Customizing the Communications Channel

The Communication Channel Mode setting in the user's configuration profile must be set to Customized.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] Configuration Profiles
  1. Click on a configuration profile.
  2. To customize the title of the section in the Communications channel, click on the Communication Channel - Custom Section Title setting.
  3. To customize the text in the Communications channel, click on the Communication Channel - Custom Section Text setting.
  4. To customize the text of the link that brings users to an HTML page containing information, click on the Communication Channel - Custom Section Link setting.
  5. To customize the tooltip of the link, click on the Communication Channel - Custom Section Link Tooltip setting.
  6. To customize the URL of the custom page in the Communications channel, click on the Communication Channel - Custom Section Link URL.
    If the setting is empty, then the Communications channel will be blank.
  7. Click Save.