4Competency Administration

Competency Administration

Working with Competencies


A competency is a knowledge, skill or ability.

Competencies are contained in the Taleo competencies list, and are configured for use in Performance. Taleo competencies can be mapped to job roles and ratings criteria used in performance reviews and succession planning. There are three types of competencies in the Taleo competencies list.

  • Job skills

  • Language skills

  • Behavioral competencies

By default each competency is associated with one of those three types, however, there will be instances where the Taleo default settings do not completely align with how an organization views a competency. In this instance you can override the default competency type association with one of the other types.

A competency can be assessed across one or more dimensions (for example, Last Used, Experience). A separate scale of values is associated with each dimension.

You can add custom competencies not included in the Taleo standard competencies list. This is made possible by your default provider code (CUSTOMER_PROVIDER). For more information see Custom Competency Management.

It is also possible to use competencies provided by another vendor. For more information see Third Party Competency Support.

To edit and activate a competency for use in your organization, it is recommended that you perform the following tasks in the order they appear here:

  1. Create and activate your rating models.

  2. Create and activate your competency contexts.

  3. Create and activate your competency definition context.

  4. Create and activate competency groups and categories and associate them to competencies to provide users with various refining options.

  5. Edit and activate a competency.

  6. Create a guidance plan for the competency.

Detailed instructions for each of these tasks are documented in separate sections.

Editing a Competency

You edit a competency when you want to: modify its alias, description or type; add, change or remove its contextual definitions, competency contexts or sub-competencies; change the competency's rating model (provided the rating model has never been used in any performance review, job role, job profile classification or position).

To edit competency information, the status of the competency must be Draft or Inactive.

If you want to create a new competency definition and add a competency definition context, you must create the latter prior to adding it to a definition. See Creating a Competency Definition Context.

If you want to add a competency context, you must create it prior to adding it to a competency.

If you want to assign a new rating model, you must create it prior to adding it to a competency. New rating models may not be added to competencies that have been used in a review with a prior rating model. See Creating a Rating Model.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies
  1. In the Competency Management page, click the name of the competency you want to edit. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. If the status of the competency is Active, in the Actions column, click the corresponding Deactivate to make the information editable.

  3. Select the language in which you want to make the modifications.

  4. You can perform any of the following actions.

    • To change the competency's alias, description or competency type, click Edit next to Properties and make your changes in the Competency Editor page.

    • To make changes to the competency's definitions, click Create next to Definitions to create a new definition or click Edit next to an existing definition to modify the latter.

    • To make changes to the competency's contexts, click Add next to Competency Contexts to add a new context or click Delete next to an existing context to remove it from the list of contexts.

    • To assign a different rating model to the competency, click Edit next to Rating Model to select a new rating model. This change will be possible only if the current rating model has never been used in a performance review, job role, job profile classification or position.

    • To make changes to the competency's sub-competencies, click Create next to Sub-Competencies to create new sub-competencies, Reorder next to Sub-Competencies to reorder the current sub-competencies, or Edit next to an existing sub-competency to modify the latter's name.

  5. To make the competency available for selection when adding to reviews or job profiles, click Activate next to the competency's name. Alternatively, you can leave the status as Draft (the competency will remain unavailable for selection) and activate the competency at a later time.

The Competency page automatically displays all your changes.

Adding a Context-Specific Definition to a Competency

A competency might need to be defined differently for different SmartOrg elements in your organization. You can create multiple competency definitions for a single competency and assign each one to a specific Foundation Data element in SmartOrg.

If you plan to assign a competency definition context to a competency definition, you have to first create the context and activate it in separate operations. See Creating a Competency Definition Context and Activating a Competency Definition Context.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies
  1. In the Competency Management page, locate the competency you want to edit and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. Click Create next to Definitions.

  3. In the Competency Definition field, enter the definition you want the system to display to the employees of a specific SmartOrg element in your organization.

  4. Click Search next to the Competency Definition Context field, click the radio button next to the context you want to select and then click Select.

  5. Click Save.

The definition is displayed in the Definitions section of the Competency Editor page.

You can add a competency context to the competency if you want.

Editing a Competency's Definition

You can create, edit or delete any context-specific definition associated with a competency.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies

  1. In the Competency Management page, locate the competency you want to edit and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. If the status of the competency is “Draft” or “Inactive”, proceed immediately to the next step. If you have already activated the competency (its status is “Active”), click Deactivate next to the name of the competency or next to the language list.

  3. To add a context-specific definition, click Create in the Definitions section, enter a definition and a context, and then click Save. Repeat this step for each definition and context you want to add.

  4. To edit a definition or context, click the corresponding Edit in the Actions column of the Definitions section, enter your changes and then click Save.

  5. To delete a definition, click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column of the Definitions section and then click Yes to confirm the action.

  6. If you deactivated the competency earlier and have no other changes to make, click Activate to make the competency available to employees for selection. If the current status is “Inactive” and you want to make other changes, for example, modify the competency contexts, make all the changes before clicking Activate.

The changes you made are reflected in the information displayed on the Competency Editor page.

If you have not already done so, you should activate the competency.

Activating a Competency

Activating a competency makes the competency available to employees so they can add it to their talent profile, and to managers so they can add it to performance reviews. All competencies have “Draft” status by default and are therefore unavailable to employees and managers.

Ensure that the following steps (if applicable to the competency) are completed and that all the information is correct before you activate a competency. If competency is activated and it contains a rating model, the latter can only be changed later if it has not been included in performance reviews, job roles, job profile classifications and positions.

  • Edit the competency's properties and description.

  • Add context-specific definitions if desired.

  • Add competency contexts if desired.

  • Add a rating model if desired.

  • Add sub-competencies if desired.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies

  1. On the Competency Management page, locate the competency you want to activate. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. In the Actions column, click the corresponding Activate.

On the Competency Management page, in the Competencies list, Active is displayed in the Status column and Activate is no longer displayed in the Actions column.

