4Using Requisitions

Requisitions List

The Requisitions list displays requisitions with information shown into different columns.

From the Requisitions list, you can:

  • View all requisitions including those in inactive statuses such as Draft, Deleted, and Canceled.

  • Filter requisitions using various criteria. Once you have selected criteria, click Apply Filters to refresh the list accordingly. Applied filters are shown in the top of the list. To remove filters, click Clear All to clear the selected filters, or click the remove icon next to each filter to remove each filter individually. The Filters pane is collapsible.

  • Sort requisitions according to the information within a column by clicking the triangle in that column's header. Clicking a second time will reverse the sorting sequence.

  • Use the List Format tool to configure what content to display in the list.

  • Navigate through the Requisitions list pages using the first, previous, next, and last buttons. You can also go directly to a page.

  • Hover your mouse over the requisition title to get requisition info such as the recruiter, hired candidates, user group, and activated languages.

  • Click the title of a requisition to open it and view all of its details. From there, you can flip to the next or previous requisition. You can also come back to the Requisitions list and see the last viewed requisition highlighted on the list.

  • Click the candidate count of a requisition to access the list of candidate submissions for that requisition.

  • View an icon in the Candidate Count column indicating new submissions in the candidate selection process for a requisition (those submissions in the initial status of the first step of a candidate selection process).

  • Perform actions available in the More Actions menu such as deleting, canceling, and filling a requisition.

  • Create requisitions.

Requisition Details

A requisition details the specific requirements of a job for which somebody must be hired.

When you view a requisition, details of the requisition are presented in the following tabs and panel:

  • Requisition Info: Contains all the info for the job organized into different sections that you can expand and collapse as needed.

  • Prescreen Alerts: You can set the ACE flagging and Request More Information (RMI) criteria.

  • Attachments: Contains files attached to the requisition. You can view, preview, delete, upload, and download attachments.

  • Approvals: Displays info about the approval process such as the approvers, the decision made, and the date and time of the approval.

  • Sourcing: You can view and configure all the sourcing and posting methods used for your requisition. Posting can be done to internal or external career sites, job boards, or staffing agents. You can even invite candidates that match certain criteria to apply for the job.

  • Interviews: You can add evaluation questionnaires, send evaluation feedback requests to evaluators to ask them to evaluate candidates, view feedback provided by evaluators.

  • History: You can view tracking details of events that occurred on a requisition. Events are listed in chronological order.

  • Summary: The Summary panel highlights important details of the requisition such as the requisition status, structure, hiring team, job information. You also have links to pre-filtered submissions: Active candidates, New candidates, All candidates. The Summary card is collapsible.

Info About Specific Sections and Fields

Owners: Owners are individuals chosen as the recruiter, the hiring manager, the recruiter assistant, and the hiring manager assistant for a specific requisition. Your administrator must activate the recruiter assistant and the hiring manager assistant roles. These two assistant roles can carry out requisition-related activities to help the recruiter or hiring manager. System-assigned tasks are assigned to the assistant (if an assistant was identified) instead of the recruiter. However, the recruiter also has access to these tasks even though they were assigned to the assistant. When you view the Requisitions list, you can use the Show requisitions filter to gain quick access to requisitions you own. You can also use the filters Recruiter, Hiring Manager, Recruiter Assistant, Hiring Manager Assistant to view requisitions owned by a specific user.

Collaborators: Collaborators are individuals chosen by the owner of a requisition to help or take responsibility for various activities pertaining to the requisition or related recruiting process. When you view the Requisitions list, you can use the Show requisitions filter to gain quick access to requisitions that you collaborate on.

User Group: A user group is a group of people who need to have access to the same information for example, a group of people who works on the same requisitions.

Requisition Type

A requisition type is used to determine the type of candidates you want to hire.

These requisition types are available:

  • Professional: Requisitions for most professional employees.

  • Executive: Requisitions for executives. This type of requisition allows you to secure and protect private executive candidates in the system.

  • Hourly: Requisitions for hourly employees.

  • Campus: Requisitions for students or campus job fairs.

  • Contingent: Requisitions for contractual employees submitted by agencies.

  • Pipeline - General

  • Pipeline - Executive

When you create a requisition, if your administrator enabled more than one requisition type, you can select the desired requisition type. When a requisition type is no longer available, you can't select it, but requisitions created with that type keep their original requisition type.

Find Requisitions

You can use the "Look up a requisition" tool to quickly find a specific requisition that you know exists in the database.

