



The theme gives an organization complete control regarding the general font type and size, and the color scheme of a Career Section.

Themes are the style sheets specifying the overall look and feel of a Taleo Career Section. The theme feature allows the system administrator to configure:

  • Background and color

  • Text

  • Link

  • Input and Button Control

  • Custom Resource

Each Career Section is associated to a theme providing the Career Section a particular look and feel. The same theme can be applied to multiple career sections or a theme can be created for a single Career Section. By adjusting the colors and the fonts of the theme to match the element definition set in the branding file, the Taleo pages fit seamlessly within the Career Section.

The Theme also allows for the control of:
  • the width of the progression bar

  • the width of the help panel

The colors of the tabs and sub-tabs should be adjusted to comply to the web standards. Parent-child tab configuration is identified through matching colors.

Each element can be customized, however the available style values for each element differ. Available style values are:

  • Font Size

  • Font Family

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Background color

The system administrator can choose a default theme for the organization. Two themes are supplied with the system. When a theme is created, the system automatically duplicates the Taleo Default theme. The user can then customize the aspect and feel of the new theme. Theme changes are applied to all the elements of a theme. For example, the font and color of a single button can not be changed; all buttons included in the theme that is, displayed in the application flow or in the career portal pages reflect the change.

The name of a style class being used for branding and for theme definition should be renamed to avoid any possible conflict. At implementation, style classes defined for a theme are first applied to a zone and then the ones used for Branding are applied. If the same type class name is used, but with different values, style classes in conflict do not render as expected. Taleo strongly recommends to have unique style class names. The same name of a style class for different elements of a theme can be reused, as this does not cause conflicts. An easy way to avoid style class conflicts is to add the company prefix to the name of the style classes being used for Branding.

Colors should be selected according to the organization best practices in terms of accessibility and branding. Colors should be provided or chosen in Hex value which can be found at http://www.webreference.com/html/tools/colorizer/

Style Classes

The system administrator uses style classes to customize the look and feel of the Career Section.

Style classes are assigned to areas or text of the Career Section which can be formatted via the Theme feature.

Configurable elements are:
  • Background and color

  • Text

  • Link

  • Input and Button Control

  • Custom Resource

Text style classes are applied to an element according to a specific hierarchy.

Text Style Class Hierarchy
First level Second Level Third Level
General Font Text Help Text
Legend Text
Search Text
List text
Page Text
Warning Text
Error Text
Message Text
Balloon Text
Subtitle Help Subtitle
Search Subtitle
List Subtitle
Page Subtitle
Label Search Label
List Label
Page Label
Balloon Label
The General font is applied systematically to all text appearing in the Career Section formatted via the theme feature. The style values of this style class cannot be overridden by a child style class and cannot be configured else where in the application.
  • If no style values are set for the third level, then the style values of the second level are applied to the elements.

  • If style values are set for the third level, then the style values of the second level are overridden by the style values of the third level, for the specific element.

For example, if the Text style class is set to be red with a normal weight then
  • If the Legend Text style class is set to be bold, then the text appearing in the legend is red and bold

  • If no style values are set for Error Text style class, then the Text style class values are used in Error Text that is, the text used in Error Text is red with a normal weight.

Creating a Theme

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Consider duplicating an existing theme.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes
  1. Click Create.

  2. Complete the fields.

  3. Click Save.

Configuring the theme.

Activating a Theme

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes
  1. Click the name of a theme.

  2. Click Activate next to the theme name.

The theme can be associated to a Career Section.

Deactivating a Theme

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Theme must not be a in use

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes
  1. Click the name of a theme.

  2. Click Deactivate next to the theme name.

The theme can no longer be associated to a Career Section.

Modifying an Existing Theme

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Theme must be inactive.

Modifying the theme does not allow user to change the text of a label.

  1. Preview the Career Section.

  2. Locate the element type to modify (button, hyperlink, box etc...)

  3. Locate the area of the career where the element to modify is located (Application flow page, balloon, error message......)

  4. Refer to the tables of style classes to identify the style class to be modified.

    Style classes used to define an area of a Career Section are presented in the same table.

  5. Access the theme section where the style class can be edited.

    The path is indicated with the table of style classes.
  6. Change the values of the style class.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Preview the Career Section to validate that proper changes where made.

Changing the Properties of a Theme Element

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

User must know the style class used for the element.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes
  1. Click the name of a theme.

