User Guide UI

These user interface elements are present on the Sourcing user pages for administrators, recruiters, employees, alumni and other end-users.

The table presents user interface elements.
UI Element Description
Buttons (e.g. Manage Landing Pages or Get New Employees) Use to perform a system action or run a process. Some have associated text describing the action or process.
Checkbox and Checkmark Checkboxes are for selecting from a group of options. Checkmarks indicate a value is selected.
Down Arrow (Triangle) Click to view a dropdown list of options.
Gear icon Click to configure an element (e.g. upload a video).
Gray text Provides a brief description of the associated setting, action or process. Text is read-only and not editable.
Information icon (i) Provides explanatory information for the associated field(s).
Link Text (underlined when you hover over it) Click to open another page, modal or other feature.
Magnifying Glass icon Indicates a search criteria entry area or field.
Modal Some links or buttons trigger the opening of a popup window or dialog, termed a modal. The modal window is a child window that requires you to interact with it before you can return to operating the parent application. Use a modal to perform text entry, data entry, or select options or values, in support of the function from which the link or button originated.
Pencil icon Use to initiate editing of a configuration setting or text entry into a text area. In Configuration usually leads to a text box or selector, with Save and Cancel options. Longer text boxes are scrollable.
Plus and Minus signs Click to maximize or minimize a feature, respectively.
Social Channel icons Identify a link to a particular social network channel (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Weibo).
Tags (NEW, HOT, STAR) Indicate a system or user tagging of an item (e.g. NEW for a new job, HOT for an important job, STAR for a job you want to track).
Text field with date Some text entry fields display a calendar selector when you click in them. Use to enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
Text field with selector Some text entry fields display dropdown selectors when you click in them, presenting a list of options to choose from.
Text field with plus sign Indicates to use the field to add a value by entering text.
Toggle button Use to turn a setting or feature on or off.
X button Use to close a window or modal.