The competency can no longer be edited or deleted.

Employees can now view and add the competency provided they are part of one of the Foundation Data elements (in SmartOrg) specified in the Competency Contexts section of the competency. If no Foundation Data elements are specified, the competency can be viewed and selected by all employees.

The competency is available for use in job roles, positions and performance reviews.

You can create a guidance plan for the competency if you want.

Third Party Vendor Competency Support

While Taleo provides a robust and comprehensive competencies library with each implementation, customers may use also choose to use their own competencies or those they obtain from third-party providers as well.

This provides customers the ability to choose from a wide range of competency options for their users.

Note: Third party integration with competency library providers DDI and PDI, through Service Activation Request with Taleo Support, is no longer supported as of Feature Pack 12B.

System administrators can import competencies using Taleo Connect Client (TCC) integration. They can also use the Configuration module to configure individual competencies within the library to be displayed. On the Competency Management page, the Provider column indicates whether the competency is provided by Taleo or the customer. When customers import or configure their own content they have obtained from a partner, it is seen as coming from the customer as the provider, not the partner.

In a system with multiple sources, when viewing the competencies for an employee in their talent profile, you can mouse over the name of the competency to see the name of the provider and competency. If a description is included with the competency, then an info bubble is available including the vendor name, competency name and description. This provides a simple way for you to identify the source of the competency.

Custom Competency Management

As of Feature Pack 13B, customers can now manage their custom competency library as a self service, either directly in the SmartOrg UI or through Taleo Connect Client (TCC) integration. Service requests are no longer necessary.

An active custom provider code (CUSTOMER_PROVIDER) is delivered, which allows your organization to create custom competencies in SmartOrg (Navigation: Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Providers > [Competency Provider Management]). It is active by default. Foundation Data Management permission is required for a user to manage custom competencies in SmartOrg.

The competency library provides the ability to filter competencies by provider. On the Competency Management page, in Refine By select Competency Provider, and choose the custom provider to display custom competencies only (Navigation: Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies > [Competency Management]).

When Creating a new competency at least a code, a name, and a rating model must be provided.

Once the custom competency is created, the competency can be used the same as other Taleo standard competencies. You can assign the following attributes:

  • Contextual competency definitions

  • Rating model

  • Competency contexts

  • Categories & Groups

  • Sub competencies

  • Network Locations (new!)

Competency Fields

All fields related to Competencies are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes a field or button, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Actions Actions that you can currently perform. For example, if a competency has Draft status, the Actions column typically has an Activate icon you can click to activate the competency. Competencies
Activate You click Activate when you want to change an item's status from Draft to Active. While a competency, rating model, etc. has Draft status, it can be edited but it is unavailable to users. After the status is changed from Draft to Active, a competency, rating model, etc. is available but the item can no longer be edited or deleted. Competencies
Add You click Add to add an instance of an item (for example, if you want to add a competency context to a competency). Competencies
Alias You can assign an alias to a competency. An alias enables you to provide a term for a competency that is better suited to your organization's needs. Competencies Properties
By The person or group who initiated the event. Competencies
Cancel If you don't want to save the changes you've made on the current page, click Cancel. The system typically displays the previous page. Competencies
Code A unique code associated with an item. Competencies Properties
Competency Category Competency categories associated with the competency. A competency can be associated with multiple categories. Categories must have been created and activated to be available for selection. Categories provide filtering options when searching for competencies. Competencies Competency Categories
Competency Context Uses SmartOrg elements to limit who can view a specific competency and add it to a talent profile. Competencies Competency Context
Competency Definition Context The context-specific definition is only displayed to employees who are part of the SmartOrg element specified in this field. Competencies Definitions
Competency Group Group to which the competency is associated. Groups must have been created and activated to be available for selection. Groups provide filtering options when searching for competencies. Competencies Properties
Competency Type The competency types are: Behavioral, Job-specific and Language. This option is used to override the default competency type. Competencies Properties
Create To create an instance of an item, click Create. Competencies
Date and Time The date and time that an event occurred regarding a competency. For example, the date and time when a sub-competency was added. Competencies
Default Competency Type The default competency type is a static value and serves as a reference if the type is changed. Competencies Properties
Definitions The definition that is displayed to users who are part of a particular SmartOrg element. Competencies Definitions
Delete To remove an item, click Delete. This action cannot typically be undone afterward. Competencies
Description The competency description that is displayed if no definitions are configured in the Definitions section. Competencies Properties
Details Additional information about an event that occurred regarding a competency. Competencies
Edit If you want to edit information and the item (competency, rating model, etc.) is in Draft status, you can click Edit. Competencies
Event An action that was performed regarding a competency. For example, if you add a sub-competency, the event is logged in the History section. Competencies
Hide If you don't want to view the information in a particular section, you click the corresponding Hide. Competencies
History This section displays a listing of all events that have occurred regarding an item. For example, the date and time when a competency definition was added to a competency. The History section also indicates the name of the event, a short description and the name of the person or group who initiated the event. Competencies
Internal Code Alternate code assigned to the competency. Competencies Properties
Language Presents a pull-down menu from which you can select one of the activated languages to view the page information in that specific language. Competencies
More To see additional information, click More. Competencies
Name The name of the item (competency, rating model, etc.). Competencies Properties
Organizations The organization with which the definition is associated. Competencies
Provider The source of the competency. By default Taleo's competency library is included with each implementation, but customers may also use their own competencies as well as those obtained from third party providers. Competencies Properties
Rating Model (Code and Name) All competencies cannot be measured using the same metrics. Rating Model (Code and Name) displays the name of the rating model used to evaluate the competency. Competencies Rating Models
Refine by You can limit the items displayed in a list to those that correspond to a criterion. Competencies
Refresh If you change a value in a field that has a Refresh icon next to it and then click Refresh, information on the page is updated to reflect the change. Competencies
Save To save your changes, click Save. Competencies
Search If Search is next to a field, you can click Search and the system will display all of the choices available for that field Competencies
Select After making selections in a list, you click Select to confirm your selections. Competencies
Status The status of the item (competency, rating model, etc.). If the competency has Draft status, it can be edited. If it has Active status, it has been activated for use in the system and it can no longer be edited. Competencies Properties
Sub-competencies The list of sub-competencies, which are subsets or components of the competency. Competencies

Working with Competency Groups

Competency Group

Competency groups provide the ability to classify competencies to ease filtering.

