For example, a location could be 100 Main Street and a worker location could be "Sector 44" or "Cubicle A". Worker locations are not created in Configuration. Worker locations are typically imported from an external HRMS system. Once worker locations are imported, worker locations can be mapped to the Location structure via Integration or by the system administrator in Configuration. Any Location element can be given the Worker Location and the Worker Location Address properties. System administrators can then configure worker locations to appear in requisitions, offers, correspondences, requisitions lists, and candidates lists just like any other fields. For details, see Worker Location.

Job Field represents the employment sectors or domains. Up to 4 job field levels can be created. Job fields must also be mapped to the network job fields, again to have a common language with the external world, be for posting or integrations. This mapping also serves to inherit existing classification for competencies. The system proposes the following job field structure, but other terms may be chosen to better reflect the structure of a company:

  • Category

  • Function

  • Specialty

Contextualization, that is the Organization-Location-Job Field structure associated to an element, represents the framework the application uses to organize, classify, link, match or search for information in the application. Although Organization-Location-Job Field structures are configured with the help of an Oracle representative during the implementation phase, modifications to structure elements can be done in maintenance mode at any time. It is possible to customize the system to reflect a company's unique structure and make modifications to Organization-Location-Job field elements in real time so that the data accounts for any changes in the structure.

There are several key elements of the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products that are tied to the Organization-Location-Job field structure such as candidate selection workflows, requisitions and requisition templates, message templates, user management, prescreening, approvals, etc.

The purpose of contextualizing an element is to make the element relevant according to a specific context. Below is an example of contextualization with candidate selection workflows. The CSW1 would not be available to the user for this requisition, because the last level of its Location does not match that of the requisition. The CSW2 could be available to the user for this requisition. The parent element of the lowest level of the requisition for each dimension (Organization, Location or Field) must be the same as the lowest level of the workflow for each dimension.



  • Organization: Urban transportation

  • Location: United States/California/Los Angeles

  • Job Field: Bus driver


  • Organization: Urban transportation

  • Location: United States/California/San Jose

  • Job Field: Bus driver


  • Organization: Urban transportation

  • Location: United States

  • Job Field: Bus driver

When using contextualization, the system applies the AND operator between Organizations, Locations and Job Fields entities. However, the OR operator is applied between elements of the same entity.

In the following example, a field would be displayed if Canada (or any of its children) AND Architecture were selected.

  • Location: Canada

  • Job Field: Architecture

In the following example, a field would be displayed if Canada AND Architecture were selected, or if United States AND Architecture were selected.
  • Location: Canada

  • Location: United States

  • Job Field: Architecture


Mapping is essential to the Organization, Location, and Job Field (OLF) concept because it allows the creation of an association between a custom element and a standard element from an external system.

Through mapping, it is possible to organize and exchange data between two or more systems in a compatible format. Mapping locations, for example, helps the application to communicate location information to job boards when posting a requisition. The two systems agree that the data structure location will represent a geographical place such as a country, a state or a city. The systems are then able to swap information based on a mutually comprehensible data exchange agreement.

Structure Management

The Structure Editor lets you create and delete organization, location, and job field levels according to your organization's needs. The structure that you establish in the Structure Editor will form the basis of the Organizations, Locations, and Job Fields throughout the application.

OLF Location Geocoding

When the OLF Location element is created or edited and the ZIP code is provided, the Location element is automatically geocoded.

The latitude and longitude is populated for the created or edited location element when done in the SmartOrg UI or by integration.

Creating the Organization-Location-Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Structure Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click Create to add levels.

  4. Enter a description for each level.

  5. Translate the description into every supported content language.

  6. In the Displayed column, select the levels that you want to display to the user.

    For organizations and job fields, the levels must be displayed in sequence. For example, you can choose to display levels 1 to 3 and not 4, but you cannot display 1, 2, 4, but not 3.

  7. Click Save.

Adding a Level to the Organization-Location-Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Structure Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click Create to add levels.

  4. Enter a description for each level.

  5. Translate the description into every supported content language.

  6. In the Displayed column, select the levels that you want to display to the user.

    The levels must be displayed in sequence. For example, you can choose to display levels 1 to 3 and not 4, but you cannot display 1, 2, 4, but not 3.

  7. Click Save.

Editing a Level in the Organization-Location-Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

To edit the description of a level, the system must be in maintenance mode.

To edit which levels are displayed, the system must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Structure Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Make required changes.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting a Level in the Organization-Location-Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

If you want to delete a level in the Organization structure, you must first move elements that are attached to it to another level. You cannot delete levels if elements are linked to the level.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Structure Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click Delete next to the desired level.

Element Management

The Element Management feature allows a system administrator to view the properties of the Organizations-Locations-Job Fields structure and to manage their children.

Creating an Element for the Organization-Location-Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Entering a sequence number will overwrite the default alphabetical sequencing available in the system.

For an element to be active, all of its parents must be active. If not, the Active (Pending) status will appear in the Status column.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Element Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. Click Create next to Children.

  3. Complete the fields.

  4. Click Save.

Editing an Element in the Organization-Location-Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Element Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. Click Edit in the Actions column.

