
Objectives are the required or desired outcomes that form your corporate strategy. You can create an objective for:

  • An entire organization, for example, Oracle Corporation

  • A department, for example, Talent Development

When you create an objective, you assign it one or more KPIs that are to be used to measure its progress and performance. For example, you can measure the progress and performance of an objective named Improved Offer Acceptance by assigning it the following KPIs:

  • Average Accepted Offers

  • Average Declined Offers

Within a scorecard, you also create the initiatives that are required to meet the objectives. For more information on initiatives, see "Initatives".

Objectives that you create are displayed hierarchically in the Strategy pane. The root objective represents the entity that you are scorecarding, that is the entire organization or a department. The KPIs that are assigned to assess the performance of objectives are displayed below the objectives in the Strategy pane.

The Strategy pane also shows the statuses of objectives and KPIs using the appropriate colors and icons that you specified for assessment mappings. For more information on assessment mappings, see "Defining Assessment Mappings for a Scorecard".

For information on creating objectives, see Creating Objectives.