  2. Click the configurable element.

  3. Click the name of a style class.

  4. Click the name of a style value.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Select a value.

  7. Click Save.

The Career Sections using this theme reflect changes.

Changing the Values of a Style Class

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Theme must be draft or inactive.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes > Theme name
  1. Click the type of configurable element.

  2. Click the name of a style class.

  3. Click the name of a style value.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Select a value.

  6. Click Save.

The new value is applied next time the theme is used in a Career Section. All elements using this style class reflect the change.

Activating the theme.

Selecting a Default Theme

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Theme must be inactive.

No other theme must be selected as the default theme.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes
  1. Click the name of a theme.

  2. Click Set as Default.

Career Sections with no assigned theme have the values from this theme applied.

Activating the theme

Selecting a Theme for a Career Section

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Career section must have Inactive or Draft status.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections
  1. Click the name of a Career Section.

  2. Click Edit near Properties.

  3. Select the name of theme from the Theme drop-down section.

  4. Click Save.

Next time the Career Section is used, the selected theme is used.

Selecting the Font of the Progression Bar

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Theme must be deactivated.

Configuration > [Career Sections] Administration > Themes > Theme name > Text Configuration
  1. Click Flow Progress Bar.

  2. Click the Style Value to change.

  3. Click Edit next to Properties.

  4. Change the style values of the Flow Progress Bar.

  5. Click Save.

The text displayed in the boxes of the Progress Bar reflect the changes made.

Activating the theme.

Viewing Career Sections Associated to a Theme

The Access the Career Section administration section user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes
  1. Select the name of a theme.

  2. Click View Associated Career Sections.

The list of all the Career Sections using this theme is displayed.

Guidelines for Theme Configuration

UI Element Guidelines
Shopping cart icon The shopping cart icon is displayed at 2 different areas. The background color of these two areas is not set by the same element. The shopping cart displayed on the top menu, is set on the First color background and the shopping cart located in the legend is set on the Main background color.
Links The action links are not all displayed on the same background color. For example the action link on the search list is set on the Fourth background color, but the links displayed above the progress bar are set on the First background color.
Selected Tab color Use the same background color for the selected Main tab as for the selected sub tab.
Unselected tab Use the same background color for the Unselected Main tab as for the unselected sub tab.
Tabs The text displayed on a tab can be changed via the career portal page feature, but the color of the formatting of the text cannot be changed.
Screening services The Theme does not control the elements of the external services such as the background check, tax forms... These elements are configured with the Recruiting Screening Service feature.
Word wrapping If words are wrapping, change the width of display. Recommended width is 720 pixels, but if labels are long they may wrap in a 720 pixel size screen.

Basic Color Customization Guide

This table outlines the theme elements to change to conduct a BASIC theme customization for a Career Section. This process changes the basic colors to customize the general look/feel of a Career Section. Actual colors should be selected according to the organizations best practices in terms of accessibility and branding.

Best Practice for All Career Sections
Style Class Element Code Path in Career Section Administration Comment
Selected Subtab 88 Themes >Text Configuration > Selected Subtab> Background Color White
Selected Tab 89 Themes > Text Configuration > Selected Subtab > Background Color White

Main Background Color #1 in Example
Style Class Element Code Path in Career Section Administration Comment for choice of color
First Color 98 Background and Color Configuration>First Color>Background Color Not too dark

Secondary Background Color #2 in Example
Style Class Element Code Path in Career Section Administration Comment
Unselected Tab 90 Themes >Background and Color Configuration > Unselected tab > Background Color Medium
Second Color 97 Themes > Background and Color Configuration > Unselected tab > Background Color Medium

Third Background Color #3 in Example
Style Class Element Code Path in Career Section Administration Comment
Third Color 96 Themes >Background and Color Configuration > Third Color> Background Color Lightest

Buttons Background Color # 4 in Example
Style Class Element Code Path in Career Section Administration Comment
Button 398 Themes >Input and Button Control Configuration > Button > Background Color Medium

Errors / Notifications Background Color #5 in Example
Style Class Element Code Path in Career Section Administration
Error Message 93 Themes >Background and Color Configuration > Error Message Box > Background Color
Warning Message Box 94 Themes > Background and Color Configuration > Warning Message> Background Color
Notification Message Box 95 Themes > Background and Color Configuration > Notification Message Box> Background Color

Page Title Text Color # 6 in Example
Style Class Element Code Path in Career Section Administration Comment
Summary Section Title 173 Themes >Text Configuration > Summary Section Title> Color Darkest
Second Color 175 Themes > Text Configuration > Page title > Color Darkest

Basic color customization example:

Image showing an example of basic color customization.

