Creating a Custom Perspective

You must have one of the following user type permissions:
  • BI Author Developer

  • BI Tenant Administrator

Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
  1. Edit the scorecard for which you want to create a custom perspective. For information, see "Opening or Editing a Scorecard".
  2. In the Perspectives pane, click the New Perspective toolbar button.
  3. In the Perspective Name field, enter the name of the perspective.
  4. (optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the perspective.
  5. Click the Set User button to display the Select Business Owner dialog, where you select the business owner. (By default, the business owner is the creator of the scorecard.)
  6. In the Focus area, specify whether the focus of the perspective is financial or internal facing.
  7. Add related documents, as appropriate.
  8. Click Save.
You can now associate initiatives, objectives, and KPIs with this custom perspective. You associate an initiative and objective with a perspective when you create or edit the initiative or objective. See "Creating an Initiative" and "Creating an Objective". You associated a KPI with a perspective when you edit the details of the KPI. See "Working with KPI Details".