Completing the Analytics Pane for an Objective or Initiative

You must have one of the following user type permissions:
  • BI Author Developer

  • BI Tenant Administrator

Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
  1. In the Perspective box, select the perspective with which the objective or initiative is to be aligned.
  2. In the Assessment Rule box, select the rule to be used to assess the overall performance of the initiative or objective. For example, select Worst case to specify that the status of the worst performing child KPI or objective is to be used.
  3. (for an objective only) In the Leading/Lagging box, indicate whether the performance of the objective drives other objectives, or is affected by the performance of other objectives or other data or processes.
  4. (for an initiative only) In the Priority box, select the priority that indicates the importance and urgency of an initiative.
  5. (for an initiative only) Specify the start date, due date, and completion date.
  6. In the Action Link area, add any action links that you want to provide to users to let them take actions that are relevant for the status of the objective or initiative.
  7. In the Objectives & KPIs or Initiatives & KPIs watchlist, add the KPIs to be used to measure the progress and performance of the objective or initiative. (For more information on watchlists, see "Watchlists".) To add a KPI
    1. Click Objects in the Objectives & KPIs or Initiatives & KPIs watchlist and then select Add KPI.

      Alternatively, you can drag the KPI from the Catalog pane for Scorecard or from the Scorecard Documents pane (if the KPI has been saved to the current scorecard folder) and drop it in the watchlist.

    2. If the KPI is dimensioned, then for each dimension, specify a value, select Use Variable and specify the variable, or select Use Point-of-View to use the value selected in the point of view area. For more information on the point of view area, see "Point of View Area".
    3. In the Label field, enter the name to be displayed for the KPI in the Strategy pane.
    4. Click OK.
      Note: A KPI that you have added to the Strategy pane or Initiatives pane obtains many of its properties from the base KPI as it was originally defined in the KPI editor. You can override some of the base KPI's properties to customize them for use within Scorecard. The KPI properties that you can override are the label, description, business owner, and dimension pinnings. You also can assign a perspective and an indicator type. For information on overriding KPI properties, see "Working with KPI Details".
    Note: If no KPIs have been defined, or you want to define another KPI to meet your needs, then you can create the KPI from within the Scorecard editor.

    Tip: You can modify the columns that are displayed in the Objectives & KPIs or Initiatives & KPIs watchlist. To do so, select View, then Show More Columns.