  3. Make the required changes.

  4. Click Save.

Moving an Element in the Organization-Location-Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration

  1. Click Element Management under Organizations.

  2. In the list of Children, select the element that you want to move.

  3. Click Move.

  4. Specify under which organization you want to move the selected element.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting an Element

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Element Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. In the list of Children, select the desired element.

  3. Click Delete.

    If the organization, location or job field that you want to delete has elements, you must reassign the elements to another organization, location or job field. Click OK in the message box. When the selector opens, you can reassign the elements by selecting a new organization, location or job field. All the elements (templates, requisitions and candidates) associated to the organization, location or job field are now reassigned to the organization, location or job field selected above.

Adding an Element to the Location or Job Field Structure

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

The application must be in implementation mode or maintenance mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Element Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. Click Add next to Children.

  3. Select the desired element.

  4. Click Select.

Element Deactivation

Over time, Taleo clients might need to deactivate or reactivate certain Organization-Location-Job Field elements in SmartOrg to ensure that the foundation data structure reflects changes to their business process structure.

Reports mention whether the status of an Organization-Location-Job Field element is Active or Inactive. In addition, if you deactivate Organization-Location-Job Field elements, they are no longer displayed in the Recruiting Center but if elements or users are part of requisitions, templates, questions, tasks, candidates, etc. and the elements or users are deactivated afterward, that information is retained for reporting purposes.

If a parent Organization, Location, or Job Field element is deactivated or reactivated, all child elements are updated to have the same state as the parent element.

If an Organization-Location-Job Field element is part of a record (e.g., requisition or candidate file) and the element is deactivated, the system continues to display the element in the record. The Organization-Location-Job Field element is not displayed, however, in Organization-Location-Job Field selectors (e.g., Location Selector) if a user creates a new record or edits an existing one. Recruiting Center users can delete a deactivated Organization-Location-Job Field element from an existing record.

Deactivation is available via Taleo Connect Client (TCC). This can be done by changing the status of the Organization-Location-Job Field element.

Deactivating an Organization, Location or Job Field Element

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

Before you deactivate an Organization-Location-Job Field element, you should carefully review all associated objects (that is, requisitions, message templates, agencies, etc.) and assign a different Organization-Location-Job Field element to each object if necessary.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Element Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. If the element you want to deactivate is displayed in the list of Children, click the corresponding Deactivate in the Actions list.

    • If the element is at a lower level, you can drill down to the appropriate level by clicking the element description in the Description list and then click the corresponding Deactivate.

  3. Click OK.

Deactivating an Organization, Location or Job Field Element While Displayed

The Manage Foundation Data user type permission is required.

Before you deactivate an Organization-Location-Job Field element, you should carefully review all associated objects (that is, requisitions, message templates, agencies, etc.) and assign a different Organization-Location-Job Field element to each object if necessary.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
  1. Click Element Management under Organizations, Locations or Job Fields.

  2. If the element you want to deactivate is displayed in the list of Children, click the corresponding the element description in the Description list.

  3. Click Deactivate next to the element description near the top of the following page.

  4. Click OK.

Organization-Location-Job Field Behavior of Deactivated Elements



Organization-Location-Job Field behavior if element is deactivated




Not displayed



Not displayed



Not displayed

Agency - generate new posting


Not displayed

PDF Form

Any future object configuration such as PDF Forms or Screening Services with Organization-Location-Job Field context


Not displayed

Any future object such as PDF Forms or Screening Services with Organization-Location-Job Field context


Not displayed

Any future object such as PDF Forms or Screening Services with Organization-Location-Job Field context


Not displayed

Automated Tasks for defined Organization-Location-Job Field contexts

Automated Tasks for defined Organization-Location-Job Field contexts


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Automated Tasks for defined Organization-Location-Job Field contexts


Displayed if current/historic data selected (to allow re-saving and viewing without affecting data integrity)

Automated Tasks for defined Organization-Location-Job Field contexts


Not displayed

Candidate File

Candidate File


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Candidate File


Displayed if current/historic data selected (to allow re-saving and viewing without affecting data integrity)

Candidate File


Not displayed

Candidate Search - New search Organization-Location-Job Field preferences

Candidate Search - New search Organization-Location-Job Field preferences


Not displayed

Candidate Search - Run saved search with Organization-Location-Job Field preferences


Not displayed

Candidate Search - Run saved search with Organization-Location-Job Field preferences


Not displayed

Candidate Search - Run saved search with Organization-Location-Job Field preferences


Not displayed

Career Sections Organization-Location-Job Field

Career Sections Organization-Location-Job Field association


Not displayed

Career Sections Organization-Location-Job Field association


Not displayed

Career Sections Organization-Location-Job Field association


Not displayed

Career Sections URL

Career Sections URL



Career Sections URL



Career Sections URL


Not displayed


Correspondence in Administration menu


Not displayed

Correspondence in Administration menu


Not displayed

Correspondence in Administration menu


Not displayed

Disqualification Questions

Disqualification Library


Not displayed

Disqualification Library


Not displayed

Diversity Forms


Not displayed

Large User Defined Selections (LUDS)



