Automatic Progression of Candidates

When configuring a status used in a step, it is possible to allow candidates to reach the status automatically when specific conditions are met.

This is done by configuring the Automatic Progression of Applications feature in the Status Details page. You can create and edit conditions that will be used to identify candidates who are allowed to reach this status automatically. If setting the condition to be based on the Job Specific Submission for the candidate having all the required criteria or not, it is recommended that the prescreening questions and competencies be mandatory as part of the application process, so that the automatic progression can progress properly. If a candidate completes the submission but does not answer the prescreening questions and competencies because they were not mandatory, the candidate will be viewed as not having the required criteria and could not therefore progress based on that.

Another option for the automatic progression of candidates is based on Screening Services results. Passport is responsible for handling requests to and from external service providers. It communicates with other modules in order to maintain requests up to date and interacts with the assessment platform to request assessment evaluations. The automatic progression of submissions automates the candidate selection workflow process based on the results obtained by Passport external services.