Competency groups provide an additional way of organizing competencies. Competencies groups can be defined by clients and associated to competencies. Groups are used for filtering and display purposes. It is not mandatory to assign a group to a competency and if no group is associated to a competency, the default Other Competencies group is used.

A competency can be associated to only one group.

Once created and activated, a competency group can be assigned to a competency. The competency group is selected when defining or editing the properties of a competency.

Competency groups are also used in Talent Profile as there is setting that offers the choice of displaying competencies by groups or types. When the display by group is selected, all competencies will show according to their associated group, or under the Other Competencies section for those not associated to a specific group.

When searching for a competency, the competency selector offers a filter by group, to show only competencies of the selected group, therefore reducing the number of results and facilitating selection.


For the competency selector to offer filtering options by group, the groups must first be defined and activated by the administrator via Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Groups. Once defined, a specific group can be set for a given competency via Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies.

Location Description
Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Groups To define and edit available competency groups.

Setting Description Location
Talent Profile Competency Grouping This setting provides the ability to determine how competencies are to be presented in the Talent Profile, that is either by type or by group Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings where Category = Global Settings

Creating a Competency Group

Creating a competency group provides the ability to define the properties of the groups that will be used to classify competencies.

The user must have administration permissions and access to competency management.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Groups
  1. In the Competency Group Management page, click Create next to Competency Groups.

  2. In the New Competency Group page, provide a unique code and name for the group and enter a description as needed.

  3. Click Save.

    If more than one language has been configured, you will need to provide a name for all configured languages and save each one individually.

The system creates a new competency group for the language currently in context, that is for the base language, and for all other active languages.

For the newly created competency group to be available for selection when you want to assign a competency group to a competency, you need to activate the competency group.

Associating a Group to a Competency

This task allows the user to associate a group to a specific competency in order to classify competencies.

The user must have administration permissions and access to competency management.

The competency must be in a draft or inactive status to be edited, and to assign a competency group.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies
  1. In the Competency Management page, click the name of the competency to which you want to assign a competency group.

  2. In the Competency page, click Edit next to Properties.

    If the Edit link is not available, this means that the competency is active and cannot be edited; to make a change, you will first need to deactivate the competency.

  3. In the Competency Editor page, click Search next to the Competency Group field.

  4. Make your choice inn the Competency Selector page and click Select.

  5. Click Save to register your change.

  6. If the competency was previously active and you deactivated it, make sure to activate it again.

The selected competency group will be associated to the competency.

Deleting a Competency Group

Deleting a competency group removes the group from the list of competency groups.

The user must have administration permissions and access to competency management.

If the competency group is associated to a competency, whether active or inactive, deletion will not be permitted.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Groups
  1. In the Competency Group Management page, locate the competency group to delete and click Delete under Actions.

  2. Confirm the deletion.

If the competency group is not associated to any competency, the deletion will be done. However, if the competency group is associated to any competency in the system, a message informs you that the operation is not possible.

Competency Group Fields

The following table presents a list of all fields related to competency groups in Performance Administration. Each entry in the table includes the field name, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's section header.

UI Element Description Applicable to Header
Code Unique code assigned to the competency group. Competency Groups Properties
Name Name of the competency group. Competency Groups Properties
Description Description of the competency group. Competency Groups Properties
Status Status of the competency group, which can be Draft, Active or Inactive. Only active competency groups will be available as filters when searching for competencies. Competency Groups Properties

Working with Competency Categories

Competency Category

Competency categories provide an additional way of classifying competencies, therefore facilitating competency search.

Competency categories provide a new way of organizing competencies. The available categories are configurable and defined by the client. When required, a competency can be associated with one or more categories. The classification of competencies by categories is only used for searching and filtering purposes and is only available in Performance.

A competency can be associated to multiple categories.

When searching for a competency, the competency selector offers a filter by category, to show only competencies of the selected category, therefore reducing the number of results and facilitating selection.


For the competency selector to offer filtering options by category, the categories must first be defined and activated by the administrator via Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Categories. Then, competencies can be added to the desired categories.

Location Description
Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Categories To define and edit available competency categories.

Creating a Competency Category

Creating a competency category provides the ability to define the properties of categories to assigned competencies to.

The user must have administration permissions and access to competency management.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Categories
  1. In the Competency Category Management page, click Create next to Competency Categories.

  2. In the New Competency Category page, provide a unique code and name for the category and enter a description as needed.

  3. Click Save.

    If more than one language has been configured, you will need to provide a name for all configured languages and save each one individually.

  4. Add the desired competencies to the category by clicking Add next to Competencies.

The system creates a new competency category for the language currently in context, that is for the base language, and for all other active languages.

For the newly created competency category to be available for selection when you want to assign a competency category to a competency, you need to activate the competency category.

Associating a Category to a Competency

This task allows the user to associate one or multiple categories to a specific competency in order to classify competencies and then provide the ability to filter competencies by category when users are searching for a competency.

The user must have administration permissions and access to competency management.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Categories
  1. In the Competency Category Management page, click the name of the competency category to which you want to add a or multiple competencies.

  2. In the Competency Category page, click Add next to Competencies.

  3. In the Competency Selector page, select the competencies you want to associate to the competency category.

  4. Click Select.

The selected competencies will be associated to the competency category.

Associating a Competency to a Category

This task allows the user to associate one or multiple competencies to a competency category.

The user must have administration permissions and access to competency management.

The competency must be in a draft or inactive status to be edited, and to assign a competency group.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies
  1. In the Competency Management page, click the name of the competency to which you want to assign a competency group.

