7Evaluation Management

Evaluation Management

Creating Evaluation CategoriesCreating Evaluation Categories

Library Managers use the Evaluation Categories library to organize evaluation questions and questionnaires.

Evaluation categories are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation categories.

By default, all evaluation categories are displayed on the library. Use quick filters to refine the list by category or status (Draft, Active or Inactive). You can create new evaluation categories or modify existing ones. When you create an evaluation category, the category is created in your preferred language. Once a category is created, you can translate it. Languages for which a translation was provided are displayed in blue in the Activated Languages menu.

Creating an Evaluation Category

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Evaluation Categories.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Provide a name for the category.

  4. Select the language in which you want to create the category.

  5. Activate the category.

  6. Click Save.

Creating Evaluation QuestionsCreating Evaluation Questions

Library Managers maintain an up-to-date list of evaluation questions, skills, and questionnaires that are compliant with the organization policy.

Evaluation questions are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation questions.

Before creating a question, look at the existing questions in the Evaluation Questions library. Use quick filters to refine the list by question (enter one or multiple words), status (Active, Inactive, Draft), and category. You can filter the list using one or several criteria. Once questions are filtered, you can sort the list by clicking on the column header. If you don’t see the question you are looking for, create a new one.

Creating a Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Evaluation Questions.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Complete the fields. See Evaluation Question Properties.

  4. Click Save.

Evaluation Question Properties

Question Property Description
Answer Type Four types of answer are available:
  • Single: The person can select one answer from a list of choices.

  • Multiple: The person can select as many answers as applicable from a list of choices.

  • Text: The person can type a brief answer in response to a specific question.

  • Date: The person can provide a date to indicate for example, when a certification was obtained.

Answer Display Depending on the answer type selected, different answer displays are available.
  • When using the Single answer type, the person can answer the question by selecting one radio button, or one value in a drop-down list.

  • When using the Multiple answer type, the person can answer the question by selecting one or several checkboxes, or by selecting one or several values in a drop-down list.

  • When using the Text answer type, the person can answer the question by typing text in a field. Between one and nine lines can be provided for the answer.

  • The Date answer type does no have any answer display.

Question Space provided to type the question. A question can have a maximum of 1000 characters. If the answer type is Single or Multiple, users will have the option to input possible answers.
Short Label A short label for the question. The Short Label is not required. However, it is recommended to define one if using this functionality with Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile.
Possible Answers When using the Single or Multiple answer type, you can enter possible answers. It is recommended to use a maximum of 10 possible answers.
Show Comment When selecting Yes, a text box appears where evaluators will be able to enter justifications to the answers provided.
Status Questions have one of the following statuses:
  • Draft

  • Active

  • Inactive

By default, when creating a question, the question is in the Draft status. Once a question is in the Active status, only grammatical edits can be done.

Activated Languages While creating a new question, translations can be created through the Activated Languages drop-down. Languages that have translated content are displayed in blue in the list. Translations should be entered prior to saving the question as Active.
Category Category to classify the question.
Creating Evaluation SkillsCreating Evaluation Skills

Library Managers create evaluation skills.

Skill based rating questions are available in Evaluation Management. Skills are added to evaluation questionnaires. Recruiters can evaluate candidates' skills using simple rating scales and they can compare candidates against each other and the desired skill level for the position. Charts provide users with a visual means of reviewing results and comparing responses.

Evaluation skills are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation skills.

Before creating a skill, look at the existing skills in the Evaluation Skills library. Use quick filters to refine the list by skill (enter one or multiple words), status (Active, Inactive, Draft), and category. You can filter the list using one or several criteria. Once skills are filtered, you can sort the list by clicking on the column header. If you don’t see the skill you are looking for, create a new one.

Creating an Evaluation Skill

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Evaluation Skills.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Complete the fields. See Evaluation Skill Properties.

