16Other Tools and Features

List Formats

List formats are used to display candidate and requisition information using different sets of columns depending on context.

You have access to a selection of list formats that have been created by your administrator to best suit the needs of your organization. Also, each specific context where information such as submission lists are displayed offer their own set of list formats. For example, you could have access to 5 list formats well suited for screening candidates in the New step of a selection process, and have access to 10 totally different list formats when looking at submissions in the Interview step.

List formats display information that is sorted based on 1, 2, or even up to 3 columns. When sorted on multiple levels, a number indicates the level of sorting performed by a column. Let’s say the Education list format on the Submissions list was configured to sort files by Item Requiring Attention, then by Candidate File Identifier, then by Requisition ID, Title. When you’re in the Submissions list and select the Education list format, the submissions are sorted as configured.

Personalize Your List Formats

You can create and edit personal list formats for a list context. You're able to personalize your list view by selecting which columns you'd like to display and the sort order for each.

  1. Go to Requisitions, Submissions, Offers, or Quick Search results.

  2. In the List Format menu, select Create personal list formats.

  3. Select up to 16 columns and the sort order you'd like for each.

  4. Click Save List Format.

  5. Click Close.

Filters and Advanced Filters

Use filters to narrow down a list to relevant information.

Quick Filters

Quick filters are displayed and available to be used all the time. Use quick filter criteria to quickly filter a list. When no filter criteria is selected, the list displays all available entries. When you select one or more criteria and click Apply Filters, the list refreshes according to the selection made.

Advanced Filters

In lists where advanced filters are available, you can see an Advanced Filters tab displayed at the top of the filter pane. You can select one or several advanced filter criteria to filter a list. When criteria are selected, they appear at the top of the screen with a Remove Filter icon next to the criteria. When you click the Remove Filter icon, the criteria is removed and the list is dynamically updated according to the updated criteria set.

Add Comments to a Candidate Submission

Use the Add Comment action to add comments in a requisition, candidate submission, or candidate profile.

When you add a comment, the comment appears in the History tab.

Attach Files

You can attach files to a requisition, candidate submission, or candidate profile.

  1. Open a requisition, candidate submission, or candidate profile.

  2. Click the Attachments tab.

  3. Click Upload Attachment.

  4. In the Upload Attachment window, click Browse to select a file.

    The file must be in the supported file format and not exceed 5 MB.
  5. For a candidate submission or candidate profile, indicate if the attachment is a resume, an offer-related file, or any other type of attachment. Also indicate if the attachment is visible to the candidate.

  6. Click Upload.

Once a file is attached, it appears in the Attachments tab. You can then preview, edit, delete, and download the file.

Preview and Download Attachments

You can preview and download files attached to candidate submissions and candidate profiles.

Let's say you're viewing the Submissions list.
  1. Select a list format that displays the Attachments column.

  2. Locate a submission that has the paper clip icon. When a submission or candidate profile has at least one file attachment, the paper clip icon is displayed.

  3. Click the paper clip icon if you want to view the attachments. The attachments are displayed under each attachment section. For each listed attachment, you see the file name, size, and the preview and download buttons.

  4. If you click Preview, you can preview that file. If other files exist, you can flip to them.

Print Files

You can use the print functionality to create a PDF version of a requisition, candidate submission, or candidate profile and then print a PDF of the file.

Let’s say you want to print two requisitions.

  1. Go to the Requisitions tab.

  2. Select the two requisitions.

  3. Click the Print icon.

  4. In the Print Requisitions window, decide how you want to print the files:

    • List only: The contents of the list are presented in a PDF format as per the same arrangement as shown in the list format. A maximum of 1000 lines can be printed in the list.

    • File details: All sections of the file or only specific sections can be printed. For example, you can choose to print the Description, Prescreening, and Screening sections of the requisition. The sections you select are saved as defaults for the next print action. Also, sections you can select are based on how the file is configured and on your user permissions. For requisitions, a maximum of 15 files can be printed. For candidates, a maximum of 50 files can be printed.

  5. Click Print PDF.