Job Search Page

The Job Search page opens when users click Search on the Portal or Home page.


The initial job search results display in the center column. Administrators and recruiters can toggle the Hot Job setting for any listed jobs. They can also manually "Star" jobs to receive notifications when activity occurs for them. By "starring" jobs they'll receive notifications when activity occurs on them. They can also filter to view only starred jobs. Automatic job starring also occurs when they send a jobs promotion campaign from their account.

Keyword and location search remains available at the top of the page, allowing you to perform more searches. With each additional search, job results matching the search criteria refresh and display in the center column.

Depending upon configuration, additional search facets are provided to further modify your search results:
  • Only Show - Checkboxes allow you to filter for those tagged as My Jobs (Starred Jobs), Hot Jobs, New Jobs, and Jobs with Video.

  • Search Radius - When Geolocation Search and User Control Radius Unit are enabled in Configuration, you can select a radius distance from your location to filter your results. The job search results will take the location and display all the jobs that are within the defined radius.

  • Languages - Filter for those jobs in specified languages.

  • Country - Filter for those jobs in specified countries.

  • Location - Filter for those jobs in specified locations. Allows you to search for jobs in a broader area than radius search, such as a city, state or province.

  • Job Category - Filter for those jobs in specified job categories.

  • Business (Organization) - Filter for those jobs in specified business organizations.

Many of the same features available on the Portal or Home pages are also available on the Job Search page, such as:
  • Navigation bar

  • Settings (Name)

  • Promotional text

  • Profile section

  • Previous Job Searches

  • Activity Feed

Additional Functions

Depending upon your access role, additional buttons display at the top of the page.

Recruiters, employees and alumni see these buttons:
  • Share on Facebook - Opens the Facebook login and posting modals, providing the ability to enter message text and share the posting to Facebook.

  • Share Referral Link - Opens the Referral Link modal, allowing you to copy the link for use in an email or posting to a social channel.

Administrators see these buttons:
  • Create a Widget - Opens the Widgets configuration page, from which you can create Job List, Search Bar and Email Sign Up Widgets. For details see the Widget Creation and Sharing section of this guide.

  • Create a Landing Page - Opens the Create a Custom Landing Page modal, from which you can enter a Page Title and click Create Page. For details see the Landing Pages Administration section of this guide.