  4. Click Save.

Evaluation Skill Properties

Property Description
Answer Type The answer type "Skill Rating Scale" is displayed by default. It cannot be changed.
Answer Display The answer is always displayed with radio buttons.
Skill The name of the skill. For example, Teamwork.
Short Label Short name to identify the skill. Limited to 30 characters. The short label is not required. However, it is recommended to define one if using the functionality with an iPad.
Status Skills can have one of three statuses:
  • Draft

  • Active

  • Inactive

When creating a new skill, you can only choose between draft and active. A skill must be saved in active status for the inactive status to become available for selection.
Activated Languages While creating a new skill, translations can be created through the Activated Languages drop-down. Languages that have translated content are displayed in blue in the list. Translations should be entered prior to saving the skill as Active.
Category The category can be used to classify the skill. It is optional.
Creating Evaluation Questionnaires Creating Evaluation Questionnaires

Library Managers create evaluation questionnaires and add questions and skills.

Evaluation questionnaires are available in the Libraries tab of the Recruiting Center. A user type permission is required to access evaluation questionnaires.

When you create a questionnaire, three tabs are available:

  • Properties: This is where you provide general information about the questionnaire.

  • Questions: This is where you add questions to the questionnaire. You can specify which questions are required when evaluators complete questionnaires. You can add weight values to question answer. You can also remove questions, reorder questions, and hide or show question details.

  • Skill Ratings: Includes a button to select the rating scale to apply to the questionnaire. Rating scales are created by system administrators. Once the rating scale is selected, you can define which skills are required when evaluators complete questionnaires. You can add, remove, and reorder skills (which were defined in the Evaluation Skills library). Once skills have been added, you select the desired skill level for each skill.

Creating an Evaluation Questionnaire

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Evaluation Questionnaires.

  2. Click Create.

  3. In the Properties tab, complete the fields. See Evaluation Questionnaire Properties.

  4. In the Questions tab, click Add to add questions.

  5. For each question, you can select the Required check box. When the Required check box is selected, a blue asterisk appears beside the question. Evaluators must answer the question when completing an evaluation questionnaire.

    If an evaluator attempts to submit the evaluation questionnaire without completing all the required content, a message will notify the evaluator of the unanswered, required items.
  6. Add weight values to question answers.

  7. In the Skills tab, click Select Rating Scale to add a skill ratings to apply to the questionnaire. Rating scales are created by system administrators.

  8. Click Add to add skills.

  9. For each skill, you can select the Required check box. When the Required check box is selected, a blue asterisk appears beside the skill. Evaluators must answer the skill when completing an evaluation questionnaire.

  10. Select the desired skill level for each skill.

  11. Click Save.

Evaluation Questionnaire Properties

Questionnaire Property Description

Name of the questionnaire.

Short Label A short label for the questionnaire. The Short Label is not required. However, it is recommended to define one if using this functionality with Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile.
Instructions Instructions on how to complete the questionnaire. For example, how to evaluate potential candidates, explanations of any ranking system that might be used.
Include Question Section; Include Skill Rating Section; Include Overall Recommendation. Check boxes to make the Questions tab; the Skill Ratings tab and the Overall Recommendation available in the questionnaire.
When selecting the Include Overall Recommendation check box, you can select the format of the Recommendation response. Possible formats are:
  • Text response: a text field to write the recommendation.

  • Radio selection: "Recommend" or "Do Not Recommend" selection inputs are presented to the evaluator.

  • Radio selection and text response: Combination of radio buttons with text field for supporting notes or justification of radio selection.

Required When the Required check box is selected, a blue asterisk appears beside the Recommendation field and evaluators must provide recommendations.
Status Questionnaires have one of the following statuses:
  • Draft

  • Active

  • Inactive

By default, when creating a questionnaire, the questionnaire is in the Draft status. Once a questionnaire is in the Active status, only grammatical edits can be done.

Activated Languages While creating a new questionnaire, translations can be created through the Activated Languages drop-down. Languages that have translated content are displayed in blue in the list. Translations should be entered prior to saving the questionnaire as Active.
Category Category to classify the questionnaire.

Adding Evaluation Questionnaires to Requisition Templates

Library Managers can add evaluation questionnaires to requisition templates.

