Competitive Workflow Restriction

This feature prevents Recruiting Center users from advancing a candidate in the candidate selection workflow if the candidate is already in an advanced stage of selection (offer or hire step) for another position.

The system can be configured such that if the workflow for one active submission is advanced beyond the selected threshold reference workflow step, users are prevented from advancing the workflow of other submissions for this candidate.

Note that an active submission is a submission where the user is in the step on an active requisition and not at a terminal that ends the workflow, such as Rejected or Withdrawn. In other words, the candidate is still being actively considered on an active requisition or the candidate has been hired.

To enable this feature, the following setting must be configured. System administrators must select the reference workflow step that once reached will invoke blocking the progression on other submissions. If no step is selected, the function is not activated.

Setting Description Default Value Location
Threshold CSW Step - Prevent Advancing Indicates the CSW reference model step at which, once reached, candidates are locked to the submission and cannot be advanced on other submissions (unless the user type has overriding permission).

Possible values are:

  • Not Specified (candidates are never locked from the submission)

  • Reviewed

  • 1st Interview

  • 2nd Interview

  • 3rd Interview

  • Testing

  • Offer

Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

System administrators can grant the following user type permission to bypass this blocking and allow associated users to advance candidates regardless of other submissions:

User Type Permission Location
Advanced candidates in workflow even if already reached the threshold step on a different submission Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates

When all of the above has been configured, users will only notice a change if all the following elements are true:

  • The candidate has two or more submissions.

  • One of those submissions is active (not rejected or withdrawn), and its workflow has advanced beyond the threshold step.

  • The requisition is active or the candidate is marked as being hired.

  • The user tries to advance the workflow of one of the other submissions from this candidate.

  • The user does not have user type permission to ignore this restriction.

Note that the Competitive Workflow Restriction feature is complementary to the feature which hides candidates from search results if they are beyond a threshold step (which is activated by the Threshold CSW Step - Hide from Search setting). See Threshold CSW Step - Candidates Hidden from Search Results.