Automatic Progression of Candidates using Fields

Candidates can automatically be progressed in the candidate selection workflow based on certain fields present in their job submission.

When system administrators configure a candidate selection workflow and define a status usage within a step, they can create conditions to automatically progress candidates in the candidate selection workflow.

Rules Created with Standard Fields

Specific standard fields in these categories can be used to create automatic candidate progression rules:

  • Personal Information

  • Work Conditions

  • Work Experience

  • Education

  • Certifications

  • References

  • Contingent Staffing

  • Evaluation Management

  • Other

For a list of specific standard fields supported to create auto-progression conditions, see Standard Fields for Automatic Progression of Candidates.

Automatic candidate progression rules based on specific fields can be used for different purposes. For example, to automatically bypass workflow steps for internal candidates. Let's say that a company has a candidate selection workflow based on the candidate being an internal candidate (employee) or an external candidate. The way the system knows if a candidate is an employee is based on the Internal Candidate field being selected. When an employee applies for a job, the system verifies the Internal Candidate field and if the field is selected, the candidate is automatically progressed to the specified status in the workflow.

Automatic candidate progression rules allow progressing candidates to a later status within the same step. It is however possible to move candidates to another step by enabling the automatic progression on the initial status of a step. This way, candidates being on the completion status of a step will be moved to the step where automatic progression is enabled on the initial status. Note that if there are mandatory steps in between the two steps, the automatic progression will not occur. This feature also allows to connect multiple automatic progression rules one after the others in order to move candidates to a later step and progress them to a specific status within that step.

Rules Created with User-defined Fields

User-defined fields in these categories can also be used:

  • Education

  • Personal Information

  • Work Experience

  • Job-specific Submission

When submission UDFs are made available in Recruiting, they can be used to create conditions. When administrators create a new condition, submission UDFs are available for selection under Job-specific submission > User-defined Field > Submission Information.

Important Notes

System administrators must design and test new CSW rules thoroughly as they may lead to undesired behavior if not used correctly. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use the automatic progression of candidates functionality to automatically reject candidate submissions.