7Login, Help, Navigation and Other Tools

Login, Help, Navigation and Other Tools


Login Procedure

When users open the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition solution, the User Sign In page is typically displayed.

On the Sign In page, users can select the language in which they want to use the application. If users change the default language on the Sign In page, the page is displayed in the new language and subsequent Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition product pages are presented in that language. After selecting a language, users can also instruct the system to "remember" their selection so that the next time they sign in, the User Sign In page will be presented in the language they selected.

If single sign-on (SSO) is not enabled within an organization, users must enter a user name and password on the user Sign In page. The user name and password are provided by system administrators. Users can modify their password. If SSO was configured through a consulting engagement (which requires a statement of work (SOW)), the Sign In page is not displayed and the default language that was configured is used.

Once a user's credentials are accepted, the Welcome Center or table of contents page is displayed. The Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products available for use are dependent on which products were purchased by the organization and on the user's user type and permissions. If a user has permission to see only one Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition product and the Display Welcome Center setting is set to "Yes", the product is displayed directly.

Accessing an Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Application

You must have received a user name and password from your system administrator.

  1. Select the language in which you want to use the application.

  2. Enter your user name and password.

  3. Click Sign In.

The Welcome Center

The Welcome Center is the page displayed immediately after you sign in.

The Welcome Center is organized in these areas:

  • The auxiliary navigation bar provides links to the online help and your personal setup options.

  • The core navigation bar contains tabs to Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products.

  • The Quick Access panel provides a "one-click" access to the same products available in the core navigation bar. It also provides access to specific content such as a requisitions and submissions.

  • In the central panel, your organization can put information of interest to all product users.

Getting Help

Online Help

Onboarding (Transitions) offers comprehensive help on Onboarding (Transitions) concepts and the various tasks you'll perform while using the product.

Online help is available in the Resources list in the auxiliary navigation bar located at the top right-hand side of all pages. When you click the Help link, a list of available help topics is displayed in the Help panel. You can also search the help database for specific subjects by clicking the Search link at the top of the Help panel.


A tooltip is a short, explanatory text which appears when you pause your mouse pointer over a button, a link, a table cell heading or icon without clicking the item.

Tooltips are available throughout the system and provide you with information about an action before you perform it.

Tooltips are provided for buttons, links, icons, and table cell headings. These tooltips are not configurable. The system administrator can, however, create tooltips for some types of user-defined fields for screening services.

Release Notes Message

A pop-up message containing new release information, system improvements, important messages and other information can be displayed when users log into the product.

The same release notes message is displayed to users regardless of the product.

Once users are logged in, they can turn off the Release Notes message by selecting the Don't display this message again option. The message will then reappear only when new release information or other important information is available or if the users clear their browser cookies.

Deactivating the Release Notes Message

The release notes message must have been enabled.

  1. Log into a product.

  2. On the Release Notes page, select the "Don't display this message again" option.

The release notes message will no longer be displayed until new release information or other important information is available. If you want to see the release note information again before new released information is available, delete your browser cookies.

Navigation Tools

Auxiliary Navigation Bar

The auxiliary navigation bar is located at the top right of pages.

If enabled, the auxiliary navigation bar is available at all times.

The auxiliary navigation bar may contain the following elements (if enabled and if users were granted access to them):

Element Description
  • If you have access to multiple Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products and you click Home, the Welcome Center is displayed.

  • If you have access to one product only and you click Home, that product front page is displayed.

Resources May include:
  • My Setup: Access to personal preferences.

  • Web Support: Access to My Oracle Support.

  • Help: Access to comprehensive help on concepts and tasks.

  • About: Information about the application such as the version number and the build number you need to provide to Oracle Support when you need to contact them.

  • Training: Access to online training materials.

  • e-Learning: Access to eLearning materials.

Talent Grid Access to Solution Exchange, Knowledge Exchange.
Sign Out Terminates the session and you are automatically signed out of all Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products.

Recently Viewed Items

The Recently Viewed Items panel contains direct links to the last ten pages you most recently accessed during the current session or previous ones. They can be pages where you made modifications or simply pages that you accessed without making modifications. To access a recently viewed item, simply click the item.

Breadcrumb Trail

The breadcrumb trail located at the top of each page allows users to see where they are located within the application and to jump to previously viewed pages. The breadcrumb trail is only available in navigation mode; it disappears in edit mode.

Pagination Icons

Pagination icons allow users to navigate quickly through large lists of information.

Pagination icons appear at the top and bottom of lists in Onboarding (Transitions). They are used for navigation when lists are displayed across multiple pages. The maximum number of list items per page is fifteen.

Pagination Icon Description
Icon to go to the first page. Goes to the first page.
Icon to go to the previous page. Displays the previous page
Icon to go to the next page. Displays the next page.
Icon to go to the last page. Goes to the last page.