Let’s say for example that you want to find a requisition for an Analyst position. Enter the term Analyst in the Search field. The system will list all the requisitions titled Analyst, QA Analyst, Technical Analyst, Research Analyst, and so on. You can refine the search by entering the terms Technical Analyst. The system will apply the AND boolean operator by default and display Technical Analyst requisitions in the search results. If the criteria matches a single requisition, you’re taken directly to the requisition details page.

Edit a Requisition

You can edit fields in a requisition to modify their values.

When you view a requisition, you can click the Edit icon of a section to modify the fields in that section, or the Edit All button to display the whole requisition in edit mode. When the requisition is in edit mode, sections are highlighted in yellow. Also, the summary panel displays a table of contents of the requisition sections. You can click section titles to quickly navigate to specific content. Editable fields are shown with a white background to be easy to distinguish.

Create a Requisition

An assistant or wizard helps you go through easy to follow steps to create your requisition. Moreover, there are up to three different options on how you can create your requisition.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Click Create Requisition.

  3. Select how you want to create the requisition:

    • Specify a position: You can create a requisition by selecting a position to base it upon. When you select a position, fields relevant to the position get pre-filled into the requisition. You can also manually enter details in the requisition.

    • Use a template: You can create a requisition based on a template. Many of the requisition fields are pre-populated based on the selected template.

    • Start from the beginning: You can create a requisition using a blank form.

  4. Once you've selected an option for creating your requisition, you're guided through different steps to enter the core information in the most efficient manner.

  5. If you want to create a requisition in multiple languages, click Configure in the Language menu and select the desired language. Your preferred languages are activated by default. Note that you're not required to translate non-mandatory fields. A non-mandatory field completed in the base language can be left blank in other languages.

  6. In the last step, you're presented with the complete requisition form where you can review and enter any missing information.

  7. Click Done.

The requisition appears in the Requisitions list and its status is Draft.

Tips for Writing the Requisition Description

The requisition description provides information about the job as well as the qualifications required. The description is displayed to candidates when they apply for a job.

A requisition can have two descriptions: an internal description for employees within your organization, and an external description for external candidates.

An good job description is compelling, intelligent, and honest. It must attract, intrigue, and persuade top talents. It includes specific information and is focused on the talent. When you write the description of a requisition, consider the following tips.

Info Tip
Job Title Provide a clear and meaningful job title. Make sure candidates outside your organization will know what it means.
Headline Start with a brief marketing statement, "grabber".
Structure Explain where and how the position fits into the organization.
Type of Environment Explain what it's like to work for the organization (fast-paced, small or large team, multiple projects, etc.).
Description of the Role Concentrate on important, positive aspects of the position.
Description of the Person Required List qualifications, important competencies, relevant experience, personal qualities. Be specific and keep it short.
Salary, Benefits, Training, Opportunities Highlight key benefits offered by the organization.
Formatting Format your text using the Rich Text Editor provided in the Description field.

Identify Missing Info in a Requisition

When you create or edit a requisition, you can make sure the requisition is ready and has all the information necessary for the next step.

Two methods are available:

  • You can use the Show fields required to option and manually select a milestone. This will identify which fields are missing to be ready for that milestone. It will also validate that all the info is there when you save the requisition.

  • You can use the Inspect option. The system will look at all the requirements for the different milestones and list what is missing so that you can easily and quickly fill-in the information for your requisition to be ready for that next step. If your requisition is multilingual, you should first ensure that all the missing information is provided in your base language. Then, you can check for missing translation by changing the language option from "Current only" to "All". Not only will the Inspect method identify fields that are missing translations but it offers a Translate option where you can see the reference and to be translated text side-by-side such that it can more easily be translated directly off of your screen.

Request Additional Contribution for a Requisition

Before you submit a requisition for approval, you may need help from someone and request their contribution.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open a requisition.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Request for Contribution.

  4. Select one or more users.

  5. Click Request for Contribution.

The user will use the Return Contribution action to acknowledge the completion of updates on the requisition where they received a request for contribution.

Self Approve a Requisition

You can use the Save as Open action to save a requisition and bypass any approvals that may be required.

The requisition status must be Draft.
  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open a requisition.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Save as Open.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Click Done.

Submit a Requisition for Approval

If your requisition needs to go through an approval process, you can use the Submit for Approval action and select users who will approve the requisition. At least one person must approve the requisition.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open a requisition.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Submit for Approval.

  4. Click Add Approvers to select users who will approve the requisition.

    Based on your settings and configurations, the list of approvers may be prepopulated and, in some cases, you might not be able to add or remove approvers.
  5. Define the order of approval by assigning a sequence number to each approver. The approval path can be carried out in two ways:

    • Sequential: When the first approver receives an approval request, the approver approves the requisition. Once approved, the approval request goes to the next approver, and so on.

