Requisitions Pending Approval

The report provides a listing of requisitions that are currently in the “to be approved” status by aging.

Report Columns

The report shows report columns and descriptions
Name Description
Req. Identifier Returns the requisition id, as displayed in the recruiting application.
Title (BL) Returns the requisition title, in its base language.
# Openings Returns the number of openings on the requisition(s).
Req. Creation Date Returns the date/time when the requisition was created.
Recruiter Name Returns the recruiter name.
Recruiter Email Returns the recruiter email.
Hiring Manager Name Returns the hiring manager name.
Hiring Manager Email Returns the hiring manager email.
Organization Level1 Name Returns the name of the organization.
Location Level1 Name Returns the name of the requisition primary location.
Job Field Level1 Name Returns the name of the requisition job field.
Req. Historical Status Start Date Returns the date/time when the requisition was placed into the status.
Historical Status User Returns the user responsible for changing the requisition status.
Days In To Be Approved evaluate('CAST(LOCALTIMESTAMP(0) AT TIME ZONE ''EST5EDT'' as Date) - CAST(%1 AT TIME ZONE ''EST5EDT'' as Date)' as double,"Requisition Status - Historical"."Req. Historical Status Start Date")
Approver 1
    when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Full Name" is not null 
    then "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Full Name" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Email" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Decision" || ' ' 
            when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Decision Date" is not null 
            then '(' || 
            cast(MONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(DAYOFMONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(YEAR("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 1 Decision Date") as CHAR),' ','') || ')' 
Approver 2
    when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Full Name" is not null 
    then "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Full Name" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Email" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Decision" || ' ' 
            when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Decision Date" is not null 
            then '(' || 
            cast(MONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(DAYOFMONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(YEAR("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 2 Decision Date") as CHAR),' ','') || ')' 
Approver 3
    when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Full Name" is not null 
    then "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Full Name" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Email" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Decision" || ' ' 
            when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Decision Date" is not null 
            then '(' || 
            cast(MONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(DAYOFMONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(YEAR("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 3 Decision Date") as CHAR),' ','') || ')' 
Approver 4
    when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Full Name" is not null 
    then "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Full Name" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Email" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Decision" || ' ' 
            when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Decision Date" is not null 
            then '(' || 
            cast(MONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(DAYOFMONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(YEAR("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 4 Decision Date") as CHAR),' ','') || ')' 
Approver 5
    when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Full Name" is not null 
    then "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Full Name" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Email" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Decision" || ' ' 
            when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Decision Date" is not null 
            then '(' || 
            cast(MONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(DAYOFMONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(YEAR("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 5 Decision Date") as CHAR),' ','') || ')' 
Approver 6
    when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Full Name" is not null 
    then "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Full Name" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Email" || ' <BR>' 
    || "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Decision" || ' ' 
            when "Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Decision Date" is not null 
            then '(' || 
            cast(MONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(DAYOFMONTH("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Decision Date") as CHAR) || '/' || 
            cast(YEAR("Requisition Approval History"."Approver 6 Decision Date") as CHAR),' ','') || ')' 
Latest Approval Path Event Date MAX("Requisition Tracking History"."Req. History Transaction Date")
Latest Approval Path Event User SUBSTRING(MAX(EVALUATE('TO_CHAR(%1,%2)' AS CHAR,"Requisition Tracking History"."Req. History Transaction Date",'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') || ' ' || "Requisition Tracking History"."Req. History Transaction By User"),16,255)
Days Since Latest Approval Path Event evaluate('CAST(LOCALTIMESTAMP(0) AT TIME ZONE ''EST5EDT'' as Date) - CAST(%1 AT TIME ZONE ''EST5EDT'' as Date)' as double,MAX("Requisition Tracking History"."Req. History Transaction Date"))

Report Prompts

The report shows report prompts and descriptions
Name Description
To Be Approved Date Filters the report based on whether the req. historical status start date is between two selected dates.
Organization (Level 1) Filters the report based on whether the organization level1 name is in the list of values selected.
Organization (Level 2) Filters the report based on whether the organization level2 name is in the list of values selected. If the Organization (Level 1) filter is being used, only the child organizations in organization level2 will be available.
Organization (Level 3) Filters the report based on whether the organization level3 name is in the list of values selected. If the Organization (Level 2) filter is being used, only the child organizations in organization level3 will be available.
Organization (Level 4) Filters the report based on whether the organization level4 name is in the list of values selected. If the Organization (Level 3) filter is being used, only the child organizations in organization level4 will be available.
Location (Level 1) Filters the report based on whether the location level1 name is in the list of values selected.
Location (Level 2) Filters the report based on whether the location level2 name is in the list of values selected. If the Location (Level 1) filter is being used, only the child locations in location level2 will be available.
Location (Level 3) Filters the report based on whether the location level3 name is in the list of values selected. If the Location (Level 2) filter is being used, only the child locations in location level3 will be available.
Location (Level 4) Filters the report based on whether the location level4 name is in the list of values selected. If the Location (Level 3) filter is being used, only the child locations in location level4 will be available.
Job Field (Level 1) Filters the report based on whether the job field level1 name is in the list of values selected.
Job Field (Level 2) Filters the report based on whether the job field level2 name is in the list of values selected. If the Job Field (Level 1) filter is being used, only the child job fields in job field level2 will be available.
Job Field (Level 3) Filters the report based on whether the job field level3 name is in the list of values selected. If the Job Field (Level 2) filter is being used, only the child job fields in job field level3 will be available.
Job Field (Level 4) Filters the report based on whether the job field level4 name is in the list of values selected. If the Job Field (Level 3) filter is being used, only the child job fields in job field level4 will be available.
Recruiter Name Filters the report based on whether the recruiter name is in the list of values selected.
Hiring Manager Name Filters the report based on whether the hiring manager name is in the list of values selected.
Req. Identifier Filters the report based on whether the req. identifier is in the list of values selected.
Req. Title Filters the report based on whether the req. title is in the list of values selected.

Report Filters

The report shows report filters and descriptions
Filter Description
Transaction Event Type is equal to / is in Requisition Approved on Behalf; Requisition Approved; Requisition Approval Passed; Requisition Approval Passed on Behalf; Requisition Approval Requested; Requisition approval request Filters the report to requisitions with the following transaction event types.
Historical Status is equal to / is in To Be Approved Filters the report to requisitions with a historical status of To Be Approved.
Req. Historical Status End Date is null Filters the report to requisitions where the historical status end date is not available.
Current Status is equal to / is in To Be Approved Filters the report to requisitions with the status to be approved.
Organization Level1 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Organization Level2 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Organization Level3 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Organization Level4 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Location Level1 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Location Level2 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Location Level31 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Location Level4 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field1 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field2 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field3 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Job Field4 Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Recruiter Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Hiring Manager Name is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Req. Identifier is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.

Title (BL) is prompted

This is a listener for a prompt.