From the Interviews tab on the requisition template, you can add one or several questionnaires. Use quick filters to refine the list by questionnaire (enter one or multiple words) and category. You can filter the list using one or several criteria.

Once you added questionnaires to the requisition template, you can preview them to confirm they are appropriate for the requisition template. Questionnaires added to a requisition template will automatically be attached to requisitions created using that template.

Adding an Evaluation Questionnaire to a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Open a requisition template.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Use quick filters to filter the list of active questionnaires.

    In the Questionnaire field, you can search for a specific word contained in the title of a questionnaire. In the Category field, you can search for a specific category name by typing it in the Category field text box. Categories are available in the Evaluation Categories library.
  6. Select one or multiple questionnaires.

  7. Click Save.

Adding Evaluation Questionnaires to Requisitions

Recruiters with the appropriate permissions can add evaluation questionnaires to requisitions.

From the Interviews tab on the requisition file, you can add one or several questionnaires. Use quick filters to refine the list of active questionnaires. You can filter the list using one or several criteria.

Once you added questionnaires to the requisition, you can preview them to confirm they are appropriate for the requisition.

Evaluation questionnaires can contain up to four collapsible sections:

  • Questionnaire Information

  • Questions

  • Skill Ratings

  • Recommendation

Adding an Evaluation Questionnaire to a Requisition

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Resources section, click Add.

  4. Use quick filters to filter the list of active questionnaires.

    In the Questionnaire field, you can search for a specific word contained in the title of a questionnaire. In the Category field, you can search for a specific category name by typing it in the Category field text box. Categories are available in the Evaluation Categories library.
  5. Select one or multiple questionnaires.

  6. Click Save.

Asking Evaluators to Evaluate Candidates

Recruiters with the appropriate permissions can ask evaluators to evaluate candidates using evaluation questionnaires.

From the Interviews tab on the candidate job submission, you can create evaluation feedback requests. Once you select an evaluation and click the Send Request button, you can select evaluators from the list of users attached to the requisition and job submission. If you have the required permission, you can modify the displayed default expiration date. If not, you are presented with a read-only expiration date field. The expiration date is calculated based upon the expiration setting in Evaluation Management Administration. You must select one of the five request message templates. You can also include the candidate file, requisition file or job submission-specific attachments in the questionnaire being sent, valuable information for the person completing the evaluation.

Requests to complete evaluation questionnaires are emailed to evaluators. Upon accessing the link contained in the email, evaluators are directed to an HTML questionnaire where they can input their feedback responses. The questionnaire contains attached files. Evaluators provide their feedback. If they cannot complete the entire evaluation questionnaire in one session, they can click the Save as Draft button and come back at a later time to complete the evaluation. Once they have completed their feedback, they click the Submit button. Upon submitting their feedback, the link in the email is no longer active and evaluators cannot go back to the questionnaire.

You can also complete the evaluation questionnaire by clicking the Complete button found in the Resources section on the candidate's job submission. The system will display a blank copy of the questionnaire selected within the Interviews tab and you can fill it out.

Once a request has been sent to evaluators, the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section in the candidate submission and requisition Interviews tab will be updated to reflect the new request. All evaluation requests which have not yet expired are visible in this list. You can resend a request by selecting the evaluation request and clicking the Resend button. You can cancel a request by selecting the request and clicking the Cancel button.

Sending an Evaluation Feedback Request to an Evaluator

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Participants section, click Add to select the evaluators who will complete the evaluation questionnaire. Two options are available:

    • You can add external evaluators by entering their first name, last name and email address.

    • You can select evaluators entered in the system database. The Internal Evaluators list only displays the first 100 users. To find a user who is not displayed, use quick filters. If after applying quick filters more than 100 users were found, the list will still only display the first 100 users.

  5. In the Questionnaires Attached to Requisition section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  6. Click Send Request.

  7. Select the time zone of the questionnaire recipients.

    By default, the system displays the user's preferred time zone (defined under Resources > My Setup > Preferences > Time Zone). If no user's preferred time zone is defined, the system will display the time zone set by the system administrator in the Evaluation Management Administration menu.
  8. Select the message language of the questionnaire recipients.

