Creating an Objective

You must have one of the following user type permissions:
  • BI Author Developer

  • BI Tenant Administrator

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  1. Edit the scorecard for which you want to create an objective. For information, see "Opening or Editing a Scorecard".
  2. In the Strategy pane:
    • If the objective that you want to create can be independently achieved, then select the root objective.

    • If the objective that you want to create is required to meet a higher-level objective, then select the higher-level objective.

  3. Click the Create Objective toolbar button or right-click and select Create Objective.
  4. Highlight the default objective name in the top left corner and enter a new name for the objective.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description of the objective.
  6. Specify the analytic information (including the KPIs to be used to measure the progress and performance of the objective) by completing the Analytics pane. For information, see "Completing the Analytics Pane for an Objective or Initiative".
  7. Specify the collaboration information by completing the Collaboration pane as follows:
    1. (optional) Add comments by clicking the Add Comment button.
    2. Specify the business owner that users can contact by clicking the Set User button. (By default, the business owner is the creator of the scorecard.)
    3. (optional) Add related documents by clicking the New Row button.
  8. Add related items by completing the Related Items pane as follows:
    1. Add one or more objectives that impact or support (that is, help achieve or hinder progress on) this objective. To do so, drag the objective from the Strategy pane and drop it in the Causes table.

      The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify how closely the objectives are related and whether changes to the values in this causal objective have a direct or inverse impact on this objective.

      For example, for an Increased Offer Acceptance objective, you might drag and drop the following objectives that could cause (or help or hinder) it: Decreased Time to Offere and Increase Offer Salary.

    2. Add one or more initiatives (that is, the tasks that are required to meet the objective). To add an initiative, drag it from the "Initiatives pane" and drop it in the Initiatives Driving This Objective table.
      The Initiative Linkage dialog, where you specify how closely the initiative and the objective are related and whether changes to the values in this initiative have a direct or inverse impact on this objective.
    3. Add one or more objectives that this objective impacts or supports. To do so, drag the objective from the Strategy pane and drop it in the Effects table.
      The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify how closely the objectives are related and whether changes to the values in this causal objective have a direct or inverse impact on this objective.
  9. Click Save.