

Daily Recruiting Report

The daily recruiting report is an email message that contains statistics on one or more requisitions.

The daily recruiting report is configured in the requisition Reports tab. Recruiting Center users can indicate that a requisition will be included in the report and select the people who will receive the email message with statistics on the requisition.

Statistics available in the daily recruiting report are:

  • Global statistics: new applications, candidates in the database and the number of requisitions in the various stages of the hiring cycle.

  • Statistics on requisitions assigned to you (as the recruiter or owner): number of new candidates and number of posted requisitions.

  • Details on requisitions for which you are a recipient or interested team member: requisition title and status, number of candidates by status, and opening and closing posting dates.

Modifying the Daily Recruiting Report

A user type permission grants users access to this feature.

  1. In the requisition file, click the Reports tab.

  2. Click Modify Report.

  3. Select the option "This requisition will be included in the daily recruiting report."

  4. Select the recipients of the report.

  5. Click Done.

In the requisition Reports tab, there is an indication that the requisition will be included in the report. The name of the recipients is also displayed.

Embedded Reporting

Recruiting customers can use Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Publisher technology to create reports on all their recruiting data. End-users are able to import, customize and run reports directly in the Recruiting Center.

In the Recruiting Center, the navigation bar displays a Reports link to users who have been granted permissions to access and generate reports. The Reports link gives access to:

  • Generated Reports

  • Scheduled Reports

Generated Reports

The Generated Reports page, available under the Reports link, displays a list of reports previously generated by the user as well as reports that can be generated by the user.

The Generated Reports page is divided into two tabs:

  • My Reports

  • Report List

The My Reports tab displays a list of reports previously generated by you. For each report, the report name, request date and status of the report are displayed. You can see the generated report by clicking on its name. The drop-down menu provides access to different actions on the report:

  • View: Download the generated report in the selected output format. This is similar to clicking the name of the report.

  • Create: Schedule reports to be run at a set schedule.

  • Export XML: Export reports in xml format.

  • Refresh Data: Run reports using the most recent data in the system.

  • Delete: Delete generated reports. It does not delete the actual report in the Report List.

The Report List tab presents all the reports that can be generated by you. Reports are grouped by categories. Reports that are not tied to a category are grouped at the bottom of the list under an "Unspecified Category" group.

You can use the search tool to search for reports using the report name.

Depending on how the report was configured, different parameters can be selected under Customization. You can also select the output format of the report (PDF, XLSX, RTF, HTML, EXCEL, XML, CSV).

In the Output section, you can select the output format of the report (PDF, XLSX, RTF, HTML, EXCEL, XML, CSV). You can also select the Zip the Report option to have the report available as a zip file.

When a report is set to run or is scheduled to be run, you can specify using the Send Notification option that a notification will be sent for that report and you can choose who will receive the notification. If you do not select a recipient, the notification will only be sent to you. You can specify external recipients (users who do not have access to Recruiting) by entering their email addresses separated by a semi-colon. A notification is sent to recipients when the report runs successfully.

  • If the size of the report file is smaller than or equal to the allowed attached file size, you and the recipients will receive the notification with the report attached.

  • If the size of the report file is greater than 10 Mb, you and the recipients will receive the notification with a link to the report.

  • If the report generation fails, you will receive a notification with an error message.

External recipients (users with no access to Recruiting) will not be able to act on notifications because the link will not grant them access to Recruiting.

When you are running a report, you may be prompted to select a parameter to filter the report. A search tool is available so you can search large list of elements. When you are running a report that has a parameter based on a list of values populated by a physical or logical query and with a maximum of 100 items, you can click the Search icon and access a new search window. The search window may provide a single selection or multiple selections. For a single selection, the search results are displayed in the Available pane where only one value can be highlighted for selection. If the search returns no results, a "No data found" message is displayed. For multiple selections, the search results are displayed in the Available pane where one or several values can be selected. In both the Available pane and Selected pane, it is possible to select several values: CTRL+click to select multiple nonadjacent values or SHIFT+click to select multiple adjacent values. Once values are selected, you can move elements using the Add, Add All, Remove, Remove All arrows.

Once a report has been run, it is available in the My Reports list and its status is Ready.

Scheduling Reports

Report users can schedule reports to be run at a set schedule.

After a report has run and its status is Ready, you can create a schedule to run the report at a specific frequency. A Create action in the My Reports window is available. A gray clock icon next to the report name indicates the reports that are scheduled to run.

When scheduling a report, you define the following properties:

  • Name: Name of the scheduled report.

  • Description: Description of the scheduled report.

  • Notification: A notification can be sent once the scheduled report is generated.

  • Recurrence: The frequency at which the report will be run. Options are:
    • Hourly: The report is run every hour on the hour.

    • Daily: You can choose the days and time when the report will run.

    • Monthly: You can choose the day of the month and time when the report will run. You also have the option to choose the last day of the month. Only one day can be selected for a monthly execution.

  • Start Time: Time when the report will start running. Available only for Daily and Monthly reports. You must specify a time zone. By default, the time zone set for the zone is used (Configuration > General Configuration > Settings > Time Zone).

  • Expiration Date: Available only when a scheduled report is being edited. By default, the expiration date is set to three months from the creation date.

  • Status: A scheduled job can be active or inactive.

You can view the list of reports that have been scheduled to run in the Scheduled Report List. In the Status column, the green icon indicates that the scheduled report is active while the red icon indicates that the scheduled report is inactive. When a scheduled report is expired, a gray clock icon is displayed next to the report name. When a scheduled report is set to expire in the next 14 days, a red clock icon is displayed.

In the Scheduled Report List, you can perform the following actions:

  • Edit a scheduled report.

  • Duplicate a scheduled report.

  • Delete a scheduled report.

  • Activate a scheduled report (note that a report inactivated by the system administrator cannot be activated).

  • Deactivate a scheduled report.

  • Renew a scheduled report (only available if the scheduled job is expired or will expire in the next two weeks).