Not displayed



Displayed if current/historic data selected (to allow re-saving and viewing without affecting data integrity)



Not displayed

Offer Data

Offer Data


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Offer Data


Displayed if current/historic data selected (to allow re-saving and viewing without affecting data integrity)

Offer Data


Displayed if current/historic data selected (to allow re-saving and viewing without affecting data integrity)

Prescreening Questions

Prescreening Library


Not displayed

Prescreening Library


Not displayed

Prescreening Library


Not displayed

Privacy Agreements

Privacy agreements configuration


Not displayed

Privacy agreements configuration


Not displayed

Privacy agreements configuration


Not displayed


Reporting - Running Reports


Indicated as "inactivated" in the listing


Requisition file data


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Requisition file data


Displayed if current/historic data selected (to allow re-saving and viewing without affecting data integrity)

Requisition file data


Not displayed

Requisition tree view in Recruiting


Not displayed

Requisition filter by Manager or Recruiter


Not displayed

Requisition Templates

Requisition Templates


Indicated as "inactivated" in the listing

Requisition Templates


Not displayed

Requisition Templates


Not displayed

Automated Tasks

Run automated tasks for defined Organization-Location-Job Field contexts


Displayed to support historic data integrity

SmartOrg - Organization-Location-Job Field

SmartOrg - Organization-Location-Job Field


Invalid; system doesn't allow

SmartOrg - Organization-Location-Job Field


Not displayed

SmartOrg - Organization-Location-Job Field


Not displayed

SmartOrg - User

SmartOrg - User Admin


Invalid; system doesn't allow

SmartOrg - User Admin


Not displayed

SmartOrg - User Admin


Not displayed


Source.Tracking config/admin


Not displayed

Source.Tracking config/admin


Not displayed

Source.Tracking config/admin


Not displayed

User Groups

User Groups


Indicated as "inactivated" in the listing

User Groups


Not displayed

User Groups


Not displayed

User Groups - access to candidate/requisition data per segmentation rules


Indicated as "inactivated" in the listing










Not displayed

Work Locations

Work Locations


Indicated as "inactivated" in the list

Work Locations


Not displayed

Work Locations


Not displayed

Performance Flex GUI - Employee

Performance Flex GUI - Employee


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Performance Flex GUI - Employee


Not displayed

Performance Flex GUI - Employee



Performance Flex GUI - Position

Performance Flex GUI - Position


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Performance Flex GUI - Position


Not displayed

Performance Flex GUI - Position


Not displayed

Performance Flex GUI – Job Role (Career)

Performance Flex GUI - Job Role (Career)


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Performance Flex GUI – Job Role (Career)


Not displayed

Performance Flex GUI – Job Role (Career)


Not displayed

Performance Flex GUI – Business Organization

Performance Flex GUI – Business Organization


Displayed to support historic data integrity

Performance Flex GUI – Business Organization


Not displayed

Performance Flex GUI – Business Organization


Not displayed

Working with Business Organizations

Business Organization Structure Management

The Business Organizations section in the SmartOrg page is only available to customers who have purchased Performance.

Creating Levels in the Business Organization Structure

A maximum of three levels can be created.

The description must be translated into every supported content language.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Structure Management

  1. Click Edit.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Complete the required fields.

  4. Click Save.

Editing the Business Organization Structure

The application must be in Maintenance Mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Structure Management

  1. Click Edit.

  2. Make the required changes.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting a Business Organization Level

The application must be in Maintenance Mode.

If elements are associated to a level, the level cannot be deleted

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Structure Management

  1. Click Edit.

  2. Click Delete in the Actions column.

  3. Click Save.

Business Organization Element Management

The Element Management feature allows you to view the properties of the business organizations and to manage their children.

Editing a Business Organization Element

The application must be in Maintenance Mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Element Management

  1. Click Edit in the Actions column.

  2. Make the required changes.

  3. Click Save.

Creating a Child for the Business Organization

The application must be in Maintenance Mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Element Management

  1. Click Create.

  2. Complete the New Business Organization page.

  3. Click Save.

The child is added to the list of children.

Moving a Child to Another Business Organization

The application must be in Maintenance Mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Element Management

  1. Click Move in the Actions column of the child you want to move.

  2. Specify under which business organization you wish to move the selected element.

  3. Click Save.

Activating a Child

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Element Management

  1. Click Activate in the Actions column of the child you want to activate.

  2. Click OK.

The status of the child changes to Active.

Editing a Child

The application must be in Maintenance Mode.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Element Management

  1. Click Edit in the Actions column of the child you want to edit.

  2. Make the required changes.

  3. Click Save.

Deactivating a Child

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Element Management

  1. Click Deactivate in the Actions column of the child you want to deactivate.

  2. Click OK.

The status of the child changes to Inactive.

Deleting a Child

The application must be in Maintenance Mode.

Elements with children cannot be deleted.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Business Organizations > Element Management

  1. Click Delete in the Actions column of the child you want to delete.

  2. Click OK.