Style Class Values for the Default Taleo Theme

Configurable Elements Style Classes (code) Style Values Values
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Main Background (99) Background Color white
Background and Color Configuration (Color) First Color (98) Background Color #DCC879
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Second Color (97) Background Color #FAF1D1
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Third Color (96) Background Color #FAF1D1
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Notification Message Box (95) Background Color #F1F1F2
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Warning Message Box (94) Background Color #FFF8E5
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Error Message Box (93) Background Color #FEF2EE
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Fourth Color (91) Background Color #F7F7F7
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Unselected Tab (90) Background Color #F7F7F7
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Selected Tab (89) Background Color #FAF1D1
Background and Color Configuration (Color) Selected Subtab (88) Background Color white
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom1 (499) Background Color
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom1 (499) Color
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom1 (499) Font Size
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom1 (499) Font Style
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom1 (499) Font Weight
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom1 (499) Text Decoration
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom2 (498) Background Color
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom2 (498) Color
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom2 (498) Font Size
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom2 (498) Font Style
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom2 (498) Font Weight
Custom Resource Configuration (Custom) Custom2 (498) Text Decoration
Datatrain Configuration (Datatrain) datatrain-tv Width (1010) Width 58em
Datatrain Configuration (Datatrain) datatrain-wrapper Width (1000) Width 72em
Text Configuration (Font) General Font (199) Font Family helvetica neue, arial, verdana, sans-serif
Text Configuration (Font) General Font (199) Font Size 1.1em
Text Configuration (Font) Subtitle (198) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Subtitle (198) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Subtitle (198) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Subtitle (198) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Subtitle (198) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Label (197) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Label (197) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Label (197) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Label (197) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Label (197) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Text (196) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Text (196) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Text (196) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Text (196) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Text (196) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Header Username (195) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Header Username (195) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Header Username (195) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Header Username (195) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Header Username (195) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Help Title (194) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Help Title (194) Font Size 1.0em
Text Configuration (Font) Help Title (194) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Help Title (194) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Help Title (194) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Help Subtitle (193) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Help Subtitle (193) Font Size 1.0em
Text Configuration (Font) Help Subtitle (193) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Help Subtitle (193) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Help Subtitle (193) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Help Text (192) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Help Text (192) Font Size 1.0em
Text Configuration (Font) Help Text (192) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Help Text (192) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Help Text (192) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Title (191) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Title (191) Font Size 1.0em
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Title (191) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Title (191) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Title (191) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Text (190) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Text (190) Font Size 1.0em
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Text (190) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Text (190) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Legend Text (190) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Search Subtitle (189) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Search Subtitle (189) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Search Subtitle (189) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Search Subtitle (189) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Search Subtitle (189) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) Search Text (188) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Search Text (188) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Search Text (188) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Search Text (188) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Search Text (188) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) Search Label (187) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Search Label (187) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Search Label (187) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Search Label (187) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Search Label (187) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) Search Group Label (186) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Search Group Label (186) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Search Group Label (186) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Search Group Label (186) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Search Group Label (186) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) List Subtitle (185) Color
Text Configuration (Font) List Subtitle (185) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) List Subtitle (185) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) List Subtitle (185) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) List Subtitle (185) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) List Text (184) Color
Text Configuration (Font) List Text (184) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) List Text (184) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) List Text (184) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) List Text (184) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) List Label (183) Color
Text Configuration (Font) List Label (183) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) List Label (183) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) List Label (183) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) List Label (183) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) Job Type (182) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Job Type (182) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Job Type (182) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Job Type (182) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Job Type (182) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Referral Bonus Amount (181) Color #008000
Text Configuration (Font) Referral Bonus Amount (181) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Referral Bonus Amount (181) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Referral Bonus Amount (181) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Referral Bonus Amount (181) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Job Posting Date (180) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Job Posting Date (180) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Job Posting Date (180) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Job Posting Date (180) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Job Posting Date (180) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Job Information (179) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Job Information (179) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Job Information (179) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Job Information (179) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Job Information (179) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Progress Bar (178) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Progress Bar (178) Font Size 1.0em
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Progress Bar (178) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Progress Bar (178) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Progress Bar (178) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Step (177) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Step (177) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Step (177) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Step (177) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Flow Step (177) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Warning Text (176) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Warning Text (176) Font Size 1.1em
Text Configuration (Font) Warning Text (176) Font Style italic
Text Configuration (Font) Warning Text (176) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Warning Text (176) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Page Title (175) Color #D74B00
Text Configuration (Font) Page Title (175) Font Size 1.6em
Text Configuration (Font) Page Title (175) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Page Title (175) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Page Title (175) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Page Subtitle (174) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Page Subtitle (174) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Page Subtitle (174) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Page Subtitle (174) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Page Subtitle (174) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) Summary Section Title (173) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Summary Section Title (173) Font Size 1.4em
Text Configuration (Font) Summary Section Title (173) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Summary Section Title (173) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Summary Section Title (173) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Header (172) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Header (172) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Header (172) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Header (172) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Header (172) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Element Title (171) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Element Title (171) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Element Title (171) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Element Title (171) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Page List Element Title (171) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Page Text (170) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Page Text (170) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Page Text (170) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Page Text (170) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Page Text (170) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) Page Label (169) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Page Label (169) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Page Label (169) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Page Label (169) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Page Label (169) Text Decoration
Text Configuration (Font) Page Value (168) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Page Value (168) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Page Value (168) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Page Value (168) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Page Value (168) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Error Text (167) Color #003366
