
Understanding the Offers List

The Offers list displays offers across multiple requisitions.

From the Offers list, you can:

  • View the list of offers and see their progress in the selection process.

  • By default, you are shown offers that pertain to requisitions that you own. But you can select various filter options. If you select "All offers", you see all the offers you're entitled to see, regardless of the requisition to which they pertain.

  • Filter offers using various criteria. Once you have selected criteria, click Apply Filters to refresh the list accordingly. Applied filters are shown in the top of the list. To remove filters, click Clear All to clear the selected filters, or click the remove icon next to each filter to remove each filter individually. The Filters pane is collapsible.

  • Sort offers according to the information within a column by clicking the triangle in that column's header. Clicking a second time will reverse the sorting sequence.

  • Use the List Format tool to configure what content to display in the list.

  • Navigate through the Offers list pages using the first, previous, next, and last buttons. You can also go directly to a page.

  • When you hover your mouse over a candidate name, a pop up appears and provides candidate details.

  • Click the title of a requisition to open it and view all of its details.

Create an Offer

You create job offers to include details about the job responsibilities as well as compensation information such as salary and benefits.

When a candidate reaches the Offer step of the selection process, you can create an offer using the Create Offer action. The offer grid appear and this is where all the information is gathered to create an offer. You specify info such as the start date, salary, pay basis, vacation, car allowance. You can also use the option to copy values of the requisition into the offer. Once you completed the preparation of the offer and likely, the corresponding offer letter, you can submit it for approval or extend it to the candidate (depending on your process).

Once an offer is created and moves beyond the draft status, most of the information it contains is secured to prevent uncontrolled change. If you want to change the contents of the offer, you can quickly create a new offer and start with a copy of the previous one. From there, you can make any changes you deem necessary. All these offer versions are kept so that that you can see and compare the evolution using the offer grid. You can use the option Highlight Differences to compare values in each offer. By default, the grid displays 2 columns. You can go up to 3 or 4 depending on your device screen size or orientation. When a new offer is created, it automatically appears in the first column to the left and is labeled Offer (New).

The offer grid contains not only the information about the current offer to be made to the candidate but it can also be used to collect and maintain information on previous offers, competitive offers, and current candidate expectations. In the offer grid, each offer appears in a column.

Submit an Offer for Approval

When you create an offer for a candidate, you can route the offer for approval by using the Submit Offer for Approval action. This action is used when at least one person must approve an offer before extending it to the candidate.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. Go to the Offers tab.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Submit Offer for Approval.

  4. Click Add Approvers to select users who will approve the offer.

    Based on your settings and configurations, the list of approvers may be prepopulated and, in some cases, you might not be able to add or remove approvers.
  5. Define the order of approval by assigning a sequence number to each approver. The approval path can be carried out in two ways:

    • Sequential: When the first approver receives an approval request, the approver approves the offer. Once approved, the approval request goes to the next approver, and so on.

    • Parallel: Multiple approvers receive an approval request and they can all approve the offer at the same time. Approvers can approve the offer without having to wait for the others.

  6. Enter comments for the approvers.

  7. Select the user to whom the offer must be sent for next steps once it's approved.

  8. Click Submit for Approval.

The system assigns the task to the first approver in the sequence. The approver receives an Approve Offer task.

Remind an Approver to Approve an Offer

You can send a reminder to the approvers of a job offer when the approval process is pending.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. Go to the Offers tab.

  3. In the Approval Process section, click Send Reminder.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Click Send Reminder.

The approval request email is resent to the approvers who it's the turn to render their decision.

Modify an Offer Approval Process

You can modify the approval process of an offer that is currently under approval. You can also add new approvers, remove approvers, or change the order of approvers.

Let’s say an approver is on vacation and you need to assign the approval of an offer to a different approver.

  1. Open the candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Modify Approval Process. You can also use the Modify Approval Process button.

  3. Remove the approver and add an alternate approver. The newly added approver receives the approval notification as the approval workflow progresses.

  4. Enter a reason for modifying the approval process.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Terminate an Offer Approval Process

You can terminate an offer’s approval process once initiated.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Terminate Approval Process.

Approve an Offer

If you're asked to approve an offer, there are different ways you can respond depending on your user permissions. You can approve the offer using the Decide on Approval action, using the task Approval offer available in the Tasks menu, using the eShare response center.

