Job Details Page

The Job Details page opens when users click on a listed job title on the Portal, Home or Job Search page. Users can also access the job details from links in shared social channels, referral emails and campaign messages.

The Job Details provides a detailed job description, as well as links to share the job with others or apply for the job. The functionality a user sees on this page vary depending upon their access role and the organization's implementation.

Some of the same features available on the Portal, Home and Job Search pages are also available on the Job Details page, such as:
  • Navigation bar

  • Settings (Name)

  • Promotional text

Job Specific Information

Job-specific functions and information available on the Job Details page are listed in the following table:

The table presents job-specific functions and information available on the Job Details page.
UI Element Description
Enhance This Job Page Allows an administrator or recruiter to enter a URL link to associate an existing YouTube or Vimeo video with the job. Use this feature to give users a glimpse into your organizational culture, the benefits of working there, or the interesting and exciting aspects of the job. Candidates can view it when they follow your referral links and postings back to this job.
Jobs with Video icon All jobs that include a video display a video icon in the search results, campaigns and job details, drawing increased attention to your marketing media.
Available Languages (Globe icon) When multiple languages are used for a job requisition, a Globe icon is displayed. A user can click the link next to the icon to display the languages activated for the requisition, and select a language to view the translated version. When only one language is used for a requisition, the name of the language is displayed and there is no Globe icon. For more information see the Languages section of the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Administration Guide for Sourcing.
Job Title Displays the job title.
Job Location Click the link to open the Job Search page and view other jobs listed for the same location. Administrators can format the location display using the Location Display setting in Jobs configuration.
New and Hot Tags Displays the New and Hot jobs tags, if they apply to this job. Administrators can define New using the The New Job Date Range setting in Jobs configuration (in terms of the number of days after a job is uploaded during which it is considered new).
Job Category Click the link to open the category landing page and view other jobs listed for the same category.
Organization Name Display only.
Date Posted / Total Views / Requisition Number Display the date the job was posted, the total number of user views of the job description, and the requisition number, respectively. Administrators can toggle these fields On/Off with the General Display setting in the Jobs configuration section.
Promote this Job Displays a list of links for administrators and recruiters to Request Referrals (Referrals on Demand), Send to Fans and Followers (Social Jobs Distribution), and Send to Talent Community (Talent Community messages). Click a link and the page to compose the selected campaign or message opens.
Recommend this Job / Recommend to a Friend Displays a list of links for administrators, recruiters, employees and other users to recommend the job by sending a status update or personal message through a social channel, or to copy their referral link and paste in an email or posting on a social channel.
Upload Friend's Resume Opens a modal for employees to enter a friend's contact information, upload their resume file, and submit it for the job.
Apply for this Job Opens the Apply modal for a candidate to enter their contact information and begin the application process.
Job Description Displays the detailed job description.
Internal Job Displays in the job description, if this is a job available to internal employees only. Administrators toggle this field On/Off with the Internal Only Jobs setting in Jobs configuration.
Additional Information Displays in the job description, information about the hiring manager, internal contact and salary. Administrators toggle this section, and the fields within it, On/Off with the Internal Information settings in Jobs configuration.
Bonus Eligibility and Amount Displays in the job description, whether the referral bonus eligibility applies to this job and the corresponding bonus amount. Administrators toggle these fields On/Off with the Bonus Eligibility and Bonus Amount settings in Jobs configuration.

For more information see the Jobs configuration chapter of the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Administration Guide for Sourcing.