  2. In the Competency page, click Edit next to Properties.

    If the Edit link is not available, this means that the competency is active and cannot be edited; to make a change, you will first need to deactivate the competency.

  3. In the Competency Editor page, click Search next to the Competency Group field.

  4. Make your choice inn the Competency Selector page and click Select.

  5. Click Save to register your change.

  6. If the competency was previously active and you deactivated it, make sure to activate it again.

The selected competency group will be associated to the competency.

Deleting a Competency Category

Deleting a competency category removes the category from the list of competency categories.

The user must have administration permissions and access to competency management.

If the competency category is associated to a competency, whether active or inactive, deletion will not be permitted.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Categories
  1. In the Competency Category Management page, locate the competency category to delete and click Delete under Actions.

  2. Confirm the deletion.

If the competency category is not associated to any competency, the deletion will be done. However, if the competency category is associated to any competency in the system, a message informs you that the operation is not possible.

Competency Category Fields

The following table presents a list of all fields related to competency categories in Performance Administration. Each entry in the table includes the field name, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's section header.

UI Element Description Applicable to Header
Code Unique code assigned to the competency category. Competency Categories Properties
Name Name of the competency category. Competency Categories Properties
Description Description of the competency category. Competency Categories Properties
Status Status of the competency category, which can be Draft, Active or Inactive. Only active competency categories will be available as filters when searching for competencies. Competency Categories Properties

Working with Sub-Competencies


A sub-competency is a specific facet of a competency.

If an organization considers a particular competency to be composed of constituent elements, the latter are called sub-competencies in Performance.

For example, an organization might decide that written communication, verbal communication and non-verbal communication are sub-competencies of the behavioral competency “communication”.

Adding a Sub-Competency to a Competency

A sub-competency, a subset of a competency, improves the manager's understanding of a competency by providing more context. The following steps show how to create a sub-competency and add it to a competency.

A sub-competency can only be added if the competency has “Draft” status. If you have activated the concept, sub-competencies can no longer be added, edited or deleted.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies
  1. In the Competency Management page, navigate to the competency you want to edit and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. Click Edit next Sub-competencies.

  3. In the Competency Editor page, click Create.

  4. Enter the name you want to assign to the sub-competency in the Sub-competency Name field and then click OK.

  5. Create the other sub-competencies in a similar manner and then click the arrow keys to reorder sub-competencies if necessary.

  6. Click Save.

The sub-competencies are displayed on the Competency Editor page in the Sub-competencies section.

You can edit the sub-competency or you can activate the competency if you are sure that all the information is correct and complete.

Editing a Sub-Competency

The following steps show how to edit a sub-competency.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies

  1. In the Competency Management page, navigate to the competency you want to edit and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. If the status of the competency is “Draft” or “Inactive”, proceed immediately to the next step. If you have already activated the competency (its status is “Active”), click Deactivate next to the name of the competency or the language list.

  3. Click Edit next to Sub-competencies.

  4. In the Competency Editor page, you can perform four types of edits.

    • You can click Create, enter the name of a new sub-competency in the Sub-competency Name field, and then click OK.

    • You can click a sub-competency, click Edit and then enter a new name in the Sub-competency Name field, and then click OK.

    • You can click a sub-competency and then click Delete to delete it.

    • You can click a sub-competency and then click the arrow keys to change the sub-competency's position relative to the others.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If you deactivated the competency earlier and have no other changes to make, click Activate to make the competency available to employees for selection. If the current status is “Inactive” and you want to make other changes, for example, modify the competency contexts, make all the changes before clicking Activate.

On the Competency Editor page, your changes are displayed in the Sub-competencies section.

You can activate the competency if you want to make it available to your users.

Deleting a Sub-Competency

A sub-competency can only be deleted if the competency has “Draft” status. If you have activated the competency, sub-competencies can no longer be created, edited or deleted.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies
  1. In the Competency Management page, navigate to the competency you want to edit and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. Click Edit next to Sub-competencies.

  3. In the Competency Editor page, you can click a sub-competency and then click Delete to delete it.

  4. Click Save.

On the Competency Editor page, the sub-competency is no longer displayed in the Sub-competencies section.

Sub-Competency Fields and Buttons

All fields related to sub-competencies are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes a field or button, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Cancel If you don't want to save the changes you've made on the current page, click Cancel. The system typically displays the previous page. Competency Editor page
Create To create an instance of an item, click Create.

Competency Editor page

Delete To remove an item, click Delete. This action cannot typically be undone afterward. Competency Editor page
Edit If you want to edit information and the competency is in Draft status, you can click Edit.

Competency Editor page

Language Presents a pull-down menu from which you can select one of the activated languages to view the page information in that specific language.

Competency Editor page

Move the selected item down If a list of items has two green icons in the form of arrowheads next to it, you can click an item in the list and then click the lower arrowhead to move the item to a lower position in the list. Competency Editor page
Move the selected item up If a list of items has two green icons in the form of arrowheads next to it, you can click an item in the list and then click the upper arrowhead to move the item to a higher position in the list. Competency Editor page
Refresh If you change a value in a field that has a Refresh icon next to it and then click Refresh, information on the page is updated to reflect the change. Rating Model Management page

Rating Models page

Rating Model Editor page

Rating Dimension Editor page

Save To save your changes, click Save.

Competency Editor page

Working with Competency Definition Contexts

Competency Definition Context

A competency definition context is used to display different competency definitions depending on the specified context.

Each competency has one default description. However, an organization can create multiple definitions for a competency, associating each one with specific parts of the organization, specific locations and/or specific job fields. When the competency is later displayed to an employee, the competency definition that is displayed varies according to the employee's organization, location and job field.