Other Tools

History Tracking

The History feature presents useful tracking details on an element.

Actions that are performed on a page are recorded as events in History. The three most recent events are displayed in the History section. To view a more complete listing of events, click More Info.

History Tracking Column Description
Date and Time Date and time when an event occurred.
Event The event or action performed on an element.
Details Information regarding the event.
By The actor, person or system, who performed the event. Additional information about the actor is available for viewing.


Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products are available in different optional languages.

Not all languages are available for all Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products and languages must be activated by the system administrator before they can be used in an application.

The preferred language of a user is set in the user’s account by the system administrator. The preferred language is used by the system as the default content language which is the same across all Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products. If a product does not support the same set of content languages, it will have its own preference configuration.

In Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition applications, the languages in which an item is available are indicated in the Languages field. When creating or editing an item, the user can choose the base language as well as the languages in which an item will be available. The base language of an item is the item’s reference language, usually used as a reference for other languages or fallback display in list mode. The user’s preferred language is used as the default base language when the user creates an item. The base language of an item can be changed at any time by the user. A language must be activated before it can be designated as a base language.

When multiple languages are used for an item, the Earth icon is displayed. Hovering the mouse over the icon displays the languages activated for the item. When only one language is used for an item, the name of the language is displayed. When only one language is used in a company, there is no special indicator.

Activating a Language

The item must be in Edit mode.

  1. Open the item that you want to make available in another language so its fields are in edit mode.

  2. Select Configure next to the Language drop-down list.

  3. On the Language Configuration page, select Active from the Status drop-down list for each required language.

  4. Click Save.

Activated languages appear in the Language drop-down list of item.

Once a new language has been enabled, values for some related fields (most often Name) will need to be provided.

Supported Languages

The languages supported for Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products as well as specific features are listed below. For details regarding language availability for Oracle Learn Cloud and Oracle Taleo Business Edition, see the documentation for those products.

  • Scheduling Center: All listed languages are supported except Portuguese (Portugal).

  • Assessment: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa).

  • OBIEE: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa), Lithuanian, Malaysian (Malay), Serbian, Slovenian.

  • Resume Parsing: Resume parsing is delivered using a third party partner service. The functionalities are deliveredas is. Customers needing additional or different resume parsing capabilities should explore partner services.

Language Locale Recruiting and Onboarding Performance Mobile Sourcing Resume Parsing
Bulgarian bg Available Available
Chinese (China) zh_CN Available Available Available Available
Chinese (Taiwan) zh_TW Available Available Available Available
Croatian hr Available Available
Czech cs Available Available Available
Danish da Available Available
Dutch nl Available Available Available Available Limited
English en Available Available Available Available Supported
English (U.K.) en_GB Available Available Available Available Supported
Finnish fi Available Available Available
French (Canada) fr Available Available Available Limited
French (France) fr_FR Available Available Available Available Limited
German de Available Available Available Available Limited
Greek el Available Available
Hungarian hu Available Available Available
Italian it Available Available Available Available Limited
Indonesian (Bahasa)* in Available Available Available
Japanese ja Available Available Available Available
Korean ko Available Available Available Available
Lithuanian* lt Available Available
Malaysian (Malay)* ms Available Available
Norwegian no Available Available Available
Polish pl Available Available Available Available
Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR Available Available Available Available Limited
Portuguese (Portugal)* pt Available Available Available
Romanian ro Available Available Available
Russian ru Available Available Available Available
Serbian* sr (sh) Available Available
Slovak sk Available Available Available
Slovenian* sl Available Available
Spanish (Worldwide) es Available Available Available Available Limited
Swedish sv Available Available Available Available
Thai th Available Available Available
Turkish tr Available Available Available

Selecting the Base Language

The item must be in Edit mode and the language must be active before it can be set as the base language.

  1. Open an item.

  2. Select Configure next to the Language drop-down list.

  3. In the Language Configuration page, select the Base option for the desired language.

  4. Set the language to Active if that is not already the case.

  5. Click Save.

The word Base appears next to the language in the Language drop-down list of the item.

You will need to complete the required fields (usually the Name) in the new base language.

Application Time-out

A security feature warns users when the application has not been used for more than thirty minutes even if a user is still signed into the application. When the time-out delay is reached, a message notifies users that the time-out delay for the application is imminent.

Two scenarios are possible:

  • User takes action: When the application has been idled for thirty minutes, a message notifies the user that the application requires attention. Clicking "Access the application" directs the user to the application. When the user accesses the application, the user can reset the application and a message indicates the remaining time before the session expires.

  • User does not take action: If the user does not reset the application within the defined delay, a message is displayed, indicating that the user has been signed out of the application and has to sign in again to use the application.

The time-out delay is set by default to thirty minutes. The reminder displayed before time-out is set by default to ten minutes before time-out.