    • Parallel: Multiple approvers receive an approval request and they can all approve the requisition at the same time. Approvers can approve the requisition without having to wait for the others.

  6. Enter comments for the approvers.

  7. Select the user to whom the requisition must be sent once it's approved.

  8. Click Submit for Approval.

The approvers receive an approval request notification in the order set in the approval path. You can see the progress of the approval such as the decision made and the date and time of the approval in the job requisition's Approvals tab.

Approve a Requisition

If you're asked to approve a requisition, there are different ways you can respond depending on your user permissions. You can approve the requisition using the Decide on Approval action, using the task Approval requisition available in the Tasks menu, using the eShare response center.

Let's say you approve the requisition using the Decide on Approval action.
  1. Open the requisition.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Decide on Approval.

  3. In the Task details panel, indicate whether you approve or reject the requisition.

  4. Click Done.

Remind an Approver to Approve a Requisition

You can send approval reminder requests to approvers of a requisition when the approval process is pending.

  1. Open a requisition.

  2. From the More Actions menu select Send Approval Request Reminder.

  3. Enter comments.

  4. Click Send Reminder.

Modify a Requisition Approval Process

You can modify the approval process of a requisition that is currently under approval. You can also add new approvers, remove approvers, or change the order of approvers.

Note: If you don't have the permission to modify the approval process, you can use the Request Approval Process Modification action for someone else to do this for you.

Let’s say an approver is on vacation and you need to assign the approval of a requisition to a different approver.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open the requisition.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Modify Approval Process. You can also use the Modify Approval Process button.

  4. Remove the approver and add an alternate approver. The newly added approver receives the approval notification as the approval workflow progresses.

  5. Enter a reason for modifying the approval process.

  6. Click Save and Close.

Ask Someone to Modify an Approval Process

If you don't have the permission to modify the approval process, you can use the Request Approval Process Modification action for someone else to do this for you.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open the requisition.

  3. Go to the Approvals tab.

  4. Click Request Approval Process Modification.

  5. Select a user.

  6. Click Request Approval Process Modification.

Terminate a Requisition Approval Process

You can terminate a requisition’s approval process once the approval has been triggered.

  1. Go to the Requisitions menu.

  2. Open the requisition.

  3. In the More Actions menu, select Terminate Approval Process.

  4. Enter comments.

  5. Click Terminate approval process.

The approval path is canceled and no other users receive a request to approve the requisition. The requisition goes back to the Draft status.

Perform More Actions on Requisitions

You can perform several actions on requisitions from the Requisitions list or using the More Actions menu in a requisition.

  • Duplicate this requisition: You duplicate a requisition to create a new requisition by duplicating the contents of the requisition you're currently viewing. You can subsequently modify only some of the contents as necessary without having to create a brand new requisition from scratch. You can duplicate a requisition regardless of its status.

  • Cancel: Use the Cancel action when you no longer need the requisition. You can use the Cancel action when the requisition has one of the following statuses: Approved, Scheduled, Posted, Unposted, Expired, Draft. The Cancel action isn't available when at least one candidate has been hired for the requisition, or an offer was extended.

  • Delete: Use the Delete action to remove the requisition from the list. The requisition status must be Draft.

  • Put on Hold: Use the Put on Hold action to suspend all the activities associated with a requisition. The Put on Hold action is available when the requisition has one of the following statuses: Sourcing - Unposted, Sourcing - Expired, Draft, Approved, Rejected, To be Approved.

  • Reactivate: Use the Reactivate action to reactivate a requisition that was put on hold. The requisition will go back to its previous status or the Draft status depending on system configuration.

  • Reopen: Use the Reopen action to reopen a requisition previously filled or canceled. You have the option to cancel the current hiring or to add new openings.

  • Fill Requisition: Use the Fill Requisition action to indicate that the remaining positions on a requisition are no longer available. The requisition can now be considered as "filled". The Fill Requisition action is available when the requisition has the following statuses: Open - Approved, Open - Posted, Open - Expired, Open - Unposted, Open - Scheduled.

Manage Pipeline Requisitions

Pipeline requisitions are used to gather candidates who have the skills, background, and experience your organization is looking for. These candidates can later be added to a job requisition for which they can eventually get hired.

The creation process of a pipeline requisition is similar to a regular requisition. On the Requisitions list, click Create Requisition. Select the type of pipeline requisition you want to create:

  • Pipeline - General

  • Pipeline - Executive

Complete the fields as for a regular requisition.