8Candidate Selection Workflow

Candidate Selection Workflow

Candidate Selection Workflow

A candidate selection workflow (CSW) provides the framework to move candidates through the hiring process in order to evaluate and find the best candidate for a job.

A CSW includes steps, statuses, and actions a recruiter must go through before hiring a candidate. An analogy can be drawn between the candidate selection workflow and moving candidate resumes from one pile to another as the selection progresses and the number of resumes retained is reduced. For example, a candidate submission is analyzed, the candidate is contacted, interviewed, then selected.

The CSW is created by the system administrator then selected by recruiters when creating a requisition. When candidates apply on the requisition, the selected CSW is used to track and manage candidates from the time they are new to the system to the time that they are hired. Candidate files in each step of the CSW can have a status. Specific actions can be performed on these candidate files depending on the steps and statuses. A set of user type permissions grant users access to the actions that can be performed in a candidate selection workflow.

The CSW can be displayed to recruiters on a priority basis. The system will sort workflows according to the level of compatibility and ensure that the most appropriate workflow is displayed when recruiters create a requisition.

Candidate Selection Workflow Example

The example illustrates a candidate selection workflow with six steps and several statuses for each of the steps.

These icons represent different status:

  • *: Asterisk represents a completion status.

  • Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status: Shortcut button to change to completion status.

  • Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status: Shortcut button to change to rejected status

New step HM Review step Interview / Assessment step Offer step Background Check step Hire step
New Applicant To be HM Reviewed To Be Interviewed Offer to be Made Initiate Background Screening Proceed to Hire
Under Consideration To be Rejected Post HM Reviewed Invite to Scheduling Center Draft Background Follow-Up in Progress Candidate No-Show (Rescind or Renege Offer)
Recommended * Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status HM Approved * Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status Phone Screen Approval in Progress Background Screening Completed * Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status Hired * Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status
Rejected Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status Rejected Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status 1st Interview Approved Rejected Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status Rejected Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status
Has Declined Has Declined 2nd Interview Extended Has Declined Has Declined
3rd Interview Rescinded
Interviews Completed * Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status In Negotiation
Rejected Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status Refused
Has Declined Accepted * Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status
Rejected Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status
Has Declined

Candidate Selection Workflow Step

Candidate selection workflows are comprised of steps that represent the levels that candidates reach as they progress through the hiring process. A step represents a major stage or event in a candidate selection workflow.

A step in a candidate selection workflow can be mandatory or optional.

  • If a step is mandatory, the user must take the candidate through the step before moving on to any subsequent steps. The user will not have access to the subsequent list of steps until the step is completed.

  • If a step is optional, the user can skip the step entirely and move the candidate on to the next step. Or, the user can move a candidate conditionally through a step without completing the step in order to move to a subsequent step, and return to the conditional completion step later to complete it.

Most steps are mandatory and sequential, meaning that they must be completed in the prescribed order. In some scenarios, a user may be able to move a candidate to a step without completing the current one, but the system will require that all mandatory steps be completed before completing the hiring of a candidate.

Each step must be finished with a completion status, indicated by an asterisk (*), before a candidate can move to another step in the hiring process. A completion status completes the step.

A step can have a Restricted confidentiality level. In many organizations, hiring managers are not involved in the earliest steps of the candidate selection process. Recruiters are responsible for evaluating new job applications and only submit qualified candidates to the hiring managers. It is possible to configure steps to prevent hiring managers from viewing specific selection steps (such as New) in the Recruiting Center Candidates list.

Notifications can be added to steps. This allows sending a message to users to let them know when a step is reached by candidates.

Note: There is no limit on the number of steps that can be used in a CSW. However, a best practice is to only add necessary steps.

Candidate Selection Workflow Status

A status indicates the detail or state of where a candidate is within a step.

A candidate can change status during a step but the candidate can only have one status at a time in each step. Statuses are more flexible than steps as most are optional and do not need to be followed in a certain order. Statuses can be temporary therefore requiring an additional action from the user or they can complete a step (indicated by *) because they complete the step by either moving the candidate to the next step or terminating the candidate selection process.

Statuses may have different progression levels:

Progression Level Description
Not Started Indicates that the step has not started yet. Example: For the 1st Interview step, "To be Scheduled" is a Not Started status because the interview has not been scheduled and the step has not officially started.
In Progress Indicates that a candidate needs to be moved to other statuses before moving to the next step. The option "move" is not available to the user at this point. Example: For the 1st Interview step, "Scheduled" is an In Progress status.
Completed Indicates that a candidate can move to the next step. The "move" option is available to the user at this point. When selecting the Completed level, the following option becomes available: "Allow completion even if some activities remain pending". This option allows the move to the next step even if some activities are still pending from a previous step.

