5Job Role Administration

Job Role Administration

Working with Job Roles

Job Role

A job role is an entity in the system for classifying a certain job. It can be linked to a generic job type.

It is important to understand the relationship between the following concepts: job role, job position, job role context and job profile classification. A job role can be considered to be a “generic” job that includes job properties, requirements (certifications and competencies), a job description, qualifications and responsibilities. An example of a job role is executive secretary. A job position, on the other hand, is a specific instance of a job role. When a position is created based on a job role, the position includes the job role's description and requirements. A job role context offers the ability to provide different job descriptions for specific organizations, locations, job fields or job levels (SmartOrg elements). This means that a distinct job description will be displayed to users who belong to a specific organization, location, job field or job level. In other words, job role contexts provide the opportunity to contextualize a job role and consequently a position according to users' SmartOrg information. Similarly, job profile classification provides the ability to contextualize the certifications and competencies associated with a job position. When creating a job position, the HR administrator can click “Apply preselected profile requirement”, which will add the competencies (and respective values) and certifications to the job position.

A job role must be activated to be available for use with job position creation.

Viewing a Job Role

Job roles can be viewed at any time.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

  1. In the Job Role Management page, click the name of the job role you want to view.

  2. If the information that you want to view is not displayed, click the corresponding Show.

Depending on a job role's status, you can edit, duplicate, activate, deactivate or delete the job role while it is in view mode.

Creating a Job Role

Creating a job role allows you to create an entity in the system for classifying a certain job.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

  1. In the Job Role Management page, click Create.

  2. In the Job Role Wizard page, complete all mandatory fields, enter information in optional fields if desired and then click Next.

  3. In the following page of the wizard, Job Description section, enter a description, qualifications and responsibilities in the corresponding fields if desired and then click Next.

  4. If you are satisfied with the job role properties and job description as they appear in the summary, click Finish to save the job role.

  5. The system displays the details of the new job role on a new page. To add a certification or competency, in the Requirements section, click the corresponding Add, complete the fields on the Certification Editor page or the Competency Editor page and then click Save. You can add multiple certifications and competencies.

The information you entered is displayed on the Job Role page. If you click the Job Role Management breadcrumb at the top of the page to return to the Job Role Management page, the job role is displayed in the list.

The job role must be activated before it is available for selection.

Editing a Job Role

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

  1. In the Job Role Management page, click the name of the job role you want to edit.

  2. Click the link (Edit, Add, Delete) that corresponds to the section you want to edit and the type of change you want to perform.

    If the information you want to edit is hidden from view, click the corresponding Show.

  3. If the system displays an “Editor” page, make your changes on that page and then click Save.

On the Job Role page, your changes are displayed.

Duplicating a Job Role

Duplicating a job role allows you to quickly create a new role based on an existing one.

Ideally, you have an existing job role that resembles in most respects the job role you want to create.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

  1. In the Job Role Management page, locate the job role to be duplicated and click the corresponding Duplicate in the Actions column.

  2. In the Job Role Wizard page, complete all mandatory fields, enter information in optional fields if desired and then click Next.

  3. In the following page, enter a description, qualifications and responsibilities in the corresponding fields if desired and then click Next.

  4. If you are satisfied with the summary, click Finish to save the job role.

  5. A new page is displayed that includes the details of the new job role. In the Requirements section, you can perform any or all of the following steps.

    • To edit a certification or competency displayed, click the corresponding Edit, edit the fields and then click Save.

    • To add a certification or competency, click the corresponding Add, complete the fields and then click Save.

    • To delete a certification or competency, click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column.

  6. If you want to add to the job role a definition that will only be available for selection by employees who are part of particular parts of the organization, work in specific locations or have specific job fields, or combinations thereof, click Add next to Definitions. Enter a description, qualifications and responsibilities if desired, click Search and select a job role context based on Foundation Data in SmartOrg, and then click Select and Save.

In the Job Role page, your changes are displayed. If you click the Job Role Management breadcrumb at the top of the page, the new job role is displayed in the Job Roles list on the Job Role Management page.

The job role is not available for selection until you change its status to Active.

Activating a Job Role

Activating a job role allows you to change its status from Draft or Inactive to Active and thereby make the job role available for selection.

