Company Configuration Settings

The Company configuration section provides access to settings relating to the general organization, product application, URLs, front-end support and Google analytics for the site.


Settings for the Company configuration are listed in the following table.

The table presents settings for the Company configuration.
Name Description
Configuration > Company > General
Client Name The client name (e.g., Vision).
Program Name The client's name for their jobs and/or referral program (e.g., Vision Sourcing).
Client ID The client ID unique to every client.
Client Code The three letter internal code unique to this client.
Configuration > Company > Application
Application Version The product version the site was last updated with.
Launch Date The date on which your career site or referral program officially launched, in mm/dd/yyyy format. Set by the project manager, it is the start date for all analytics.
Site Mode Select from these options:
  • Jobs - As a job site Sourcing does not have any of the job sharing and referral features. It functions as a portal for external candidates to look for jobs, apply, and review their profile and submissions in TE.

  • Referrals - In referral mode an internal user also sees all the job sharing and referral features.

  • Jobs and Referrals - A hybrid setting that allows a dual experience, as a job site to an external job seeker, and as a referral site for an internal employee.

Site Preference Select from these options:
  • Employee Only - Sourcing serves as an internal employee job site.

  • Alumni Only - Sourcing serves as an alumni job site.

  • Hybrid - Sourcing serves as both an internal employee and an alumni job site.

Active Locales Enable which translations are made available to users.
Default Locales The default locale (and by extension, language and date format) used throughout the application.
Reset Site Reset all services and refresh all caches for this application.
Configuration > Company > Company URLs
Global Vanity Domains Vanity domains for this site, complete with "www." (or subdomain) prefix and separated by pipe characters. (Vanity domains are specific URLs set up to reflect your company's name. Using them helps prevent users from knowing, from the URL, they have left your company's site and are on the Sourcing hosted site.)
Email Domains Comma separated list of domains used in email addresses by current employees.
Internal Career Site URL Sets the internal career site URL.
External Career Site URL Sets the external career site URL.
Alumni Site URL Sets the alumni site URL.
Alumni Site Profile Edit URL Sets the URL for the alumni site's profile edit.
Configuration > Company > Front End Support
Support Email Enabled Enables a Contact Us support email link to show to users in the application; in standard messaging, error notifications and help text.
Support Email Address Sets the company support email address provided to users.
Configuration > Company > Google Analytics
Google Analytics ID Enables entry of a customer site-specific code to track in Google Analytics.
Google Analytics Dashboard Click here to open the Google Analytics dashboard.