Text Configuration (Font) Error Text (167) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Error Text (167) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Error Text (167) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Error Text (167) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Message Title (166) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Message Title (166) Font Size 1.4em
Text Configuration (Font) Message Title (166) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Message Title (166) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Message Title (166) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Message Text (165) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Message Text (165) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Message Text (165) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Message Text (165) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Message Text (165) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) List Section Title (164) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) List Section Title (164) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) List Section Title (164) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) List Section Title (164) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) List Section Title (164) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Title (163) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Title (163) Font Size 1.3em
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Title (163) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Title (163) Font Weight bold
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Title (163) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Label (162) Color #575757
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Label (162) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Label (162) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Label (162) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Label (162) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Value (161) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Value (161) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Value (161) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Value (161) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Value (161) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Text (160) Color black
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Text (160) Font Size 1.2em
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Text (160) Font Style normal
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Text (160) Font Weight normal
Text Configuration (Font) Balloon Text (160) Text Decoration none
Text Configuration (Font) Password Policies (159) Color
Text Configuration (Font) Password Policies (159) Font Size
Text Configuration (Font) Password Policies (159) Font Style
Text Configuration (Font) Password Policies (159) Font Weight
Text Configuration (Font) Password Policies (159) Text Decoration
Help Configuration (Help) helppanel Width (1020) Display block
Help Configuration (Help) helppanel Width (1020) Width 200px
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Input Control (399) Background Color white
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Input Control (399) Color black
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Input Control (399) Font Size 1.3em
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Input Control (399) Font Style normal
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Input Control (399) Font Weight normal
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Button (398) Background Color #D4D0C8
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Button (398) Color black
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Button (398) Font Size 1.3em
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Button (398) Font Style normal
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Button (398) Font Weight normal
Input and Button Control Configuration (Input) Job Cart Icon (397) Background url("images/cart_black.gif") no-repeat
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (Mouse Over Event) (1067) Text Decoration
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (Mouse Over Event) (1067) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (Mouse Over Event) (1067) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (Mouse Over Event) (1067) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (Mouse Over Event) (1067) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (Mouse Over Event) (1067) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (1066) Text Decoration
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (1066) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (1066) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (1066) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (1066) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (Mouse Over Event)(1065) Text Decoration
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (Mouse Over Event) (1065) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (Mouse Over Event) (1065) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (Mouse Over Event) (1065) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (Mouse Over Event) (1065) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (Mouse Over Event) (1065) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (1064) Text Decoration
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (1064) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (1064) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (1064) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (1064) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (1063) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (1063) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (1063) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (1063) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (1063) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (1062) Text Decoration
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (1062) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (1062) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (1062) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Faceted Search - Title Link (1062) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (299) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (299) Font Size 1.0em
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (299) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (299) Font Weight normal
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (299) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (Mouse Over Event) (298) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (Mouse Over Event) (298) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (Mouse Over Event) (298) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (Mouse Over Event) (298) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (Mouse Over Event) (298) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Header and Footer Link (Mouse Over Event) (298) Text Decoration underline
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (297) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (297) Font Size 1.1em
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (297) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (297) Font Weight normal
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (297) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (Mouse Over Event) (296) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (Mouse Over Event) (296) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (Mouse Over Event) (296) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (Mouse Over Event) (296) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (Mouse Over Event) (296) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Regular Link (Mouse Over Event) (296) Text Decoration underline
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (295) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (295) Font Size 1.2em
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (295) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (295) Font Weight bold
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (295) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (Mouse Over Event) (294) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (Mouse Over Event) (294) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (Mouse Over Event) (294) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (Mouse Over Event) (294) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (Mouse Over Event) (294) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Action Link (Mouse Over Event) (294) Text Decoration underline
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (293) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (293) Font Size 1.5em
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (293) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (293) Font Weight bold
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (293) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (292) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (292) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (292) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (292) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (292) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Title Link (Mouse Over Event) (292) Text Decoration underline
Link Configuration (Link) Pager Disabled Link (291) Color black
Link Configuration (Link) Pager Disabled Link (291) Font Size 1.2em
Link Configuration (Link) Pager Disabled Link (291) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Pager Disabled Link (291) Font Weight normal
Link Configuration (Link) Pager Disabled Link (291) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (290) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (290) Font Size 1.0em
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (290) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (290) Font Weight normal
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (290) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (Mouse Over Event) (289) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (Mouse Over Event) (289) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (Mouse Over Event) (289) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (Mouse Over Event) (289) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (Mouse Over Event) (289) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Help Link (Mouse Over Event) (289) Text Decoration underline
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (288) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (288) Font Size 1.0em
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (288) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (288) Font Weight normal
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (288) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (Mouse Over Event) (287) Background Color
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (Mouse Over Event) (287) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (Mouse Over Event) (287) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (Mouse Over Event) (287) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (Mouse Over Event) (287) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Small Link (Mouse Over Event) (287) Text Decoration underline
Link Configuration (Link) Date Selector Link (286) Color blue
Link Configuration (Link) Date Selector Link (286) Font Size 1.2em
Link Configuration (Link) Date Selector Link (286) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Date Selector Link (286) Font Weight normal
Link Configuration (Link) Date Selector Link (286) Text Decoration underline
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (285) Background Color #EAEAEA
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (285) Color black
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (285) Font Size 1.1em
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (285) Font Style normal
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (285) Font Weight normal
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (285) Text Decoration none
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (Mouse Over Event) (284) Background Color silver
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (Mouse Over Event) (284) Color
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (Mouse Over Event) (284) Font Size
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (Mouse Over Event) (284) Font Style
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (Mouse Over Event) (284) Font Weight
Link Configuration (Link) Button Link (Mouse Over Event) (284) Text Decoration

