Activating the Automatic Progression of a Candidate

Requisition and candidate statuses must be active to consider a candidate for the furthest active progression status.

Tracking solution must be removed.

Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
  1. Click the Steps tab.
  2. Click a step.
  3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.
  4. Click a status.
  5. Select the option Allow candidates to reach this status automatically when the (optional) conditions specified below are met.
  6. Click Create a Condition...
  7. Complete the fields.

    The list of available condition providers will vary according to the providers selected at your organization. Information will vary according to service selected. For more information on available services, please contact Oracle.

  8. Click Done.
  9. Click Done.

The automatic progression feature is now activated for the status so that candidates can reach a status automatically when specified conditions are met.