



A correspondence is a message that can be sent to one or several recipients at a time.

When sending a correspondence, a user can create a message from scratch or use a message template defined by the system administrator. The correspondence can be sent to a secure message center, via email, or it can be printed in order to fax it or send it by regular mail.

Attachments can be included in a correspondence. The maximum file size of attachments is specified by the system administrator.

Correspondence can be sent to a maximum of 150 candidates at a time.

To send a correspondence, to create a message from scratch and to attach files to a correspondence, users must have the applicable user type permissions.

Secure Message Delivery

Customers who wish to have increased control over the information sent to Career Section users via email may choose to enable the Secure Message Delivery feature. When enabled, all messages are delivered to a secure Message Center accessible from any of the customer's Career Sections. Message recipients are directed to the Message Center to retrieve their messages.

The Secure Message Delivery feature applies only to messages sent to Career Section users, that is candidates, agents, and referrers. It does not impact Recruiting Center users or messages sent with other Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition products.

If a message is sent via email (whether it is an automated message or the sender selected to send it via email), rather than receiving the actual message via email the message recipient receives a notification of message delivery containing a deeplink. To receive a notification of message delivery, message recipients must have a valid email address on file and the notification template message must be active.

Note: All messages sent to a single email address will be accessible from any Secure Message Center that is linked to that email. This may cause candidates to see one another's message content, just as though they were receiving messages via a shared inbox. If this is not desired, then the Email Uniqueness setting should be changed (Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings).

To access the Message Center, the message recipient clicks the deep link in the message and enters a user name and password. If the user does not yet have an account, the user must create one prior to be able to access messages. Alternatively, the Message Center can be directly accessed via any active Career Section by clicking the My Messages tab.

Once in the Message Center, the message recipient can read messages, delete them, and download the files attached to the messages in order to view them. Before accessing an attachment, the recipient must accept a download agreement. Messages are displayed in a print friendly format should Career Section users wish to print a message using the browser's print functionality.

When viewing a specific message, the recipient can navigate from one message to the next without returning to the list view by using the Previous or Next links. The message may also be deleted. Clicking Back returns the user to the message list.

For Career Section users who do not have an email address, the message sender can still send them messages and these users can access their messages from within the Message Center. For example, a candidate exists in the system and did not supply an email address. A recruiter will still be able to send an email message to the candidate using the Recruiting Center correspondence feature.

The Message Center

The Message Center has the same look and feel as the Career Section; it adopts the theme and branding of the Career Section. Messages inside the Message Center retain the formatting attributes of the message template.

The Message Center language matches the language from where the Message Center was originally accessed. If the user is coming from a Career Section, the Message Center is presented in the same language as the Career Section. If coming from the deeplink contained in the notification, the Message Center is presented in the same language as the notification sent to the user. Messages inside the Message Center are in the language used to transmit the message.

Help text is displayed in the right-hand side of the Message Center. Default universal help text, which can be edited via TexTool, is provided by Oracle. If desired, the text can be customized by a Career Section administrator using the Career Portal Page user-defined labels feature. This text change only affects the Message Center on that particular Career Section.

The Message Center stores messages sent within the past 6 months to a maximum of 100 messages. If more than 100 messages have been delivered, only the most recent 100 messages are accessible.

Messages that do not have a subject cannot be opened from the Message Center.
Note: When the Message Center is enabled, the "To", "Cc", and "Bcc" fields in the message header are not available when sending correspondence; therefore, Recruiting Center users cannot edit the message recipients. Also, Recruiting Center users cannot add additional recipients while manually sending a correspondence.
Note: When Recruiting Center users are resending messages from the candidate file History tab, the system will replicate the method of delivery used for the original message. If a message was sent prior to enabling the Message Center, when the user chooses to resend such a message, the system will not deliver the resent message to the Message Center, it will send the message to the original email address.

Sending a Standard Correspondence

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

Correspondence can be sent to a maximum of 150 candidates at a time.

  1. In the Candidates list, select one or several candidate.

  2. In the More Actions list, select Send Correspondence...

  3. Select From template.

  4. Click the Selector icon and select a template.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Send to send the message via email or Print to print it.

Depending on the option you selected, the message will be printed or sent to the selected candidates. If the message was printed, you can either fax the message to the candidates or send it via regular mail.

Sending a Customized Correspondence

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

A user type permission is required to attach a file to a message.

  1. In the Candidates list, select one or several candidate files.

  2. In the More Actions list, select Send Correspondence...

  3. Select From scratch.

  4. Enter information in the required fields marked with a red mark.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Type the message in the Message field.

  7. To attach a file to the message, click Browse..., select a file, then click Attach.

  8. Click Send.

Resending a Correspondence

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the candidate file, click on the History tab.

  2. In the Details column, click on the link corresponding to the correspondence that was sent.

  3. Click Resend.

  4. Add a comment.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Send.

The correspondence previously sent is sent again.