Status change buttons (or shortcut buttons) allow recruiters to change the status of a candidate without having to open the Action window. A status can be linked to one of these buttons. Only one status can be assigned to a specific button in the current step.

Button Behavior in the Candidate File Behavior in the Candidate List
Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status Changes the status of the candidate to a completion status. Changes the status of all selected candidates to a completion status.
Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status Changes the status of the candidate to Rejected. Changes the status of all selected candidates to Rejected.
Question mark shortcut button to change the status to under consideration. Changes the status of the candidate to Under consideration. Changes the status of all selected candidates to Under consideration..


An action is an event performed on a candidate during the hiring process.

The list of actions displayed in the More Actions list is context-sensitive and the actions that are available vary depending on the selected workflow, the candidate status, and user permissions. For example, Canceled, Deleted, Offer or Hire may not be available to all users. The information displayed in each Action Dialog window is also context sensitive and may vary accordingly.

Updating Steps and Statuses for Submissions on Different Requisitions

Recruiting Center users can select multiple submissions on different requisitions and update the corresponding step or status.

Recruiting Center users can select several candidate submissions submitted on different requisitions and move them to the next step, bypass the current step, or change the step's status provided all the submissions are at the same step and all the requisitions use the same Candidate Selection Workflow (CSW).

Whichever action users want to perform (move candidate submissions to the next step, change a step's status, or bypass the current step) on multiple submissions, the users require the corresponding user type permission. If users do not have a particular permission, the corresponding action is unavailable for selection.

If users select multiple submissions and some of them do not correspond to the user type permission that governs the action the users want to perform, a message at the end of the updating process indicates which submissions were not updated. Take the case of a user who had a user type that had the Bypass steps: Only if this user is an owner of the requisitions permission. Suppose the user selected multiple candidate submissions on different requisitions and all the submissions were at the 1st Interview step. The user then performed the bypass action to advance the submissions directly to the 3rd Interview step. If the selection included submissions from candidates for whom the user was a collaborator rather than the owner, the system would generate a message listing the submissions that were not updated. The submissions of candidates "owned" by the user would be updated to the 3rd Interview step.

If users change the current step of multiple submissions to Hire and some of the requisitions are then filled, a message is displayed for each filled requisition.

  • If there are active offers associated with a filled requisition, the following message is displayed: Once this operation is completed, all openings available for the requisition {Requisition ID} will have been filled. The system will then unpost the requisition. However, you must first rescind all other offers extended to be able to close the requisition.

  • If there are no active offers associated with a filled requisition, the following message is displayed: Once this operation is completed, all openings available for the requisition {Requisition ID} will have been filled. If the system is not able to unpost the requisition and change its status to "Filled", the requisition will have to be filled manually and the system will assign a task to {0}. Do you want to hire the selected candidates? If the user answers "No", the action is canceled; none of the submissions selected initially are updated to the Hire step.

While a user is updating the step or status of a selection of submissions on different submissions, the "Send correspondence" check box is available for selection if the individual has a user type that has the following permission and value: Send correspondence (while changing the status of a candidate in a workflow) - Without restriction. If the value is instead Only if this user is an owner of the requisitions or a collaborator, the check box is displayed only if the individual is the owner of or a collaborator for all of the submissions selected.

While a user is updating the step or status of a selection of submissions on different submissions, the workflow Event Date calendar is available for selection provided that all the submissions selected satisfy the Set candidate selection workflow event dates permission for the user type assigned to the user. For example, if the setting value is Only if this user is an owner of the requisitions or a collaborator, the user must be the owner of or a collaborator for all of the submissions or Event Date calendar will not be displayed.

Bulk Move to the Hire Step/Status

Recruiting Center users can move several candidates to the Hire step/status in a single transaction.

When this feature is activated, users are able to select more than one candidate to move to the Hire step/status. The system performs a verification to see if the number of candidates selected is equal to or less than the number of positions still open. If additional information is required during the hire action, for example the start date, all the information entered will apply to all candidates hired in that action.

This feature supports candidate selection workflows with or without the RSOffer step.

Sharing Candidates While Moving Them in the Candidate Selection Workflow

When selecting the Change Step/Status action or the Bypass action in the More Actions menu, a Share candidate option is available in the Candidate Selection Workflow assistant window so that users can share a candidate while the candidate is being progressed in the selection workflow.

Recruiters can share candidates with hiring managers when candidates have reached a certain point in the workflow. For example, a hiring manager does not have access to an Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition product. In order for the hiring manager to review the short list of candidates, the recruiter can share the top candidates with the hiring manager.

