8Creating Candidates and Submissions

What's a Candidate Profile

The candidate profile, also known as general profile, represents the candidate as a whole or, if you like, the person. It contains generic information about the candidate such as the name, address, date of birth, overall education and work experience. This information holds true across all submissions. If a candidate visits your organization's career section and applies in an unsolicited manner, that results in a candidate general profile that you can look at or find using search.

You can view a candidate's general profile directly in a search result page for example or, if you're viewing a submission, you can toggle between the general profile and submission of the candidate.

When you view a candidate profile, details of the profile are presented in the following tabs and panel:

  • General Profile: Provides information about the candidate such as personal information, work experience, employment preferences.

  • Attachments: Displays all of the file attachments (resume or other) relating to the candidate, whether uploaded by the candidate or by a recruiter. If a file was attached for a specific submission, that information and a link to is included. You can view, preview, edit, download, and delete attachments.

  • Referral: Displays information about the person who referred this candidate, whether an agent, employee, or candidate.

  • History: Displays the history of all the events that occurred concerning the candidate. You can view the history of the general profile only, the general profile and all submissions, or all active submissions. Click the Modify Categories button to select the event categories you want to display. You can also sort events by date and by the person who performed the event.

  • Summary: The Summary panel highlights important details about the candidate such as contact information in the information callout, active submissions, most relevant education, work experience.

You can edit the general profile of a candidate. Click the Edit icon next to a section or the Edit All icon. Once you’re in edit mode, the Summary panel displays a table of contents of the candidate profile sections. You can click section titles to quickly navigate to that specific content.

What's a Candidate Submission

A candidate submission is a record containing information provided by the candidate when applying for a job. It also contains information about the progression of the candidate submission in the candidate selection process.

When you view a candidate submission, details of the submission are presented in the following tabs and panel:

  • Job Submission: Displays all the details of the candidate submission organized into different sections that you can expand and collapse depending on their pertinence.

  • Attachments: Displays attachments into different sections. The first section contains the resumes attached to the submission. The second section contains attachments relevant to the submission. The third section contains offer-related attachments. The last section contains attachments that are either relevant to other submissions or to the candidate’s general profile. You can preview, download, upload, delete, and even edit the properties of files attached to the submission.

  • Offers: This tab is displayed once an offer is created or once competitive offers of candidate expectations have been captured. It contains information pertaining to offers such as current or previous offers, offer letter, competitive offer, and candidate expectation information or even requisition compensation information. For details, see the Offers chapter.

  • Referral: Displays information regarding the agent, employee, or external candidate that referred the candidate.

  • Interviews: Presents details about scheduled interviews.

  • History: Displays the history of all the events that occurred concerning the submission. You can view the history of the current submission, the general profile and all submissions, or all active submissions. Click the Modify Categories button to select the event categories you want to display. You can also sort events by date and by the person who performed the event.

  • Summary: The Summary panel highlights important details about the submission such as candidate identification, work experience, education, prescreening results, submission status. If a resume is attached to the submission, you can click the Resume button to preview the resume. While viewing the resume, you can navigate through the resume if it contains several pages and you can flip through the other candidate submissions and see their resumes. If there are other attachments for that particular submission, you can flip through those as well. You also have direct access to the action toolbar from where you can disposition the candidate. When you close the resume preview, you are right back to where you were previously

You can navigate to the requisition details from a submission by clicking the requisition name. You can also get a quick preview of the requisition details without navigating away from the current screen by clicking the preview icon next to the requisition name.

You can navigate back to the Submissions list using the Back to Submission List button. You're returned to the Submissions list and the most recent requisition you viewed is highlighted.

You can flip through the submission details for each of the submissions displayed on your list by clicking the previous and next buttons.

When to Create Candidate Profiles and Submissions

You can create a general profile for a candidate to quickly capture candidate information. There are various reasons why you may have to create a candidate profile. For example, you received a candidate's resume by email and you want to create a general profile from scratch. You can also create a candidate submission for a requisition.

There are three contexts where you can create a candidate profile and candidate submission.

  • After searching for candidates, you can create a candidate profile using the Create New Candidate option in the More Actions menu. You’re offered to create just a candidate profile or a candidate profile and submission.

  • In the Submissions menu, you can create a candidate profile using the Create New Candidate option in the More Actions menu. You’re offered to create just a candidate profile or a candidate profile and submission.

  • In the Requisitions menu, when you’re viewing submissions for a requisition, you’re offered to create just a candidate profile, create a candidate profile and submission for the current requisition, and create a candidate profile and submission for another requisition.

Note: When you creating a candidate profile or submission, the form presented doesn't take into consideration security level permissions in view and edit modes. You will be able to input data into all the fields no matter the security level permissions granted or the security level set for the fields.

Create a Candidate Profile

Let's say you performed a candidate search and you're viewing the Search Results list.

  1. In the More Actions menu, select Create New Candidate.

  2. Select the Create a new candidate option.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Select the language in which you want to create the candidate profile.

  5. Select the desired form style, if that option is displayed.

  6. Click Next.

  7. If you have the resume of the candidate, you can upload it. The system will populate as many fields as possible.

    The file must not exceed 100 kilobites and its format must be one of the following: Word (.doc, .docx), WordPerfect (.wpd), Text (.txt), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Hypertext Markup Language (.html, .htm), Portable Document Format (.pdf), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), OpenOffice Writer (.odt).
  8. Enter basic info about the candidate such as the first name, last name, email. The system will use that info to search for potential duplicates. If duplicates are found, they're listed on the page. You can then:

    • Select a possible duplicate candidate.

    • Create a new candidate.

    • Click Previous to go back to the previous page and enter new info to search for potential duplicates.

  9. If you decide to create a new candidate profile, you're taken to the General Profile tab where you need to complete fields.

  10. Click Done.

Create a Candidate Profile and Submission

You can create a general profile and a submission at the same time.

Let's say you're in the Submissions menu and you want to create a candidate profile and submission.
  1. In the More Actions menu, select Create New Candidate.

  2. Select the Create a new candidate and submission option.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Select the language in which you want to create the candidate profile and submission.

  5. Select the requisition for which you want to create the submission.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select the desired form style, if that option is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

  9. If you have the resume of the candidate, you can upload it. The system will populate as many fields as possible.

  10. Enter basic info about the candidate such as the first name, last name, email. The system will use that info to search for potential duplicates. If duplicates are found, they're listed on the page. You can then:

    • Select a possible duplicate candidate.

    • Create a new candidate.

    • Click Previous to go back to the previous page and enter new info to search for potential duplicates.

  11. If you decide to create a new candidate profile, you're taken to the Job Submission tab where you need to complete fields.

  12. Click Done.

Create a Candidate Profile or Submission with Referral Details

You can create a candidate profile or a candidate submission and add details provided by a referrer.

Let’s say you receive information from a referrer about a potential candidate for a requisition and you want to create a candidate profile or submission along with referrer details.
  1. Go to the Submissions menu.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Create New Candidate.

  3. Select Create a new candidate or Create a new candidate and submission option.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the language in which you want to create the candidate profile.

  6. Select the referral form. You will be given the opportunity to identify a referrer for the new candidate.

  7. Click Next.

  8. On the Referrer – Duplicate Check page, enter details about the referrer such as the first name, last name, email. The system will use that info to search for potential referrer duplicates. If duplicates are found, they're listed on the page.

  9. Click Next.

  10. If you have the resume of the candidate, you can upload it. The system will populate as many fields as possible. Complete any missing information and submit the general profile or submission.

  11. Click Done.

The referrer details are shown in the Referral tab of the general profile or submission.