If you specify multiple elements from the same category (Organization, Location or Job Field), these elements are connected by the OR operator and are therefore inclusive. If you add elements from different categories, for example, an organization and a location, these elements are connected by the AND operator and are exclusive. For example, if you specified the Finance and Marketing sections of your organization and Portugal and Brazil locations, and then applied the competency definition context to a competency definition, only employees who worked for the Finance OR Marketing sections AND worked in Portugal OR Brazil would see the definition.

Competency Definition Contextualization

The contextualization of competency definitions to be included in performance reviews are based on the organization, location or job field of the employee being evaluated.

This functionality allows system administrators to apply specific competency definitions to specific organizations, locations and/or job fields so that the corresponding competencies be applied to the corresponding employees. For example, the description of a competency might be different based on department - the Leadership competency can be described differently in Sales than in Support.

First, the competency definition context needs to be created and defined via Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Contexts. Then the competency definition must be created and associated to the desired context via Configuration > [Competencies] CompetenciesConfiguration > [Competencies] Competencies.

Competency Context

A competency context is used to limit who can view a specific competency, depending on the specified organization, location or job field, or any combination thereof.

A competency context provides the ability to define a specific context in which a competency is available so that only employees who work for those specified organizations, locations and/or job fields are able to view.

Attention: Although the creation and management of competency contexts is possible, there is no impact for now on the display of competencies in the Talent Profile. Competency contexts were created for future use.

Creating a Competency Definition Context

Creating a competency definition context makes the context available for selection when you are creating separate competency definitions for specific sectors of the organization, specific locations and/or specific job roles.

The product setting “Enable Competency Context Management” must be set to Yes.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Definition Contexts

  1. In the Definition Context Management page, click Create.

  2. In the New Definition Context page, select the language in which you want to create the competency definition context elements. (You will later have to create competency definition context elements for each of the other languages that appear in the language list.).

  3. Enter the code and name you want to assign to the competency definition context and then click Finish.

  4. In the Definition Context page, specify the organizations, locations and/or job fields corresponding to the definition context by clicking Add next to the appropriate section header.

The competency definition context you created and its corresponding organizations, locations and job fields are displayed in the Definition Contexts list on the Definition Context Management page. The competency definition context cannot be added to a competency definition, however, until you have activated the definition context.

You can activate the competency definition context if you are certain that all the information is complete and correct and you want to make the context available for selection in competencies.

Editing a Competency Definition Context

The following steps show how to edit a competency definition context.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Definition Contexts

  1. In the Definition Context Management page, locate the competency definition context you want to edit in the Definition Contexts list and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency definition context more quickly.)

  2. If the status of the competency is “Draft” or “Inactive”, proceed immediately to the next step. If you have already activated the competency (its status is “Active”), click Deactivate next to the name of the competency or the language list.

  3. Edit the competency definition context (following certain edits, the system might request you to save your changes).

  4. If you deactivated the competency earlier and have no other changes to make, click Activate to make the competency available to employees for selection. If the current status is “Inactive” and you want to make other changes, for example, modify the competency contexts, make all the changes before clicking Activate.

If you display the Definition Context Management page, your changes are displayed.

You can activate the competency definition context if you want to make it available for selection in competencies.

Activating a Competency Definition Context

Activating a competency definition context allows you to apply it to competency definitions. (When a competency definition context is first created, it has “Draft” status and cannot be used until its status is changed to “Active”.)

After you activate a competency definition context it cannot be edited or deleted. It is essential, therefore, that you ensure all the information is complete and correct before you activate a competency definition context.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Definition Contexts

On the Definition Context Management page, locate the competency definition context you want to activate in the Definition Contexts list and then click the corresponding Activate in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency definition context more quickly.)

On the Definition Context Management page, Competency Definition Contexts list, Actions column, the status of the competency context is “Active”. If you later edit a competency (whose status is “Draft”), and create a context-specific definition, when you click Search next to the Competency Definition Context field, the definition context you activated is displayed in the list of available contexts and can be selected.

You can edit the competency's properties and description or add a context-specific definition to the competency.

Duplicating a Competency Definition Context

Duplicating a competency definition context allows you to quickly create a new competency definition context based on an existing one.

Ideally, you have an existing competency definition context that resembles in most respects the competency definition context you want to create.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Definition Contexts

  1. In the Definition Context Management page, locate the competency definition context you want to duplicate in the Definition Contexts list and then click the corresponding Duplicate in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency definition context more quickly.)

    The status of the existing competency definition context can be “Active” or “Draft”.

  2. You can edit the new competency definition context's properties (be sure to assign a unique name for the new competency definition context), organizations, locations and job fields. Click Save where indicated to save your changes.

If you return to the Definition Context Management page, the new competency definition context is displayed in the Definition Contexts list. If you are certain that all the information is complete and correct, you can activate the competency context definition.

Deleting a Competency Definition Context

A competency definition context can only be deleted if it has “Draft” status. If you have activated the competency definition context, it can no longer be edited or deleted.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competency Definition Contexts

  1. In the Definition Context Management page, locate the competency definition context you want to delete in the Definition Contexts list and then click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency definition context more quickly.)

  2. Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the competency definition context.

The competency definition context is no longer displayed in the Definition Contexts list.

Competency Definition Context Fields

All fields related to competency definition contexts are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes a field or button, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Actions Actions that you can currently perform. For example, if a competency has Draft status, the Actions column typically has an Activate icon you can click to activate the competency. Definition Context Management page
Activate You click Activate when you want to change an item's status from Draft to Active. While a competency, rating model, etc. has Draft status, it can be edited but it is unavailable to users. After the status is changed from Draft to Active, a competency, rating model, etc. is available but the item can no longer be edited or deleted.

Definition Context page

Add Add an item. Definition Context page
By The person or group who initiated the event. Definition Context page
Cancel If you don't want to save the changes you've made on the current page, click Cancel. The system typically displays the previous page.
Category Broadest unit within a job field. Job Field Selector page
City A city. Location Selector page
Company The broadest unit in the organization Organization Selector page
Country A territorial division that has independent status and contains a body of people of one or more nationalities. Location Selector page
Create To create an instance of an item, click Create. Definition Context Management page
Date and Time The date and time that an event occurred regarding a competency. For example, the date and time when a sub-competency was added.