To activate a job role, its current status must be Draft or Inactive. Also, the Name field must be translated into all active content languages.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

In the Job Role Management page, locate the job role you want to activate and click the corresponding Activate in the Actions column.

The status of the selected job role is Active and the job role is available for selection.

Deactivating a Job Role

Deactivating a job role allows you to change a job role's status from Active to Inactive and thereby remove it from the list of job roles available for selection.

To be able to deactivate a job role, its current status must be Active.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

In the Job Role Management page, locate the job role you want to deactivate and click the corresponding Deactivate in the Actions list.

In the Job Role Management page, Status column, the status of the job role is Inactive.

If you later want to make the job role available for selection, you must change its status to Active.

Deleting a Job Role

You can only delete a job role whose status is Draft.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

In the Job Role Management page, locate the job role you want to delete and click the corresponding Delete in the Actions list.

The job role is no longer displayed in the Job Roles list on the Job Management page.

Job Role Fields

All fields related to the configuration of job roles are presented in the following table, along with a description and related possible values when predefined. Each entry also indicates the type of information the field applies to and the related header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Actions Section that shows all the possible actions that can be performed with respect to the selected element. Job Roles Requirements
Asset Value that indicates that an element is not a requirement for the job but it would be a good thing to have. Job Roles Requirements
Category The most general section of a job field, Category indicates in which area the job is located. Job Roles Job Field
Certification Indicates a particular training that the person has received. Job Roles Requirements
Competency Indicates an ability that is either a requirement or an asset for the job. Job Roles Requirements
Description Provides information about the job. Job Roles Job Description
Director Indicates a person who supervises, controls, or manages. Job Roles Properties
Entry Level Indicates a person who has no previous experience. Job Roles Properties
Executive Indicates a person who has administrative or managerial authority in an organization. Job Roles Properties
Function Refers to the type of work the job entails. Job Roles Job Field
Importance Indicates whether the element is a requirement or an asset. Job Roles Requirements
Individual Contributor Indicates a person who is able to work on his/her own. Job Roles Properties
Job Codes Indicates the various external job codes associated with this job role. These job codes are imported via Taleo Connect. Job Roles Properties
Job Field Indicates the area of work of the position. Job Roles Properties
Job Level Indicates the level of the position in the hierarchy. Job Roles Properties
Job Role Context Provides further details about the context (location, organization, name, code, etc.) of a job role. Job Roles Definitions
Manager Indicates a person who is responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring the group's work, and taking corrective action when necessary. Managers might manage workers directly or they might manage supervisors who in turn manage workers. Job Roles Properties
Manager With Direct Reports Indicates a person who has managerial responsibilities and subordinates. Job Roles Properties
Manager Without Direct Reports Indicates a person who has managerial responsibilities but does not have any subordinates. Job Roles Properties
Qualifications Indicates the qualifications required for the job. Job Roles Job Description
Required Value that indicates that an element is mandatory. Job Roles Requirements
Responsibilities Indicates the responsibilities that come with the job. Job Roles Job Description
Senior Executive Indicates a person who is a chief executive officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer or someone in charge of a principal business unit or function. Job Roles Properties
Specialty Refers to a specific type of job. Job Roles Job Field
Status Status of the selected element. Possible values are:
  • Draft - When in Draft status, an element can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element, you have to change its status from Draft to Active. If the status of an element is changed from Draft to another status, the element can never have Draft status again. Only elements whose status is Draft can be deleted.

  • Inactive - While an element has Inactive status, it can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element whose status is Inactive, you have to activate it.

  • Active - An element whose status is Active can be edited, applied or associated with another element.

Job Roles Properties
Target rating value Indicates the ideal value a candidate would attain for a competency. Job Roles Requirements
Team Leader Indicates a person who is in charge of a group. Job Roles Properties
Weight The weight represents a percentage that establishes the relative importance of a competency or certification among the competencies and the certifications. Weight is used to calculate the best-fit match when searching for successors. Job Roles Requirements

Working with Job Role Contexts

Job Role Context

A job role context allows you to define a job role description that is only available to employees who are part of particular parts of your organization or in specific locations, job fields or job levels, or who satisfy any combination of these Foundation Data elements (from SmartOrg).

In addition to having a default job role description, your organization might want to define different descriptions for parts of the organization or for employees who work in specific locations, job fields or job levels.