  9. The displayed default expiration date can be modified if the user has the required permission.

  10. Select the message template that will be sent to evaluators requesting them to perform an evaluation.

  11. In the File Share section, select the candidate file, requisition file and/or submission-specific attachments you want to share with the evaluator.

  12. Click Send to send the feedback request to evaluators.

Evaluating a Candidate Myself

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Questionnaires Attached to Requisition section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  5. Click Complete.

  6. Answer the questions and/or skill ratings presented in the questionnaire.

  7. Click Save to submit the questionnaire.

Viewing Completed Evaluation Questionnaires

Recruiters with appropriate permissions can access the requisition or candidate job submission and view feedback provided by evaluators.

Once evaluators have completed the evaluation, the completed questionnaire is available to review in both the requisition and the candidate job submission, under the Interviews tab. In the Completed Evaluations and Interviews section, you can see a list of all completed evaluations. The list displays the completion date and time, the candidate's name (only applicable at the requisition level), the event type (either interview or feedback; evaluations associated with an interview also display the interview's title for example, "Interview - John Smith Phone Screen"), the evaluation title, the name of the person who completed the questionnaire and the question and/or skill score(s). You can view the results of a questionnaire by selecting the questionnaire and clicking View Results.

When viewing a completed questionnaire, you can toggle between the various views of completed questionnaires, which include:

  • Document: Displays questions and rating skills with a checkmark next to the selected response.

  • Details: Displays the evaluator's responses to questions and rating skills in an horizontal bar graph. If more than one evaluator has completed the same evaluation their responses will also appear in the graph. The desired skill level set for each rating is also displayed.

  • Summary: Questions and rating skills are displayed alongside a graph that shows an average of all evaluator responses. The desired skill level set for each rating is depicted. An asterisk appears next to the bars that do not include all evaluators' responses.

  • The average question score and average skill rating score are also displayed at the top of the page, next to the Response Display drop down menu.

Image: Document View - Rating Skill

Image showing the Document View - Rating Skill.

Image: Details View - Rating Skill

Image showing the Details View - Rating Skill.

Image: Summary View - Rating Skill

Image showing the Summary View - Rating Skill.

You can also remove a questionnaire that has been deemed to contain inappropriate content and to allow evaluators to complete it in a compliant format.

Viewing the Results of a Completed Evaluation Questionnaire

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. On the requisition, navigate to the Interviews tab or click on a candidate who applied on the requisition and then navigate to the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Completed Interviews and Evaluations section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  4. Click View Results.

Creating Interviews

Recruiters can coordinate interviews with internal participants, including supporting evaluations and shared attachments and files.

You can create interviews at the job submission level by clicking the Create Interview button in the Interviews tab. The ability to create interviews is also available in the contextual action menu via an action called Coordinate Interview...

When creating an interview, you can create a panel, a single one-on-one interview, or a series of one-on-one interviews. You then specify interview properties such as participants, date, time and time zone, location, and required evaluation questionnaires.

Image showing the Interview Properties section.

Once you added participants, click the Check Availability button to see the participants' calendar. By default, interviews scheduled through Evaluation Management are displayed. Hovering over an interview displays the interview title in a tooltip. To see other dates, use the arrows to see the previous and next days and the calendar selector to jump to a specific date. After selecting a date in the calendar selector, click the Check Availability button to refresh the data.

Note: If a Microsoft Office 365 integration is enabled, you can browse the Microsoft Office 365 directory to add participants to the interview. You are not limited to the Recruiting list of users. Once you added the desired participants and selected a target date and time for the interview, you can view the availability grid to determine the optimal time to schedule the interview.

Use the Notes to Participants field to add interview specific information that is displayed to participants on the invite accept/decline page and in message templates.

You can share the candidate file, requisition file as well as files attached to the job submission such as resumes and references with participants. Only files visible by the candidate are available for sharing.

Interview participants receive an invitation to participate in the interview. The invitation contains a link directing participants to a page where they can accept, decline, or request reschedule. Participants are also able to provide a note to the recruiter as part of their response. The recruiter will receive an email notification containing the participant response for that interview.

