16Screening Services

Screening Services

Screening Service

Screening Service

An organization may choose to have external partners provide specialized screening services.

A screening services partner can supply services such as:

  • candidate assessment

  • background check

  • tax credit eligibility

  • interview guides

  • interview scheduling

  • validated tests to identify and measure a candidate's qualifications, motivations, abilities and eligibility

Screening services must be activated by Oracle Support before they can be used in a requisition flow. Services are sourced to the application using an external tool, and enabled by default if the service does not require any additional configuration.

Once a service is made available by Oracle Support, the service can be activated or deactivated by system administrators and made available or not to Recruiting Center users when creating a requisition.

All screening services have the same properties, however, the settings of these properties will vary according to the service. System administrators can configure the screening service that is, modify input fields, phases, etc.

The languages in which an external service is available depend on the languages used by the service providers and vendors.

Screening services are available to Recruiting Center users provided they have been granted the proper user type permission.

Requesting a Screening Service

A screening service must be made available in the system.

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

The candidate must be in a selection process.

  1. In the Candidates list, click on the name of a candidate.

  2. In the More Actions list, select Request Screening Service.

  3. Select a service from the Available Service drop-down list.

  4. Click Done.

The candidate will receive a request from a screening service.

Adding a Screening Service to a Requisition

A screening service must be activated by Oracle Support.

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the requisition file, under the Requisition tab, click Edit.

  2. In the Screening section, select the desired service in the requisition.

  3. Click Save and Close.

Screening Results

Screening results such as background checks, tax credit eligibility, are displayed in the candidate file, under the Job Submission tab.

Screening information is displayed in columns as follows:

  • Requester

  • Request Date

  • Provider Status

  • Status

  • Result Summary

A Details link provides details on the transaction selected. This view is configurable by the system administrator. Information on partner updates is also displayed.

A Previous Requests link gives access to the previous transactions with the same provider.

Note: For background checks, Recruiting Center users cannot see the data that the candidate filled in; they can only see if the candidate accepted the background check consent.

Results are automatically reused across the system, if applicable. If the results of a screening service are applicable on a different candidate submission, they will automatically be re-used on that new job submission. This means that the candidate will not have to go through the screening service if there is already active information stored on the candidate for that service. The screening results will show in the candidate file screening section of all the applications configured with that screening service automatically (no result synchronization necessary on the Partner screening service). In addition, auto-flow will automatically progress the candidate on ALL the applications that the candidate applied where the results are valid.

The History tab in the candidate file provides detailed information on each transaction as well as updates sent by partners.

In the candidate General Profile, it is possible to view the results of any screening services the candidate has completed on any of its job submissions, provided that the results are reusable across all applications.

Taleo Assessments


Assessments in the workplace are used to measure the knowledge, skills, abilities and behavioral attributes related to a job or corporate culture. They can also be referred to as screening services, tests, surveys, exams, evaluations, simulations, work samples, assessment centers, interview guides, or realistic job previews. Employers use assessments to hire applicants, develop and promote employees, and collect talent intelligence on internal and external talent pools.

Professional fields related to the scientific research, development and use of workplace assessments include Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology and Organizational Development (OD). Also, the fair use of workplace assessments is overseen at the state and federal level or the territory, national and regional/multinational level by various government organizations, such as the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Depending on their professional credentials, authors may also be involved with the following assessment services:

  • Job Analysis – determines job-related competencies to include in the assessment.

  • Validation Study – determines if the assessment is a reliable and valid measure of the selected competencies and to what degree it predicts job performance.

  • Adverse Impact Analysis – determines if the assessment could potentially impact protected groups or promote unfair bias.

  • Business Impact Study – determines the cost and time savings, or return on investment, from using a validated assessment over a period of time.

Using Taleo Assessment Results to Evaluate Candidates

Following best practices when using assessment results to evaluate a candidate will result in high quality hires.

The assessment summary is available in the candidate submission, in the Screening section of the Job Submission tab.

By default, candidates are put in three bands: red, yellow, and green. The band names may vary by company preference.

The first step in evaluating a candidate is to focus on the global band. Candidates with green global results should be reviewed first. Yellow candidates can be reviewed. We highly recommend against considering candidates that have a global band of red.

The next step is to review the candidate's individual dimension results. Candidates with more green dimension bands should be considered before candidates with fewer green dimension bands. For example, a candidate with 6 green dimension bands is a better candidate to proceed to the interview than a candidate with 4 green dimension bands.

When planning the interview, the hiring manager should review the dimension results from the assessment. Any yellow or red dimension areas should receive more focus during the interview. Using behavioral-based interview questions is the best technique to evaluate a candidates competence in the dimension topic areas. An automatically generated interview guide is an optional feature that can be included with assessment results.

A final evaluation is the determination of fit between the role being filled and the candidate's dimension results from the assessment. A hiring manager or recruiter should have a good idea of the specific competency requirements for the specific position being filled. This knowledge should be used to compare a candidate's assessment results to the specific competency requirements of the given role.

