5Posting and Sourcing Requisitions

Post a Requisition to a Career Section

You can post requisitions to internal career sections for your employee, and to external career sections for external candidates.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open a requisition.

  3. Click the Sourcing tab.

  4. Expand the Career Sections section.

  5. Click the Add career sections button. The Career Sections Selector displays a list of career sections.

  6. You can remove or add career sections as necessary.

  7. Click Add / update career sections. The career sections are added to the requisition and you're back on the Sourcing tab. From there, you can:

    • Use the default posting schedule or modify it.

    • Mark the posting as urgent.

    • Set the Apply Online option before posting the requisition.

    • Add and remove career sections.

    • Unpost the requisition from a career section.

    • View the list of career section along with their posting status.

  8. Click Save and apply.

You can come back to the Sourcing tab to view the current status or to modify your postings. For example, you can unpost a selected career section when the posting has not yet expired or you can change the date when it should become posted or unposted.

Post a Requisition to a Job Board

You can post a requisition on job boards through an external job posting distribution supplier.

You must post the requisition on an external career section before you can post it on a job board.
  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open the requisition.

  3. Click the Sourcing tab.

  4. Expand the Job Boards section.

  5. Click the Select job boards for posting button.

  6. Select the supplier, account, and language.

  7. Click Next. You're then taken to the supplier’s site where you can select job boards and provide more details about the posting.

Use Staffing Agents to Refer Candidates for a Requisition

You can use the services of staffing agents who will refer candidates to a job.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open the requisition.

  3. Click the Sourcing tab.

  4. Expand the Staffing Agents section.

  5. Click the Add Agents button. The Staffing Agents Selector displays a list of staffing agents for posting the requisition. The list of agents available is dependent on the organization, location, and job field selected for the requisition.

  6. You can remove or add staffing agents as necessary.

  7. Click Add / update agents. The staffing agents are added to the requisition and you're back on the Sourcing tab.

  8. Set the start and end date of the posting.

  9. Click Save and apply.

An email is sent to staffing agents inviting them to refer candidates for the job. The staffing agent signs in to the agency portal, locates the requisition, and refers candidates. Candidates being referred receive an email informing them that an agent referred them for a job. Candidates are invited to review the profile information submitted by the agent. When you search candidates in the database, you can easily identify candidates referred by an agent with the Candidate referred by an agent option.

Share Jobs Through Social Media

You can share jobs through social media or by email by sharing the link to a specific job description page to your contacts on multiple social networks

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open a requisition posted on an external career section.

  3. Click the Sourcing tab.

  4. Click the Share through social network link.

  5. Select social networks.

Invite Candidates Matching Criteria of a Posted Requisition

When a requisition is posted on a career section, you can invite candidates to apply to a requisition when they match criteria defined for the requisition.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open a requisition posted on a career site.

  3. Click the Sourcing tab.

  4. Expand the Invite Matching Candidates section.

  5. You can modify default matching criteria to find more relevant candidates for a particular requisition. You can modify the list of sources used by candidates to apply for the job. You can also modify default filters using the Edit icon next to Resulting Invite List.

  6. When you have found the right candidates, click the Send Invite button to send an email to these candidates to invite them to apply for the job. Candidates receiving the invitation to apply can submit their applications using the career section portal.