Career Section Images

Theme elements properties are used throughout the Career Section. Text in the images has been changed to symbols corresponding to style classes.

Career Section Header
Image showing a career section header.


Career Section Footer
Image showing a career section footer.


Career Section Login Page
Image showing a career section login page.


Career Section Search Form
Image showing a career section search form.


Career Section Search Results
Image showing a career section search results.


Image showing a career section balloon.


Balloon With Search Criteria
Image showing a career section balloon with search criteria.


Application Flow Header
Image representing a career section application flow header.


Application Flow Footer
Image showing a career section application flow footer.


Application Flow Form
Image showing a career section application flow form.


Application Flow OLF Block
Image showing a career section application flow OLF block.


Application Flow Shift Grid
Image showing a career section application flow shift grid.


Application Flow Summary
Image showing a career section application flow summary.


Style Classes

Style classes is a guide to the element properties of the Career Section images.

Key Description Background Text
Career Section Header Black
A Selected sub-tab
  • Career Section Header
Selected sub-tab: 88 Black
B Selected tab
  • Career Section Header
Selected tab: 89 Black
C Unselected Tab
  • Career Section Header
Unselected Tab: 90 Black
D Candidate user logged in status
  • Career Section Header
First Color: 98 Header Username: 195
8 Links in the Career Section header
  • Career Section Header
First Color: 98
  • Header and Footer Link: 299

  • Header and Footer Link (Mouse over event):298

) Job cart icon
  • Career Section Header
First Color: 98 Job Cart Icon: 397
+ Unselected sub-tab
  • Career Section Header
Second Color: 98 Black
Career Section Footer
% Search results pager links
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Footer
Background:99 Disabled Links
  • Page Disabled Link:291