Assessment Results Fields in the Candidate Submission

Field Description
Requester Name of the person requesting the screening service. In the case of assessments, it is usually the name of the candidate since the request is made during the application through the Career Section.
Request Date Date when the assessment was requested.
Provider Status Status of the request on the partner's side. The field can be empty and values displayed may differ for each partner.
Status Status of the request.
Result Summary In the partner certification, it is possible to mark one field as the Result Summary field. Values come from the assessment partner. Values displayed may differ for each partner.
Details The Details link opens the Details view which provides an overview of the dimensions assessed and the candidate's dimension bands. To go back to the summary view, click Back.
Previous Requests The Previous Requests link gives access to the previous transactions with the same provider.
Results Expiration Date Validity of the results. When the date is passed, the results expire.
Last Activity Date Date when last activity took place.
Reference Number (Internal) ID for the request.
Reference Number (External) Partner ID for the request.
Online Assessment Solution The input parameter specified on the corresponding requisition.
Results This section presents assessment result fields coming back from the partner.
Provider Detailed Results The Provider Detailed Results link opens a window to navigate in the partner's site where further details are provided regarding the assessment results.
Assessment Status in the Candidate Submission

Status Description
Waiting For Provider Response When a candidate attempts to take an assessment by clicking a link a request is sent to the assessment provider. Once the response is received the status will change to Unable to Process, Service Requested, or Sent to Candidate.
Unable to Process The connection between the request and acknowledgment of assessment request was not successful. Contact Oracle Support.
Service Requested The candidate has clicked a link to take the assessment.
Sent to Candidate The system has fulfilled a request to send a link to the assessment to the candidate via email.
In progress -
Acknowledged by Provider The assessment has been completed. If the assessment was completed by the candidate a score is now available. If a score is not available the candidate completed the assessment by timing out.
Partner Didn't Respond within Set Time The Delay to wait before timing out a request (in hours) time limit has been met.
Candidate Didn't answer email within Set Time The Candidate must answer email within (in hours) time limit has been met.
Declined By Candidate The candidate declined to take the assessment.
Assessment Versions

Assessments can have multiple versions.

The questions on the assessment are the same for all versions but can have different properties and scoring methods. Assessment versions affect Assessment Retakes and Scoring.


Bands are score divisions.

When a candidate takes an assessment, dimension scores and a global score are calculated for the version of the assessment. The candidate's dimension scores and global scores fall within a range. This range is referred to as a band in Assessment.

Band names may vary by organization. By default, assessments are designed to separate candidate assessment score ranges into three groups:

  • Red candidates have a poor to below average score.

  • Yellow candidates have a score that is slightly below the average.

  • Green candidates have an above average to exceptional score. The top 40% of applicants receive this global band. Candidates best suited for hiring are usually located in this band.

ABC Corporation has an assessment measuring three dimensions: interpersonal skills, honesty, and loyalty. The cashier version of the assessment has the following properties: Honesty has a -20 to 30 point range and is weighted at 40% importance; Loyalty has a -10 to 10 point range and is weighted at 10%; and interpersonal skills has a -40 to 30 point range and is weighted at 50%. The global range is -29 to 28.

Each dimension score has three bands: red, yellow, and green. The ranges of the bands must include all possible scores.

The breakdown of the bands for the honesty dimension is:

  • Red has a range of -20 to -5 points.

  • Yellow has a range of -5.1 to 15 points.

  • Green has a range of 15.1 to 30 points.

Interview Guides

An interview guide is an optional screening tool that provides recruiters and hiring manager with specific candidate assessment answers and interview questions that relate to the candidate's assessment results.

When an assessment version is created, the assessment author can choose to activate interview guide generation. If this option is enabled the system generates an interview guide for employees who take that version of the assessment.

Enabling Interview Guide generation is determined when assigning assessment version properties.

Interview Guide Content

Name Description
Applicant Information
Job name Auto-filled with the job name from Recruiting.
Applicant name Auto-filled with the applicant name from Recruiting.
Application date Auto-filled with the application date from Recruiting.
Assessment completed Auto-filled with the date the assessment was completed from Recruiting.
Prescreening result Auto-filled with prescreening results from Recruiting.
Overall Match to Job
Dimension Text Assessment version specific text to describe the overall the assessment. This text is not labeled dimension text.
Pass If a global band has been marked as failed and a candidate fell into that band this value is no. If the candidate's global band does not have a failed marker this value is yes.
Exceptional If a global band has been marked as exceptional and a candidate falls into that band this value is yes.
Global Band The candidate's global band based on the global score.
Global Interpretation Description of how to interpret the global band result.
Results Summary Table Lists the dimensions measured and the candidate's dimension band.
Interview Guideline Instructions to the interviewer.
Interview Guide Questions Default interview questions asked to all candidates.
Dimension Specific Information
Impact A rating scale a hiring manager can use to note personal perception of the candidate.
Job Fit Personality rating A rating scale a hiring manager can use to note personal perception of the candidate.
Dimension description Information on the dimension that was measured.
Interpretation for Information on how to interpret the candidate's dimension band.
Interview Questions for the Dimension Two types of interview questions make up this portion of the interview guide: interview questions configured to show up on all assessments with the dimension, and interview questions configured to show up based on the dimension band the candidate receives.
Assessment Questions Assessment question and answer combinations for answers marked to validate. These questions and answers only show up on a candidate's interview guide if the candidate has selected the answer marked for validation.