Jobs Configuration Settings

The Jobs configuration section provides access to settings relating to the general display, application process, applicant tracking system, recommendations and endorsements, jobs search filter, "New" flags, bonus display, and internal facing fields and jobs display.


Settings for the Jobs configuration are listed in the following table.

The table presents settings for the Jobs configurations.
Name Description
Configuration > Jobs > General
Display Preferences Set the three toggles: 1. Post Date. 2. Total Views. 3. Requisition Number. At least one field must be enabled.
Configuration > Jobs > Apply
View Type Selects the type of job application handoff process. ATS (applicant tracking system), Taleo, Upload Resume, Taleo Direct Internal, Taleo Direct External.)
Redirect Text Enabled Show explanatory text to the user within the apply modal, informing them that they are about to be redirected to an ATS, eRecruitment platform or related site, to continue the application process.
Redirect Text Enables the Redirect Text function.
Join Talent Community Checkbox Enables the Sign Up for Job Alerts button.
Allow Employees to Apply Enables employees to apply for jobs.
Allow Employees to Sign Up for Job Alerts Determines whether the Allow Employees to Sign Up for Job Alerts checkbox displays on the Apply for this Job modal.
Employee Apply Prevention Message Sets message for employee application prevention.
Employee Apply Redirect Message Sets message for employee apply redirect.
Notify Starred Recruiters on Job Apply When a user begins an application to a particular job, notify recruiters that have starred that job. Starring a job allows a recruiter to take ownership and receive activity alerts.
Allow "Remember Me" in Login Enables the Remember Me checkbox on the login.
Job Apply Additional Fields Sets any additional fields for the apply tray.
Prefer Original Referrer If multiple referrers exist for a given application, favor the original referrer over others.
Capture Identification from Applicants Allows Administrators to hide the apply modal from recognized users.
Configuration > Jobs > ATS Parameters
Default Value Enter the default ATS URL.
Unaffiliated Value Enter the unaffiliated ATS URL.
Source Parameter Value Enter the source parameter value.
Alumnus Applicant Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is an alumnus. (For example, http://sample.url/job?src=OTH-10300.)
Employee Applicant Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is an employee. (For example, http://sample.url/job?src=UNS-10260.)
Unaffiliated Applicant Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is unaffiliated.
Referred by Alumnus Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is referred by an alumnus. (For example, http://sample.url/job?src=REF-10280.)
Referred by Employee Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is referred by an employee.
Referred by Unaffiliated Value Enter the ATS URL for when the applicant is referred by unaffiliated.
Configuration > Jobs > Recommend
Default Subject Enter default subject text for job recommendation.
Default Message Enter default message text for job recommendation.
Show Recommend Button to Trusted Referrers Only Enables Recommend button for Trusted Referrers only.
Endorsements Enables endorsement emails to referrers asking for information as to why they are referring particular candidates. (Also see the additional endorsement message settings for Recruiters, Starred Recruiters and Common Email Address, in the Messaging Configuration chapter of this guide.)
Configuration > Jobs > Filters
ATS Filter Enables ATS Status and Status Date columns in the Referrer Activity/Candidates modal. Displays the ATS Status values that are loaded with ATS Status feed.
ATS Default Status ID If ATS Filter is enabled, displays this status for applications by default, if an updated status from the ATS has not yet been uploaded.
Show Hot Jobs Filter to Employees Enables display to employees of filter for flagged Hot Jobs, which are jobs prioritized by Oracle Taleo recruiters.
Show Hot Jobs Filter to Candidates Enables display to candidates of filter for flagged Hot Jobs, which are jobs prioritized by Oracle Taleo recruiters.
Configuration > Jobs > New Flags
New Job Date Range The number of days after a job is uploaded during which it is considered new.
Show New Flags to External Users Enables display to external users of flagged New jobs, which are jobs posted within the New Job Date Range value.
Show New Flags to Trusted Referrers Enables display to trusted referrers of flagged New jobs, which are jobs posted within the New Job Date Range value.
Configuration > Jobs > Bonus
Show Eligibility Enables display of referrer bonus eligibility on job description.
Show Amount Enables display of referrer bonus amount on job description.
Configuration > Jobs > Internal Information
Additional Information Enables display of Additional Information section on job description.
Hiring Manager Enables display of hiring manager on job description.
Internal Contact Name Enables display of internal contact name on job description.
Internal Contact Email Enables display of internal contact email address on job description.
Maximum Salary Enables display of maximum salary on job description.
Minimum Salary Enables display of minimum salary on job description.
Midpoint Salary Enables display of midpoint salary on job description.
Internal Only Jobs Enables display of Internal Only jobs.