15Onboarding Process

Start an Onboarding Process

You can start a pre-hire or new hire onboarding process when candidates reach a specific step and status in the candidate selection process.

You can perform this action on one candidate or multiple candidates at a time.
  1. Go to the Submissions tab.

  2. Open a candidate file.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Start Pre-Hire Onboarding Process or New Hire Onboarding Process.

  4. Select a process.

  5. Enter comments.

  6. Click Start Process.

Once a submission has an onboarding process initiated, you can cancel it using the Cancel Onboarding Process action.

Start an Onboarding Process While Changing the Step and Status of a Submission

You can start a pre-hire or new hire onboarding process while changing the step and status of a submission.

  1. Open a candidate submission.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Change Step/Status.

  3. In the Change Step and Status window, update the step, the status, or both.

  4. In the Select Other Action section, select the Start Onboarding Process option and the desired onboarding process.

  5. Click Apply and Close.

Start and Cancel an Onboarding Process from the Requisition's Submission List

You can start and cancel a pre-hire onboarding process or a new hire onboarding process for one candidate submission or several submissions related to a specific requisition.

Let’s say you want to start a new hire onboarding process for 20 candidates and later cancel the process for a 5 hires.
  1. Go to the Requisitions tab.

  2. Click the candidate count for a specific requisition.

  3. Select the 20 candidates.

  4. In the More Actions menu, select the Start New Hire Onboarding Process action.

  5. Click Start Process.

  6. In the Requisitions list, select the 5 candidates for which you want to cancel the process.

  7. In the More Actions menu, select the Cancel New Hire Onboarding Process action.

  8. Click Cancel.