Definition Context page

Delete To remove an item, click Delete. This actions cannot typically be undone afterward.

Definition Context page

Department The broadest unit in the organization under Company.

Organization Selector page

Details Additional information regarding an event that occurred involving a competency. Definition Context page
Division The broadest unit in the organization under Department.

Organization Selector page

Duplicate To create a new item, it is often quicker to duplicate an existing item and then edit the duplicate. To duplicate an item, click Duplicate and then make your changes.

Definition Context page

Edit If you want to edit information and the item (competency, rating model, etc.) is in Draft status, you can click Edit.

Definition Context page

Event An action that was performed regarding a competency. For example, if you add a sub-competency, the event is logged in the History section. Definition Context page
Finish When you have completed all the steps related to a task and do not need to make any more changes, click Finish to complete the task. New Definition Context page
Function Broadest unit in a job field under Category. Job Field Selector page
Hide If you don't want to view the information in a particular section, you click the corresponding Hide. Definition Context page
History This section displays a listing of all events that have occurred regarding an item. For example, the date and time when a competency definition was added to a competency. The History section also indicates the name of the event, a short description and the name of the person or group who initiated the event. Definition Context page
Job Fields Only employees who belong to these job fields can view and add the competency to a talent profile. Definition Context Management page
Language Presents a pull-down menu from which you can select one of the activated languages to view the page information in that specific language.

New Definition Context page

Definition Context page

Locations Only employees who are part of these locations can view and add the competency to a talent profile. Definition Context Management page
More To see additional information, click More. Definition Context page
Name The name of the item (competency, rating model, competency context, etc.).

Definition Context Management page

New Definition Context

Definition Context page

Organizations Only employees who are part of these organizations can view and add the competency to a talent profile. Definition Context Management page
Refine by You can limit the items displayed in a list to those that correspond to a criterion.

Definition Context Management page

Organization Selector page

Location Selector page

Job Field Selector page

Refresh If you change a value in a field that has a Refresh icon next to it and then click Refresh, information on the page is updated to reflect the change.

Definition Context Management page

New Definition Context page

Definition Context page

Organization Selector page

Location Selector page

Job Field Selector page

Remove Removes a specific entry from a list. Definition Context page
Remove All Removes all entries from a list. Definition Context page
Save To save your changes, click Save.

Definition Context page

Select After making selections in a list, you click Select to confirm your selections.

Organization Selector page

Location Selector page

Job Field Selector page

Specialty Broadest unit in a job field under Function. Job Field Selector page
State/Province One of the constituent units of a nation having a federal government. Location Selector page
Status The status of the item (competency, rating model, competency context, etc.). If the competency has Draft status, it can be edited. If it has Active status, it has been activated for use in the system and it can no longer be edited.

Definition Context Management page

New Definition Context page

Definition Context page

World Region Largest geographic area, typically containing a continent. Location Selector page

Working with Rating Models

Rating Model

A rating model is used to define the scale upon which a given competency, goal or performance review item is assessed. The rating model provides the ability to define a numerical value and a text description for each value on a rating scale.

When assessing an employee's or candidate's performance of a competency or goal, an accurate picture results when you can rate the individual's performance of each dimension. A rating model is made of five different dimensions and their corresponding rating values. Of the five dimensions, four are active by default (Experience, Proficiency, Last Use and Interest) and one is editable (Performance Rating). A rating model can be applied to multiple competencies or goals.

Note: The four default dimensions cannot be used with performance reviews.
There are three default types of rating models:
  • Taleo Behavioral Rating Model, assigned by default to behavioral competencies

  • Taleo Language Rating Model, assigned by default to language skills

  • Taleo Technical Rating Model, assigned by default to job specific competencies

The rating model's dimension values must be set and ordered in an ascending order, that is the lowest rating first, with the lowest numeric value, and the highest rating last, with the highest value. Rating models containing descending rating values are not supported in performance review overall rating calculations.

Any rating model and their respective rating values cannot be edited or deleted after they have been activated.

The display of each rating model dimension in the Talent Profile is determined by the Talent Profile Competency Configuration settings.

Creating a Rating Model

Creating a rating model provides the ability to associate this rating model to competencies or performance reviews.

Configuration > [Competencies]

  1. On the Rating Model Management page, click Create.

  2. In the language list, select the language in which you want to create the rating model elements. (You will later have to create rating model elements for each of the other languages that appear in the language list.)

  3. Specify a code and name, as well as a description if so desired.

  4. Click Save.

  5. In the Rating Model page, it is possible to edit the properties of the current rating model, change the order of the dimensions and to manage the Performance Rating dimension.

  6. To create the rating values for the Performance Rating dimensions:

    1. In the Rating Model page, click the name of the Performance Rating dimension.

    2. In the Rating Dimension page, click Edit next to Properties if you need to edit the properties of the dimension.

    3. To create the rating values for that dimension, click Create next to Rating Values.

    4. In the New Rating Value page, enter the name and numeric value you want to assign to the rating value (e.g. Novice; 1) and then click Save. The rating value name and value are displayed in the Rating Values section.

    5. Once all rating values are created, click Reorder next to Rating Values and make sure to order the rating values by ascending order, that is the lowest rating at the top, with the lowest numeric value, and the highest rating at the bottom, with the highest value. Note that although the system lets you create rating models with descending rating values, these are not supported in performance review overall rating calculations.

    6. Once all the rating values created and ordered as desired, you can activate the rating dimension by clicking Activate. This action activates only the dimension, not the rating model

  7. Back on the Rating Model page, you can change the display order of the dimensions by clicking Reorder next to Dimensions.

The rating model appears in the list on the Rating Models Management page but it cannot be used until it has been activated.

You can activate the rating model if you want to make it available for selection in competencies.

Editing a Rating Model

The following steps show how to edit a rating model.