If you specify multiple selections within one category, such as Organizations, those selections are inclusive. If you specify selections from more than one category (for example, an Organization selection and a Location selection), the combination of element categories is exclusive.

A job role context must be activated to be available for use with job profile creation.

Viewing a Job Role Context

Job role contexts can be viewed at any time.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Role Contexts

  1. In the Job Role Context Management page, click the name of the job role context you want to view.

  2. If the information you want to view is not displayed, click the corresponding Show.

Depending on a job role context's status, you can edit, duplicate, activate, deactivate or delete the job role context while it is in view mode.

Creating a Job Role Context

Creating a job role context allows you to later add it to a job role to “contextualize” the latter based on the OLF structure (Foundation Data from SmartOrg).

In Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings, the Enable Job Role Context Management value must be set to Yes.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Role Contexts

  1. In the Job Role Context Management page, click Create.

  2. In the New Job Role Context page, complete all mandatory fields, enter information in optional fields if desired and then click Finish.

  3. To add particular parts of your organization to the job role context, in the Job Role Context page click Add next to Organizations, click the check box next to each part of the organization (on the Organization Selector page) you want to add and then click Select.

  4. You can add locations and/or job roles to the job role context in a similar manner.

On the Job Role Context page, the information you entered is displayed in the Properties, Organizations, Locations and Job Fields sections. If you added multiple selections within one category in step 3 and/or step 4, those selections are inclusive (use the OR operator). If you added selections from more than one category (for example, an Organization selection and a Location selection), those selections are exclusive (use the AND operator). If you click the Job Role Context Management breadcrumb at the top of the page, the job role context you created is displayed in the Job Profile Contexts list.

The job role context must be activated before it is available for selection in a job role.

Editing a Job Role Context

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Role Contexts

  1. In the Job Role Context Management page, click the name of the job context you want to edit.

  2. Click the link (Edit, Add, Remove, Remove All) that corresponds to the section you want to edit and the type of change you want to perform.

    If the information you want to edit is hidden from view, click the corresponding Show

  3. If the system displays an “Editor” page, make you changes in that page and then click Save.

On the Job Role Context page, your changes are displayed.

Duplicating a Job Role Context

Duplicating a job role context allows you to quickly create a new job role context based on an existing one.

Ideally, you have an existing job role context that resembles in most respects the job role context you want to create.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Role Contexts

  1. In the Job Role Context Management page, locate the job role context you want to duplicate and click Duplicate.

  2. In the New Job Role Context page, complete all mandatory fields, enter information in optional fields if desired and then click Finish.

  3. In the Job Role Context page, edit the language, Properties, Organizations, Locations and Job Fields sections of the new job role context.

If you click the Job Role Context Management breadcrumb at the top of the page, the new job role context and its information are displayed in the Job Role Contexts list.

The job role context must be activated before you can add it to a job role.

Activating a Job Role Context

Activating a job role context allows you to change the status of the context from Draft or Inactive to Active and thereby have the context displayed in the list of available contexts.

To activate a job role context, its current status must be Draft or Inactive.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Role Contexts

In the Job Role Context Management page, locate the job role you want to activate and click the corresponding Activate in the Actions column.

The status of the selected job role context is now Active.

Deactivating a Job Role Context

Deactivating a job role context allows you to change its status from Active to Inactive. This action in turn allows you to remove the context from the list of contexts available for selection.

You can only deactivate a job role context whose current status is Active.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Role Contexts

  1. In the Job Role Context Management page, locate the job role context in the list and click the corresponding Deactivate in the Actions column.

  2. Click Deactivate.

The status of the selected job role context is now Inactive in the Actions column.

To “reactivate” a job role context, its status must be set to Active.

Deleting a Job Role Context

A job role context can only be deleted if its status is Draft.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Role Contexts

In the Job Role Context Management page, locate the job role context you want to delete and click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column.

The job role context is deleted from the Job Role Contexts list on the Job Role Context Management page.