Upon accepting an interview, participants will receive a confirmation email that contains an .ics attachment for the interview that can be added to their Outlook calendar as well as links to any requested evaluations. The .ics attachment also contains the interview details as well as links to any associated evaluations.

Creating a One-on-One Interview

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. On the left panel, click on candidates who applied for this requisition.

  3. Click the Access Contextual Actions icon of a specific candidate and select Coordinate Interview.

  4. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, click Create Interview.

  5. Select the One-on-One interview option.

  6. Indicate the number of interviews you want to schedule for the candidate.

  7. Click Create.

    When creating more than one interview with the same date and location, you can click Next to save some time and steps. Enter the information once, and the same information will be applied to all the interviews. Up to 10 one-on-one interviews can be created at a time.
  8. In the Interview Properties section, define elements such as the participants, the date, time and time zone, the location.

  9. Click the Check Availability button to see the participants' calendar.

  10. Select the correspondence language. The correspondence language determines the language presented to users on the participant accept/decline page and in notification and reminder messages.

  11. Use the Notes to Participants field to add interview specific information that will be displayed to participants. The Notes to Participants field is available for use in message templates, . ics attachments and on the participant accept/decline page.

  12. In the File Sharing section, select the files you want to send to participants. You can select the candidate file, requisition file as well as submission-specific attachments such as the candidate resume. Any files shared will be available to all interview participants (even external users who are not in the system database) on the accept/decline page and any associated evaluations.

    Note that only files visible by the candidate can be shared.
  13. Click Save and Close.

Create an Interview with Several Participants

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. On the left panel, click on candidates who applied for this requisition.

  3. Click the Access Contextual Actions icon of a specific candidate and select Coordinate Interview.

  4. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, click Create Interview.

  5. Select the Panel interview option.

  6. Indicate the number of participants you want to invite to the interview. Two to ten participants can be included in a panel interview.

  7. Click Create.

  8. In the Interview Properties section, define elements such as the participants, the date, time and time zone, the location.

  9. Click the Check Availability button to see the participants' calendar.

  10. Select the correspondence language. The correspondence language determines the language presented to users on the participant accept/decline page and in notification and reminder messages.

  11. Use the Notes to Participants field to add interview specific information that will be displayed to participants. The Notes to Participants field is available for use in message templates, . ics attachments and on the participant accept/decline page.

  12. In the File Sharing section, select the files you want to send to participants. You can select the candidate file, requisition file as well as submission-specific attachments such as the candidate resume. Any files shared will be available to all interview participants (even external users who are not in the system database) on the accept/decline page and any associated evaluations.

    Only files visible by the candidate can be shared.
  13. Click Save and Close.

Viewing Interviews and Evaluations Details

Recruiters can view information on interviews and evaluations in the requisition file and candidate job submission. The candidate job submission contains the same sections and lists outlined on the requisition.

In the requisition file, the Interviews tab contains information on interviews and evaluation requests across all candidate's on the requisition.

The Interviews and Evaluation Requests section displays a list view of all active interviews and evaluation requests on that requisition. The date of the event, the type of event, the name of the candidate and participants as well as the status of the event are displayed. Possible interview statuses are: Accepted, Declined, Tentative, Reschedule Requested. Evaluations will only display a status of Requested. A warning icon indicates that one or more participants has declined or requested a reschedule. You can view the interview details and change its properties directly from the requisition.

Image showing the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section.

The Completed Interviews and Evaluations section provides a list view of completed evaluation questionnaires and interviews. Click the View Results or the View Details button to view all the details of the interview or evaluation questionnaire. Once an interview date/time has passed it will appear in the Completed Interviews list. Interviews that were cancelled or declined do not appear in this list.

Image showing the Completed Interviews and Evaluations section.

In the Resources section, you can preview, add, and remove questionnaires to the requisition as well as participants for use in evaluations and interviews.

Image showing the Resources section.

Viewing the Details of an Interview

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition. You can also view interview details on the Requisition Interviews tab.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, select an interview.