You can only edit a rating model whose status is still “Draft”.

Configuration > [Competencies]

  1. In the Rating Model Management page, locate the rating model you want to edit in the Rating Models list and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the rating model more quickly.)

    The status of the existing rating model must be “Draft”.

  2. Edit the rating model (following certain edits, the system might request you to save your changes).

If you display the Rating Model Management page, your changes are displayed.

You can activate the rating model if you want to make it available for selection in competencies.

Duplicating a Rating Model

Duplicating a rating model allows you to quickly create a new rating model based on an existing one.

Ideally, you have an existing rating model that resembles in most respects the rating model you want to create.

Configuration > [Competencies]

  1. In the Rating Model Management page, locate the rating model you want to duplicate in the Rating Models list and then click the corresponding Duplicate in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the rating model more quickly.)

    The status of the existing rating model can be Active or Draft.

  2. You can edit the rating model's name and the Performance Rating dimension to assign the values you want the new model to have.

If you display the Rating Model Management page, the new rating model is displayed in the Rating Models list.

If you are sure that all the information is complete and correct, you can activate the rating model.

Activating a Rating Model

Activating a rating model allows you to add it to competencies. (When a rating model is first created, it has Draft status and cannot be added to competencies until its status is changed to Active.)

Once you activate a rating model it cannot be edited or deleted. It is essential, therefore, that you ensure all the information is complete and correct before you activate a rating model.

Configuration > [Competencies]

In the Rating Model Management page, locate the rating model you want to activate in the Rating Models list and then click the corresponding Activate in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the rating model more quickly.)

The rating model can be used as the default rating model for a competency or it can be used in a performance review.

Though not a requirement, you can add the rating model to a competency.

Adding a Rating Model to a Competency

Adding a rating model to a competency (the competency's status must be “Draft”) replaces the default rating model.

You have to create and activate a rating model before you can add it to a competency.

You can change the rating model associated with a competency provided the competency's status is Draft.

Configuration > [Competencies] Competencies

  1. In the Competency Management page, locate the competency you want to edit and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the competency more quickly.)

  2. Click Edit in the Rating Model section.

  3. Click Search next to the Rating Model field, click the radio button next to the rating model you want to assign to the competency and then click Select.

  4. Click Save.

The rating model you selected is displayed on the Competency Editor page in the Rating Model section.

Though not a requirement, you can edit a sub-competency.

Deleting a Rating Model

If you want to delete a rating model and its status is “Draft”, follow the instructions in this section.

A rating model can only be deleted if it has Draft status. If you have activated the rating model, it can no longer be edited or deleted.

Configuration > [Competencies]

  1. When the Rating Model Management page is displayed, locate the model you want to delete in the list and then click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the rating model more quickly.)

  2. Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the rating model.

The rating model no longer appears in the list on the Rating Models Management page.

Rating Model Fields and Buttons

All fields related to Rating Models are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes the field name, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Code Code of the rating model, which is mandatory. Rating Model Properties
Code Code of the rating model dimension, which is editable only for the Performance Rating dimension. Rating Dimension Properties
Date and Time The date and time that an event occurred regarding a competency. For example, the date and time when a sub-competency was added. Rating Model History
Description Description of the rating model. Rating Model Properties
Description Description of the rating model dimension, which is editable only for the Performance Rating dimension. Rating Dimension Properties
Details Additional information regarding an event that occurred regarding a competency. Rating Model History
Dimension Type There are five types of dimensions: Proficiency,Experience, Last Used, Interest and PerformanceRating. Only the Performance Rating dimension is editable; all other dimensions are created and activated by default. Rating Dimension Properties
Event An action that was performed regarding a competency. For example, if you add a sub-competency, the event is logged in the History section. Rating Model History
Language Presents a pull-down menu from which you can select one of the activated languages to view the page information in that specific language. Rating Model
More To see additional information, click More. Rating Model History
Name Name of the rating model, which is mandatory. Rating Model Properties
Name Name of the rating model dimension, which is editable only for the Performance Rating dimension. Rating Dimension Properties
Name Name of the rating value. Rating Dimension Rating Values
Numeric Value Numeric value to be associated to the rating value. This value will be used to calculate the performance review's overall rating. Rating Dimension Rating Values
Status Status of the rating model, which can be Draft, Active or Inactive. The Draft status only occurs at creation time. Once the rating model has been activated once, its status will either be Active or Inactive. It can never go back to a Draft status. Rating Model Properties
Status Status of the rating model dimension, which is always Active for the Proficiency, Experience, Last Used and Interest dimensions. For the Performance Rating dimension, the status can be Draft, Active or Inactive. The Draft status only occurs at creation time. Once the Performance Rating dimension has been activated once, its status will either be Active or Inactive. It can never go back to a Draft status. Rating Dimension Properties

Working with Guidance Plans

Guidance Plan

Customers create and manage guidance plans using the Configuration module.

A guidance plan is additional text that assists managers in understanding a competency. It is composed of two types of content: BARS content and writing assistant content. Both sets of content are tied to the rating model associated with the competency.
  • BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales) content provides a manager with examples of behaviors for a given competency.

  • Writing assistant content provides sample content that a manager can use when assessing a competency.

A guidance plan enables the organization to add additional descriptions to each value in a Performance rating model. Managers later see these descriptions when rating a competency that uses the rating model. A manager can use one of the predefined comments when writing comments for a competency that includes the rating model on a performance review. The comments in a guidance plan are only suggestions; a manager is free to select a comment and then edit it or to enter an original comment.

Note: Third party integration of guidance plans through Service Activation Request with Support is not available as of Feature Pack 12B. There is no Taleo Connect Client support for importing guidance plans.

Creating a Guidance Plan - Properties

Creating a guidance plan provides BARS content and writing assistant content that assist the manager in understanding a competency in general and specifically its associated rating model. BARS content provides a manager with examples of behaviors for a given competency. Writing assistant content provides sample content that a manager can use when assessing a competency.