Job Role Context Fields and Buttons

All fields related to the configuration of Job Role Contexts are presented in the following table, along with a description and related possible values when predefined. Each entry also indicates the type of information the field applies to and the related header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Actions Section that shows all the possible actions that can be performed with respect to the selected element. Job Role Context Job Role Contexts
Job Fields Indicates the job fields associated with a job role context. The values for this field come from selections made in the Job Field selector. Job Role Context Job Role Contexts
Locations Indicates the locations associated with a job role context. The values for this field come from selections made in the Location selector. Job Role Context Job Role Contexts
Organizations Indicates the organizations associated with a job role context. The values for this field come from selections made in the Organization Selector. Job Role Context Job Role Contexts
Status Status of the selected element. Possible values are:
  • Draft - When in Draft status, an element can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element whose status is Draft, you have to change its status from Draft to Active. If the status of an element is changed from Draft to another status, the element can never have Draft status again. Only elements whose status is Draft can be deleted.

  • Inactive - While an element has Inactive status, it can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element whose status is Inactive, you have to activate it.

  • Active - An element whose status is Active can be edited, applied or associated with another element.

Job Role Context Properties

Working with Job Profile Classifications

Job Profile Classification

A job profile classification allows you to define a specific, reusable job classification context for a job role.

A job profile classification allows you to define different certification and competency descriptions for specific parts of the organization, locations, job fields, job levels or combinations thereof. A contextual job classification overwrites the default certifications and competencies for the defined context.

When you are creating a job profile classification, you can add or change certifications and competencies but you cannot remove them. For example, if one of the competencies for a product manager is leadership, while you are defining a job profile classification you can modify the required rating based on the context or add a new competency to the position but you cannot remove the leadership competency from the context.

You must activate a job profile classification if you want to make it available for use with job profile creation.

Viewing a Job Profile Classification

Job profile classifications can be viewed at any time.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, click the name of the job profile classification you want to view.

  2. If the information you want to view is not displayed, click the corresponding Show.

Depending on a job profile classification's status, you can edit, duplicate, activate, deactivate or delete the job profile classification while it is in view mode.

Creating a Job Profile Classification

Creating a job profile classification allows you to create a specific, reusable job classification context for a job role.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, click Create next to Job Profile Classifications.

  2. In the New Job Profile Classification page, complete all mandatory fields, enter information in the optional fields if desired and then click Finish.

  3. In the Job Profile Classification page, you can add certifications to the job profile classification by clicking Add next to Certifications in the Requirements section. After specifying the certification, importance and weight, click Save.

  4. In the Job Profile Classification page, you can add competencies to the job profile classification by clicking Add next to Competencies in the Requirements section. After specifying the certification, importance and weight, click Save.

  5. To add particular parts of your organization to the job profile classification, in the Job Profile Classification page, click Add next to Organizations, click the check box next to each part of the organization (on the Organization Selector page) you want to add and then click Select.

  6. You can add locations, job fields and/or job levels to the job profile classification in a similar manner.

On the Job Profile Classification page, the information you entered is displayed in the Requirements, Organizations, Locations, Job Fields and Job Levels sections. If you added multiple selections within one category in steps 5 and/or 6, those selections are inclusive (use the OR operator). If you added selections from more than one category (for example, an Organization selection and a Location selection), those selections are exclusive (use the AND operator). If you click the Job Profile Classification Management breadcrumb at the top of the page, the job profile classification is displayed in the Job Profile Classifications list.

The job profile classification must be activated before it is available for selection.

Editing a Job Profile Classification

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, click the name of the job profile classification you want to edit.

  2. Click the link (Edit, Add, Delete, Remove, Remove All) that corresponds to the section you want to edit and the type of change you want to perform.

    If the information you want to edit is hidden from view, click the corresponding Show.
  3. If the system displays an “Editor” page, make your changes and then click Save.

On the Job Profile Classification page, your changes are displayed.

Adding an Organization to a Job Profile Classification

You can add an organization to a job profile classification to “contextualize” the classification.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, click the name of the classification to which you want to add an organization.

  2. In the Job Profile Classification page, click Add next to Organizations.

  3. In the Organization Selector page, click the check box next to the organization(s) you want to add and then click Select.

In the Job Profile Classification page, the selected organizations are now displayed in the Organizations section.

Adding a Location to a Job Profile Classification

You can add a location to a job profile classification to “contextualize” the classification.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, click the name of the job profile classification to which you want to add a location.

