10Managing Candidates and Candidate Submissions

Submissions List

You can access the list of all submissions by clicking the Submissions menu. You can also navigate directly to the submissions of a specific requisition by clicking the candidate count of the requisition in the Requisitions list.

From the Submissions list, you can:

  • View the list of submissions and see their progress in the selection process.

  • Navigate through the Submissions list pages using the first, previous, next, and last buttons. You can also go directly to a page.

  • Filter submissions using various criteria. Once you have selected criteria, click Apply Candidate Filters to refresh the list accordingly. Applied filters are shown in the top of the list. To remove filters, click Clear All to clear the selected filters, or click the remove icon next to each filter to remove each filter individually. The Filters pane is collapsible.

  • Sort submissions according to the information within a column by clicking the triangle in that column's header. Clicking a second time will reverse the sorting sequence.

  • Use the List Format tool to configure what content to display in the list.

  • See how many submissions are currently in the various steps and statuses of the selection process.

  • Perform actions directly from the list. Select a submission then select the action from the action toolbar. You can also use the More Actions menu displayed directly on each submission's row.

  • Perform bulk actions. Select multiple submissions then perform these actions: Change Step/Status, Send Correspondence, Add Comments.

  • When you hover your mouse over a candidate name, a pop up appears and provides candidate details such as contact phone, contact email, candidate ID.

  • Click the candidate name to open the submission and view all of its details. From there, you can flip to the next or previous submission. You can also come back to the Submissions list and see the last viewed submission highlighted on the list.

  • Preview the related requisition for a submission by clicking the title of the requisition. When you're done previewing the requisition, you can go back to the Submissions list.

What's a Completed Submission

You can view and sort candidate submissions based on the date when a submission was completed.

Submissions are considered completed when:

  • A candidate completed a job submission and clicked the Submit button.

  • A candidate (usually internal candidate) refers someone when creating or updating a submission.

  • An agent refers someone when creating or updating a submission.

  • A recruiter matches a candidate to a requisition (when creating a new submission or when a match is done with an incomplete submission).

  • An import is done on a submission.

  • A candidate is hired on a job.

If you add the column Submission Completed to a requisition-specific submissions list, information in the column appears as follows:

  • A blank value means that the submission is not yet completed.

  • Ascending sorting (arrow pointing upwards) displays the oldest submissions at the top of the list. If you sort on the Submission Completed Date column, blank values (incomplete submissions) are always displayed at the bottom of the list, whether sorting in an ascending or descending order.

Share a Candidate Submission

You can share one or multiple candidates with selected recipients. For example, other recruiters may be interested in such a profile to fill a position.

Let's say you're on the Submissions list.
  1. Select one or more candidates.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Share Candidate.

  3. Search for people with whom you want to share the candidate.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Share Candidate – Share Options window, select the sections of the file you want to share.

  6. Click Share Candidate.

The recipients receive a notification about the candidate that you just shared. They can view the info you shared.

Link Candidates to a Requisition

You can link one or multiple candidates to a requisition to create submissions for that requisition. You can link multiple candidates at a time to more than one requisition.

Let's say you want to link several candidates to a requisition.
  1. In the Submissions menu, select the candidates.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Link to Requisition.

  3. Select a requisition then click the Link to Requisition button.

    Requisitions displayed match the default matching requisition criteria set by your administrator.

  4. You can then choose to send an email to the candidate if you need more info about their profile. Emails are sent only for posted requisitions, to avoid inviting candidates to requisitions they can’t see on the career section.

When candidates are linked to a requisition, they can complete the application process, if applicable. You will see these submissions displayed with the initial status on the 1st step of the selection process. The event is tracked in the submission's History tab.

Modify Matching Criteria when Linking a Candidate to a Requisition

When you link one candidate to a requisition, you can modify the criteria used to find more relevant requisitions for a particular candidate.

  1. In the Submissions menu, select a candidate.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Link to Requisition.

  3. In the Filters panel, select the option View only requisitions that match the selected candidates button.

    Click Modify Matching Criteria.

  4. Select the criteria and indicate whether they're required, desired, or not applicable.

  5. Click Update.

Requisitions that meet all the required criteria and also some desired criteria appear at the top of the requisitions list.

Check for Duplicate Candidates and Merge Duplicate Candidates

You can run a duplicate check to identify potential duplicate candidates. If you find duplicate files, you can merge them into a single master file.

The Check for Duplicates action is available when viewing a list of submissions or general profiles and when viewing the details of a submission and general profile.