While creating a guidance plan, you have to provide the name of the competency with which the plan will be associated. For this reason, you typically edit and activate a competency before creating the corresponding guidance plan.

Configuration > [Competencies] Guidance Plans

  1. In the Guidance Plan Management page, click Create.

  2. Click the language list and click a language in which you want to create guidance plan elements. (You will later have to create guidance plan elements for each of the other languages that appear in the language list.)

  3. Enter the name and description you want to assign to the guidance plan in the corresponding fields.

  4. Click Search next to the Competency field, click the radio button next to the competency to which you want to add the guidance plan and then click Select.

  5. Click Search next to the Rating Dimension field. Click the radio button that corresponds to the dimension and rating model (the one that will be used in the performance review or the one associated with the competency) and then click Select. Click Next.

The system displays the Behavioral Anchor Ratings and Writing Suggestions section.

Populating a Guidance Plan - BAR Ratings and Writing Suggestions

Populating a guidance plan with BAR ratings and writing suggestions allows you to provide a text description for each element in the behavioral anchor rating (BAR) set associated with a specific competency and dimension, and to provide examples of comments that a manager can select and edit when making a BAR selection.

Creating a guidance plan - properties

Configuration > [Competencies] Guidance Plans

  1. In the Guidance Plans page, in the Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales and Writing Suggestion section, you can replace the default BAR descriptions with ones better suited to the needs of your organization. Click Edit in the left column next to a BAR description you want to replace, enter a new description in the Description field and then click Save. Replace other BAR descriptions in a similar manner if desired.

  2. In the same page and in the same section, you can replace the default writing suggestions with ones better suited to the needs of your organization. In the column at the right, click Edit next to a writing suggestion you want to replace, enter a new suggestion in the Description field and then click Save. Replace other writing suggestions in a similar manner if desired.

  3. Click Next and then click Finish.

On the Guidance Plan Management page, the Guidance Plan list displays the new guidance plan. The plan's status is “Draft”; your changes will not be displayed in the competency's rating dimension until you have activated the guidance plan.

You can activate the guidance plan if you are sure that all the information is complete and correct.

Editing a Guidance Plan

The following steps show how to edit a guidance plan.

You can only edit a guidance plan whose status is still “Draft”.

Configuration > [Competencies] Guidance Plans

  1. In the Guidance Plan Management page, locate the guidance plan you want to edit in the Guidance Plans list and then click its name. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the guidance plan more quickly.)

  2. Edit the guidance plan (following certain edits, the system might request you to save your changes.

If you return to the Guidance Plan Management page, your changes are displayed.

You can activate the guidance plan if you want to make it available for selection.

Duplicating a Guidance Plan

Duplicating a guidance plan allows you to quickly create a new guidance plan based on an existing one.

Ideally, you have an existing guidance plan that resembles in most respects the guidance plan you want to create.

Configuration > [Competencies] Guidance Plans

  1. In the Guidance Plan Management page, locate the guidance plan you want to duplicate in the Guidance Plans list and then click the corresponding Duplicate in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the guidance plan more quickly.)

    The status of the existing guidance plan can be Active or Draft.

  2. You can edit the new guidance plan's properties (be sure to assign a unique name for the new guidance plan), behaviorally anchored rating scales and writing suggestion. Click Save where indicated to save your changes.

If you return to the Guidance Plan Management page, the new guidance plan is displayed in the Guidance Plans list.

If you are certain that all the information is complete and correct, you can activate the guidance plan.

Activating a Guidance Plan

Activating a guidance plan allows you to add it to competency rating dimensions. (When a guidance plan is first created, it has Draft status and cannot be added to competency rating dimensions until its status is changed to Active.)

After you activate a guidance plan it cannot be edited or deleted. It is essential, therefore, that you ensure all the information is complete and correct before you activate a guidance plan.

Configuration > [Competencies] Guidance Plans

In the Guidance Plan Management page, locate in the Guidance Plans list the guidance plan you want to display in a competency's rating dimension and then click the corresponding Activate in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the guidance plan more quickly.)

The guidance plan will be employed whenever the competency and dimension are included in a performance review.

Deleting a Guidance Plan

A guidance plan can only be deleted if it has “Draft” status. If you have activated the guidance plan, it can no longer be edited or deleted.

Configuration > [Competencies] Guidance Plans

  1. In the Guidance Plan Management page, locate the guidance plan you want to delete in the list and click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column. (Alternatively, use the Refine by list to locate the guidance plan more quickly.)

  2. Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the guidance plan.

The guidance plan no longer appears in the list on the Guidance Plan Management page.

Guidance Plan Fields

All fields related to Guidance Plans are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes a field or button, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
BAR for (rating value) Rating suggestion for each value of the selected rating model dimension. Guidance Plan Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales and Writing Suggestions
By Person or group who initiated the event. Guidance Plan History
Code Code of the guidance plan, which is mandatory. Guidance Plan Properties
Competency Competency for which the specified rating and comment suggestions are to be displayed. Guidance Plan Properties
Date and Time Date and time that an event occurred regarding a competency. For example, the date and time when a sub-competency was added. Guidance Plan History
Description Description of the guidance plan. Guidance Plan Properties
Details Additional information regarding an event that occurred involving a competency. Guidance Plan History
Event Action that was performed regarding a competency. For example, if you add a sub-competency, the event is logged in the History section. Guidance Plan History
Name Name of the guidance plan, which is mandatory. Guidance Plan Properties
Rating Dimension Specific rating model dimension for which the specified rating and comment suggestions are to be displayed. Guidance Plan Properties
Status Status of the guidance plan, which can be Draft, Active or Inactive. The Draft status only occurs at creation time. Once the guidance plan has been activated once, its status will either be Active or Inactive. It can never go back to a Draft status. Guidance Plan Properties
Suggestion for (rating value) Comment suggestion for each value of the selected rating model dimension. Guidance Plan Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales and Writing Suggestions