Note: When the Share candidate and the Send correspondence actions are available in the Candidate Selection Workflow assistant window, both these actions can be used. The Share Candidate assistant will be displayed first, followed by the Send Correspondence assistant.

Sharing a Candidate in a Selection Workflow

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. Select a candidate file.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select Change Step/Status.

  3. In the Change Step and Status window, select Share Candidate.

  4. Click Save and Continue.

  5. Select one or several recipients.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select content to share.

  8. Click Share and Close.

An email is sent to the recipients with all or part of the selected content of the candidate file.

Candidate Progression Status

The candidate progression status indicates the most advanced progression status of a candidate on other requisitions across all positions where the candidate is being considered.

To see the progression status of a candidate, the Progression Status column must be added to the candidate list format. Icons are used to indicate the furthest active progression status of a candidate across all positions where the candidate is being considered. When clicking a progression status icon, a tooltip indicates the active status and a date. For example: "Most advanced progression status: New (as of 2011-Oct-17)".

Progression Status Icon Description
New progression icon New
Reviewed progression icon Reviewed
First interview progression icon, Second interview progression icon, Third interview progression icon First, second, and third interview
Testing progression icon Testing
Offer progression icon Offer
Hired progression icon Hired
Pipeline progression icon Pipeline
Contact progression icon Contact

In the example below, a candidate has applied to four jobs:

Job Job Status Candidate Status
1 Active for sourcing New > To be reviewed
2 Closed Interview 2 > To be scheduled
3 Active for sourcing Offer > Rejected
4 Active for sourcing Interview 1 > To be scheduled

The icon that would appear for this candidate across all contexts would be Interview 1 icon because it is the furthest active progression status on an active job. Both requisition status and candidate status must be active to be considered for the furthest active progression status.

In the Candidates list, the In Selection Process icon remains available and shows the parallel job applications of the candidate. In a job-specific candidate list, the progression status icon may be displayed while the In Selection Process icon may not be displayed if there is only one job application. In the search result list, if the In Selection Process icon is displayed, the progression status icon is also displayed. If no In Selection Process icon is displayed, the progression status column is empty.

It is recommended to remove the tracking solution (In Selection Process icon) and to replace it with the Progression Status feature in general lists (such as search result lists, folder lists) if you allow users to view the content of requisitions to which a candidate has applied and to which the user has access. In a job-specific candidate list, the In Selection Process icon is visible only when there is at least one concurrent active job application, and the progression status icon is visible as soon as there is one active job application.

Step/Status Change in One Click

Recruiting Center users can use the Next Action feature to access steps and statuses directly in the candidates list without having to select an action in the More Actions list.

The Next Action column is available in a candidate list format. The Next Action column contains actions that will give access to the next status or step related to a candidate. Actions available in the new column will allow users to:

  • Change the status of a candidate to the next completion status (if the step is not already completed).

  • Move the candidate to the initial status of the next step if the current step is completed.

Actions available in the Next Action column are Candidate Selection Workflow (CSW) movements only, either a
  • Move to the next step in the CSW.

  • Change to the completion status within the current step.

If the current status is not a completion status, the action displayed will be a move (change status) to the first completion status of the current step. If the current status is a completion status, then the action will be a move to the next step at the initial status. In a one-step CSW (reference workflow), only statuses configured as a "completion status" will show up as next steps.

Selecting the Candidate Selection Workflow for a Requisition

The requisition status must be Draft or Open.

Once a requisition has been posted, the candidate selection workflow cannot be edited; you will need to cancel the requisition and duplicate it to be able to make changes.

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. Open a requisition file.

  2. In the Requisition tab, click Edit.

  3. Click Edit in the Candidate Selection Workflow section.

    Depending on the status of the requisition and user type permissions you were granted, available editing functionalities will vary.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Automatically Rejecting Candidate Submissions When Requisitions are Filled and/or Canceled

The auto-rejection of candidate submissions can be set for canceled requisitions and filled requisitions.

System administrators determine when candidate submissions will be automatically rejected:
  • When a requisition has been filled.

  • When a requisition has been canceled.

  • When a requisition has been filled or canceled.

  • In neither case.

Recruiters can choose to override the auto-rejection behavior set by the system administrator. In the requisition file Candidate Selection Workflow section, recruiters can select these options:the option Automatically reject all candidate submissions when the requisition is filled or canceled, or in neither case.

  • Automatically reject all candidate submissions when the requisition is filled

  • Automatically reject all candidate submissions when the requisition is canceled

When viewing the History tab of candidate submissions, recruiters can determine the cause of the auto-rejection. The event "Status changed to Rejected" is displayed for both types of rejections, but the details will indicate if the rejection was due to the requisition being canceled or filled.