  5. Click View Details.

Viewing the Details of a Completed Interview

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition. You can also view interview details on the Requisition Interviews tab.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Completed Interviews and Evaluations section, select an interview.

  5. Click View Details.

Responding to Interview Invitations

Interview participants receive an email invitation to respond to an interview invitation.

Interview participants receive an email invitation that contains a link that directs them to a page where they can provide their availability. Three responses are available: Accept, Decline, Request Reschedule. A Comments field allows interview participants to provide the interview coordinator with additional details such as a different interview date and time or additional participants to invite. Until a response is provided, the interview participant will be in the Tentative status when viewing the interview details in the Recruiting Center.

Image showing an email invitation received by an interview participant.

Upon accepting the interview invitation, participants receive a confirmation email that can contain the following information:

  • An .ics attachment for the interview that can be added to their calendar.

  • A link to the accept/decline page, in case they need to change their availability.

  • Links to any associated evaluations.

Image showing the confirmation email received by the interview participant.

Responding to an Interview Invitation

  1. Open the email invitation you received.

  2. Click the link included in the email.

  3. Provide your availability by selection Accept, Decline or Request Reschedule.

  4. In the Comments field, you can provide the interview coordinator with additional details like a better interview date/time or additional participants to include/invite.

  5. Click Submit.

Upon accepting the interview invitation, you will receive a confirmation email that can contain the following:

  • An .ics attachment for the interview that can be added to your calendar.

  • A link to the accept/decline page, in case you need to change your availability.

  • Links to any associated evaluations.

Managing Expired Evaluation Requests

Recruiters can resend expired evaluation requests to participants.

A section called Expired Evaluation Requests is available in the Interviews tab of requisitions and candidate submissions. It displays details of all of the stand-alone and interview related evaluation requests that have expired. If you have the required permissions, you can renew a request, which will send the evaluator a link to complete the evaluation.

The Expired Evaluation Requests list provides the expiration date, event type, title of questionnaire, name of participant, and status. By default, the list is sorted by expiration date, with the most recently expired evaluation appearing at the top.

Only expired requests can be renewed. Upon selecting a questionnaire and clicking the Renew Request button, you are presented with a pop-up window where you can select an evaluation request message template. The following five message templates are available for selection:

  • General

  • Initial

  • Follow Up

  • Final

  • Prescreen

When an expired evaluation has been resent, its status is set to Renewed and the expiration date is updated to reflect the new expiration date. The new expiration date is calculated as follows: date of the request + evaluation expiration setting (Configuration > Evaluation Management Administration > [General Configuration] Evaluation Expiration). The evaluation remains in the list until it is completed.

The participant will receive an email message containing a link to complete the previously expired evaluation. The original link to the evaluation, whether stand alone or associated with an interview, will also work upon renewal of the expired request. When the participant has completed the questionnaire, the request will no longer appear in the Expired Evaluation Requests list. The completed evaluation will be visible and available for review in the Completed Evaluation Questionnaires list. If the questionnaire is not completed by the participant, the request will expire on the expiration date, the status will be updated to Expired and you will be able to renew it again if needed.

Renewing an Expired Evaluation Request

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. On the requisition, navigate to the Interviews tab or click on a candidate who applied on the requisition and then navigate to the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Expired Evaluation Requests section, click Renew Request.

  4. Select a message template.

  5. Click Save.

The evaluator will receive an email containing a link to complete the previously expired evaluation. When an expired evaluation has been resent, its status is set to Renewed and the expiration date is updated to reflect the new expiration date.

Evaluation Management - Other Actions

Duplicating an Evaluation Question

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Evaluation Questions.

  2. Click Duplicate next to the desired evaluation question.

  3. Complete the fields. See Evaluation Question Properties.

  4. Click Save.

Duplicating an Evaluation Questionnaire

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Evaluation Questionnaires.

  2. Click Duplicate next to the desired evaluation questionnaire.

  3. Complete the fields. See Evaluation Questionnaire Properties.

  4. Click Save, or Save and Preview to see how the questionnaire will look to evaluators.

Previewing an Evaluation Questionnaire in a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Open a requisition template.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. Select an evaluation questionnaire.