Active Links
  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

Career Section Login Page
d Required fields marked with an asterisk message in the Career Section.
  • Career Section Login
Second Color:98 Warning Text:176
f Login page titles
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Page Title:175
i Text
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application flow OLF block
Background:99 Page Text:170
q Message title for form errors in the Career Section.
  • Career Section Login
Notification Message Box:95 Message Title:166
r Message body for form errors in the Career Section.
  • Career Section Login
Notification Message Box:95 Message Text:165
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
¢ Login help links
  • Career Section Login
Background:99 Blue
Login form labels
  • Career Section Login
Background:99 Black
¿ Login form elements
  • Career Section Login
White Black
Career Section Search Form
E Search title and subtitle
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Subtitle:198198

  • Search Subtitle:189 overrides 198

  • 174 overrides 189
F Tab label
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Tab> Fourth Color: 91

  • Back panel>Second Color:96

L Help panel title
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Title:194
M Subtitles in the help panel
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Help Subtitle:193
N Help panel text
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Text:192
O Search form select list label
  • Career Section Search Form
Fourth Color: 91 Text:196
W Job search form instructions
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Search Text:188

  • Page Text:170

X Search form text box labels
  • Career Section Search Form
Background:99 Search Label:187
9 Links
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296

@ Add or remove olf criteria
  • Career Section Search Form
Fourth Color:91
  • Action Link:295

  • Action Link (Mouse over event):294

~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
} System Form Content
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Search Form
Input Control: 399 Input Control: 399
Career Section Search Results
G Search results title
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Subtitle:198

  • List Subtitle:185 overrides 198

H Label for the search results form
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 List Label:183
J List Text
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Subtitle:198

  • List Text:184 overrides 198

M Subtitles in the help panel
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Help Subtitle:193
N Help panel text
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Text:192
P Title for the icon legend
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Legend Title:191
R Text for the icon legend
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Legend Text:190
U Referral Bonus Amount
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Referral Bonus Amount:181
Z Background:99
b Job Posting Date
  • Career Section Search Results
Background:99 Job Posting Date:180
9 Links
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296

% Search results pager links
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Footer
Background:99 Disabled Links
  • Page Disabled Link:291

Active Links
  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

} System Form Content
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Career Section Search Form
Input Control: 399 Input Control: 399
< Links in the help panel
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Help Link:290

  • Help Link (Mouse over event):289

# Job listing title
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Title Link:293

  • Title Link(Mouse over event):292

Information Balloon
4 Balloon Title
  • Information Balloon
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Title:163
5 Balloon Text
  • Information Balloon
White Balloon Text:160
Balloon With Search Criteria
4 Balloon Title
  • Information Balloon
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Title:163
6 Balloon search summary label
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Label:162
7 Balloon search summary value
  • Search Criteria Balloon
White Balloon Value:161
Application Flow Header
g Applying for
  • Application Flow Header
First Color:98 Job Information:179
h Application flow page number information
  • Application Flow Header
First Color:98 Flow Step:177
^ Job title in the application flow header
  • Application Flow Header
First Color:98
  • Action Link:295

  • Action Link (Mouse over event):294

{ Links in the progress bar
  • Application Flow Header
  • Flow Step>Third Color:96

  • Progress Bar> Second Color:97

  • Small Link:288

  • Small Link (Mouse over event):287

& Edit
  • Application Flow Summary
Second Color:97
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296

; Selected Flow Step
  • Application Flow Header
  • Flow Step>Third Color:96

  • Flow Step Frame>Fourth Color: 91

  • Progress Bar> Second Color:97

Flow Progress Bar:178
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
Application Flow Footer
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
Application Flow Form
L Help panel title
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Title:194
N Help panel text
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Search Results
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Help Text:192
S Application flow block title
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Subtitle:198
f Application flow page titles
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Page Title:175
i Text
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application flow OLF block
Background:99 Page Text:170
t Input Labels
  • Application Flow Form
  • Summary page element labels

