9Moving Submissions Through the Selection Process

Candidate Selection Process

The candidate selection process provides the framework to move candidates through the hiring process to evaluate and find the best candidates for a job. An analogy can be drawn between the candidate selection process and moving candidate resumes from one pile to another as the selection progresses and the number of resumes retained is reduced. For example, a candidate submission is analyzed, the candidate is contacted, interviewed, then hired.

Candidate selection processes are created by your administrator. They typically consist of steps (such as New, Interview, Offer, Background Check, Hire), and each step offers a variety of statuses to mark the progress of candidates. When you create a requisition, the system presents the most appropriate process for your requisition. Candidate submissions must go through the selection process as defined in the requisition.

Change the Step and Status of a Candidate Submission

You can change a submission's current step or status using the Change Step/Status action available in the Submissions list and within a candidate submission. You can change the step/status for one candidate submission or, for several candidate submissions (bulk action). The step and status available for selection are based on the requisition’s candidate selection workflow configuration and your permissions.

  1. Select one or multiple candidate submissions.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Change Step/Status.

  3. In the Change Step and Status window, select the desired step and status.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. If applicable, choose any available action that you would like to perform at the same time (as made available by your administrator).

  6. Click Apply and Close if you only want to change one step/status. Click Apply and Continue to continue changing the step/status of the selected submissions.

Revert a Candidate Submission Step and Status

If you mistakenly change the step/status of a submission, you can use the Revert Latest Change of Step/Status action to return the submission to the step/status it held previously.

  1. Select one or multiple candidate submissions.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Revert Latest Change of Step/Status.

  3. In the Revert Latest Change of Step/Status window, you can see the step and status that the submission will revert to.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Click Revert and Close. Alternatively, click Revert and Continue if you want to revert back another step and status.

Bypass a Mandatory Selection Step

When you want to move submissions quickly in the selection process, you can use the Bypass Selection Steps action to move the submission to any step and bypass mandatory steps.

  1. Select one or multiple candidate submissions.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Bypass Selection Steps.

  3. Enter comments.

  4. Click Apply and Close. Alternatively, click Apply and Continue if you want to bypass more steps.

Mark Step as Complete With Pending Activities

You can mark a step as completed even if you didn't complete it. Candidate submissions will move forward in the selection process even if certain activities are pending.

Every time you attempt to change the step/status of a submission, you're reminded of those pending activities. To complete the step, you can move it again and give it the same status but no longer with the pending activities option. This can only be done on configured steps.

  1. Select a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Change Step/Status.

  3. Select a step and a status that completes the step (status with an asterisk).

  4. Select the Complete this step even if some activities remain pending option.

  5. Click Apply and Close.

Reset a Submission Selection Process

You can use the Reset Selection Process action to restart the selection process of an hourly submission from the beginning.

This can be done for an active hourly requisition (not canceled, filled, or deleted). Also, the submission must no longer be active.

  1. Select a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Reset Selection Process.

  3. In the Reset Selection Process window, you can see to which step and status the submission will be reset.

  4. Click Reset and Close.

Indicate a Candidate Has Declined

A candidate may decide to decline a job for different reasons such as the salary is insufficient, or the candidate doesn't want relocate for the job or to travel.

  1. Go to the Submissions menu.

  2. Open a candidate submission.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Candidate has declined.

  4. In the Candidate has declined window, select a reason why the candidate decided to decline the job, if that option is available.

  5. Enter comments.

  6. Click Candidate has declined.

Reject a Candidate Submission

You may want to reject a candidate for several reasons. For example, the candidate doesn't meet the required criteria for the job or you received the candidate submission too late or were not able to contact the candidate.

  1. Go to the Submissions menu.

  2. Open the submission.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Reject Submission.

  4. In the Rejecting a Submission window, select a reason why the submission was rejected, if that option is available.

  5. Enter comments.

  6. Click Reject Submission.

Delete and Restore a Candidate Submission

You can delete one or more submissions at a time on a submissions list or within a submission. You can restore the submissions you deleted to their status prior to deletion.

Let’s say you deleted a few submissions that were duplicates or inactive and in the process you realize that you should not have deleted them.

  1. Select the submissions.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Delete Submission.

  3. Enter comments, if any.

  4. Click Delete.

The status of the submissions is changed to Deleted.

If you want to restore the submissions, select the submissions and use the Restore Submission action.

Permanently Delete a Candidate Profile

You can delete one or more candidate profiles permanently.

  1. Select a candidate profile.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Delete Candidate.

  3. If you want to continue with the permanent deletion, click Yes in the warning message.