Skill Rating Scale Properties

The table shows skill rating scale properties.
Property Description
Skill Rating Scale The name of the skill rating scale. For example: Hourly Employee Scale.
Short Label Limited to 30 characters. The short label is not required. However, it is recommended to define one if using the functionality with an iPad.
Select the scale to be applied to ratings The numerical value selected determines the number of scale labels (text input fields) for that rating scale.
Rating Value and Rating Label The rating value represents the number of labels in the rating scale. The rating label represents the choices displayed to users. For example:

Skill Rating Scale: Hourly Employee Scale

Rating Values and Rating Labels:

  • 1: Needs development

  • 2: Meets expectations

  • 3: Exceeds expectations

Status Skill rating scales can have one of three statuses:
  • Draft

  • Active

  • Inactive

When creating a new rating scale, you can only choose between Draft and Active. A rating scale must be saved in the Active status for the Inactive status to become available for selection. Once a rating scale is in the Active status, it cannot be edited.
Activated Languages While creating a new skill rating scale, translations can be created through the Activated Languages drop-down. Languages that have translated content are displayed in blue in the list. Translations should be entered prior to saving the rating scale as active.
Category The category can be used to classify the skill rating scale. It is optional.