17Embedded Reporting

Using Embedded Reporting

As a recruiter, you can run and schedule reports directly in Recruiting.

You can access Reports from the hamburger menu. In the Reporting page, you can display all the reports that you can run, or display reports that you previously ran.

All Reports

Reports are grouped by categories. Reports that aren't tied to a category are grouped at the bottom of the list under an Unspecified Category group. You can use the Report Name field to filter the list of reports. You can also click on a report to view its content.

Depending on how the report was configured, you can select different parameters in the Customization section. In the Output section, you can select the output format of the report (PDF, XLSX, RTF, HTML, EXCEL, XML, CSV). You can also select the Zip the Report option to have the report available as a zip file. You can decide to send a notification to inform people that the report was ran. You can select the recipients who will receive the notification. If you don’t select any recipient, the notification will only be sent to you. Here’s some useful info about the size of the report:

  • If the size of the report file is smaller than or equal to the allowed attached file size, you and the recipients will receive the notification with the report attached.

  • If the size of the report file is greater than the allowed attached file size, you and the recipients will receive the notification with a link to the report.

  • If the report generation fails, you will receive a notification with an error message.

Once a report has run, it’s available in the Executed Reports list and its status is set to Ready.

Executed Reports

When you click the Executed Reports button, you can see reports that were ran and reports that are scheduled to run. For reports that were ran, you can see the date when the report was requested and the status of the report which can be Running, Ready, or Error. When you select a report, actions become available in the toolbar:

  • View a snapshot of the report

  • Create a scheduled report

  • Edit the scheduled report

  • Export the report in XML format

  • Rerun the report against the latest data

  • Delete the report snapshot (only the instance of the report is deleted, not the report itself)

If you click on a report or click the action to view a snapshot of the report, you can then download the report.

For scheduled reports, you can see the following info:

  • Expiration Date: The date when the report will expire. By default, the expiration date is 3 months from the date the report was scheduled.

  • Status: The green icon indicates that the scheduled report is active while the red icon indicates that the scheduled report is inactive.

  • Calendar icon: When the scheduled report is being run, a gray calendar icon is displayed next to the report name. When a scheduled report is about to expire, a yellow calendar icon is displayed. When the scheduled report is expired, a red calendar icon is displayed.

When you select a report, actions become available in the toolbar:

  • Activate the scheduled report

  • Deactivate the scheduled report

  • Edit the scheduled report

  • Duplicate the scheduled report

  • Renew the scheduled report (available only when the report is expired)

  • Delete the report snapshot