Site Builder Configuration Settings

The Site Builder configuration section provides access to settings relating to the ability to create multiple new sites related to the organization's main site, see a list of all sites in the organization's implementation, edit site-specific settings, edit site branding, and edit site pages.


Settings for the Site Builder configuration are listed in the following table.

The table presents the settings for the Site Builder configuration.
Name Description
Configuration > Site Builder > All Sites
Create New Site Allows entry of a new site name and site URL path to create a site based on the default site. Once the name and path are saved the site appears in the list of existing sites, and the Site Builder tools can be used to complete the editing and customization of the site.
List of Existing Sites Allows viewing and editing of existing sites in your implementation.
Site Name and URL Link Allows viewing of an existing site's name, and opening of the site to see it in deployed mode, respectively.
Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Settings
Program Name The client's name for their jobs and/or referral program (e.g., Vision Sourcing).
Short Name The client's short name for their jobs and/or referral program (e.g., Vision).
Site Mode Select from Jobs, Referrals, or Jobs and Referrals.
Referral Only Authentication Display

Enables Administrators to hide the Sign Up and Sign In buttons that display on sites configured as Referral Only.

This setting only impacts sites with Site Mode configured as Referral Only. Sites with Site Mode configured as Job Site Only or Job Site and Referral are not impacted by this setting.

Site Vanity Domains

Customers with multiple brand identities, aligned to unique sites in Sourcing, can configure a vanity URL for each site here.

Google Analytics ID Enables entry of customer site specific Google Analytics code to track site activity in Google Analytics. When code is present here, it appears in source code for front-end (e.g., Portal or Home) pages to enable Google Analytics tracking.
Google Analytics Dashboard Use the link stating "Click here to open Google Analytics dashboard" to access the site's Google Analytics dashboard.
Category and Location Pages
Category Landing Page Enables landing pages based on job categories.
Location Landing Page Enables landing pages based on job locations.
Enable State/Prov. Pages Enables location landing pages based on states and provinces. A list of countries displays. For each country a counter shows the number of states or provinces enabled as landing pages, and the total number of states or provinces. Click on a country name to open a list of the states or provinces for the country. Use the toggle to enable or disable the landing page for each state or province.
Filter Jobs by Country Select which countries to include in the jobs for this site.
Filter Jobs by Company Select which companies to include in the jobs for this site.
Filter Jobs by Career Section Select which career sections to include in the jobs for this site.
Reload Job Results Reload job listings in all relevant landing pages. Reload this page to update Location Landing pages (above).
Upload Friend's Resume Available to trusted referrers only. User has the ability to upload a friend's resume.
Country Filter Enables country facet in jobs search, campaign creations and country filter in analytics.
Display Country After Location Enables display of Country after Location on Job Details page.
Company Filter Enables company facet in jobs search, campaign creations and company filter in analytics.
Start Date Range Enables start date range.
Languages Enables Languages facet in jobs search.
Show Hot Flags to Trusted Referrers Enables showing flagged Hot Jobs to trusted referrers.
Show Hot Flags to External Users Enables showing flagged Hot Jobs to external users.
Home Page
Maximum Number of Category Tiles to Display Selects maximum number of category tiles for display on the Home page. Promotes category landing pages by displaying tiles for the top landing pages that are published. Tile display is based upon the following criteria:
  1. The user has categories listed in their preferences, and there are more than 2 open jobs for that category, or,