  2. In the Job Profile Classification page, click Add next to Locations.

  3. In the Location Selector page, click the check box next to the location(s) you want to add.

  4. Click Select.

On the Job Profile Classification page, the selected locations are now displayed in the Locations section.

Adding a Job Field to a Job Profile Classification

Adding a job field to a job profile classification allows you to contextualize the latter.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, click the name of the classification to which you want to add a job field.

  2. In the Job Profile Classification page, click Add next to Job Fields.

  3. In the Job Field Selector page, select the check box next to the job field(s) you want to add.

  4. Click Select.

The selected job fields are now displayed in the Job Fields section of the Job Profile Classification page.

Adding a Job Level to a Job Profile Classification

Adding a job level to a job profile classification allows to use that job level as an applicable context for the classification. For example, an organization may have sales organizations in both the United States and Canada. The Sales Manager Job profile is the same, with the exception that the Managers in Canada have the competencies of being fluent in French. In such a situation, the organization might want to create a Job Profile Classification called “Canada” that is relevant in that location for Manager-level employees.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, click the name of the job profile classification to which you want to add a job level.

  2. In the Job Profile Classification page, click Add next to Job Levels.

  3. In the Job Level Selector page, click the check box next to each job level you want to add.

  4. Click Select.

On the Job Profile Classification page, the selected job levels are now displayed in the Job Levels section.

Duplicating a Job Profile Classification

Duplicating a job profile classification allows you to quickly create a new job profile classification based on an existing one.

Ideally, you have an existing job profile classification that resembles in most respects the job profile classification you want to create.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

  1. In the Job Profile Classification Management page, locate the classification you want to duplicate and click the corresponding Duplicate in the Actions column.

  2. In the New Job Profile Classification page, complete all mandatory fields, enter information in optional fields if desired and then click Finish.

  3. A new page is displayed that includes the details of the new job profile classification. In the Requirements section, you can perform any or all of the following steps.

    • To edit a certification or competency displayed, click the corresponding Edit, edit the fields and then click Save.

    • To add a certification or competency, click the corresponding Add, complete the fields and then click Save.

    • To delete a certification or competency, click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column.

  4. To add particular parts of your organization to the job profile classification, in the Job Profile Classification page click Add next to Organizations, click the check box next to each part of the organization (on the Organization Selector page) you want to add and then click Select.

  5. You can add locations and/or job roles to the job role context in a similar manner.

On the Job Profile Classification page, the information relative to the new classification is displayed. If you added multiple selections within one category in step 4 and/or step 5, those selections are inclusive (use the OR operator). If you added selections from more than one category (for example, an Organization selection and a Location selection), those selections are exclusive (use the AND operator). If you click the Job Profile Classification breadcrumb at the top of the page, the new job profile classification is displayed in the Job Profile Classifications list.

The job profile classification is not available for selection until you change its status to Active.

Activating a Job Profile Classification

Activating a job profile classification allows you to change its status from Draft or Inactive to Active. A job profile classification is only available for selection if its status is Active.

To activate a job profile classification, its current status must be Draft or Inactive.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

In the Job Profile Classification Management page, locate the job profile classification you want to activate and click the corresponding Activate in the Actions column.

The status of the selected job profile classification is now Active and the classification is available for selection.

Deactivating a Job Profile Classification

Deactivating a job profile classification allows you to change its status from Active to Inactive and thereby remove it from the list of job profile classifications available for selection.

To deactivate a job profile classification, its current status must be Active.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Roles

In the Job Profile Classification Management page, locate the job profile classification that you want to deactivate and click the corresponding Deactivate.

In the Job Profile Classification Management page, Status column, the status of the job profile classification is Inactive.

If you later want to make the job profile classification available for selection, you must change its status to Active.

Deleting a Job Profile Classification

A job profile classification can only be deleted if its status is Draft.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Roles] Job Profile Classifications

In the Job Profile Classification Management page, locate the classification you want to delete and click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column.

The job profile classification is deleted and is no longer displayed in the Job Profile Classification list on the Job Profile Classification Management page.