Let’s say you’re in a list of submissions.

  1. Select a candidate.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Check for Duplicates. The system verifies if the candidate already exists in the database. If applicable, a list of potential duplicate candidates is displayed.

  3. If you determine that one or multiple candidates are a duplicate, you can merge them with the reference candidate. Select the reference candidate and the potential duplicates, then click the Merge selected candidates button.

  4. On the Merge Candidate Files page, select which candidate will be retained. You can also set the merge sequence. It’s important to select the candidate and merge sequence with care because files are processed one at a time as per the configured sequence and only information that doesn’t already exist is included.

  5. If you select the option to send an email notification, an email message is sent to the master candidate or the agent owning the master candidate to inform them that the candidate files were merged and to invite that person to review the new candidate file.

  6. Click Merge Candidates.

What happens once the merge is done:

  • The information in the candidate file that was retained is preserved and enriched by merging in the information from the duplicate candidate files.

  • The candidates that were not retained are deleted.

Use Fill-Out Forms for the Hiring Process

You can use fill-out forms at any point during the hiring process. You can use forms for instance for various new hire paperwork, or to print a candidate submission in a particular format, or during an interview with a candidate to complete a candidate's "Do not disclose" information. You can also print a form, complete it, and have it signed by a candidate.

  1. Go to the Submissions menu.

  2. Select a candidate submission.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Fill Out Form. The Fill Out Form page displays the forms associated with the respective submission’s step and status (as per the candidate selection workflow configuration).

  4. Click on a form. Acrobat® Reader opens, displaying the form. The form is filled automatically using the corresponding fields of the candidate file or requisition file.

  5. Validate the information.

  6. Click Print. A PDF form is automatically generated.

Export Submissions and Candidate Profiles to Excel

You can export submissions and candidate general profiles in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Let's say you want to export several submissions.
  1. Select candidate submissions.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Download as Excel.

  3. Select where you want to download the file.

  4. Click Save.

The selected submissions are downloaded to an Excel file with all the relevant information. Columns in the Excel file are determined by the actual columns displayed in the Submissions list.

  • If a column is represented by an icon (such as the Item Requiring Attention icon), the column header will display the icon value.

  • If a field displays a boolean value, the table cell will display True or False.

  • If a field has multiple values, the table cell will display the actual text value.

Send a Correspondence to a Candidate

You can use the Send Correspondence action to create a message and send it to one or multiple candidates.

You can send a correspondence to a maximum is 150 candidates.
  1. Select one or more candidates.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Send Correspondence.

  3. Select how the message is sent, email or printed letter.

  4. You can write the message from scratch or using a template:

    • From Scratch: You can create a message from scratch using the text editor. Before sending the message, you can see and print a preview of the message and make final edits if needed. You can also attach files.

    • From Template: The list of templates that you can select is displayed. Use filters to find the desired template. If the template is built using several paragraphs, you can select and unselect them. You can see and print a preview of the message before selecting it. If you have the right permission, you can edit the message and attach files. You can also format the text using tools such as bold, italics, font types and sizes, bulleted lists.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Create the message.

  7. Click Send.

Request Screening Services for a Candidate

You can request screening services for candidates such as background checks, tax credit eligibility, candidate assessments.

When you open a candidate submission, select the Request a Screening Service action in the More Actions menu. Screening services configured for the requisition are available for selection. Select the service you want to request.

You can view results of screening services performed on candidates. When you open a candidate submission, go to the Screening Services section. From there, you can view a summary of the results displayed in a table. Click the Show Details link to view a detailed report of the screening services performed on the candidate. If screening services were previously performed on the candidate, you can access historical results.

Add a Referring Agent

You can add a referring agent to a candidate submission and candidate profile.

  1. Open a candidate submission or candidate profile.

  2. Click the Referral tab.

  3. Click Add Referring Agent.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Selected a referring agent.

  6. Click Save.

The Referral tab displays the name and email address of the agent, and the name of the agency. The status also indicates if the referrer ownership is still effective or not. If it's still effective, you can change the referring agent and the ownership period of the new agent will be reset. You can also remove referral information. This doesn't actually remove the information, it just expires the current ownership period. If the ownership has expired, you can only change the referring agent. When an agent refers a candidate, the ear icon is displayed with the letter A.

Generate a Password for a Candidate

You can generate a password for a candidate from within the candidate’s general profile or from the submission.

  1. Open a candidate submission or candidate profile.

  2. In the Account Information section, click Generate New Password.

  3. If you want to see the password generated for the candidate, select the option Show password.