Page Label:169
2 Label
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Page Value:168
3 Application Flow Form Error
  • Application Flow Form
Error Message Box:93 Error Text:167
* Application flow form tips
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Black
Application Flow OLF Block
K Preference title in OLF block
  • Application flow OLF block
Background99 Page List Element Title:171
e Page subtitles in the application flow
  • Application flow OLF block
  • Application Flow Summary
  • List Text:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overrides 198

i Text
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application flow OLF block
Background:99 Page Text:170
~ Button
  • Career Section Search Form
  • Career Section Login
  • Application Flow Header
  • Application Flow Footer
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Button:398 Button:398
¥ OLF form label
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Background:99 Grey
£ OLF form element
  • Application Flow OLF Block
White Black
  • Application Flow OLF Block
Background:99 Blue
Application Flow Shift Grid
T Shift grid title
  • Shift Grid Block
  • Application Flow Summary
First Color:98
  • Subtitle:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overwrites 198

( Shift grid buttons
  • Shift Grid Block
  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

  • Button Link:285

  • Button Link(Mouse over event):284

Application Flow Summary
T Shift grid title
  • Shift Grid Block
  • Application Flow Summary
First Color:98
  • Subtitle:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overwrites 198

e Page subtitles in the application flow
  • Application flow OLF block
  • Application Flow Summary
  • List Text:198

  • Page Subtitle:174 overrides 198

f Application flow page titles
  • Application Flow Form
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Page Title:175
k Text in the heading of the summary page of the application flow
  • Application Flow Summary
Background:99 Summary Section Title:173
m Summary section title
  • Application Flow Summary
Second Color:97 Summary Section Title:173
n Second Color:97 Page Text:170
t Input Labels
  • Application Flow Form
  • Summary page element labels

Page Label:169
2 Label
  • Application Flow Form
Background:99 Page Value:168
& Edit
  • Application Flow Summary
Second Color:97
  • Regular Link:297

  • Regular Link (Mouse over event):296

Style Guide

Style classes can be configured in Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Themes > Theme name > Text Configuration.

Code Configurable Elements Style Class Description
88 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Selected Sub-tab Style used for selected sub-tabs.
89 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Selected Tab Style used for selected tabs.
90 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Unselected Tab Style used for unselected tabs.
91 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Fourth Color Color used for list groupings and search areas content.
93 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Error Message Box Message box used for errors.
94 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Warning Message Box Message box used for warnings.
95 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Notification Message Box Message box used for notifications.
96 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Third Color Color used for search components, subtabs, etc.
97 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Second Color Color used for subtabs, updated list elements, group content, etc.
98 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

First Color Color used for headers, footers, tabs, group headers, etc.
99 Background and Color Configuration
  • Background Color

Main Background Color used for the main background.
158 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Highlighted Job Status Indicator Style used for “New” that is displayed next to each new job added to a candidate’s job cart.
159 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Password Policies Style used for error message that appears when entering invalid information when logging in.
160 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Balloon Text Style used for balloon text.
161 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Balloon Value Style used for balloon values.
162 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Balloon Label Style used for balloon labels.
163 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Balloon Title Style used for balloon titles.
164 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

List section title Style used for section titles in list pages.
165 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Message Text Style used for text and titles in message boxes.
166 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Message Title Style used for titles in message boxes.
167 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Error Text Style used for text in error message boxes.
168 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Page Value Style used for values in flow and summary pages.
169 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Page Label Style used for labels in flow and summary pages.
170 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Page Text Style used for text in flow and summary pages.
171 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Page List Element Title Style used for list element titles in flow pages.
172 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Page List Header Style used for list headers in flow pages.
173 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Summary Section Title Style used for section titles in summary pages.
174 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Page Subtitle Style used for subtitles in flow and summary pages.
175 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Page Title Style used for titles in flow and summary pages.
176 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Warning Text Style used for text in warning message boxes.
177 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Flow Step Style used for flow steps in the progress bar on flow pages.
178 Text Configuration
  • Color

Flow Progress Bar Style used for the progress bar in flow pages.
179 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Job Information Style used for job information in flow pages.
180 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Job Posting Date Style used for job posting dates in job list and job description pages.
181 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Referral Bonus Amount Style used for referral bonus amounts in job list and job description pages.
182 Text Configuration
  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Font Size

  • Text Decoration

Job Type Style used for job types in job list and job description pages.
183 Text Configuration
  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Font Size

List Label Style used for labels in list pages.
184 Text Configuration
  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Text Decoration

List Text Style used for text entries in list pages.
185 Text Configuration
  • Color

  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

List Subtitle Style used for list subtitles in list pages.
186 Text Configuration
  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

  • Color

Search Group Label Style used for field labels in search groups of the search pages.
187 Text Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Style