Job Profile Classification Fields

All fields related to the configuration of job profile classifications are presented in the following table, along with a description and related possible values when predefined. Each entry also indicates the type of information the field applies to and the related header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Actions Section that shows all the possible actions that can be performed with respect to the selected element. Job Profile Classifications Requirements
Certification Indicates a particular training that the person has received. Job Profile Classifications Requirements
Competency Indicates an ability that is either required or an asset for the job. Job Profile Classifications Requirements
Importance Indicates whether the element is a requirement or an asset. Job Profile Classifications Requirements
Job Fields Indicates the job fields associated with a job role context. The values for this field come from selections made in the Job Field Selector. Job Profile Classifications Job Fields
Job Levels Indicates the job levels associated with a job role context. The values for this field come from selections made in the Job Level Selector. Job Profile Classifications Job Levels
Locations Indicates the locations associated with a job role context. The values for this field come from selections made in the Location Selector. Job Profile Classifications Locations
Organizations Indicates the organizations associated with a job role context. The values for this field come from selections made in the Organization Selector. Job Profile Classifications Organizations
Status Status of the selected element. Possible values are:
  • Draft - When in Draft status, an element can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element whose status is Draft, you have to change its status from Draft to Active. If the status of an element is changed from Draft to another status, the element can never have Draft status again. Only elements whose status is Draft can be deleted.

  • Inactive - While an element has Inactive status, it can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element whose status is Inactive, you have to activate it.

  • Active - An element whose status is Active can be edited, applied or associated with another element.

Job Profile Classifications Properties
Target rating value Indicates the ideal value a candidate would attain for a competency. Job Profile Classifications Requirements
Weight Percentage that indicates the importance attributed to a section in the calculation of the overall score. Job Profile Classifications Requirements

Working with Job Positions

Job Position

A job position is a specific instance of a job role.

It is important to understand the relationship between the following concepts: job role, job position, job role context and job profile classification. A job role can be considered to be a “generic” job that includes job properties, requirements (certifications and competencies), a job description, qualifications and responsibilities. An example of a job role is executive secretary. A job position, on the other hand, is a specific instance of a job role. When a position is created based on a job role, the position includes the job role's description and requirements. A job role context offers the ability to provide different job descriptions for specific organizations, locations, job fields or job levels (SmartOrg elements). This means that a distinct job description will be displayed to users who belong to a specific organization, location, job field or job level. In other words, job role contexts provide the opportunity to contextualize a job role and consequently a position according to users' SmartOrg information. Similarly, job profile classification provides the ability to contextualize the certifications and competencies associated with a job position. When creating a job position, an HR administrator can click “Apply preselected profile requirement” to add the competencies (and respective values) and certifications to the job position.

The competencies and certifications can be copied from the job role with a single click, and then modified to suit the requirements of the job position. In this case, the competencies and certifications replace those defined by the job role.

The job description information—description, qualifications, responsibilities—from the job role cannot be modified for the job position.

A job position must be activated to be available for use with performance management.

Viewing a Job Position

Job positions can be viewed at any time.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Positions] Job Positions

  1. In the Job Position Management page, click the name of the job position you want to view.

  2. If the information you want to view is not displayed, click the corresponding Show.

Depending on a job position's status, you can edit, duplicate, activate, deactivate or delete the job position while it is in view mode.

Creating a Job Position

Creating a job position allows you to create an occurrence of a job role. Job positions are hierarchical and only the ones highest in the hierarchy are managed in the system.

Because a job position is attached to a job role, the latter must be created prior to the creation of a job position.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Positions] Job Positions

  1. In the Job Position Management page, click Create.

  2. In the New Job Position page, complete all mandatory fields and enter information in optional fields if desired.

  3. Click Finish.

  4. A new page is displayed that includes the details of the new job position. In the Requirements section, you can perform any or all of the following steps.

    • To edit a certification or competency displayed, click the corresponding Edit, edit the fields and then click Save.

    • To add a certification or competency, click the corresponding Add, complete the fields and then click Save.

    • To delete a certification or competency, click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column.

    • To remove all certifications or all competencies, click the corresponding Delete All.

    • To add certifications and competencies regarding the job role and job classification based on Foundation Data (from the OLF structure), click Apply Preselected Profile Requirements.

If you click the Job Position Management breadcrumb at the top of the page, the job position you created is displayed in the Job Positions list.

The job position must be activated before it is available for selection.

Editing a Job Position

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Positions] Job Positions

  1. In the Job Position Management page, click the name of the job position you want to edit.

  2. Click the link (Edit, Add, Delete, Delete All) that corresponds to the section you want to edit and the type of change you want to perform.

