Candidate Quick Search

The candidate quick search allows Recruiting Center users to quickly find specific candidates.

The candidate quick search is available at the top right hand corner of the Recruiting Center pages. It is available to Recruiting Center users if settings were configured and if user type permissions were granted.

Image showing the candidate quick search tool.

When performing a candidate quick search, the search engine searches for candidates who applied on a job, submitted a profile, or are registered but did not apply on a job (could be a person who referred a friend for a job and who had to register as a new user, or a person who registered while clicking My Account).

The candidate quick search engine searches information in the following fields of the candidate file:

  • first name

  • last name

  • middle name

  • email address

  • username

  • candidate identification number

When performing a candidate search, users can enter partial names (either the first or last name with the * wildcard) or complete names in the field. However, a best practice is to enter complete names to obtain better results.

Users can also perform a search with a middle initial if they know the person's full name (example: Sam P Jones). If searching for someone who's first name contains initials, we recommend entering just the initials (example: Jr. will give you the following results: Jr., j.r., or JR).

If looking for someone who hyphenates their name, it is not required to enter both names. Let's say Smith-Jones is the name you are looking for. Entering Smith, Jones, Smith space Jones or Smith-Jones, will bring back Smith-Jones.

The candidate quick search searches for all the search terms in the above mentioned fields. It works only for users having access to all the fields. For example, if the email field is hidden for a user type, searching by name will not work. For this reason, the specific candidate search often produces search results that are more relevant than those generated by the candidate quick search.