Let's say you approve the offer using the Decide on Approval action.
  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Decide on Approval.

  3. In the Task details panel, indicate whether you approve or reject the offer. You can also pass.

  4. You can enter comments. This is mandatory if you reject the offer.

  5. Click Done.

Extend an Offer

You extend an offer when you first communicate an offer to a candidate. You can subsequently convey the same offer again using the Send Offer action. For example, you might first want to track that an offer was extended verbally to a candidate and later, a more formal offer letter was sent to that same candidate.

There are several ways you can extend an offer:

  • Verbally

  • Email

  • Printed Letter

  • E-offer

When you extend an offer verbally, you can select the option Capture offer response (after extending). Possible answers are:

  • The candidate accepted the offer. If you select this option, indicate the date when the offer was accepted and the start date of the candidate.

  • The candidate wants to negotiate the offer. If you select this option, indicate the reason.

  • The candidate refused the offer. If you select this option, indicate the reason.

When you extend an offer in writing (email, printed letter), you can review, print and edit the content of the message before sending it to the candidate.

When you extend an offer electronically, the candidate can view and respond to the offers on line. Your administrator can configure two types of E-offer:

  • Standard: Candidates receive an email notification inviting them to access a secure career section portal to view the offer on line. They can view the offer details and offer letter attachments, if any. They can also print the offer and the offer letter attachments. Candidates then decide to accept or refuse the offer and they must e-sign the offer by providing their full name and unique identifier.

  • Advanced: The advanced option is for organizations having more complex requirements such as additional eSignatures, notifications extended to more people, calls to partner services, different tasks for executives.

Send an Offer

You can send an offer to a candidate by email, printed letter, or E-offer once the offer has been extended. This is mostly used when an offer is extended verbally and then mailed to the candidate.

When you use the Send Offer action, you can't edit the contents of the offer letter. You can only change email recipients and add comments for internal use.

Rescind an Offer

You can rescind an offer in situations where you extended an offer to a candidate but later change your mind. This might be useful in situations where you extended an offer but afterwards you received an adverse report on the background check of the candidate.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Rescind Offer.

  3. Enter comments if needed.

  4. Click Rescind Offer.

When the offer is rescinded, the corresponding advanced E-offer onboarding process, if applicable, is canceled.

Renege an Offer

You can renege an offer in situations where a candidate accepted an offer but later change their mind.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Renege Offer.

  3. Enter comments if needed.

  4. Click Renege Offer.

Cancel an Offer

You can cancel an offer before extending it to the candidate. You can also cancel an offer that was extended but that is now expired (the expiration date is in the past).

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Cancel Offer.

  3. Enter comments if needed.

  4. Click Cancel Offer.

Capture Candidate Expectations

You capture candidate expectations to gather information and help you decide if you can prepare an offer that is likely to interest that candidate. The information you capture becomes available in the offer grid. You can see it and compare it with an offer you might be preparing.

  1. Go to the Submissions menu.

  2. Open a candidate submission.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Capture Candidate Expectations.

  4. In the Capture Candidate Expectations window, select the type of expectation:

    • Would accept

    • Would refuse

    • Desires

    • Current job

  5. Click Capture

  6. Complete the fields in the temporary offer section.

  7. Click Save and Close. The expectations are shown on the page.

Capture Candidate Competitive Offer

You capture a competitive offer to gather information and help you decide if you can prepare an offer that is likely to interest that candidate. The information you capture becomes available in the offer grid. You can see it and compare it with an offer you might be preparing.

  1. Go to the Submissions menu.

  2. Open a candidate submission.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Capture Competitive Offer.

  4. Complete the fields in the temporary offer section.

  5. Click Save and Close. The competitive offer is shown on the page.

Capture the Candidate's Response to an Offer

You can capture the response to an offer on behalf of a candidate. For example, you can capture the response if a candidate contacts you to give a response before responding to the offer online.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Capture Offer Response.

  3. Select one of these responses:

    • The candidate accepted the offer. Indicate the date when the offer was accepted and the start date of the candidate.

    • The candidate wants to negotiate. Indicate the reason.

    • The candidate refused the offer. Select the reason why the candidate refused the offer and enter comments.

  4. Click Done.