    If the information you want to edit is hidden from view, click the corresponding Show.

  3. If the system displays an “Editor” page, make your changes in this page and then click Save.

On the job position page, you changes are displayed.

Duplicating a Job Position

Duplicating of a job position allows you to quickly create a new job position from an existing one.

Ideally, you have an existing job position that resembles in most respects the job position you want to create.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Positions] Job Positions

  1. In the Job Position Management page, locate the job position you want to duplicate and click the corresponding Duplicate in the Actions column.

  2. In the New Job Position page, complete all mandatory fields, enter information in optional fields if desired and then click Finish.

The page corresponding to the new job position you created is displayed.

The job position is not available for selection until you change its status to Active.

Activating a Job Position

Activating a job position allows you to change a job position's status from Draft or Inactive to Active so the job position can later be attached to a job role.

To activate a job position, its status must be Draft or Inactive.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Positions] Job Positions

  1. In the Job Position Management page, click the name of the job position you want to activate.

  2. Click Activate.

The selected job position is now active (and consequently available for selection).

Deactivating a Job Position

Deactivating a job position allows you to change its status from Active to Inactive and thereby remove it from the list of job positions available for selection.

To deactivate a job position, its status must be Active.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Positions] Job Positions

In the Job Position Management page, click the name of the job position you want to deactivate and click Deactivate.

In the Job Position Management page, Status column, the status of the job position is Inactive.

If you later want to make the job position available for selection, you must change its status to Active.

Deleting a Job Position

A job position can only be deleted if its status is Draft.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Job Positions] Job Positions

In the Job Position Management page, locate the job position you want to delete and then click the corresponding Delete in the Actions column.

The job position is deleted and is no longer displayed in the list of job positions.

Job Position Fields

Fields related to the configuration of job positions are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes a field or button, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field or button applies, and the header of the field or button.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Actions Section that displays all the possible actions that can be performed with respect to the selected element. Job Position Requirements
Asset Value indicates that an item is not a requirement but it would be a good thing to have. Job Position Requirements
Certification Indicates a particular training that the person has received. Job Position Requirements
Competency Indicates an ability that is either a requirement or an asset for the job. Job Position Requirements
Criticality Indicates the level of importance. Job Position Properties
Department Indicates the department in which the position is found. Value for this field comes from a selection you made using the Department selector. Job Position Properties
Description Field where you can enter a description of the position. Job Position Properties
Employee Indicates the name of the employee currently in the position. Value for this field comes from a selection you made using the Employee selector. Job Position Properties
Importance Indicates whether the element is a requirement or an asset. Job Position Requirements
Job Role Indicates the job role to which this position is related. Value for this field comes from a selection you made using the Job Role selector. Job Position Properties
Location Indicates the location of the position. Value for this field comes from a selection you made using the Location selector. Job Position Properties
Manager Indicates the name of the manager for the position. Value for this field comes from a selection you made using the Manager selector. Job Position Properties
Number of Openings This field is not used for Performance. It is used by Recruiting. Job Position Properties
Opening Status Indicates whether the position is open and needs to be filled. Job Position Properties
Organization Indicates the organization under which the position is found. Value for this field comes from a selection you made using the Organization selector. Job Position Properties
Parent Positions are structured in a hierarchy. This field indicates the “parent” position of the current one. Value for this field comes from a selection you made using the Parent selector. Job Position Properties
Required Value indicates that an element is mandatory. Job Position Requirements
Status Status of the selected element. Possible values are:
  • Draft - When in Draft status, an element can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element whose status is Draft, you have to change its status from Draft to Active. If the status of an element is changed from Draft to another status, the element can never have Draft status again. Only elements whose status is Draft can be deleted.

  • Inactive - While an element has Inactive status, it can be edited but it cannot be applied or associated with another element. To use an element whose status is Inactive, you have to activate it.

  • Active - An element whose status is Active can be edited, applied or associated with another element.

Job Position Properties
Target Rating Value Indicates the ideal value a candidate would attain for a competency. Job Position Requirements
Target Start Date Indicates the ideal date when the candidate would start working in the position. Job Position Properties
Weight Percentage that indicates the importance attributed to a section in the calculation of the overall score. Job Position Requirements