  2. The system fills the rest of the tiles based on the published categories that have the most New jobs.

Anonymous Activity Feed Hide all names and pictures from Activity Feed.
Referrer Activity If the Site Mode supports referral capabilities, show the user their referral activity via a widget in the sidebar.
Show External ID in Referrer Activity Enables display of external ID in Referrer Activity.
Country List Filter Select which countries will show up in PlaceFinder jobs search.
Maximum Number of Results Enter maximum number of results to show in PlaceFinder jobs search.
TEE Account URLs
Submit Profile URL - Guests Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Manage Profile URL - Guests
My Submissions URL - Guests Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Submit Profile URL - Employees Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Manage Profile URL - Employees
My Submissions URL - Employees Allows the links Go to Profile and My Submissions to target career sections configured for their Sourcing privilege class allowing candidates to go through the targeted flows.
Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site Branding
Content Colors
Body Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Font Enter hexadecimal value.
Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Link Hover Enter hexadecimal value.
Title Enter hexadecimal value.
Icon Enter hexadecimal value.
Search Banner Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Colors
Header Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Link Selected Enter hexadecimal value.
Navigation Link Underline Enter hexadecimal value.
Sub-Navigation Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Sub-Navigation Link Active Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Link Enter hexadecimal value.
Footer Link Underline Enter hexadecimal value.
Button Colors
Primary Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Primary Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Secondary Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Secondary Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Search Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Search Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Create Background Enter hexadecimal value.
Create Text Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tiles Colors
Category Tile 1 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 2 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 3 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 4 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 5 Enter hexadecimal value.
Category Tile 6 Enter hexadecimal value.
Body Text Normal Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Body Text Bold Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Header Light Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Header Normal Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Header Bold Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Button Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Navigation Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Promo (Promotional text) Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Footer Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Messaging Body Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Messaging Header Enter font family name. Font family must include web-safe fonts.
Configuration > Site Builder > Edit Site
Publish Publishes the edited site, saves the site settings.
Logos and Images Opens Logos and Images modal, enabling uploading of site Portal/Home page banner, Facebook Application and LinkedIn logos; and Favicon and Landing Page images.
Advanced CSS Opens the Advanced CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) modal. Enables entry of custom, advanced CSS that works in conjunction with customer's specific branding, so that Sourcing is styled correctly for wrapping Sourcing with the customer's header, footer and sidebar navigation. This CSS is separate from the CSS that controls the colors and styling of Sourcing-specific content.
Branding Toggles On/Off links to branding functions for page layout, pre-header and sub-footer. When activated, each link opens a modal for configuring that feature. Language-specific branding can be manually edited here. If no language-specific branding is specified, the site default language branding is displayed.
Layout Modal enables selection from available page layouts.
Top Modal enables entry and editing of pre-header HTML.
Bottom Modal enables entry and editing of sub-footer HTML.
Compact Navigation Toggles On/Off the company logo in the pre-header.
Responsive Enables site branding to be responsive to viewing on a mobile device.
Language dropdown Ability to preview sites in different languages.
Preview As
User role dropdown Administrators can select different roles to see how the site will present to different users.
Default View Selecting this brings the user back to the Default user role, the role that they logged in with.
Landing Pages
Category Pages Select a category to view, edit, or share its landing page.
Location Pages Select a location to view, edit, or share its landing page.
Custom Pages Select a custom page from a list to view, edit, or share.
Pages (List) Lists links to the pages in the site that can be edited with Page Editor. Click a page name link to open it in the Page Editor.
Promo Toggles On/Off display of the Promo block.
Top Referrers Toggles On/Off display of the Top Referrers block.
Hero Image Toggles On/Off display of the Hero image.
Search Toggles On/Off display of the Search block.
Previous Searches Toggles On/Off display of the Previous Searches block.
Categories Toggles On/Off display of the Categories block.
Share Toggles On/Off display of the Share block.
Social Toggles On/Off display of the Social block.
Featured Jobs Toggles On/Off display of the Featured Jobs block.
Activity Feed Toggles On/Off display of the Activity Feed block.
Landing Page Image Blur Toggles On/Off Land Page Image Blur.
Configuration > Site Builder > Create Clone of Default Site
Site Name Allows entry of a name for a new site that is a clone of a selected, existing site.
Site Path Allows entry of a URL path for the cloned site.
Configuration > Site Builder > Delete Site
Delete Site Allows deletion of sites. Prior to deletion, the following message displays: Warning: You are about to delete this site and all it's settings. All incoming links will be rerouted to the default site. The default site cannot be deleted