Configuring Evaluation Management Message Templates

Evaluation Management message templates are available to support evaluation and interview notifications and reminders and to keep everyone more informed throughout the interview process.

Evaluation Management message templates are available in the Evaluation Management Administration page. They are provided by default with the system and can be customized by system administrators. When changes are made to a message, it is possible to go back to the message original version by clicking Revert to Default.
The table shows Evaluation Management message templates.
Message Template Recipient
Accepted Interview Invitation Interview creator.
Cancellation of Request to Complete an Evaluation, Evaluator Interview participant or person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request.
Declined Interview Invitation Interview creator.
Evaluation Completed, Evaluation Requester Interview creator (if it included questionnaires) or person who created the evaluation feedback request.
Evaluation Completed, Evaluator Interview participant or person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request.
Evaluation Expiry Reminder, Evaluation Requester Interview creator (if it included questionnaires) or person who created the evaluation feedback request.
Evaluation Expiry Reminder, Evaluator Interview participant or person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request.
Evaluation Expiry, Evaluation Requester Interview creator (if it included questionnaires) or person who created the evaluation feedback request.
Final Person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request (this template can be selected when creating a feedback request).
Follow-up Person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request (this template can be selected when creating a feedback request).
General Person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request (this template can be selected when creating a feedback request).
Initial Person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request (this template can be selected when creating a feedback request).
Interview Cancellation Interview participant.
Interview Confirmation Interview participant.
Interview Details Changed Interview participant.
Interview Invitation Interview participant.
Interview Reminder Interview participant.
Interview Rescheduled Interview participant.
Prescreen Person asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire via an evaluation feedback request (this template can be selected when creating a feedback request).
Request to Reschedule an Interview Interview creator.
Note: In version 13B, the character limit for the message template Text field was expanded to accept a considerably larger amount of content. With the increased limit, some impacts to the user experience could potentially be encountered. The issue is only experienced when more than 100,000 characters are pasted into the Text field. When saving the message template, a validation message is displayed warning that the maximum 100,000 character limit has been exceeded. In an effort to prevent browser performance issues, the previously entered, large amount of data is not stored and would need to be reentered and adjusted to fit within the 100,000 character limit.