  5. Click Preview.

Previewing an Evaluation Questionnaire in a Requisition

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Resources section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  4. Click Preview.

Previewing an Evaluation Questionnaire in a Candidate Submission

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Questionnaires Attached to Requisition section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  5. Click Preview to see the questionnaire.

  6. Click Done to return to the candidate submission.

Removing an Evaluation Questionnaire from a Requisition Template

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Libraries menu, select Templates.

  2. Open a requisition template.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. Select an evaluation questionnaire.

  5. Click Remove.

Removing an Evaluation Questionnaire from a Requisition

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Resources section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  4. Click Remove.

Removing a Completed Evaluation Questionnaire from a Requisition

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Completed Evaluation Questionnaires section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  4. Click Remove.

Removing a Completed Evaluation Questionnaire from a Candidate Submission

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Completed Evaluation Questionnaires section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  5. Click Remove.

Resending an Evaluation Request

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  5. Click Resend.

Canceling an Evaluation Request from a Requisition

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  4. Click Cancel.

Canceling an Evaluation Request from a Candidate Submission

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, select an evaluation questionnaire.

  5. Click Cancel.

Canceling an Interview from a Requisition

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click the Interviews tab.

  3. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, select an interview.

  4. Click Cancel.

Canceling an Interview from a Candidate Submission

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the Requisitions list, click on a requisition.

  2. Click on a candidate who applied on the requisition.

  3. Click the Interviews tab.

  4. In the Interviews and Evaluation Requests section, select an interview.

  5. Click Cancel.

Adding Columns to View Completed Evaluation Questionnaires and Average Scores

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The Questionnaire Average Score and Completed Questionnaires columns must have been defined by the system administrator.

  1. In the Candidates list, click the List Format Configuration icon.

  2. Select a personal format then click the Edit icon.

  3. Select the Questionnaire Average Score and/or Completed Questionnaires columns.

  4. Click Save.

In the list format, the name of the columns are: Q'naire Avg Score and Completed Q'naires.

Evaluation Questionnaires Displayed in a Single Page Format

Whether previewing, viewing or completing an evaluation questionnaire, a consistent, single page layout is used to display information.

When you preview an evaluation questionnaire, whether from within the Evaluation Questionnaires Library, a requisition template, a requisition or a job submission, the questionnaire in preview mode is consistent with the evaluator's view. The following elements are provided in non-editable format:
  • Questionnaire title

  • Candidate field (displays as a blank field)

  • Requisition field (displays as a blank field)

  • Evaluator field (displays as a blank field)

  • Files Shared label (displays as blank field)

  • Documents Shared label (displays as blank field)

  • Instructions

  • Questions (with all selections left blank) - This is a configurable option

  • Skill Ratings (with all selections left blank) - This is a configurable option

  • Recommendation field (displays as blank text input field) - This is a configurable option

When you complete an evaluation questionnaire directly from the requisition Interviews tab, the following elements are provided:

  • Questionnaire title

  • Instructions

  • Questions (with the ability to input and save responses)

  • Skill Ratings (with all selections left blank) - This is a configurable option

  • Recommendation field (displays as blank text input field) - This is a configurable option

When evaluators click the link provided in the feedback request email or the interview confirmation email in order to access and complete an evaluation questionnaire, the following elements are provided:
  • Questionnaire title

  • Candidate field (displays the candidate name)

  • Requisition field (displays the requisition title)

  • Evaluator field (displays the evaluator's name)

  • Files Shared label (displays links to the candidate files and requisition files)

  • Documents Shared label (displays links to shared documents)

  • Instructions

  • Questions (with the ability to input and save responses)

  • Skill Ratings (with all selections left blank) - This is a configurable option

  • Recommendation field (displays as blank text input field) - This is a configurable option

When you view completed questionnaires from the requisition Interviews tab, the following elements are provided in a non-editable format:

  • Questionnaire title

  • Instructions

  • Questions (with selected answers displayed)

  • Answer weighting and scoring