  • Font Weight

  • Color

Search Label Style used for labels in the search pages.
188 Text Configuration
  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Size

  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

Search Text Style used for text in the search pages.
189 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Text Decoration

Search Subtitle Style used for subtitles in the search pages.
190 Text Configuration
  • Color

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Style

  • Font Weight

Legend Text Style used for the icon legend text and title in the help panel.
191 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Text Decoration

Legend Title Style used for the icon legend title in the help panel.
192 Text Configuration
  • Color

  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Font Style

  • Font Weight

Help Text Style used for text in the help panel.
193 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Text Decoration

Help Subtitle Style used for subtitles in the help panel.
194 Text Configuration
  • Font Size

  • Text Decoration

  • Color

  • Font Style

  • Font Weight

Help Title Style used for titles in the help panel.
195 Text Configuration
  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Text Decoration

Header Username Style used for the username in the header.
196 Text Configuration
  • Font Size

  • Text Decoration

  • Color

  • Font Style

  • Font Weight

Text Style used for text entries. Modifying this style can affect all other text entry styles.
197 Text Configuration
  • Font Weight

  • Color

  • Font Size

  • Font Style

  • Text Decoration

Label Style used for labels. Modifying this style can affect all other label styles.
198 Text Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Color

  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

Subtitle Style used for subtitles. Modifying this style can affect all other subtitle styles.
199 Text Configuration
  • Font Family

  • Font Size

General Font Font used in all career section pages.
284 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Background Color

Button Link (Mouse over event) Style used for tooltips related to button links that appear in the Shift Availability grid.
285 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Button Link Style used for links that appear in the Shift Availability grid.
286 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Date Selector Link Link style used for date selectors.
287 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Background Color

Small Link (Mouse over event) Style used for tooltips related to links that appear in the progression bar and in the suggestive input fields.
288 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Small Link Style used for links that appear in the progression bar.
289 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Background Color

Help Link (Mouse over event) Style used for tooltips related to links that appear in the help panel.
290 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Help Link Style used for links that appear in the help panel. For example, Access my profile.
291 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Pager Disabled Link Style used for disabled links in the pager component.
292 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Background Color

Title Link (Mouse over event) Style used for tooltips related to links used for job titles.
293 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Title Link Style used for links in job title.
294 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Background Color

Action Link (Mouse over event) Style used for tooltips related to links that appear in the Job Field, Location and Organization sections of a career section page.
295 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Action Link Style used for links that appear in the Job Field, Location and Organization sections of a career section page. For example, Add Job Field, Add Location, Add Organization.
296 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Background Color

Regular Link (Mouse over event) Style used for tooltips related to links that appear in the central section of a career section page.
297 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Regular Link Style used for links that appear in the central section of a career section page. For example, Save this Search, Hide Search Criteria, Apply, Add to My Job Cart.
298 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

  • Background Color

Header and Footer Link (Mouse over event) Style used for tooltips related to links that appear in the header and footer of a career section page.
299 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Style

Header and Footer Link Style used for links that appear in the header and footer of a career section page. For example, My Account Options, My Job Cart, Sign In.
1062 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Size

Faceted Search - Title Link Style used for job titles in faceted search.
1063 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Size

  • Background Color

Faceted Search - Title Link (Mouse over event) Style used for mouse over events on job titles in faceted search.
1064 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Size

Faceted Search - Search Modal Link Style used for links which reveal the organization, location, and job field selector in faceted search.
1065 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Size

  • Background Color

Faceted Search - Search Modal Link (Mouse over event) Style used for mouse over events on links which reveal the organization, location, and job field selector in faceted search.
1066 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Size

Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link Style used for links which reveal more selections on facets.
1067 Link Configuration
  • Text Decoration

  • Font Style

  • Color

  • Font Weight

  • Font Size

  • Background Color

Faceted Search - Expand Facet Link (Mouse over event) Style used for mouse over events on links which reveal more selections on facets.
397 Input and Button Control Configuration
  • Black Bag

  • White Bag

  • Black Basket

  • White Basket

  • Black Cart

  • White Cart

Job Cart Icon Style used for the job cart icon.
398 Input and Button Control Configuration
  • Font Size

  • Color

  • Font Size

  • Background Color

  • Font Weight

Button Style used for buttons.
399 Input and Button Control Configuration
  • Font Size

  • Font Weight

  • Color

  • Background Color

  • Font Style

Input Control Style used for text boxes, text areas, combo boxes, etc.